GOD IS FIGHTING FOR US by Pastor Mensa Otabil

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presence and it's great to have you in the house of God this morning and as we get closer and closer to the end of the year there's so much to be thankful for there is so much to be grateful for God has been good to us in all circumstances he's Lord and he's the lord of the mountain and the lord of the valley I don't know what your life has been and what your story has been but you are here and to God be all the glory for how far he has brought you and he will take you through to the end of the journey amen well yesterday at the Central University we graduated over 1,600 new graduates from the University and we want to thank God for all those who graduated I'm sure some of you sitting here graduated from Central University yesterday how many of you here are graduated let's see you if any one of you graduated yesterday where are you yeah god bless you and wherever you are god bless you yes some of you here god bless you and be great ambassadors to that University and may the Lord bless you and increase you in all that you do amen amen hallelujah well my message today is titled God is fighting for us God is fighting for us we are familiar with the song God is fighting for us pushing back the darkness lighting of the kingdom that cannot be shaken there is an assurance as the body of Christ that God is with us and he is not with us passively he is with us chiefly he is not just with us he is also fighting or he's engaged in warfare on our behalf and we're going to explore what it means when we say God is fighting for us and what to expect from that battle I'm going to read their passage we looked at last week and then we will ship off from there Exodus chapter 14 verses 13 to 14 and then we would go to Exodus chapter 15 verses 1 to 4 Exodus chapter 14 13 to 14 and Exodus 15 1 to 4 let's hear the reading of God's Word and Moses said to the people do not be afraid stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will accomplish for you today for the Egyptians whom you see today you shall see again no more forever the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your piece you can underline the phrase in verse 14 the Lord will fight for you it's a very assertive statement it's a very powerful statement that commits God to the cause of his people the Lord will fight for you this passage and many others in the Bible clearly state that God fights for his people and I will not say much about this because I'm going to come back to it at the end of my message and draw some lessons from it it is something that God does for us even when we are not aware of it then exit chapter 15 from verse 1 to 4 after God had delivered Israel through the sea the Red Sea the Bible says from verse 1 of Exodus of the 15 then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the Lord and spoke say I will sing to the Lord for he has triumphed gloriously the horse and it's rider he has thrown into the sea the Lord is my strength and song he has become my salvation he is my god and I will praise Him my father's God and I will exalt him verse 3 the Lord is the man of war the Lord is his name Pharaoh's chariots and his army he has cast into the sea his chosen captains are also drowned in the Red Sea and a lion in verse 3 the Lord is a man of war the Lord is a man of war those of you who've been in the church for a while can identify the words in the passage in Exodus chapter 15 because we used to sing it I was singing to the Lord for he has triumphed gloriously the horse and the rider he's thrown into the sea those of you new comers have no idea what that song is if you know that song it means you are you you are they and if you don't know it you also they amen so I want to just focus on the phrase the Lord is a man of war the Lord is a man of war the very interesting statement in the Bible because we also know that God is not a man so if God is not a man how then as the passage described him as a man of war this description of God as a man of war is very important now a few weeks ago I spoke about the fact that sometimes the Bible uses human language to describe God and when that happens it is called an anthropomorphism it is using human characteristics to describe God so you hear things like the hand of God or the face of the Lord of the Lord smelt or the Lord sees or the Lord walked and and so on and and this is one of those the Lord as a man of war it is not exactly that God is a man but because we are human beings God speaks to us with descriptions we can understand so when he talks about the hand of God it doesn't mean that God said somewhere and he has a hand like ours but it's a way for us to appreciate and understand God so the passage here says the Lord is a man of war you can render it as the Lord is like a man of war the phrase a man of war simply means a warrior somebody who goes to war somebody who fights in a war somebody who is very strong in battle so after Egypt or Israel has come out of Egypt the first thing they understand about God is that he is a man of war can you imagine for 400 years they've never fought a battle 430 years and for much of the time they've been under bondage now they have been delivered and their first understanding of God is that this God we worship is the man for why because they saw God in warfare defeat in Egypt just now and so there's a while we serve a God who is a man of war who fights for his people throughout the scripture as that image of God as a fighter is portrayed in some 89 verse a we see him as the Lord of hosts it says O Lord God of hosts who is mighty like you O Lord your faithfulness surrounds you and that phrase of God as a lot of hose runs throughout the Old Testament it sees God as the head of a host a host there means a large army so God is the lord of hosts he is a leader of an army of hosts the host of God include various hierarchies of angels cherubim Seraphim and other supernatural beings and their number is beyond count the Lord is the Lord of hosts in some 24 verse 8 he is described as the Lord who is strong and mighty who is the king of glory the Lord strong and mighty so the Lord is a man of war he's the Lord of hosts he's a lot of strong and mighty and in the same some 24 verse 8 it says that the Lord is mighty in battle that phrase mighty in battle describes somebody who wins his battles when somebody is called mighty embattled means that every time he goes to battle he comes up winning he's the kind of person you want to have around you when you are fighting a person who is mighty in battle there are people who are mighty in battle and when when I was a kid in my neighborhood we fought for nothing I don't know why we did it you know we just get up in the evening we go to the next area of our neighborhood and we're coming to fight you know and they pay us they say you fight this one and you fight that one and sometimes you get beatings sometimes you beat people you give and take but but you just fight I don't know what the neighborhood still do that in in Ghana but we're just fighting we didn't pay us for it we don't anything you just go home back home you bruised your clothes are tattered your mother is angry you get beaten at home too you know but we just fight and and and there were people amongst us some of our neighbors and I can think of a few boys in my neighborhood who a mighty in battle mighty in battle I mean any time we're going to fight and they're with us we feel very confident because they never lose a battle they never lose for some reason I don't know where they land fighting from but for some reason these boys never lost a battle they always win now that is the image that the Bible has when it says the Lord is mighty in battle it's a person who never loses a battle whenever you're gonna fight you wish he was on your side if he's on your enemy's side do I have big trouble the Lord is strong and mighty the Lord is mighty in battle he never loses a battle that is the God we serve he never loses a battle so what does it mean when the Bible says that God is fighting when the Bible says God is fighting what does it mean now it's important one will read the Bible and I take my time to teach these things because somebody can take this verse and run with it in a direction that will hurt all of us you have to understand that the Bible uses different kinds of language to bring us the Word of God sometimes it is historical language sometimes it is legal language and sometimes us in this case it is poetry so when you are speaking poetically you uses you use different things like metaphors similes and so on you say pastor what are you talking about that's why you should have paid attention during English when you wants to you should have paid attention you ran away from English class you say well then what what am I going to do with English I am NOT an Englishman metaphor you were taught in school you were taught in school you didn't lend similes analogies you didn't learn poetry you didn't lend now you realize you come to face it in the Bible - alright so sometimes the Bible uses poetry and when it uses poetry the language is a bit flowery so you see things like the Lord fights the Lord is a man of war now I don't want you to imagine God like the my neighbourhood friend you know who takes off his shirt and goes out to - one-on-one with somebody else because God has no equal to fight with and nobody can hit him and nobody can attack him so when the Bible says God is fighting don't imagine a wrestler or a boxer maybe like Anthony Joshua who is going to face Maurice very soon or Mike Tyson who bit somebody's ear don't think of God like that because because normally when we think of a fighter you know somebody who gives out blows and then he gets blowed - so God nobody blows god boom they've hit god no so when the Bible says God is a fighter it's a poetic language it is not an actual language that God gets into fight and gets bitten or get hit or get attacked because God cannot be attacked none can even approach his presence all right so get that in mind when we say God is fighting for us he is not engaged on one two one blow exchange with somebody else because no one can access his presence so when the Bible says God is fighting how does he fight just give you a few two verses just to clarify that read Matthew chapter 26 verse 52 to 53 and then Revelation chapter 12 verse 7 to 9 how does God fight when we say God is fighting this is Jesus speaking and Jesus said to him Peter put your sword in its place for all who take the salt will perish by the sword or do you think that I cannot now pray to the Father and he'll provide me more than twelve legions of angels now Peter is fighting the enemies of Jesus who have come to arrest him he cuts off somebody's ear Jesus has put away the sword because if I really want to fight I'm going to tell the father he'll give me legions of angels in other words when God is engaged in fighting he uses somebody else to fight and Jesus is telling us there are angels and then Revelation chapter 12 verse 9 7 and 9 and war broke out in heaven market Michael and his angels fought with the Dragon and the dragon and his angels fought but they did not prevail nor was their place for fun for them in heaven so the Great Dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and Satan who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out of him so even dealing with Satan himself God does not fight him Michael fighting Jesus says if I wanna fight angels will come to fight so how when we say God is fighting for us how does he engage in that fight God uses angels to fight for him angels fight for God angels fight for God so anytime you read the Bible and you see God described as fighting you have to know there's always angelic presence when you read the battle is the Lord's there is angelic presence when you read the Lord is a man of war there is angelic presence any language in the Bible that involves battle that God is involved in requires angels to be present because the angels are the hosts who fight for God they act had got at God's command they wage war against God's enemies and that's very important angels don't respond to our instructions we are not a lot of hosts he's a lot of who's he instructs them and they don't wage war for you they wage war against God's enemies if God's enemies and your enemies happen to be the same then you aren't good on the good side and they operate in both the spiritual and the physical worlds it's very interesting because in the in the account in Revelation this warfare is taking place in the heavenlies but when Jesus spoke in Matthew he was talking about warfare here on so angels can fight totally spiritual battles and they can also be engaged in physical battles let me put it this way they can be engaged in war in the physical world in the physical world so throughout the scripture you see God fighting and getting into fight and you read things like the battle is the Lord's God will fight for you God goes ahead of you and fights and and we see especially in the life of Israel many times when God fought for them you see in the lives of some people of God in the Bible many times when God fought for them so how does God fight for us how does God fight for us God fights for us in many ways he fights for us in ways we cannot see and I would just walk you through just about five ways in which God fights for us how does he do it when God is gonna fight for his people how does he do it sometimes in the Bible you read that God sets enemies against themselves in 2nd chronicles of the twenty you find that there was a battle between Ammon and Moab against Jehoshaphat and when the people have gathered together the armies had gathered together the people of God went to battle because God says you don't need to fight in this battle the battle is mine just watch what I would do so worship so the people go into battle worshiping singing for his good his mercy endures forever and when they went to the Battlefront their enemies who had conspired to fight the people of God had turned against each other and fought against each other and killed each other on the battlefield so sometimes God fights for his people by turning the enemies of his people against themselves so people sit in conspiracy against God's people they plan how they are going to do it at the a planning stage they are together at the warfare stage they are divided and when they get divided at the warfare not only are they divided they start seeing each other as the enemy made that'd be your story because when God fights for you one of the things is going to do is he's going to tend the conspirators against themselves people who rise up against God's people sometimes you can hear the number of people who have gathered and conspired and you wonder how can this be done when God gets into the battle he says you don't need to fight just watch what I'll do and he tells this before by the way that's your enemy and by the way that one is your enemy by the way that one gossiped against you and these people who seem to be so tight and United start fighting against each other and killing each other God fights by turning the enemies of his people against each other that's one way he fights the other way God fights is that he terrifies the enemy you find that in 2nd Kings chapter 7 when the Syrian army had gathered against Samaria and laid a siege on them the Bible says that in the night the Syrian army had a sound and when they had a sound they interpreted it that an army was going coming against them in reality it was just follow up as coming against them but they had it as if an army was coming against them they got up there they didn't their clothes and run out because God has terrified them may the Lord terrify his enemies people who have gathered will run because God will cause them to hear a sound from heaven and I believe God who do that for his church he will terrify the enemies of the cross in the middle of the night they will run without packing their stuff they will run because the terror of the Lord has fallen upon them many times in the Bible you find God fighting by putting fear in the enemy he made them hear a sound he makes them see something he confronts them in a way that so scares them that instead of stayin on the battleground they just run away from the battleground sometimes he turns the enemy against himself sometimes he just terrifies the enemy the enemy will be terrified amen third way that God fights for his people is that sometimes he tends the forces of nature against the enemy this is what happened to Egypt in the Red Sea the Bible says God troubled them they are fields started getting messed up on the ground in the sea they couldn't ride again the forces of nature against them and the sea comes to cover them God uses the forces of nature against his enemies in the book of Joshua chapter 10 Israel goes into battle against the kings of the Amorite sand different kinds of people including Adonis the deck of Jerusalem and the Bible says that on the battlefield God allowed hailstones to fall on the enemy and when the hailstones had Noctem the Bible says more were killed by the hill stools than by the sword of the Israelites and and that's when Joshua prayed and said Lord let the Sun stir say stay and the moon stay because I haven't finished so you see hailstones Sun and Moon conspiring against the enemies of God that just tells you God can use the forces of nature to fight his battles he can use the wind he can use water he can use the Sun he can use the moon he can use the Stars he can use the earth he can use sand he can use all kinds of things to fight is that people who know how to fight with everything they're ninjas God is a ninja fighter he would throw stone he would throw whatever you blow air who you he just is a ninja warrior now don't leave here and go and say from now on God is a ninja it is an anthropomorphism an anthropomorphism it is using a human language to describe an act of God because we human beings know ninjas so I'm saying God is like a ninja but God has not become a Japanese just for your information you know people misinterpret scripture very easily so I have to take my time to teach these things so God is able to turn nature against the enemy and sometimes God delivers his people from the enemy's scheme sometimes he allows them to get to the point of even catching you and it seems as if now they have succeeded and then he delivers you as he did to the three Hebrew boys they were caught they were put into the fire and the fire did not burn them Daniel is put into the lion's den and the Bible says God shut the mouth of the lion so sometimes he will confuse the enemy and they will fight each other sometimes you scare them sometimes you use the forces of nature and sometimes he just allows you to walk into the trap and then he delivers you he fights for you he will make the fire not burn you and the lion will not eat you by you will be in the lion's den so just because he allowed you to go through the fire doesn't mean you are going to be burned and just because he allowed the lion den to be your home doesn't mean you be eaten by lions he delivers in many ways sometimes before the battle sometimes within the battle but the Lord is a mighty man of war he's a ninja warrior in Ghana you see he's an ass of a fighter he delivers his people from the schemes of the enemy and then sometimes God delivers fights by allowing the enemy to fall into their own traps this is what he did in Esther chapter 7 against Haman who set up gallows to hang a man of God Mordecai and set an appointment for the people of God to be executed throughout all the land and the gallows he has set up was used to hang him it is very dangerous to set traps for God's people very dangerous because for all you know God will make you say the best traps for yourself so don't be too frightened when you hear people are setting traps it may be that God is just waiting to use it against them so God fights for his people in many ways he fights for his people in many ways and throughout all our battles we have to be cognizant of the fact that the Lord is a man of war and if we are his children he is on our side there are battles you are engaged in now that are bigger than you and the only way you win that battle is for God to get involved in the battle somebody say God is fighting for us what does God fight for what does God fight for what kinds of situations will get God involved in a battle there are people who fight for land because they need to get land some fight for money some fight for girls oh it's true major wars have been fought in this world because of beautiful ladies and nations have fought over women nations have fought for money nations have fought for oil nations have fought for land nations have fought for all kinds of things so when God is getting into a battle what is he fighting for he must fight for something he can't just go and fight like my friends when were kids and you go home and you didn't win anything then your parents are angry with you too and I and beat you up at home so what does God fight for what gets God to say I will fight for you few things first he fights for his sovereign will to be done God fights for his sovereign will to be done he fights for his purposes to be established the most important agenda of God is his will that is why in the Lord's Prayer the first request in the Lord's Prayer if you know the Lord's Prayer it stays starts with our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name not that is not a prayer request our Father who is who is in heaven is an affirmation hallowed be thy name is praise or worship then it goes to the first request thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread before God deals with your daily bread his will must be done the number one thing God fights for is for his will to be done and whenever his will is under jeopardy he will fight to restore his will that is why when God gives you a sure word my son I will do this for you my daughter I will do that for you and people mess with that God gets into the fight because his will must be and Faust he's the enforcer of his will and don't ever think that a word God gives you will be sabotage by a human being or the devil himself if it is the sovereign will of God that you prosper and anybody touches that God has to get into the battle to rectify the situation and establish the status quo that is your victory so I don't know what the sovereign will of God is concerning you but God will fight for his will when God has a will that he wants to bring to pass he will fight for the will to be brought to pass he said to Abraham your descendants of his slaves and afterwards I will bring them out and when the time came he said to Moses go and tell Pharaoh it's time up what I said four hundred years ago this is the time he should know what is going to happen let the people go for his own good and if he doesn't let them go I will touch him so Moses went and said Pharaoh God says that people should go he says are you serious he says go says if you don't let them go he'll touch you he says I don't even know who God is for him to touch me okay let it start water blood Nez day frogs next next day boys on people and then people are itching and people are getting all kinds of problem and then darkness cows are dying they said even the magician's of Pharaoh said sir we know the stuff this one where it is coming from we haven't been there before this is the finger of God we haven't seen this before and the last one God says you want me to touch you how touch your future your children and they said are they still pursued and he touched the whole army when God has to establish his will he would touch anyone who is interfering in his sovereign will to be done he will he will go to battle and he would do things you know people know goddess he's a merciful God he's a good God yeah he's good but there's another side of him he's a lot mighty in battle and if you don't stay on his good side and you go and stay on the battle side you are in big trouble he fights for his will to be established secondly he fights for his name to be glorified when his name is on the line he will fight when anybody says I'm going to do this because you say you are Christian I'm going to disgrace you I'm going to dishonor you because you are a child of God they put the name of the Lord on the line God will fight for you [Music] gotta fight for you and thirdly he fights for his righteousness to be established he fights for what is right for justice for fairness for equity for right treatment of his image human beings God fights for his righteousness to be established he does God fight for him this is a very important question is God interested in fighting the battle between Asante Kotoko and Accra has a folk is that a battle God will get involved in is God going to fight the battle between ghana Black Stars and Nigerian green green eagles that's God fight your wife because she didn't cook well for you or your husband because he's watching too much TV and these battles God gets into because you know sometimes people say God will fight for me you know husband God will fight for me your wife God will fight for you and wife tell her God will fight for me is God going to fight in marriage battles when Ghana is going to play Nigeria we pray God will fight for us send your mighty power come down and then Nigerians are also send your mighty power come down so who said is God going to fight her so which who who does God fight for if God fights who does he fight for so I'm gonna show you whom he fights for so you don't invite him to battles you fight he does God fight for God number one fights for his redeemed covenant people his redeemed covenant people in the Old Testament that was Israel in the New Testament it is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ the entire body of Christ in the victory of the church we have our victory so when anybody rises against the Church of Christ to fight the church God will have to fight to deliver his redeeming people not just individuals but the church as a body but because we are also members of the church we participate in a victory just like God fought Egypt on behalf of Israel as a nation but if you were a Jew going through the Red Sea that day you also had your personal victory in the larger victory but God fight was not for you as a person but for the entire body anybody who comes against the church God fights them he fights for his redeemed covenant people secondly he fights for those who uphold his name Elijah against the prophets of Baal was the battle for the name of the Lord it wasn't Elijah's personal battle it was a battle to establish Jehovah as the God to be worshipped when a believer upholds the name of the Lord publicly they allowed God to take sides with them in battle those who uphold his name he fights for them number three he fights for those whom he uses for his purposes God's will is done by people and when people want to fight people that God has a purpose for God will fight because of his purpose that he has caused somebody to achieve so when you read the Bible you will see that most of the battles that God fought for people whether it's for David or some other person it was because of the purpose of God not because David is a nice guy but because the purpose of God has to be established and if you interfere in the purpose of God because you don't like David God will fight you because his purpose of God requires David to do what he must do so sometimes a person you may not like a person but there is something God has determined to do with the person and God says this is the person I'm using to do this and if you try to interfere in the person's safety I have to neutralized you God is a terminator that's an anthropomorphism he will terminate you now it doesn't mean he hates you but you are interfering you are interfering in his plan and he has to push you a sudden and one go push you aside the hand is so strong you go go go you wrote to the seat book so just him pushing aside can cast you aside so he fights for the people who are fulfilling his purposes and the last group of people that God fights for this is a dangerous group those who have no one to fight for them and in the Bible God warns people in Exodus 22 verse 22 24 he says to Israel you shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child if you have flipped them in any way and they cry at all to me I will surely hear their cry and my wrath will become hot and I will kill you with a sword your wife shall be widows and your children fatherless some people read this and say this is Jehovah without his he loves everybody no he says my rod would be hot and I'll kill you if you touch some particular people so when somebody has no one to defend him and you denied the person the cause of justice and fairness and equity God's anger becomes hot and he will fight you even if you are his child because this was not against Egypt or they are Syrians this is to each to Israel he is sent to Israel his covenant people if you mess up with a widow and fatherless person somebody who is weak I will kill you and he's telling Israel in other words even if you are a believer and you perfect justice you expose yourself to the wrath of God someone's there but Christ has redeemed yeah you you you you will finish with you and you go to heaven quickly you don't go to hell no no no you don't go to hell you go to heaven ahead of everybody else because God is jealous for the widow for the fatherless for the stranger for those who have been denied justice and they have no one to cry to because the ears of those who must hear eyes shut and he says if they cry to me at all and hand over their case to me you are in trouble he said but I also believe in Jesus Christ is there yeah you believe in me too but you are touching the apple of my eye people who have no one to defend them no one to speak for them it doesn't mean that when a widow does something bad don't talk about it because they are bad widows to fatherless we have fatherless person comes to see you from you because he's fatherless let him no that's not what I'm talking about I'm saying that when you take advantage of the weakness of the widow the weakness of the often the weakness of the stranger the weakness of an alien who is living your country who has no cost to justice and you won't steal his property because you are citizen God says I will fight for him now Fred for you so I don't know I mean you may not like Nigerians but if they're in our country as aliens and you mistreat them because you don't like them or like they did to us in South Africa God says I'll fight I'll fight Nations can get into big trouble because of the way they treat strangers now it doesn't mean that the stranger is a nice person and they're not breaking our rules and they are not you know doing all kinds of things to mess up the economy but when justice is denied fairness is denied there is no equity the laws are ten upside down to fight against somebody who has no one to speak for him he can't even hire a lawyer and you have the power and so you use it God says stand properly so I'm just telling you I'm your pastor I have to tell you the truth God wants to fight for you but if you go and mess up with the wrong people the Lord who must fight for you will fight against you I hope that's that's a good word isn't it I know some of you are thinking hey hey he's gone fighting against me what have I done wrong no I'm not it's not just about having a case with somebody it is when you are denying justice God will fight you and this is not Old Testament it is also New Testament you find it in the book of James jesus said to the little children if you mess up one of these little children this is Jesus gentle Jesus meek and mild if you mess up these children he says it would have been better if you had not been born he says it would be like somebody hung a heavy load on your neck and threw you into the sea this is New Testament both Jesus and James don't mess with people who have no defense leave them pray about their case but don't mess with them because God will mess with you and when he messes with you sometimes it is for a long period transgenerational II finally let me conclude exodus chapter 14 verses 13 to 14 I started with it I'm ending with it and Moses said to the people do not be afraid stand still and see the salvation of the law which you accomplished for you today for the Egyptians whom you see today you will see again no more forever the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace three things if you want God to fight for you first don't be afraid refuse fear throughout the Bible God will tell people whom he wants to help fear not fear not fear not because fear cannot dwell with God fear activates the power of Satan faith activates the power of God so if God is fighting for you don't fear fear sometimes seems very natural because the situation is fearful but he says fear not it's a command in other words you are trying to fear but don't but don't fear we don't yet it's a command you want God to fight for you fear not that's a command you won't got to fight for you fear not number two stand still don't panic don't run helter-skelter don't do anything rush don't be hysterical don't go around telling everybody about your troubles stand still I know how hard it is to stand still when you are in trouble can you imagine if you were in Israel Pharaoh's army is coming they are charging the army they are coming with their horses the Red Sea is not making any showing any signs of improvement that is to open I mean how will you behave you siren hey of course yeah hey coming hey come on oh hey hey hey hey and that Moses comes and say you're not stand still stand still stand still I know you feel like running stand still you feel like telling everybody about your problem stand still you feel like you stand still you want God to fight for you stand still you feel you shouldn't stand still because every instinct in you is telling you to run but he says stand still is an instruction and the third thing he says see the salvation of the Lord watch God when you fear not you stand still just keep your eyes on God not on the sea not on the army watch what the Lord would do I came here to tell somebody watch what God would do for you this day watch what God would do for you this coming week watch what God is going to do for you by the end of this month watch what God is going to do for you by the end of this year stand still fear not stand still watch God and that is the Word of God I came here this morning to give to you watch god watch what he's going to do see his salvation see his salvation people will stop fighting each other watch God he will raise a strong he would terrify the enemy he will use the forces of nature to disperse them he will deliver you from the lion's den just watch God tend to somebody and tell them watch God tend to another present to them just stand still and watch God because the Lord will fight for you [Applause] are you being denied justice the Lord will fight for you is their enemy faster on that I knew the Lord will fight for you fear not stand still watch God fear not stand still what's God fear not stand still what's God fear not stand still what's God fear not stand still just watch him just watch him just watch him he's about to throw some lightening and some thunder he's about to end allow the earth to open for people to go into the earth he's about to open the Red Sea he's about to shake the heavens and the earth just fear not stand still and watch God may the Lord your God whom you trust and whom in whose hand you have put your soul may he arise and fight for you in Jesus name Amen hallelujah we're going to give our projects
Channel: Christ Temple
Views: 93,992
Rating: 4.7342343 out of 5
Keywords: mensa otabil, otabil sermon, central gospel church, icgc, international central gospel church, greater works, central university
Id: DAhr1T0U5wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 4sec (3424 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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