God Has Provided Something Better for Us - Zac Poonen - May 26, 2018

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[Music] so we're thinking of distinctives of the New Covenant as I was saying yesterday I don't think many Christians have given much thought to the fact that God is dealing with people in an entirely different way in this day after the day of Pentecost than it was what you read in the Old Testament and if we don't understand that we can miss out on what God has for us in the Old Covenant individual people in Israel could not have a contact with God even the king whenever this happens I am amazed that Jesus could speak to 5,000 people without he was a strong man we're all weaklings anyway thank God for technology so as I was saying they did the folks in the Old Testament could not have a direct connection with God even the King had to go to a prophet to find out the Prophet would be living in a hut and the king would be in his palace either go down to the hut and ask him what is the Lord's will about this should I go and fight this battle against the enemy and if so where should I go etc that's changed completely we're the same axis that every Old Covenant prophet had to God and think of that do you read the Old Testament you see how these prophets had tremendous access to God and they could they could hear God clearly some of them are very young Samuel was probably eight or nine years old Jeremiah he tells the Lord Lord I'm young how can I be a prophet Ezekiel was a young man Daniel was a very maybe 19 or 20 years old these are young people and they could hear God and now in the New Covenant the access that those prophets whether it's Elijah or John the Baptist anyone had for God who you and I can have and when you ask yourself whether you have it you'd probably say no and that's where the devil has blinded us and robbed us of our inheritance I often think of the devil like a crooked lawyer who's cheated you of the inheritance that your father labored hard and wrote in his will for you now when it comes to money none of us would allow a crooked lawyer to cheat us of our inheritance we're very smart when it comes to money and the fact that we've allowed many of us have allowed the devil to cheat us of our inheritance like being able to hear God clearly or overcoming sin or being free from anxiety and murmuring and grumbling in this life that God promises as the fact that we haven't come to that proves that we've been cheated and if we were cheated even ten percent of that in our finances we'd worry about it so what does that indicate it indicates that for most believers money is more important than their relationship with God and the spiritual life they live and as long as it is like that we are never going to enter in to God's life because the law in scriptures you shall seek me the Lord says and find me when you search for me with all your heart when I am the most important person in your life more important than anybody else and more important than money or property or possessions you will find me and that is why you find if you find a difference among the believers that some seem to know God so well and you've known the Lord even longer than that and you don't seem to know the Lord well you see the answer here God is not most important in your life and as long as God is not most important your life you'll never know him you can live 100 years it'll be just the same but Jesus said in Matthew chapter 11 let me read this to you what I was just saying he first said that John the Baptist was the greatest prophet under the Old Covenant Matthew's Gospel chapter 11 the two things he says in the same verse Matthew 11 verse 11 among those born of women there is not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist from the time of Adam to the time of Jesus Jesus himself said that the greatest human being born in God's eyes was John the Baptist the greatest man the greatest prophet and then that's not the end of the sentence yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven that means the one who enters into the New Covenant fully is greater than him in many ways we can have an access to god that john the baptist the greatest prophet did not have are you experiencing that the type of life that john the baptist had we could have a higher life than that and it's very obvious that most christians even those who have heard messages on the new covenant for years and can explain so many verses don't seem to come into that life i mentioned yesterday that in the old testament the word was coming here what the prophet has to say in the new testament it has come and see come and see my life come and see what the Lord has done in me and so it's not just a question of being able to know intellectually the verses and truths about the New Covenant but come and see what the Lord has done in my life that means we should not be ashamed to testify jesus said you shall be my witnesses to the ends of the earth and you'll get power through the holy spirit to be my witnesses so we're not ashamed to be witnesses we're not when we talk about what the Lord has done in our life we're not glory in ourselves we're saying God did it but he's done a wonderful thing in my life and that's what it means to be a witness there's no humility in keeping quiet about that and there's no pride in justifying to what the Lord is done how many of you did it and you talk about it then of course it's fried but if God did it there's no pride in saying God did it so it's like if somebody else built a house and you had nothing to do with it you didn't pay for it you didn't plan it anything you can say here's a wonderful I didn't build it somebody built it and gave it to me it's something like that you know when God doesn't work in us we are so conscious that I could never have come into that life myself I'm very conscious about number of areas in my life and I could never have conquered in a thousand years and so on I have no hesitation in saying that God did this in my life that if God was freed me from discouragement 100 percent even though I was a slave to it for so many years after being born again God did it he built the house I have nothing to do with it he just built it and gave it to me this is the new covenant dear brothers and sisters don't miss out on your inheritance don't let this crooked Satan rob you of your inheritance that's what I say so he was least in the kingdom I have is greater than John the Baptist how have you understood and interpreted that verse let's turn now to Hebrews in Chapter 11 which is the great chapter it's called him chapter the heroes of faith showing that even in the Old Covenant faith was very important they couldn't please God without faith the faith is not a new covenant thing grace is a new covenant word but faith is not a new covenant word faith is there in the Old Testament it was very important in the Old Testament the father of faith is called a burr Abraham is called the father of faith but not just Abraham even before Abraham going back to Abel the first person mentioned in Hebrews 11 it was my faith that he offered to God a better sacrifice and it says here that without faith Hebrews 11:6 it is impossible to please them which have a covenant you are under without faith it is impossible to please God you have to trust God that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him so my faith is expressed in this way that I believe not just Jesus died for my sins yes that's true but I believe that if idly gently seek Him I will find him Jesus spoke so often about persistence there were only two parables that Jesus spoke on prayer only two he spoke parables on various subjects but only two on prayer one is in Luke 11 and the others in Luke 18 when you get time you can look at them but you know those parables so I'll mention them to you one is of a a widow who went to the judge and said the enemy's encroaching in my property the enemy was probably thought this helpless Widow I mean the fact of the widow went to the judge proves that she had no husband and probably had no children either otherwise she'd have sent one of her children she had to go herself she was completely helpless a widow with no other family member being oppressed by an enemy a picture of the devil trying to take advantage of a Christian you know that Jesus always pictured Christians as weak helpless people she helpless foolish a widow helpless why did the Lord picture Christians as weak and helpless so that they will not trust in themselves but lean upon God that's the reason so you need you don't ever have to complain that I'm weak not weaker than that Widow not more foolish than that she we're all much cleverer than she and much better off than that Widow and these are the pictures Jesus used so that's a picture of a a Christian going to God and saying Lord I'm helpless the devil's taking advantage of me he's making me sin here and he'd make me sin there and he's making me lose my temper here and he's making me complain and grumble over here and he's don't know types of things in my life what are you gonna do about it and in that parable the judge didn't do anything for some time and she pestered him and pestered him and pestered him day and night till finally that unrighteous judge did something for her and protect her from her enemy and the Lord said if that unrighteous judge Jesus always contrasted a loving Heavenly Father with some evil person even evil person could do so much how much more do you think your loving Heavenly Father will do and if you read that passage in Luke 18 it says for those who cry out to him day and night maybe I should show you that verse and that's in Luke chapter 18 see that's the important phrase there which many people miss out they know the parable but they don't see what it says at the end of the parable verse 7 Luke 18 7 don't you think God will do bring justice for his elect who cry to him day and night he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him I know that many nights I wept on my pillow because I was defeated in my thought life or I lost my temper it was day and night I said lord I don't want to live this type of defeated life because that's not what you purchased for me on the cross and I'll tell you this there is no partiality with God when he says that he will bring justice quickly for those who cry day and night because they are so desperate about it he will not delay long over them and if you find the Lord is delaying victory for a long long time for you you know the answer here you're not crying to me at night you're not desperate about it you'd like it if you could get it but it doesn't matter if you don't get it you can get along without it this is this is a person who could not get along without it she was afraid that the enemy would completely overcome and possess her entire property and so she had to cry day and night to the judge and that's the one picture of prayer and the other picture of prayer Jesus gave us you know the other story of the man who went to his neighbor's house and asked for three loaves of bread because a visitor had a friend had come the first one is a picture of seeking for victory over the devil ourselves the second picture of prayer is where I'm so burdened to bless someone whom I know and I don't have the ability to bless him you know it's more blessed to give than to receive and every Christian who is received from the Lord wants to give this wonderful gospel to somebody else in a very effective way so that that person can can need can be met and he finds himself unable I find so many Christians over there asked to give a testimony oh they say I can't testify I can't share a word well that's that's the picture of that person but he didn't just sit at home and tell his friend I'm sorry I don't have any food I can't give anything to you just like all these believers who say I'm sorry don't ask me to share a word I can never share a word I don't have that ability that's a not only irresponsible way of doing it that's the difference in that perrolli this person was concerned that he should give something to his friend who had come to visit him at midnight and he was concerned enough to even go and disturb his neighbor so if you find even after having been a believer for one or two years you're still hesitant to get up boldly and share even for two or three minutes in your church meeting you are one of those unconcerned Christians or not bothered about anybody else you may say it is your shyness and you feel you don't have anything that's not the real reason the real reason is you don't have the slightest concern for other people you don't feel that God can ever do anything through you you don't have faith in God God can take the weakest person and if he comes to him the other thing we need to see in that parable is that that person recognize that he himself had nothing to give that's very important too you know you can be so clever that you can read the Bible and think oh yeah I can discover something clever in the Bible to share with others well you're not going to see God for the part of the Holy Spirit then no but here Jesus was saying about a person who was aware that with all my cleverness and with all my ability I really don't have any food to give this person I got a lot of things in the house but no food and our cleverness is like that a lot of things we have but it's not really spiritual food that we can give to others for that we need to go to God and so he goes to his neighbor's house and knocks and knocks and knocks and knocks and dogs and the neighbor says don't disturb me my children are in bed buddy this chap says I'm not gonna give you peace until you give me what I want since it's called shameless persistence that's what Jesus was teaching both cases the widow when going to disturb the judge at two o'clock in the morning in his house and this man who would not leave his neighbor's house even after the Labour's neighbor said go away I don't I can't open the door I'm asleep my children are asleep shameless persistence I want to say to you my brothers and sisters through the years I've discovered those are the people who get something from God and you will never get what God wants you to have if you don't have that type of shameless persistence it's not something you just have once I mean I've sought God like that different time that I I'll tell you honestly I see God like that even now turn with me to Luke chapter 11 remember this parable is an answer to the question that the disciples asked Jesus Luke 11:1 the disciples said to Jesus Lord teach us to pray and if you ask most preachers or even Bible School students and scholars what answer did Jesus give to that question Lord teach us to pray almost everyone if you can even test it out if you like almost everyone will say he taught them the Lord's Prayer yeah it's true verse 2 onwards our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name and so on but they stopped their thine is the kingdom the power and the glory I'm in no he didn't stop there Lord teach us to praise I'll tell you how to pray you must be like this friend verse 5 who goes to his neighbor at midnight and says give me three loaves because someone has come to visit me that's the answer to how to pray it's not just the Lord's Prayer which we repeat much more than that so if you haven't taken that parable seriously you haven't believed what Jesus said how you ought to pray this is the only way we are to pray Lord teach us to pray okay I'll tell you a man had a visitor coming to his house at midnight he didn't have food to give him that's the first thing acknowledged that I don't have what it takes to meet this person's need spiritual mean I can teach him a lot of clever things because I have studied the Bible but I can't really administer through the Holy Spirit to his spirit to change his life to give him what the Lord has given me so I have to go to God and keep on persisting shameless persistence and at the end of it it says in verse 8 that the neighbor finally got up and gave him look at this wonderful phrase the last part of verse 8 I love it as much as he needs I love that so I can go to God and get as much as I need in any area spiritually whatever area it is whichever sin you cannot conquer now this is not possible in the Old Covenant you could not go to God and ask him to help you to overcome sin he said I'll forgive you but now we can go to God and ask him for whatever we need as much as we need spiritually he will give him as much as he needs because of his persistence verse 8 the shameless persistence and those are the people who get from God even today so I say to you ask like this man asked and you will be given it seek like this man sought you'll get not like this man not and it will be open to you because everyone who asks like this man did receives the others don't receive and he who seeks like this man sought finds the others don't find and he who keeps on knocking like this man not it will be opened you wonder why it's open for some people is because they're not like this you wonder why is not open for you you did not not like this you gave up after a while and then he says what should we act what is the meaning of this peril what are we supposed to be seeking there it is in verse 13 how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit and his gifts and is fruit not to everyone not to everyone but to those who ask him like this man asked what will they get verse 8 as much as they need and I can tell you I can testify that through many many years now since I've understood the secret of the New Covenant that I can go higher than John the Baptist in my inner life I'm not saying that you will be a greater prophet than John the Baptist Elijah and John the Baptist the great prophets who brought thousands down before God but in our inner life in our relationship with God in parting of God's nature we can beware of Elijah and John the Baptist's think of one simple thing one woman threatened Elijah and he ran to hide himself in a cave and said O Lord take away my life I've had enough never happened to a man who's filled with the Holy Spirit three or take John the Baptist who had seen heaven open and the Holy Spirit descend and he heard the voice of the Father directly from heaven when Jesus was baptized yet when he's locked up in prison you know the message he sends to Jesus are you really the Messiah or how we'd wait for him to come can you imagine that think of the multitudes of Christians who've been locked up in prison in many communist countries for twenty thirty years they never asked that question they've risen higher than John the Baptist's it's really true that we can rise higher than John the Baptist higher than Elijah every one of you if you don't let the cheating devil Gigi of your inheritance the New Covenant is our inheritance so I was in Hebrews 11 let's get back there he God is a rewarder I'm just trying to show you instances of that verse Hebrews 11:6 he's a rewarder not of everyone who prays but of those who seek Him diligently and these two para these two parables on prayer show that out very clearly one we seek to God diligently to overcome the enemy who's taking areas of our life which should belong to God and the enemy is encroaching and I mean if the enemy was encroaching on your physical property you'd go to the court over it and stop him why aren't we going to God when the enemy who's occupying areas of our life which should belong to God and by glorifying the devil by our anger and bitterness and complaining and rumbling and many other things like that why are we not going to God and saying Lord give me justice that's the first thing concerning our personal life and the second is concerning others Lord you've not only called me to live for you you called me to be a witness to the uttermost parts of the earth to those people who are around me God wants me to be a witness you know that verse John 3:16 God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not have it should not perish but have eternal life there was a brother in one of our churches in India who spoke on that and said I saw it in a new light he said he said I see that there's a little world I was speaking that meeting about a little world of people who only you know do you know that every one of you sitting here has a little world of people whom nobody else in this Hall knows a few people maybe those who work in your office some of your relatives some of your friends nobody in this hall knows them it's only you that's your little world and God so loved that little world of people that he sent you his son his daughter into that world so that those people should not perish but have eternal life it's true that's why he's given you a little soon you don't have to reach the whole world but there's a little circle of people I'm not saying you should go and dump tracks on them but to be able to say come and see they should be able to see something of Christ in you they'll never forget they won't all get converted Jesus himself could not convert so many people who saw the most perfect demonstration of the life of God in him so I'm not saying everybody in your little world is going to get the murdered no but it should not be that in the day of judgment they have to say to God we never saw a true Christian that should not be the complaint nobody sitting here people who know you should not be able to say to God in the final day Lord I never saw a true Christian in my life you can be a witness in a way that people will never forget I used to work in the Navy and I I met people years later 40 years later Admirals who were young officers with me once upon a time ended when they met me they say boys like we don't forget you not not my military accomplishments but the fact that I was a Christian that I was different I wouldn't drink with them I wouldn't go dancing with them and I wouldn't do anything unrighteous and I would do my work perfectly they couldn't forget that and I was a witness for Christ I'd carried my Bible and walk out and people would see me carrying my Bible going to church even that can be a witness I'm not ashamed of it people won't forget God wants you to be his witness and for that you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit so coming back to Hebrews 11 faith was needed even in Old Covenant times but there's a difference in faith in the New Covenant it is faith but it's a different level of faith so what you want to see is here it says the men of old old covenant people Hebrews 11 to get the approval of God by faith and that's written at the beginning of the chapter verse 2 and it's written at the end of the chapter verse 39 all of these people gained approval of God through their faith but now in the New Covenant verse 40 God has provided something better for us so I always say whenever you read Hebrews 11 about these great men of faith in the Old Covenant always remember was 40 after every verse by faith Abel offered something verse 4 God is writing something better for us by faith Noah did this God right something better for us by faith Moses split the Red Sea gods brighter something better for us my faith Joshua pull down the walls of Jericho verse 30 God is providing something better for us by faith people shut the mouths of lions Samson God's provided something better for us you name it you go through every sentence in Hebrews chapter 11 and you can say verse 40 but God is prior to something better for us do you really believe that God has provided something better for us then what all these people experienced these are not what I'm looking for God's provide something better why should I take this why should I take something third class or tenth class when this first class available for me it's free I mean if you're taking a flight in economy class and they say we're gonna upgrade you to first class would you say well I'm think I'll sit in the economy I don't think you'd say that but that's what a lot of Christians are saying the Lord says I'm gonna upgrade you there's something better for you why aren't we eager for it why aren't we as eager for these spiritual blessings like we are 4001 earthly things and it's free so what is the thing that's better see what we see here in this entire chapter if you read meditate carefully everything was external whether it's shutting the mouth of a line or pulling down the walls of Jericho or splitting open the Red Sea it was all external Abraham got a child by failing everything everything everything now the thing that God has provided better for us see the first four verses of chapter 12 should actually be the last four verses of Hebrews 11 I hope you all know that God didn't divide the Bible into chapters and verses the Bible is divided in chapters and verses maybe about maybe five six hundred years ago or something and it was only done by human beings to make it more convenient for us to refer to something but when Hebrews was written it was not divided into chapters so those four verses are really the conclusion of chapter 11 God has provided something better for us so what shall we do we shall run this race Hebrews 12:1 that is set before us I mean all these people it's called a cloud of witnesses in chapter 12 verse 1 we've got this great cloud of witnesses in chapter 11 they're not running in the race they're early observers sitting on the stadium now we're running the race see this we got a cloud of witnesses sitting around us but they're watching us run the race let us with endurance run this race and here is the better thing God has provided for us that we can walk in Jesus footsteps he's our forerunner and we fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith and here is the better thing for the joy set before him verse 2 endured the cross despising the shame and is sat down at the right hand of the throne of God that is God's will for us that we walk on earth in faithfulness it's interesting to see that this taking up the cross and being put to shame because you're a Christian is called a better thing than shutting the mouths of lions and pulling down the walls of Jericho you've got to have eyes to see that I mean if someone were to tell me God give me give you power to shut them out of lions and split a Red Sea open or to follow Jesus in the way of the cross and to be put to shame for Christ's sake I would choose following Jesus any day because it has become clear to me now what do I accomplish by shelling the mouth of a lion I can be that's a display to other people see what power I have it's like some of these so-called healing evangelists who tried to display see how much pariah I don't want it I'm not here for displaying my power to anybody here this is the better thing and once you see it you will no longer want to display yourself I'll tell you that you you will want to hide behind Christ you want people to see Jesus not yourself who for the joy set before him endured the cross despising the shame and sat down on the right hand of the throne of God and it says in verse one we had to run this race behind him this is the New Covenant where I'm on a pathway that leads up to the throne of God I don't know whether these folks ever get to the throne of God mentioned in chapter 11 but I know where chapter 12 verse 1 into is definitely the route to the throne of God so we see Jesus our forerunner and we seek to walk in his footsteps and to follow him this is why following Jesus as our example is mentioned here in verse 1 and 2 as the better thing then all these people had in the Old Covenant I wonder whether we see that in the Old Covenant they had laws 613 laws in exodus numbers and the ten of them we are familiar with the Ten Commandments the six hundred and three others in those books of Moses but they were laws there was you shouldn't do this you should do this you should etcetera etc it was all external but in the New Covenant God's given us an example and this is why I never get tired of using the illustration of learning how to swim you can explain learning how to similar on a board or even on a computer screen you know techniques how to swim moving your hand like this and the other it's far better if someone takes you to the swimming pool and says follow me see what I'm doing there rather than observing the technique written out in a book we can say that the law was like a book teaching you how to swim and nobody learned it there were no diagrams it was all instructions but Jesus came he didn't come with the book he said follow me and that's why we can overcome and that is the better thing that we don't have a book now we have Jesus and so if your Christianity is merely centered around the Bible he won't enter the New Covenant now I'm not devaluing the Bible I study the Bible I think more than almost any of you perhaps cuz I've been gone into this for 58 years day and night I've studied Scripture but I don't find my salvation here this book leads me to Jesus so that's the way I have found my salvation and my freedom from sin it was not the Bible that led me to it but Jesus but I wouldn't have known him except through this book I wouldn't have known his wave I wouldn't have known that I have to run the race following him or how I can follow him take up the cross so the Bible is meant to lead us to Christ and if you stop with the Bible you'll never come to this life jesus said that in John chapter 16 is one of the things he said the Holy Spirit does see unfortunately because in the Pentecostal churches the emphasis on the Holy Spirit is always related to speaking in tongues which I'm not against I believe in it I experienced it and it's a good gift but that is not the primary purpose of the gift of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit has been given to in one sentence I would say to show us the glory of Jesus and to make us like him that completes the whole thing to show us the glory of Jesus Christ and to make us like him in life character and in ministry in life he produces the fruit of the Spirit and for ministry he gives us the gifts of the Spirit so that's it the Holy Spirit's come to show us the glory of Jesus first of all in the scriptures and then to make us like him little by little by little so in John 16 Jesus said concerning the gift of the Holy Spirit John chapter 16 sorry John 15 I will ask the Father to send your helper verse 26 when the helper comes from I'll send the Spirit of Truth he will testify about me he will speak about me that's the first of us I want you to see he will speak about me and then you will also speak about me and then when you come to John chapter 16 he says in verse 14 he will in the middle of that verse he will take of mine and will disclose it to you he will take certain things about me and show it to you what are the things that the Holy Spirit is going to show me which people who don't have the Holy Spirit cannot see think of that if it is something the Holy Spirit alone can show me about Jesus it must be something that others who don't have the Holy Spirit will not be able to see I mean you can give the Bible to a non-christian and he'll be able to see that jesus healed the sick and fed the 5,000 with five loaves and two fishes and walked on the water and and he's preached the Sermon on the Mount and all those things you don't need to be a Christian to know all that you just need to be able to read but this is different this is not the Holy Spirit showing me that Jesus walked on the water or did miracles he's going to be show me things about Jesus in her life how he lived in secret before the Father for 33 years and he's going to show that to me and he's gonna make me like that and since if you want to live like Jesus this is this what you got to see it's not the healing of the sick it's not the external things at all he will take of mine and disclose it to you so one of the wonderful things that he disclosed to me among many other things his it says in Romans 15 and was three you don't see this in the Gospels this is a revelation that came later that Jesus verse three never pleased himself that was an inner attitude which you don't see in the Gospels in the Gospels you see all the external things that Jesus did and those Christians are only interested in the external life will be only taken up with the Gospels if you find the things that excite you about Jesus is the external things he did you can be pretty sure your life is an external life if you are more interested in the inner life of Jesus the Holy Spirit will show you things like he never pleased himself all his life he never sought to please himself self was not on the throne he had a will of his own but he never did it in fact he said in John 6:38 I've come from heaven not to do my own will but the will of my father who sent me we need to see this this is what the Holy Spirit shows us for example I was reading a paraphrase of Isaiah 53 verse 8 it really struck me as I have 53 and were saying something about Jesus it says here about his the way he was taken to the cross Isaiah 53 sometimes a paraphrase brings out the meaning in a verse which is hidden there she don't see Isaiah 53 verse 8 it says one part of that verse the paraphrase said about Jesus he allowed people to take him away to die without a thought for his own welfare he did not have a thought for his on welfare I tell you that struck me so strongly I said is this what it means to follow Jesus and I don't think about my own welfare I don't think about what's good for me the world is full of people who are thinking of their own welfare and what's good for them but to follow Jesus means I don't give a thought to my own welfare what will glorify God in this situation whatever it may cost me doesn't make a difference dear brothers and sisters this is new covenant Christianity we see it very little there are a few Saints here and there who entered into this life it's not just those who can explain it I'm a teacher God's given me that gift so I can explain it but there are a lot of people are not teachers who will still live the life you don't have to be able to explain it that you'll have to explain it if God calls you to be a teacher and gives you that gift but you can live the life without being able to teach for example you can have good a good digestive system without being able to explain how it works I'm not pretty sure how my own digestive system works what it works okay now if you're gonna be a doctor you probably need to know how it works so don't think you have to explain this it's the life that's important but I think we understand what it means to say I want to do everything for the glory of God without a thought for my own welfare and see how that applies in your practical life you think your life will be miserable oh I never seek my own welfare boy what a terrible life that'll be don't you think Jesus life was the most beautiful most wonderful life than any human being ever lived you got to be gripped by that first do you think Jesus was a miserable gloomy type of person because he was never seeking his own welfare quite the opposite he was the happiest most cheerful person you know what he was speaking about on the night before he went to the cross you read in John 15 next morning he was going to be crucified he says to the disciples hey fellas I've got so much joy in my heart I want to give you some of my joy imagine if you're gonna be hanging tomorrow morning you're going to go around encouraging people saying I've got some joy in my heart never know he had no thought for his own welfare and that's why he lived such a wonderful life and accomplished in thirty three and a half years what others would want accomplished in a thousand years if you want your life to count for God my brother sister seek him with all your heart and say Lord explain the New Covenant to my heart even if I can't teach it help me to live this life I believe God will help you let's pray Heavenly Father give us a hunger creating us Lord a hunger after you even that only you can do I believe a number of us are open to that hunger being created in our heart from this moment we know you'll satisfy it thank you in Jesus name [Music]
Channel: River of Life Christian Fellowship
Views: 3,363
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: god, provided, something, better, us, distinctives, new, covenant, zac, poonen, sermon, rlcf, family, conference, 2018, river, life, christian, fellowship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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