God’s Word Heals And Helps You Sleep - Anxiety and Stress Relief

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foreign rest as you listen to this peaceful bedtime story for more Bible stories that bring you refreshing sleep download the abide app in the iTunes or Google Play Store have you ever experienced a season of illness in your life will join me as we look at how we can experience Divine Healing today you know one of life's most stressful events is personal illness or the illness of a loved one unfortunately the presence of illness is as certain as the changing of seasons and as predictable as the weather you pray in faith for healing but the reality is that sometimes healing does not always come in the form that you expect even though we live in a broken and hurting world we can still experience Divine Healing scripture Bears witness to how God heals today you will see how faith in Jesus healed many who were ill for example in Matthew chapter 14 verses 35-36 it tells of one of Jesus's Miracles it reads read and when the men of that place recognized him they sent around to all that region and brought to him all who were sick and implored him that they might only Touch The Fringe of His Garment and as many as touched it were made well when Jesus landed in genocera people recognized him as a Healer they gathered all who were sick and brought them to The Miracle Worker this act of urgency and intentionality showed great faith the caregivers had to risk exposing the ill to make their way to Jesus but their faith was greater than their fear those who believed relied on what Jesus had done in the past to press forward no matter the odds against them so today if illness has dominated your life for the life of a loved one take a moment to see how God has been a god of healing in the past how have you experienced his Divine Touch to bring relief Comfort or peace will you join me in prayer as we thank God for his ability to heal pray father God I come to you today asking you to show me more of who you are and realize that I live in a world where I experience pain and suffering so help me understand that while you are a Healer you are more than a physical healer you desire to heal my heart so Lord help me recognize where I need to experience Your Divine Healing in my life whether it's physical mental spiritual emotional or even relational it's in Jesus name that I pray now some days when you feel healthy or when you have received good news from the doctor understanding God as a Healer is easy but his healing power is sometimes less obvious when you have a chronic cold or a sick child so today as you begin this time of meditation I invite you to take a few deep breaths as you recognize God's presence with you in this moment as you breathe in feel the life-giving gift of air and recognize that even at this moment is a gift from God foreign as you reflect In This Moment examine your thoughts and feelings when have you allowed Brokenness again whether physical or emotional or relational when have you allowed that Brokenness to distract you from seeing the goodness of God how have you doubted God's activity in your life because of how you were feeling well take a moment to confess your thoughts and feelings to your heavenly father right now and after expressing your heart to God make a moment to proclaim the Forgiveness that you've received through Jesus Christ the Lord gives us the Bible as a testimony of who he is and what he's done for his people in his word god declares his faithfulness throughout history to heal his children from their diseases Jesus was sent to Earth to be a healing balm for a broken world so listen to a record of God's faithfulness from Matthew chapter 14 verses 35 and 36 and when the men of that place recognized him they sent around to all that region and brought to him all who were sick and implored him that they might only Touch The Fringe of His Garment and as many as touched it were made well what words resonate within your heart as you listen to that Passage perhaps there was a phrase that God wants you to infuse into your soul consider that now listen once more to this passage and when the men of that place recognized him they sent around to all that region and brought to him all who were sick and implored him that they might only Touch The Fringe of His Garment and as many as touched it or made well as you hear the words of scripture think about the process of Faith by those who were coming to Jesus in genocera how might God be using this passage today to increase your faith in Christ foreign listen again as I read from the Contemporary English version of Matthew chapter 14 verses 35 and 36. the people found out that he was there he sent word to everyone who lived in that part of the country so they brought all the sick people to Jesus and They begged him just to let them touch his clothes and everyone who did was healed what did you recognize about Jesus's ability to heal through this passage how might the people healing reveal more about who Jesus was to those who experienced the miracle [Music] what truths about Jesus Christ can you Proclaim through this scripture God's character is unchanging and his scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching correcting rebuking and training in righteousness therefore we can apply these words to our lives today so take a moment now and apply them to yours foreign since we are to use scripture as a means of training in righteousness how can you use this passage as an encouragement to your faith knowing that the heavenly father holds his children close when they hurt the most gives hope when life seems unfair take a moment to rest and Hope foreign as you become more familiar with these verses try to recognize any words that seem similar in these verses listen again as I read from Matthew chapter 14 verses 35 and 36. the people found out that he was there and sent word to everyone who lived in that part of the country so they brought him all the sick people to Jesus they begged him just to let them touch his clothes and everyone who did healed what might your response have been as a sick person who heard of Jesus's arrival you are familiar with Jesus's teachings and miracles since he had previously ministered in that area it is a neighbor announces his arrival your friends place your feeble body on a mat and carry you over a mile to see this rabbi trip is long the Line to See Jesus even longer you are exhausted and aching from the day as your eyes meet him for the first time pause what are your thoughts upon seeing him how did you feel picturing yourself face to face with Jesus how does the experience of the opportunity of healing Express itself in Praise consider that once more where have you experienced God's healing healing God's healing is a result of his inherent goodness so take time now to examine that Discover It find that in your life [Music] foreign as we close our time of meditation what thoughts or feelings have you had about the Lord well take a moment to lift them up to him in quiet praise how might God want you to apply his word in your life today take a moment to reflect right now join me in a moment of closing prayer dear Lord as I reflect on your attribute as Divine healer today I recognize your power for all physical mental and emotional pain so thank you for always hearing me when I call to you I confess that I sometimes allow my circumstances to distract me from trusting you fully me trust you more by remembering how you've shown your healing power in my life physically mentally emotionally and relationally the courage to make any necessary changes I need to make in my life in Jesus name as you close this time of meditation linger in the moment and rest in the knowledge that your heavenly father is a good and loving father who desires the best for his children and when life seems unfair God's goodness is unchanged he continues to love you and to fight for you I hope that whether you find yourself in a time of Joy or sorrow that you cling to the truth In this passage and abide [Music] [Music] hem writer William calper once said grief is its own medicine when you experience loss important to be gentle and understanding with yourself it takes time to heal turn to God knows how you feel and cares deeply for your well-being He Is A Healer of hearts he will comfort you my dear friend let that truth sink into your soul as you take a deep tension reducing breath drug your shoulders to your ears and let them down keep breathing deeply let your body relax Jesus disciples felt great grief at the idea that Jesus was going to be taken from them soon Jesus knew that in John chapter 16 after telling them that they will weep and lament he said so also you have sorrow now but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice no one will take your joy from you we do not grieve as the world Grieves that does not mean that we don't grieve there is great sorrow in our life here on Earth our sorrow will be turned to Joy when we enter into eternal life with Jesus what have you been grieving lately our hearts are hurt in many different ways significant loss painful words unmet expectations acknowledge these things allow grief to show itself not be overwhelmed let God comfort you with his presence and his peace would you pray with me heavenly father when I feel the sorrow of loss comfort me the way that only you can heal my grieving heart sometimes it feels as if this grief will always be overwhelming to me as sorrow rolls over me close by your side You Are My Shelter in this raging Storm bring me peace that surpasses all understanding guard my heart and my soul in Christ Jesus it is in his precious name that I pray amen all right take another deep breath place your hands over your heart feel the steady beating knowledge your pain lift your hands as you give that pain to the Lord he will comfort you dear one what might be keeping you from feeling God's comfort and nearness today have you been withholding your heart because of your pain that's that to the Lord right now draw near to him when you're overwhelmed by grief it's hard to see God that's where trust comes in he loves you and has never left your side not even for one moment take his hand and let him walk with you listen again to John 16 22 in the English Standard Version as you listen God to highlight a word or phrase in your mind that he wants you to focus on so also you have sorrow now but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice and no one will take your joy from you let me read that again so also you have sorrow now but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice and no one will take your joy from you what did you hear foreign if you've suffered a significant loss you might feel as if you'll never Rejoice again how do these words of scripture speak into that feeling when you're grieving sometimes people don't know what to say and sometimes they end up saying the wrong thing something that's not at all helpful Jesus is telling his disciples a truth they will see him again have hope dear one god holds your tender heart listen to John 16 22 in the New Living Translation so you have sorrow now but I will see you again then you will rejoice and no one can rob you of that Joy in this same chapter Jesus compared the sorrow they feel to a woman in labor there is not much joy in the pain of Labor but there is joy in the birth of the child first Comes the Pain spend a few moments allowing Jesus to touch you in your sorrow you might not be feeling strong emotions currently but you have had grief in your life what does the comfort of Jesus feel like to you [Music] foreign maybe you feel like your heart hurts for something others might consider trivial hurt is trivial to God talk to God to God what brings you pain and then sit with him and let him speak to you [Music] listen now to John 16 22 in the new international version so with you now is your time of grief but I will see you again and you will rejoice and no one will take away your joy there will come a day when nothing will be able to take away your joy this is not forever forever will be with him now listen and reflect on Romans 8 18-27 for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us for the creation Waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God for the creation was subjected to futility willingly but because of him who subjected it in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God foreign for we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the Pains of childbirth until now and not only the creation we ourselves who have the first fruits of the spirit grown inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as Sons Redemption of our bodies for in this hope we were saved foreign is not hope for who hopes for what he sees if we hope for what we do not see wait for it with patience likewise the spirit helps us in our weakness for we do not know what to pray for as we ought but the spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words thank you and he who searches Hearts knows what is the mind of the spirit because the spirit intercedes for the Saints according to the will of God [Music] let's pray Lord thank you for holding my heart with such tenderness and compassion sometimes it seems like the griefs just keep piling up what to do but you always hear me when I cry my tears are not wasted your word tells me that you keep them in a bottle you know what my hurts are care that I am hurting even when friends say the wrong thing trying to be helpful your word is always a soothing balm remember forever is longer than this life with all its sorrow and its joys let God heal your hurting heart as he prepares you to spend eternity with him until next time may you abide in Christ [Music] foreign can you remember words that made a positive difference in your life perhaps they came from a teacher a coach a friend or a parent maybe they helped change your attitude or perspective about something let those memories stir in your heart as you take a deep breath and hold it for the count of four one two three four now release it slowly one two three four let your shoulders relax as you listen to Proverbs 12 18 which says there's one whose rash words are like sword thrusts but the tongue of the wise brings healing this verse reminds us that there are two kinds of words those that harm and those that bring healing Like a Knife harsh words can cut deep into the soul unconstructive criticism or abusive language can cause great damage but well-chosen words can bring comfort and healing it can motivate the hearer to move forward Beyond where they initially thought possible as you Ponder the kinds of words you speak to others try to examine whether they condemn or comfort hurt or heal God desires us to speak words of healing father God your words bring life they always have by Your Word the worlds were made by Your Word people are healed I am made in your image Lord I want my words to bring life but sometimes I lash out words just come out of my mouth before I really think about their impact help me to think before I speak to let your spirit guide every word let my speech always honor you it's in the name of Jesus that I pray amen take another deep breath try putting your hands over your mouth to show your willingness to let the spirit control your words close your eyes if you're able and picture the flame that are your words do they warm or do they destroy lift your hands now and surrender to the Lord and his plan for you foreign as you seek the Lord ask him to Search Your Heart how might you have experienced distance from God due to disobedience the Lord Longs for intimacy with you so much sent his son to die in your place use this time to experience Christ's forgiveness and reconnect with the father foreign as you meditate on God's word experience the life that it brings let it burrow into your heart change you from the inside out listen again to Proverbs 12 18 from the English Standard Version there is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts but the tongue of the wise brings healing as you heard the passage what grabbed your attention listen carefully as I read the passage again there is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts but the tongue of the wise brings healing [Music] thank you Hebrews 4 12 tells us that God's word is active and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of soul and of spirit of joints and of marrow and Discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart what's the difference between the sword thrusts of harsh words and the piercing of the sword of God's word listen again as I read Proverbs 12 18. from the Contemporary English version sharp words cut like a sword but words of wisdom heal there's a well-known saying hurt people hurt people Jesus said that out of the depths of the heart the mouth speaks how have you lashed out at someone because of your own pain wisdom is not simply about knowing what to say but knowing when to say it Proverbs 25 20 says whoever sings songs to a heavy heart is like one who takes off a garment on a cold day and like vinegar on soda when have you had healing words for someone but said them at the wrong time or had that done to you thank you God desires for us to grow in wisdom how might you grow in the wisdom that you speak to others foreign listen once more as I read Proverbs 12 18 in the Contemporary English version sharp words cut like a sword but words of wisdom heal have you ever realized your words hurt someone only after you said them you see their face collapse in defeat you often want to take the words back but the damage is done yet restoration and healing can still occur take a few moments to ponder how restoration can happen after harsh words have been spoken on the other hand the right words at the right time can bring life we're not talking about flattery or even compliments we're talking about speaking words of blessing over someone maybe there's someone that needs you to extend a healing Word of Wisdom spend some time now asking God to bring to mind someone who you can speak life into foreign picture someone you know who's been wounded by life circumstances or the harsh words of others their emotional wounds as actual physical ones as you approach them do you have lemon juice to pour over that wound or healing oil that will soothe and restore foreign How Could You guard yourself from speaking harshly Ponder some practical ways to protect your heart and tongue now [Music] thank you father God thank you for this time when I can examine my relationship with you thank you for allowing me to be still before you as you've created me in your image help me reflect Who You Are I pray you'll help me build others up rather than tear them down thank you for your love in Jesus name amen as you close this time of reflection rejoice in the knowledge that God wants to provide you with all the wisdom you need remember God is for you and not against you he's brought you out of death and into life therefore Speak Life into everyone you encounter today until next time may you abide in Christ what has the Holy Spirit given you that you can give away in the weeks after Jesus death resurrection and dissension his disciples continued praying at the temple one day as Peter and John went to pray they met a man who had been lame from birth he asked them for money Peter looked him in the eye and answered I have no silver and gold but what I do have I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk take a deep breath and picture the scene Peter took the man by the hand and raised him up his feet and ankles were made strong and he began walking and leaping and praising God and all the people recognized him as the one who was usually sitting at the Gate of the temple asking for Alps and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him by the Holy Spirit Peter and John were able to heal in Jesus name to the glory of God ask God to show you what gifts the Holy Spirit wants you to share in the name of Jesus this wasn't the last time the disciples would meet a physical need of someone they encountered there are numerous stories of healings done in the name and power of Jesus to them bringing the gospel included caring for the sick in the same way the Holy Spirit enables you to care for the people in your past whatever that might look like pray with me God help me to be attentive to the needs of people you've placed in my life and help me to believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to heal may I rejoice in the work that you've done and may my rejoicing help many more people to see your greatness in Jesus name I pray take a deep breath and exhaling check in with your body inhale again breathing in God's love for your body and exhaling release any negative feelings you have about your body God Made You and God Delights in you though your body may not find healing and wholeness until the next life know that your body is a gift and that is lovely to God breathe that in [Music] take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to Search Your Heart and to reveal to you any sins that hide there confess them to the Lord you can be sure that he will forgive Jesus defeated the powers of sin and death once and for all on the cross you belong to him and no one can ever snatch you out of his hand listen to Acts chapter 3 verse 6 in the English Standard Version but Peter said I have no silver and gold but what I do have I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk as I read that verse again listen for word or phrase that stands out to you but Peter said I have no silver and gold but what I do have I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk what did you hear reflective asking the spirit to speak thank you when have you had an opportunity to share your gifts with the person in need foreign listen to Acts chapter 3 verse 6 in the Amplified Bible but Peter said silver and gold I do not have but what I do have I give to you in the name Authority power of Jesus Christ the Nazarene begin now to walk and go on walking Peter had probably seen this many times after all the lame man was well known by regular Temple cores but this time their interaction was different than it had ever been before this time led by the spirit Peter offered healing who is someone you see regularly that the spirit is inviting you to see afresh Peter didn't go looking for this encounter came about through his normal patterns of worshiping God he was putting himself in the right place for God to work through him are you regularly putting yourself in the right place for God to work through you ask God to help you be faithful in worshiping and seeking help so that you will be available for him to use foreign listen to Acts chapter 3 verse 6 in the New Living Translation but Peter said I don't have any silver or gold for you but I'll give you what I have in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene get up and walk imagine you're on your way to worship at the temple outside you see a man asking for money I didn't see him there he's been lame since birth and the community cares for him how does it make you feel to see him there foreign for some coins but before you find them you see Peter and John stopping to talk to the man surely they won't have money to give ever since Peter stopped fishing to follow Jesus he's been short on cash you see him clasp hands with the beggar and then the beggar stance and walks and jumps what do you think has happened foreign God it's wild it's undignified it's improper you can't tear your eyes away he's embracing Peter and John clinging to them and everyone is rushing close to see what's happened you whisper a prayer of praise to God for this miracle foreign hours later everyone is still buzzing with the news some insist that it wasn't the same man that it was a hoax someone pretending to be healed others are asking questions curious about the followers of Jesus others sick and lame or gathering in front of the Temple became healing for themselves what do you have to offer them foreign pray with me Jesus you told your disciples that with faith they could do even greater things than the Miracles they'd witnessed you doing give me that kind of faith faith that gives generously faith that believes in the impossible faith that brings healing and that continues to believe in your goodness even when healing doesn't come may my faith bring many to worship you foreign let the holy spirit guide you into greater and deeper Faith as you follow Jesus until next time may you abide in Christ are you facing an area in your life where you do not have the answer well join us as we look at how even when faced with the unknown we can have peace HP Lovecraft once wrote the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown when faced with an unknown situation especially concerning your health the natural inclination is to fear well today we will look at how even when facing the unknown we can trust in the Lord for strength when your life has a giant question mark stamped in the place where you hoped there would be answers the void can seem all-consuming in the Book of Psalms chapter 19 verses 7 through 8 it brings perspective about the power of God's word in times of fear it reads the law of the Lord is perfect Reviving The Soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise this simple precepts of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart the Commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes scripture is a powerful tool in times of fear and anxiety so when facing an unknown diagnosis you can look to the truth in the Bible as a source of hope it proclaims truth of who God is his promises for you and how faithful he has been in the past looking to scripture in these times will help you rest during your season of waiting so today as we reflect on any time of unknowns in your life take a moment to reflect on the truth in scripture of who God is characteristic of God do you need to see displayed in your life today well join me as we open in a word of Prayer dear Lord God I think you are giving me the truth of who you are through your word today so help me focus on you today rather than what is unknown about my life I pray that I will live a life of Faith rather than fear thank you for giving me hope through Jesus May rejoice in all things today in Jesus name I pray amen you begin this time of meditation should it take a moment to free your mind today allow the next several minutes to be about your relationship with the Lord position yourself to where you can focus only on him for a few moments today as you begin this time of meditation I invite you to take a few deep breaths as you recognize God's presence with you in this moment as you breathe in feel the life-giving gift of air recognize that even in this moment it's a gift from God foreign as you reflect In This Moment examine your thoughts and feelings when have you allowed questions about your health or your future control your thoughts how have you doubted God's activity because you've not received back an answer or the answer that you desire take a moment to confess your thoughts and feelings to your heavenly father now and after expressing your heart to God take a moment to proclaim the Forgiveness that you've received through Jesus Christ the Lord gives us his word as a testimony of who he is and what he has done for other people Psalms declare many of God's attributes through poetry listen to a record of God's faithfulness from Psalm chapter 19 verses 7 through 8. the law of the Lord is perfect Reviving The Soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise this simple the precepts of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart the Commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes as you listened to that passage what hope did God give you in his word was there a word that stood out in your mind perhaps there was a phrase that God wants you to cling to today listen once more to this passage the law of the Lord is perfect Reviving The Soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise this simple the precepts of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart the Commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes as you hear the words of scripture how is God calling you to trust him how might God be using this passage today to increase your faith in Christ [Music] foreign listen again as I read from the Contemporary English version of Psalm chapter 19. verses 7 and 8. The Law of the Lord is perfect it gives us new life his teachings last forever and they give wisdom to Ordinary People the Lord's instruction is right it makes our hearts glad his Commandments shine brightly and they give us light what is the new life that God wants you to live in him Jesus came to Earth so that you could have life and have it abundantly so when facing an undiagnosed condition the Temptation is to allow fear to steal that Joy how can your faith in Christ sustain you in these times consider that now this Psalm tells us that God's teachings are forever they give wisdom to anyone who lives by them so how can you apply this passage to what you are facing today consider that once again since you are to use scripture to grow closer to God how can you use this passage as an encouragement to your faith take a moment now to rejoice in Hope Promises of this passage [Music] foreign as you become more familiar with these verses try to recognize any words that seem similar between the verses listen again as I read from Psalm chapter 19 verses 7 through 8. the law of the Lord is perfect gives us new life his teachings last forever and they give wisdom to Ordinary People the Lord's instruction is right it makes our hearts glad his Commandments shine brightly and they give us light as you listen to this passage what image did you see in your mind of the heavenly father well take a moment to picture yourself in the arms of the father he knows your needs your questions and yes he does have answers he understands your pain pause here now and settle in that truth God does nothing without reason he is a god of wisdom how have you gained wisdom in any area where you may have unanswered questions how is God using this time to grow your faith in him ponder that now foreign what light is the Lord trying to shine on the situation that you're facing how can this time build your trust in Jesus settled into that question and ponder it for a moment [Music] foreign [Music] as we close our time of meditation how might you experience Joy through God's word even when you face the fear of the unknown take a moment now to reflect join me now in a moment of closing prayer dear Lord God thank you for giving me this time to spend with you today and thank you for your word to comfort me in times of weakness and in times of my need help me to see you more clearly when I do not know what lies in and thank you for Jesus who walked this path before me thank you for giving me your spirit as a reminder that you are always with me and it's in Jesus name that I pray foreign as you close this time of meditation take a moment to rest in the knowledge that your heavenly father is a good and loving father who desires the best for you even when you don't have all the answers God is still Seated on his throne I hope that whether you find yourself in a time of Joy or sorrow you cling to the truth In this passage and abide in your relationship with Christ foreign have you ever experienced a season of illness in your life will join me as we look at how we can experience Divine Healing today you know one of life's most stressful events is personal illness or the illness of a loved one unfortunately the presence of illness is as certain as the changing of seasons and as predictable as the weather you pray in faith for healing but the reality is that sometimes healing does not always come in the form that you expect even though we live in a broken and hurting world we can still experience Divine Healing scripture Bears witness to how God heals today you will see how faith in Jesus healed many who were ill for example in Matthew chapter 14 verses 35-36 it tells of one of Jesus's Miracles it reads and when the men of that place recognized him they sent around to all that region and brought to him all who were sick and implored him that they might only Touch The Fringe of His Garment and as many as touched it were made well when Jesus landed in genocera people recognized him as a Healer they gathered all who were sick and brought them to the miracle worker this act of urgency and intentionality showed great faith the caregivers had to risk exposing the ill to make their way to Jesus but their faith was greater than their fear those who believed relied on what Jesus had done in the past to press forward no matter the odds against them so today if illness has dominated your life for the life of a loved one take a moment to see how God has been a god of healing in the past how have you experienced his Divine Touch to leaf Comfort or peace will you join me in prayer as we thank God for his ability to heal pray father God come to you today asking you to show me more of who you are and realize that I live in a world where I experience pain and suffering so help me understand that while you are a Healer you are more than a physical healer desire to heal my heart so Lord help me recognize where I need to experience Your Divine Healing in my life whether it's physical mental spiritual emotional or even relational it's in Jesus name that I pray now some days when you feel healthy or when you have received good news from the doctor understanding God as a Healer is easy but his healing power is sometimes less obvious when you have a chronic cold or a sick child so today as you begin this time of meditation I invite you to take a few deep breaths as you recognize God's presence with you in this moment to breathe in feel the life-giving gift of air and recognize that even at this moment is a gift from God foreign as you reflect In This Moment examine your thoughts and feelings when have you allowed Brokenness again whether physical or emotional or relational when have you allowed that Brokenness to distract you from seeing the goodness of God how have you doubted God's activity in your life because of how you were feeling well take a moment to confess your thoughts and feelings to your heavenly father right now and after expressing your heart to God take a moment to proclaim the Forgiveness that you've received through Jesus Christ [Music] the Lord gives us the Bible as a testimony of who he is and what he's done for his people in his word god declares his faithfulness throughout history to heal his children from their diseases Jesus was sent to Earth to be a healing balm for a broken world so listen to a record of God's faithfulness from Matthew 14 verses 35 and 36. and when the men of that place recognized him they sent around to all that region and brought to him all who were sick and implored him that they might only Touch The Fringe of His Garment and as many as touched it were made well what words resonate within your heart as you listen to that Passage perhaps there was a phrase that God wants you to infuse into your soul sitter that now [Music] foreign listen once more to this passage and when the men of that place recognized him they sent around to all that region and brought to him all who were sick and implored him that they might only Touch The Fringe of His Garment and as many as touched it were made well as you hear the words of scripture think about the process of Faith by those who are coming to Jesus in genocera how might God be using this passage today to increase your faith in Christ foreign listen again as I read from the Contemporary English version of Matthew chapter 14 verses 35 and 36. the people found out that he was there sent word to everyone who lived in that part of the country so they brought all the sick people to Jesus and They begged him just to let them touch his clothes and everyone who did was healed what did you recognize about Jesus's ability to heal through this passage how might the people healing reveal more about who Jesus was to those who experienced the miracle what truths about Jesus Christ can you Proclaim through this scripture God's character is unchanging and his scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching correcting rebuking and training in righteousness therefore we can apply these words to our lives today so take a moment now and apply them to yours thank you since we are to use scripture as a means of training in righteousness how can you use this passage as an encouragement to your faith knowing that the heavenly father holds his children close when they hurt the most gives hope when life seems unfair take a moment to rest and hope in your heavenly father foreign as you become more familiar with these verses try to recognize any words that seem similar in these verses listen again as I read from Matthew chapter 14 verses 35 and 36. the people found out that he was there they sent word to everyone who lived in that part of the country so they brought him all the sick people to Jesus they begged him just to let them touch his clothes and everyone who did was healed what might your response have been as a sick person who heard of Jesus's arrival you were familiar with Jesus's teachings and miracles since he had previously ministered in that area as soon as a neighbor announces his arrival your friends place your feeble body on a mat and carry you over a mile to see this rabbi the trip is long the Line to See Jesus even longer you are exhausted and aching from the day as your eyes meet him for the first time pause what are your thoughts upon seeing [Music] how did you feel picturing yourself face to face with Jesus how does the experience of the opportunity of healing Express itself in Praise consider that once more foreign God's healing in your life God's healing is a result of his inherent goodness so take time now to examine that Discover It find that in your life [Music] thank you as we close our time of meditation what thoughts or feelings have you had about the Lord take a moment to lift them up to him in quiet praise how might God want you to apply his word in your life today take a moment to reflect right now [Music] join me in a moment of closing prayer dear Lord as I reflect on your attribute as a Divine healer today I recognize your power over all physical mental and emotional pain so thank you for always hearing me when I call to you I confess that I sometimes allow my circumstances to distract me from trusting you fully me trust you more by remembering how you've shown your healing power in my life physically mentally emotionally and relationally the courage to make any necessary changes I need to make in my life Jesus name as you close this time of meditation linger in the moment and rest in the knowledge that your heavenly father is a good and loving father who desires the best for his children even when life seems unfair God's goodness is unchanged continues to love you and to fight for you I hope that whether you find yourself in a time of Joy or sorrow that you cling to the truth In this passage and abide Kim writer William calper once said grief is its own medicine when you experience loss so important to be gentle and understanding with yourself it takes time to heal turn to God knows how you feel and cares deeply for your well-being He Is A Healer of hearts he will comfort you my dear friend let that truth sink into your soul as you take a deep tension-reducing breath shrug your shoulders to your ears breathing deep deep let your body relax Jesus disciples felt great grief at the idea that Jesus was going to be taken from them soon Jesus knew that in John chapter 16 after telling them that they will weep and lament he said so also you have sorrow now but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice and no one will take your joy from you we do not grieve as the world Grieves but that does not mean that we don't grieve there is great sorrow in our life here on Earth our sorrow will be turned to Joy when we enter into eternal life with Jesus what have you been grieving lately our hearts are hurt in many different ways significant loss painful words unmet expectations [Music] acknowledge these things allow grief to show itself but do not be overwhelmed let God comfort you with his presence and his peace would you pray with me heavenly father when I feel the sorrow of loss comfort me the way that only you can heal my grieving heart sometimes it feels as if this grief will always be overwhelming to me to me sorrow rolls over me keep me close by your side You Are My Shelter in this raging Storm bring me peace that surpasses all understanding guard my heart and my soul in Christ Jesus it is in his precious name that I pray take another deep breath place your hands over your heart feel the steady beating acknowledge your pain and then lift your hands as you give that pain to the Lord he will comfort you dear one what might be keeping you from feeling God's comfort and nearness today have you been withholding your heart because of your pain that's that to the Lord right now draw near to him when you're overwhelmed by grief it's hard to see God it's where trust comes in he loves you and has never left your side not even for one moment take his hand and let him walk with you listen again to John 16 22 in the English Standard Version as you listen ask God to highlight a word or phrase in your mind that he wants you to focus on so also you have sorrow now but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice and no one will take your joy from you let me read that again so also you have sorrow now but I will see you again your hearts will rejoice and no one will take your joy from you what did you hear if you've suffered a significant loss you might feel as if you'll never Rejoice again how do these words of scripture speak into that feeling foreign sometimes people don't know what to say and sometimes they end up saying the wrong thing something that's not at all helpful Jesus is telling his disciples a truth they will see him again have hope dear one god holds your tender heart listen to John 16 22 in the New Living Translation so you have sorrow now but I will see you again then you will rejoice and no one can rob you of that Joy in this same chapter Jesus compared the sorrow they feel to a woman in labor there is not much joy in the pain of Labor oh but there is joy in the birth of the child first Comes the Pain spend a few moments allowing Jesus to touch you in your sorrow you might not be feeling strong emotions currently but you have had grief in your life what does the comfort of Jesus feel like to you foreign maybe you feel like your heart hurts for something others might consider trivial but no hurt is Trivial to God talk to God about what brings you pain and then sit with him and let him speak to you foreign 16 22 in the new international version so with you now is your time of grief but I will see you again and you will rejoice and no one will take away your joy there will come a day when nothing will be able to take away your joy this is not forever forever will be with him now listen and reflect on Romans 8 18 through 27. for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us for the creation Waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God for the creation was subjected to futility not willingly but because of him who subjected it in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption the freedom of the glory of the children of God foreign for we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the Pains of childbirth until now and not only the creation we ourselves who have the first fruits of the spirit grown inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as Sons the Redemption of our bodies for in this hope we were saved foreign is not hope for who hopes for what he sees if we hope for what we do not see we wait for it with patience likewise the spirit helps us in our weakness for we do not know what to pray for as we ought but the spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words [Music] thank you and he who searches Hearts knows what is the mind of the spirit because the spirit intercedes for the Saints according to the will of God let's pray pray Lord thank you for holding my heart with such tenderness and compassion sometimes it seems like the griefs just keep piling up to do you always hear me when I cry my tears are not wasted your word tells me that you keep them in a bottle you know what my hurts are and you care that I am hurting even when friends say the wrong thing trying to be helpful your word always a soothing balm remember forever is longer than this life with all its sorrow and its joys let God heal your hurting heart as he prepares you to spend eternity with him [Music] until next time may you abide in Christ [Music] can you remember words that made a positive difference in your life perhaps they came from a teacher a coach a friend or a parent maybe they helped change your attitude or perspective about something let those memories stir in your heart as you take a deep breath and hold it for the count of four one two three four now release it slowly one two three four let your shoulders relax as you listen to Proverbs 12 18 which says there's one whose rash words are like sword thrusts but the tongue of the wise brings healing this verse reminds us that there are two kinds of words those that harm and those that bring healing Like a Knife harsh words can cut deep into the soul unconstructive criticism or abusive language can cause great damage but well-chosen words can bring comfort and healing they can motivate the hearer to move forward Beyond where they initially thought possible as you Ponder the kinds of words you speak to others try to examine whether they condemn or comfort hurt or heal God desires us to speak words of healing father God your words bring life they always have by Your Word the worlds were made by Your Word people are healed I am made in your image Lord I want my words to bring life sometimes I lash out words just come out of my mouth before I really think about their impact help me to think before I speak to let your spirit guide every word let my speech always honor you it's in the name of Jesus that I pray amen another deep breath try putting your hands over your mouth to show your willingness to let the spirit control your words close your eyes if you're able and picture the flame that are your words do they warm or do they destroy lift your hands now and surrender to the Lord and his plan for you foreign as you seek the Lord ask him to Search Your Heart how might you have experienced distance from God due to disobedience the Lord Longs for intimacy with you so much he sent his son to die in your place use this time to experience Christ's forgiveness and reconnect with the father as you meditate on God's word experience the life that it brings let it burrow into your heart and change you from the inside out listen again to Proverbs 12 18 from the English Standard Version there is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts but the tongue of the wise brings healing as you heard the passage what grabbed your attention listen carefully as I read the passage again there is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts but the tongue of the wise brings healing Hebrews 4 12 tells us that God's word is active and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of soul and of spirit of joints and of marrow and Discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart what's the difference between the sword thrusts of harsh words and the piercing of the sword of God's word foreign [Music] [Music] as I read Proverbs 12 18 from the Contemporary English version sharp words cut like a sword but words of wisdom heal there's a well-known saying hurt people hurt people Jesus said that out of the depths of the heart the mouth speaks how have you lashed out at someone because of your own pain foreign is not simply about knowing what to say but knowing when to say it Proverbs 25 20 says whoever sings songs to a heavy heart is like one who takes off a garment on a cold day and like vinegar on soda when have you had healing words for someone but said them at the wrong time or had that done to you God desires for us to grow in wisdom how might you grow in the wisdom that you speak to others foreign listen once more as I read Proverbs 12 18 in the Contemporary English version sharp words cut like a sword but words of wisdom heal have you ever realized your words hurt someone only after you said them you see their face collapse in defeat you often want to take the words back but the damage is done yet restoration and healing can still occur take a few moments to ponder how restoration can happen after harsh words have been spoken foreign the right words at the right time can bring life we're not talking about flattery or even compliments we're talking about speaking words of blessing over someone maybe there's someone that needs you to extend a healing Word of Wisdom spend some time now asking God to bring to mind someone who you can speak life into picture someone you know who's been wounded by life circumstances or the harsh words of others seeing their emotional wounds as actual physical wounds as you approach them do you have lemon juice to pour over that wound or healing oil that will soothe and restore foreign How Could You guard yourself from speaking harshly Ponder some practical ways to protect your heart and tongue now foreign father God thank you for this time when I can examine my relationship with you thank you for allowing me to be still before you as you've created me in your image help me reflect Who You Are I pray you'll help me build others up rather than tear them down thank you for your love in Jesus name amen as you close this time of reflection rejoice in the knowledge that God wants to provide you with all the wisdom you need remember God is for you not against you he's brought you out of death and into life therefore Speak Life into everyone you encounter today until next time may you abide in Christ what has the Holy Spirit given you that you can give away and the weeks after Jesus death resurrection and Ascension his disciples continued praying at the temple one day as Peter and John went to pray they met a man who had been lame from birth he asked them for money Peter looked him in the eye and answered I have no silver and gold but what I do have I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk take a deep breath and picture the scene Peter took the man by the hand and raised him up his feet and ankles were made strong and he began walking and leaping and praising God and all the people recognized him as the one who was usually sitting at the Gate of the Temple asking for Alps and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him by the Holy Spirit Peter and John were able to heal in Jesus name to the glory of God ask God to show you what gifts the Holy Spirit wants you to share in the name of Jesus this wasn't the last time the disciples would meet a physical need of someone they encountered there are numerous stories of healings done in the name and power of Jesus to them bringing the gospel included caring for the sick in the same way the Holy Spirit enables you to care for the people in your past whatever that might look like pray with me God help me to be attentive to the needs of people you've placed in my life it helped me to believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to heal may I rejoice in the work that you've done and may my rejoicing help many more people to see your greatness in Jesus name I pray amen take a deep breath and exhaling check in with your body inhale again breathing in God's love for your body exhaling release any negative feelings you have about your body God Made You and God Delights in you though your body may not find healing and wholeness until the next life know that your body is a gift and that is lovely to God breathe that in take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to Search Your Heart and to reveal to you any sins that hide there confess them to the Lord you can be sure that he will forgive Jesus defeated the powers of sin and death once and for all on the cross you belong to him and no one can ever snatch you out of his hand listen to Acts chapter 3 verse 6 in the English Standard Version but Peter said I have no silver and gold but what I do have I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk as I read that verse again listen for word or phrase that stands out to you but Peter said I have no silver and gold but what I do have I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk what did you hear reflect on it asking the spirit to speak foreign have you had an opportunity to share your gifts with the person in need foreign listen to Acts chapter 3 verse 6 in the Amplified Bible but Peter said silver and gold I do not have but what I do have I give to you in the name Authority power of Jesus Christ the Nazarene begin now to walk and go on walking Peter had probably seen this many times after all the lame man was well known by regular Temple goers but this time their interaction was different than it had ever been before this time led by the spirit Peter offered healing who is someone you see regularly that the spirit is inviting you to see afresh Peter didn't go looking for this encounter it came about through his normal patterns of worshiping God he was putting himself in the right place for God to work through him are you regularly putting yourself in the right place for God to work through you ask God to help you be faithful in worshiping and seeking him so that you will be available for him to use foreign listen to Acts chapter 3 verse 6 in the New Living Translation but Peter said I don't have any silver or gold for you but I'll give you what I have in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene get up and walk imagine you're on your way to worship at the temple outside you see a man asking for money you often see him there he's been lame since birth and the community cares for him how does it make you feel to see him there you reach into your bag for some coins but before you find them you see Peter and John stopping to talk to the man surely they won't have money to give ever since Peter stopped fishing to follow Jesus he's been short on cash you see him clasp hands with the beggar and then the beggar stands and walks and jumps what do you think has happened foreign and praising God wild it's undignified it's improper you can't tear your eyes away he's embracing Peter and John clinging to them and everyone is rushing close to see what's happened you whisper a prayer of praise to God for this miracle foreign hours later everyone is still buzzing with the news some insist that it wasn't the same man that it was a hoax someone pretending to be healed others are asking questions curious about the followers of Jesus others sick and lame are gathering in front of the Temple seeking healing for themselves what do you have to offer them foreign pray with me Jesus you told your disciples that with faith they could do even greater things than the Miracles they witnessed you doing give me that kind of thing faith that gives generously faith that believes in the impossible faith that brings healing and that continues to believe in your goodness even when healing doesn't come may my faith bring many to Worship You amen today let the holy spirit guide you into greater and deeper Faith as you follow Jesus until next time may you abide in at least are you facing an area in your life where you do not have the answer will join us as we look at how even when faced with the unknown we can have peace HP Lovecraft once wrote the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown when faced with an unknown situation especially concerning your health the natural inclination is to fear today we will look at how even when facing the unknown and trust in the Lord for strength when your life has a giant question mark stamped in the place where you hoped there would be answers the void can seem all-consuming in the Book of Psalms chapter 19 verses 7 through 8. it brings perspective about the power of God's word in times of fear it reads the law of the Lord is perfect Reviving The Soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise this simple the precepts of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart the Commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes scripture is a powerful tool in times of fear and anxiety so when facing an unknown diagnosis you can look to the truth in the Bible as a source of hope it proclaims truth of who God is his promises for you and how faithful he has been in the past looking to scripture in these times will help you rest during your season of waiting so today as we reflect on any time of unknowns in your life take a moment to reflect on the truth in scripture of who God is what characteristic of God do you need to see displayed in your life today join me as we open in a word of Prayer dear Lord God I think you are giving me the truth of who you are through your word today so help me focus on you today rather than what is unknown about my life I pray that I will live a life of Faith rather than fear thank you for giving me hope through Jesus and help me rejoice in all things today Jesus name I pray amen as you begin this time of meditation I want you to take a moment to free your mind today allow the next several minutes to be about your relationship with the Lord position yourself to where you can focus only on him for a few months today as you begin this time of meditation I invite you to take a few deep breaths as you recognize God's presence with you in this moment as you breathe in feel the life-giving gift of air recognize that even in this moment it's a gift from God as you reflect In This Moment examine your thoughts and feelings when have you allowed questions about your health or your future control your thoughts how have you doubted God's activity because you've not received back an answer or the answer that you desired take a moment to confess your thoughts and feelings to your heavenly father now and after expressing your heart to God take a moment to proclaim the Forgiveness that you've received through Jesus Christ the Lord gives us his word as a testimony of who he is and what he has done for other people the Psalms declare many of God's attributes through poetry listen to a record of God's faithfulness from Psalm chapter 19 verses 7 through 8. the law of the Lord is perfect Reviving The Soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise this simple the precepts of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart the Commandment of the Lord is enlightening the eyes as you listened to that passage what hope did God give you in his word was there a word that stood out in your mind perhaps there was a phrase that God wants you to cling to today listen once more to this passage the law of the Lord is perfect Reviving The Soul testimony of the Lord is sure making wise this simple the precepts of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart the Commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes as you hear the words of scripture how is God calling you to trust him today how might God be using this passage today to increase your faith in Christ [Music] [Music] [Music] listen again as I read from the Contemporary English version of Psalm chapter 19 verses 7 and 8. the law of the Lord is perfect it gives us new life his teachings last forever and they give wisdom to Ordinary People the Lord's instruction is right it makes our hearts glad his Commandments shine brightly and they give us light what is the new life that God wants you to live in him Jesus came to Earth so that you could have life and have it abundantly so when facing an undiagnosed condition the Temptation is to allow fear to steal that Joy how can your faith in Christ sustain you in these times consider that now [Music] foreign this Psalm tells us that God's teachings are forever they give wisdom to anyone who lives by them so how can you apply this passage to what you are facing today consider that once again foreign scripture to grow closer to God how can you use this passage as an encouragement to your faith take a moment now to rejoice and hope in the promises of this passage foreign as you become more familiar with these verses try to recognize any words that seem similar between the verses listen again as I read from Psalm chapter 19 verses 7 through 8. the law of the Lord is perfect gives us new life his teachings last forever and they give wisdom to Ordinary People the Lord's instruction is right it makes our hearts glad his Commandments shine brightly and they as you listen to this passage what image did you see in your mind of the heavenly father we'll take a moment to picture yourself in the arms of the father he knows your needs he knows your questions and yes he does have answers he understands your pain pause here now and settle in that truth God does nothing without reason he is a god of wisdom how have you gained wisdom in any area where you may have unanswered questions how is God using this time to grow your faith in him ponder that now what light is the Lord trying to shine on the situation that you're facing how can this time build your trust in Jesus settle into that question and ponder it for a moment foreign as we close our time of meditation how might you experience Joy through God's word even when you face the fear of the unknown well take a moment now to reflect join me now in a moment of closing prayer dear Lord God thank you for giving me this time to spend with you today and thank you for your word to comfort me in times of weakness and in times of my need help me to see you more clearly when I do not know what lies ahead and thank you for Jesus who walked this path before me thank you for giving me your spirit as a reminder that you are always with me and it's in Jesus name that I pray amen as you close this time of meditation take a moment to rest in the knowledge that your heavenly father is a good and loving father who desires the best for you even when you don't have all the answers God is still Seated on his throne I hope that whether you find yourself in a time of Joy or sorrow you cling to the truth In this passage and abide in your relationship with Christ foreign have you ever experienced a season of illness in your life will join me as we look at how we can experience Divine Healing today you know one of life's most stressful events is personal illness or the illness of a loved one unfortunately the presence of illness is as certain as the changing of seasons and as predictable as the weather you pray in faith for healing but the reality is that sometimes healing does not always come in the form that you expect even though we live in a broken and hurting world we can still experience Divine Healing scripture Bears witness to how God heals and today you will see how faith in Jesus healed many who were ill for example in Matthew chapter 14 verses 35-36 it tells of one of Jesus's Miracles it reads and when the men of that place recognized him they sent around to all that region and brought to him all who were sick and implored him that they might only Touch The Fringe of His Garment and as many as touched it were made well when Jesus landed in genocide people recognized him as a Healer they gathered all who were sick and brought them to the miracle worker this act of urgency and intentionality showed great faith the caregivers had to risk exposing the ill to make their way to Jesus but their faith was greater than their fear those who believed relied on what Jesus had done in the past to press forward no matter the odds against them so today if illness has dominated your life or the life of a loved one take a moment to see how God has been a god of healing in the past how have you experienced his Divine Touch to bring relief comfort or peace will you join me in prayer as we thank God for his ability to heal let's pray father God I come to you today asking you to show me more of who you are and realize that I live in a world where I experience pain and suffering so help me understand that while you are a Healer you are more than a physical healer desire to heal my heart so Lord help me recognize where I need to experience Your Divine Healing in my life whether it's physical mental spiritual emotional or even relational in Jesus name that I pray now some days when you feel healthy or when you have received good news from the doctor understanding God as a Healer is easy but his healing power is sometimes less obvious when you have a chronic cold or a sick child so today as you begin this time of meditation I invite you to take a few deep breaths recognize God's presence with you in this moment breathe in of a life-giving gift of air and recognize that even at this moment is a gift from God as you reflect In This Moment examine your thoughts and feelings when have you allowed Brokenness again whether physical or emotional or relational when have you allowed that Brokenness to distract you from seeing the goodness of God how have you doubted God's activity in your life because of how you were feeling well take a moment to confess your thoughts and feelings to your heavenly father right now and after expressing your heart to God take a moment to proclaim the Forgiveness that you've received through Jesus Christ foreign the Lord gives us the Bible as a testimony of who he is and what he's done for his people in his word god declares his faithfulness throughout history to heal his children from their diseases Jesus was sent to Earth to be a healing balm for a broken world so listen to a record of God's faithfulness from Matthew chapter 14 verses 35 and 36. and when the men of that place recognized him they sent around to all that region and brought to him all who were sick and implored him that they might only Touch The Fringe of His Garment and as many as touched it were made well what words resonate within your heart as you listen to that Passage perhaps there was a phrase that God wants you to infuse into your soul consider that now [Music] [Music] listen once more to this passage and when the men of that place recognized him they sent around to all that region and brought to him all who were sick and implored him that they might only Touch The Fringe of His Garment as many as touched it were made well as you hear the words of scripture think about the process of Faith by those who were coming to Jesus in genocide how might God be using this passage today to increase your faith in Christ foreign [Music] listen again as I read from the Contemporary English version of Matthew chapter 14 verses 35 and 36. the people found out that he was there sent word to everyone who lived in that part of the country so they brought all the sick people to Jesus and They begged him just to let them touch his clothes and everyone who did was healed who recognize about Jesus's ability to heal through this passage how might the people healing reveal more about who Jesus was to those who experienced the miracle foreign what truths about Jesus Christ can you Proclaim through this scripture God's character is unchanging and his scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching correcting rebuking and training in righteousness therefore we can apply these words to our lives today so take a moment now and apply them to yours since we are to use scripture as a means of training in righteousness how can you use this passage as an encouragement to your faith knowing that the heavenly father holds his children close when they hurt the most hope when life seems unfair take a moment to rest and hope in your heavenly father [Music] foreign as you become more familiar with these verses try to recognize any words that seem similar in these verses listen again as I read from Matthew chapter 14 verses 35 and 36. the people found out that he was there and they sent word to everyone who lived in that part of the country so they brought him all the sick people to Jesus begged him just to let them touch his clothes and everyone who did healed what might your response have been as a sick person who heard of Jesus's arrival you are familiar with Jesus's teachings and miracles since he had previously ministered in that area as soon as a neighbor announces his arrival your friends place your feeble body on a mat and carry you over a mile to see this rabbi the trip is long A Line to See Jesus even longer you are exhausted and aching from the day as your eyes meet him for the first time pause what are your thoughts upon seeing him foreign yourself face to face with Jesus how does the experience of the opportunity of healing Express itself in Praise consider that once more where have you experienced God's healing in your life God's healing is a result of his inherent goodness so take time now to examine that Discover It find that in your life [Music] thank you as we close our time of meditation what thoughts or feelings have you had about the lord well take a moment to lift them up to him in quiet praise how might God want you to apply his word in your life today take a moment to reflect right now foreign join me in a moment of closing prayer dear Lord as I reflect on your attribute as Divine healer today I recognize your power for all physical mental and emotional pain so thank you for always hearing me when I call to you I confess that I sometimes allow my circumstances to distract me from trusting you fully so help me trust you more by remembering how you've shown your healing power in my life physically mentally emotionally and relational me the courage to make any necessary changes I need to make in my life in Jesus name as you close this time of meditation linger in the moment and rest in the knowledge that your heavenly father is a good and loving father who desires the best for his children and when life seems unfair God's goodness is unchanged continues to love you and to fight for you hope that whether you find yourself in a time of Joy or sorrow that you cling to the truth In this passage and abide foreign ER William calper once said grief is its own medicine when you experience loss so important to be gentle and understanding with yourself it takes time to heal turn to God knows how you feel and cares deeply for your well-being He Is A Healer of hearts he will comfort you my dear friend let that truth sing into your soul as you take a deep tension-reducing breath shrug your shoulders to your ears and let them down keep breathing deeply let your body relax Jesus disciples felt great grief at the idea that Jesus was going to be taken from them soon Jesus knew that in John chapter 16 after telling them that they will weep and lament he said so also you have sorrow now but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice no one will take your joy from you we do not grieve as the world Grieves does not mean that we don't grieve there is great sorrow in our life here on Earth our sorrow will be turned to Joy when we enter into eternal life with Jesus what have you been grieving lately our hearts are hurt in many different ways my significant loss painful words unmet expectations acknowledge these things allow grief to show itself not be overwhelmed let God comfort you with his presence and his peace would you pray with me heavenly father when I feel the sorrow of loss comfort me the way that only you can heal my grieving heart because sometimes it feels as if this grief will always be overwhelming to me as sorrow rolls over me close by your side You Are My Shelter in this raging Storm bring me peace that surpasses all understanding guard my heart and my soul in Christ Jesus it is in his precious name that I pray take another deep breath and place your hands over your heart feel the steady beating acknowledge your pain and then lift your hands as you give that pain to the Lord he will comfort you dear one what might be keeping you from feeling God's comfort and nearness today have you been withholding your heart because of your pain that's that to the Lord right now and draw near to him [Music] when you're overwhelmed by grief hard to see God trust comes in [Music] loves you and has never left your side not even for one moment take his hand and let him walk with you listen again to John 16 22 in the English Standard Version as you listen ask God to highlight a word or phrase in your mind that he wants you to focus on so also you have sorrow now but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice and no one will take your joy from you let me read that again so also you have sorrow now but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice and no one will take your joy from you what did you hear if you've suffered a significant loss you might feel as if you'll never Rejoice again how do these words of scripture speak into that feeling [Music] when you're grieving sometimes people don't know what to say and sometimes they end up saying the wrong thing something that's not at all helpful Jesus is telling his disciples a truth they will see him again have hope dear one god holds your tender heart listen to John 16 22 in the New Living Translation so you have sorrow now but I will see you again then you will rejoice and no one can rob you of that Joy in this same chapter Jesus compared the sorrow they feel to a woman in labor there is not much joy in the pain of Labor oh but there is joy in the birth of the child first Comes the Pain Jesus to touch you in your sorrow you might not be feeling strong emotions currently but you have had grief in your life what does the comfort of Jesus feel like to you maybe you feel like your heart hurts for something others might consider trivial but no hurt is Trivial to God talk to God about what brings you pain and then sit with him and let him speak to you thank you listen now to John 16 22 in the new international version so with you now is your time of grief but I will see you again and you will rejoice and no one will take away your joy there will come a day when nothing will be able to take away your joy this is not forever forever will be with him now listen and reflect on Romans 8 18 through 27. for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us for the creation Waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God for the creation was subjected to futility not willingly but because of him who subjected it hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption retain the freedom of the glory of the children of God for we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the Pains of childbirth until now and not only the creation we ourselves who have the first fruits of the spirit grown inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as Sons the Redemption of our bodies for in this hope we were saved foreign for who hopes for what he sees if we hope for what we do not see we wait for it with patience likewise the spirit helps us in our weakness for we do not know what to pray for as we ought but the spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words [Music] [Music] and he who searches Hearts knows what is the mind of the spirit because the spirit intercedes for the Saints according to the will of God let's pray Lord you for holding my heart with such tenderness and compassion sometimes it seems like the griefs just keep piling up and I don't know what to do but you always hear me when I cry my tears are not wasted your word tells me that you keep them in a bottle you know what my hurts are and you care that I am hurting even when friends say the wrong thing trying to be helpful your word always a soothing bomb remember forever is longer than this life with all its sorrow and its Joys let God heal your hurting heart as he prepares you to spend eternity with him until next time may you abide in Christ can you remember words that made a positive difference in your life perhaps they came from a teacher a coach a friend or a parent maybe they helped change your attitude or perspective about something let those memories stir in your heart as you take a deep breath and hold it for the count of four one two three four now release it slowly one two three four let your shoulders relax as you listen to Proverbs 12 18 which says there's one whose rash words are like sword thrusts but the tongue of the wise brings healing this verse reminds us that there are two kinds of words those that harm and those that bring healing Like a Knife harsh words can cut deep into the soul unconstructive criticism or abusive language can cause great damage but well-chosen words can bring comfort and healing they can motivate the hearer to move forward Beyond where they initially thought possible as you Ponder the kinds of words you speak to others try to examine whether they condemn or comfort hurt or heal God desires us to speak words of healing father God your words bring life they always have by Your Word the worlds were made by Your Word people are healed I am made in your image Lord I want my words to bring life but sometimes I lash out words just come out of my mouth before I really think about their impact help me to think before I speak to let your spirit guide every word let my speech always honor you it's in the name of Jesus that I pray take another deep breath try putting your hands over your mouth to show your willingness to let the spirit control your words close your eyes if you're able and picture the flame that are your words do they warm or do they destroy lift your hands now and surrender to the Lord plan for you foreign as you seek the Lord ask him to Search Your Heart how might you have experienced distance from God due to disobedience the Lord Longs for intimacy with you so much he sent his son to die in your place use this time to experience Christ's forgiveness and reconnect with the father [Music] as you meditate on God's word experience the life that it brings let it burrow into your heart and change you from the inside out listen again to Proverbs 12 18 from the English Standard Version there is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts but the tongue of the wise brings healing as you heard the passage what grabbed your attention listen carefully as I read the passage again there is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts but the tongue of the wise brings healing [Music] Hebrews 4 12 tells us that God's word is active and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of soul and of spirit of joints and of marrow and Discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart what's the difference between the sword thrusts of harsh words and the piercing of the sword of God's word listen again as I read Proverbs 12 18 from the Contemporary English version sharp words cut like a sword but words of wisdom heal there's a well-known saying hurt people hurt people Jesus said that out of the depths of the heart the mouth speaks how have you lashed out at someone because of your own pain foreign is not simply about knowing what to say but knowing when to say it Proverbs 25 20 says whoever sings songs to a heavy heart is like one who takes off a garment on a cold day and like vinegar on soda when have you had healing words for someone but said them at the wrong time or had that done to you foreign God desires for us to grow in wisdom how might you grow in the wisdom that you speak to others foreign listen once more as I read Proverbs 12 18 in the Contemporary English version sharp words cut like a sword but words of wisdom heal have you ever realized your words hurt someone only after you said them you see their face collapse in defeat you often want to take the words back but the damage is done yet restoration and healing can still occur take a few moments to ponder how restoration can happen after harsh words have been spoken foreign on the other hand the right words at the right time can bring life we're not talking about flattery or even compliments we're talking about speaking words of blessing over someone maybe there's someone that needs you to extend a healing Word of Wisdom spend some time now asking God to bring to mind someone who you can speak life into foreign you know who's been wounded by life circumstances or the harsh words of others see their emotional wounds as actual physical wounds as you approach them do you have lemon juice to pour over that wound or healing oil that will soothe and restore How Could You guard yourself from speaking harshly Ponder some practical ways to protect your heart and tongue now [Music] father God thank you for this time when I can examine my relationship with you thank you for allowing me to be still before you as you've created me in your image help me reflect Who You Are pray you'll help me build others up rather than tear them down thank you for your love in Jesus name amen as you close this time of reflection rejoice in the knowledge that God wants to provide you with all the wisdom you need remember God is for you and not against you he's brought you out of death and into life therefore Speak Life into everyone you encounter today until next time may you abide in Christ um foreign given you that you can give away in the weeks after Jesus death resurrection and dissension his disciples continued praying at the temple one day as Peter and John went to pray they met a man who had been lame from birth he asked them for money Peter looked him in the eye and answered I have no silver and gold but what I do have I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk take a deep breath and picture the scene Peter took the man by the hand and raised him up his feet and ankles were made strong and he began walking and leaping and praising God and all the people recognized him as the one who was usually sitting at the Gate of the Temple asking for Alps and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him by the Holy Spirit Peter and John were able to heal in Jesus name to the glory of God ask God to show you what gifts the Holy Spirit wants you to share in the name of Jesus this wasn't the last time the disciples would need a physical need of someone they encountered there are numerous stories of healings done in the name and power of Jesus to them bringing the gospel that included caring for the sick in the same way the Holy Spirit enables you to care for the people in your past whatever that might look like pray with me God help me to be attentive to the needs of people you've placed in my life and help me to believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to heal may I rejoice in the work that you've done and may my rejoicing help many more people to see your greatness in Jesus name I pray take a deep breath and exhale check in with your body hell again breathing in God's love for your body to exhaling release any negative feelings you have about your body God Made You and God Delights in you though your body may not find healing and wholeness until the next life know that your body is a gift and that is lovely to God breathe that in take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to Search Your Heart and to reveal to you any sins that hide there thus them to the Lord you can be sure that he will forgive Jesus defeated the powers of sin and death once and for all on the cross you belong to him and no one can ever snatch you out of his hand listen to Acts chapter 3 verse 6 in the English Standard Version but Peter said I have no silver and gold but what I do have I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk as I read that verse again listen for word or phrase that stands out to you but Peter said I have no silver and gold but what I do have I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk what did you hear reflective asking the spirit to speak foreign [Music] have you had an opportunity to share your gifts with the person in need foreign listen to Acts chapter 3 verse 6 in the Amplified Bible but Peter said silver and gold I do not have but what I do have I give to you in the name Authority power of Jesus Christ the Nazarene begin now to walk and go on walking Peter had probably seen this many times after all the lame man was well known by regular Temple gores but this time their interaction was different than it had ever been before this time led by the spirit Peter offered healing who is someone you see regularly that the spirit is inviting you to see afresh foreign Peter didn't go looking for this encounter it came about through his normal patterns of worshiping God he was putting himself in the right place for God to work through him are you regularly putting yourself in the right place for God to work through you thank you [Music] ask God to help you be faithful in worshiping and seeking him so that you will be available for him to use listen to Acts chapter 3 verse 6 in the New Living Translation but Peter said I don't have any silver or gold for you but I'll give you what I have in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene get up and walk imagine you're on your way to worship at the temple outside you see a man asking for money you often see him there he's been lame since birth and the community cares for him how does it make you feel to see him there you reach into your bag for some coins but before you find them you see Peter and John stopping to talk to the man surely they won't have money to give ever since Peter stopped fishing to follow Jesus he's been short on cash you see him with clasp hands with the beggar and then the beggar stance walks jumps what do you think has happened [Music] foreign God it's wild and dignified it's improper you can't tear your eyes away he's embracing Peter and John clinging to them and everyone is rushing close to see what's happened you whisper a prayer of praise to God for this miracle foreign hours later everyone is still buzzing with the news some insist that it wasn't the same man that it was a hoax someone pretending to be healed others are asking questions curious about the followers of Jesus others sick and lame or gathering in front of the Temple seeking healing for themselves what do you have to offer them [Music] foreign pray with me Jesus you told your disciples that with faith they could do even greater things than the Miracles they witnessed you doing give me that kind of faith faith that gives generously faith that believes in the impossible faith that brings healing and continues to believe in your goodness even when healing doesn't come may my faith bring many to worship you amen today let the holy spirit guide you into greater and deeper Faith as you follow Jesus until next time may you abide in Christ foreign are you facing an area in your life where you do not have the answer will join us as we look at how even when faced with the unknown we can have peace HP Lovecraft once wrote the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown when faced with an unknown situation especially concerning your health the natural inclination is to fear today we will look at how even when facing the unknown we can trust in the Lord for strength when your life has a giant question mark stamped in the place where you hoped there would be answers the void can seem all-consuming in the Book of Psalms chapter 19 verses 7 through 8 it brings perspective about the power of God's word in times of fear it reads the law of the Lord is perfect Reviving The Soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise this simple the precepts of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart the Commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes scripture is a powerful tool in times of fear and anxiety so when facing an unknown diagnosis you can look to the truth in the Bible as a source of Hope it proclaims truth of who God is is promises for you and how faithful he has been in the past looking to scripture in these times will help you rest during your season of waiting so today as we reflect on any time of unknowns in your life take a moment to reflect on the truth in scripture of who God is what characteristic of God do you need to see displayed in your life today well join me as we open in a word of Prayer dear Lord God I think you are giving me the truth of who you are through your word today so help me focus on you today rather than what is unknown about my life I pray that I will live a life of Faith rather than fear thank you for giving me hope through Jesus and help me rejoice in all things today in Jesus name I pray as you begin this time of meditation should it take a moment to free your mind today allow the next several minutes to be about your relationship with the Lord position yourself to where you can focus only on him for a few moments today as you begin this time of meditation I invite you to take a few deep breaths as you recognize God's presence with you in this moment as you breathe in feel the life-giving gift of air recognize that even in this moment it's a gift from God as you reflect In This Moment examine your thoughts and feelings when have you allowed questions about your health or your future control your thoughts how have you doubted God's activity because you've not received back an answer or the answer that you desired take a moment to confess your thoughts and feelings to your heavenly father now and after expressing your heart to God take a moment to proclaim the Forgiveness that you've received through Jesus Christ foreign the Lord gives us his word as a testimony of who he is and what he has done for other people the Psalms declare many of God's attributes through poetry listen to a record of God's faithfulness from Psalm chapter 19 verses 7 through 8. the law of the Lord is perfect Reviving The Soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise this simple the precepts of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart the Commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes as you listened to that passage what hope did God give you in his word was there a word that stood out in your mind perhaps there was a phrase that God wants you to cling to today listen once more to this passage the law of the Lord is perfect Reviving The Soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise this simple the precepts of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart the Commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes as you hear the words of scripture how is God calling you to trust him today how might God be using this passage today to increase your faith in Christ listen again as I read from the Contemporary English version of Psalm chapter 19 verses 7 and 8. the law of the Lord is perfect it gives us new life his teachings last forever and they give wisdom to Ordinary People the Lord's instruction is right it makes our hearts glad Commandments shine brightly and they give us light what is the new life that God wants you to live in him Jesus came to Earth so that you could have life and have it abundantly so when facing an undiagnosed condition the Temptation is to allow fear to steal that Joy how can your faith in Christ sustain you in these times consider that now this Psalm tells us that God's teachings are forever they give wisdom to anyone who lives by them so how can you apply this passage to what you are facing today consider that once again foreign [Music] scripture to grow closer to God how can you use this passage as an encouragement to your faith take a moment now to rejoice in hope in the promises of this passage foreign as you become more familiar with these verses try to recognize any words that seem similar between the verses listen again as I read from Psalm chapter 19 verses 7 through 8. the law of the Lord is perfect gives us new life his teachings last forever and they give wisdom to Ordinary People the Lord's instruction is right it makes our hearts glad his Commandments shine brightly when they give us light as you listen to this passage what image did you see in your mind of the heavenly father well take a moment to picture yourself in the arms of the father he knows your needs knows your questions and yes he does have answers he understands your pain pause here now and settle in that truth foreign God does nothing without reason he is a god of wisdom how have you gained wisdom in any area where you may have unanswered questions how is God using this time to grow your faith in him ponder that now [Music] thank you what light is the Lord trying to shine on the situation that you're facing how can this time build your trust in Jesus settle into that question and ponder it for a moment foreign as we close our time of meditation how might you experience Joy through God's word even when you face the fear of the unknown will take a moment now to reflect [Music] foreign join me now in a moment of closing prayer dear Lord God thank you for giving me this time to spend with you today and thank you for your word to comfort me in times of weakness and in times of my need help me to see you more clearly when I do not know what lies ahead and thank you for Jesus who walked this path before me thank you for giving me your spirit as a reminder that you are always with me and it's in Jesus name that I pray amen as you close this time of meditation take a moment to rest in the knowledge that your heavenly father is a good and loving father who desires the best for you even when you don't have all the answers God is still Seated on his throne I hope that whether you find yourself in a time of Joy or sorrow you cling to the truth In this passage and abide in your relationship with Christ I feel like when I listen to the sleep meditations that I have a friend next to me foreign [Music]
Channel: Abide Meditation App
Views: 1,394,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guided meditation, Christian meditation, Christian meditation guided, Abide meditation, Bible verses for sleep, mindfulness meditation, abide sleep meditation, abide, christian sleep meditation, abide bible stories for sleep, gods word heals, god's word heal, gods word helas, abide sleep, sleep with god's word, abide meditation, healing scriptures, abide healing sleep meditation, god's word, god's word sleep, abide healing, meditation guided
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 41sec (13481 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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