GoAnimate Cringe Comp 10 (Dark Bowser Edition)

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no way I'm not eating this no exposure you were having this so eat it no I want down King Donuts you are not adding Dunkin Donuts we are having legal offense spaghetti fine I'll eat this yeah that tasted disgusting that's it I'm getting rid of it oh my God no exposure how dare you destroy everything include me that's it I am going back on screen to ground you you are rounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded for 95 000 years go to bed no dessert for you yeah now to clean everything out and foreign [Laughter] uh dark other you were very bad yesterday you're wearing a bad behavior alarm to school don't you start crying young man it's your own fault oh that's a boss Hey look it's a lunch detention [Music] no I didn't mean that young man go to detention I hate you principle you're trash and I'll throw you away oh no mum and dad gotta kill me when I get home I'll be grounded for sure come to my office now Dark Bowser whatever that is I heard it go off twice what is it it's a good heavy notification device [Music] you know you're not supposed to do those things in school let me check that thing about Behavior alarm yes go to detention you're the only one in my class why are you here I got some here for insulting the principle detention again [Music] [Applause] you're too bad for detention you're going for troublemakers room after school 127 I hate you so much I wish you a [ __ ] I'm gonna be in so much trouble when I get home later that's it you're staying in the troublemakers room for three hours I'll be grounded for sure it's what you deserve it's what you get three hours after school are you okay blooper that's it you're staying in the troublemakers room for six hours after school welcome to the troublemakers room please read the rules hello principal sorry about earlier he broke rule 2000 . Bowser I've had enough with you you are suspended for 30 days go home now screw this bad behavior alarm I want to throw it away I can't believe you got to send it also explain this this came out of the home alarm system all this happened yes great now I have to replace them you're around a grounded grounded for 10 times your suspension which is 10 months go to bed now [Music] thank you [Music] no way I'm not eating my dinner Soul eat it no I want a McDonald's for dinner just like Baby Bowser is having you are not having McDonald's we are having this so eat it I agree with mom and dad eat your dinner now listen to your brother or if you are not getting ice cream for dessert no I don't have to eat this freaking trash I'm getting rid of this garbage oh no no no no dark spacer how dare you knock over the table you are grounded for four four eight two three four eight five nine two three five seven five four six seven eight one two four eight nine six five four eight nine three four six five eight seven five six nine eight three four six eight nine four five seven years the children McDonald's stupid boy Baby Bowser don't be sad please come back I can't what you did you little jerk Dark Bowser you are grounded go to your room now ice cream for you foreign [Music] oh my God this character sucks this character was in 2014. nope I hate Dark Bowser dark poser was a bad boy this year so ever dark poser got grounded Hero Factory 3000 making videos out of Dark Bowser gets him grounded no no no no no no no no no hello Darth boser was that bad boy that's it I'm going to kill Dark Bowser no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no sir was a bad boy this year so dark poser sucks and a rant Dark Bowser I hate you Dark Bowser was a bad boy I hate you Dark Bowser this voice is not licensed please visit www.capstrel.com to purchase a license for dark poser fat dark poser fat dark poser please register me for dark poser [ __ ] dog Bowser [ __ ] you doc Bowser hey Dark Bowser in Bowser Jr we are going to McDonald's for breakfast today [Music] okay okay good let's go good morning and welcome to McDonald's how may I serve you please I would like a sausage egg McMuffin please I would like one order of three hot cakes please and I would like chicken nuggets please I'm sorry sir but it's breakfast time so I'm afraid we cannot search chicken nuggets at this time what are you kidding me I want chicken nuggets now okay your food will be ready soon here's your food I hope you enjoy it yeah this hash brown tasted disgusting Dark Bowser just eat your hash brown it tastes so good so disgusting you are so stupid now that you're on chicken nuggets no exposure don't talk to your lady like that now it's your breakfast it is so delicious I promise you just be careful right now in the hospitals or get grounded yeah Dark Bowser listen to your own father for the last freaking time guys I will destroy everything you idiots [Music] dark dancer how dare you destroy everything including us that's it for 796 million decades again I agree with what your father said me too let's go home right now before we get caught million decades okay class today is the longest Behavior Card Day Ever sometimes they are good and sometimes they are bad oh come on Behavior can't die sucks I kept getting bad cards cancel it right now shut the dark poser weather star 4000 videos friends want me to do it and we're gonna do this and that's final anyways the total is 150 cards just click on the video link to pay attention to all of the 150 cards now here are your cards hip hip hooray me Luigi Kirby link Zelda and Sonic got Rainbow Cards that's right Mario Luigi Kirby link Zeta and Sonic you have been the best students ever in the history go to the Master's office and make him proud [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my card is black for the final time please have mercy on me give me a fine chance please please please please please please please no absolutely freaking definitely never jerk poster you have the worst students ever on the restaurant of all skills you aren't exploded all of the schools that GoAnimate forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever you were in massive trouble because the Galaxy now get out of here and go to the Master's office tonight double you double you double you double you double you double you double you double you double you double you double oh no not you again Dark Bowser this is the 1000th time you've came here but why are you in my office this time you are totally not gonna like it when I say this I received a black card [Music] you got what no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no sir I cannot believe you got a black car they've got in maybe super high for that beat you are the worst student ever in history that's it you are respected I'm calling the police for this and they will arrest you forever right now you've never ever ever come back to school again and so Dark Bowser got arrested for getting him mega super hit for dead meat and got expelled forever and ever and ever and ever and ever from school Dark Bowser was sent to court and Dark Bowser was charged for lots of bad stuff he did from 2014 to 2018. and then on verdict Day the jury has reached a verdict in the case of the people of GoAnimate City vs dark poser and the verdict was guilty Dark Bowser was found guilty of all the very bad stuff he did in the past four years and Dark Bowser was sentenced to death by the electric chair by the jury of his peers Sergeant c j o Randolph and the NSA from the NSA jail took dark poser away and prepared him for his execution let's start with the parts where he gets jailed this is yourself with no bed no toilet no air conditioner and no sink you will stay there until the very day of your execution goodbye forever dark poser you have some visitors that want to talk to you dark Bell sir we cannot believe you got a black card from school got in mega Super Hyper dead meat got expelled forever got arrested and now you're going to be executed again that's it you are grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded grounded forever but Mom and Dad I'm so sorry can you please bail me out and I totally promise I will never ever cause trouble ever again [Music] goodbye forever this is gonna be a torture again all right dark poser it's execution time okay Dark Bowser follow me to the execution chamber sit down is there any last words before your execution no last words goodbye forever dark poser foreign yes it's because I got fired at 20 jobs in a row and got arrested and got executed on the electric chair and sent me here this place is terrible and this place is scaring me I think we should get out of this place you're coming with me Chomp bro yes and where do you think you two are going oh no it's the ghost demon we're so busted since you two are dead I'm gonna turn all of you into ghosts in five four three two one oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no I'm a ghost please change us back and can we have another chance we promise we'll behave well guess what no you two will stay as a ghost permanently in heck and there's no way I'm changing you back now you two will never return to the real world because you are in heck
Channel: ~ ღ 𝕽𝖞𝖉𝖊𝖗 ღ ~
Views: 6,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JFur35eZII0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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