Goalkeepers 2019: A Conversation with Bill Gates and Aliko Dangote

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thank you ladies and gentlemen for your warm welcome my name is surah yousuf ooh and I'm the managing director and CEO of the Alico dangoty foundation I want to tell you about the first time that I saw a severely and acutely malnourished child I was shocked he was two years old but he was the size of a six month old infant his skin was peeling off so badly that at first I thought he was a burn victim he was trying to cry but it was coming out as a whimper because he simply didn't have the energy he was too malnourished to cry I wanted to weep but I didn't and I asked his mother to tell me about him he was always fine she said but then he got a call and then he got diarrhea and ever since then he's been like this this woman did not understand she didn't understand that her child was malnourished she didn't understand why he was sick she didn't understand the her child even if he survived would soon reach the age at which any intervention would come too late she didn't have the community support the policies and systems to help her understand what was happening were simply not in place and this hospital was on a main road in Nigeria between preneur and cuts in ax to large cities in the north of the country so if a child at a well-funded Hospital on a busy highway was this sake what must a child in a rural hospital be suffering today as I speak to you there are 2 million children in Nigeria just like the one I saw that day and the illiquid on goatey foundation's mission is to bring that number down to zero now ladies and gentlemen mr. elite four dangoty president and chief executive of Delta Industries Limited and chairman of the illiquid Agata Foundation and Bill Gates co-chair Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation [Applause] so the first question that I will ask is 2mr a deferred annuity at head G as we call him I'll enter your goal is for children to lead healthy productive lives no matter where they're born how does nutrition specifically fortification fit in to this question well thank you very much sir and you know Bill it's great to be here I think one of the greatest factors that mind progress is malnutrition which you know a lot of kids they don't really have access to enough food and also nutritious food so but what we have done in Nigeria you know because it's not new who started this very very long time ago you know because if you look at it for example you know to do with iodization I'd addition started in Nigeria in 1993 at that time the coverage was about 40% by 2005 who had already reached about 95 percent of coverage and as we speak today who have reached 98 percent of coverage in iodization on food what you have done to make sure this I mean how do we get good nutritious food to the society so what we did in 2002 when we first started refining of sugar while the first company in Africa introduced fortification into sugar because I mean it took us a long time to be able to figure out okay at what point do you actually apply the fortification so what we did was we worked with the you know center organization of Nigeria we work with UNICEF and also some technical people say occupy and how do we really you know create these equipments where they will now dose the vitamins at the end of it so that our children will be able to consume that with that one now government brought out the policy where all this food is majority of them like sugar wheat products which means flour pasta you know noodles vegetable oil and then the sugar all of this they brought out regulations where they say that it is mandatory to apply vitamin fortification so majority all the companies now in Algeria what we do is that we have food find all these products so that children will be able to you know to access this without you know going to drugstore or wherever and with this 80 percent of all the companies that produce food were very very pleased and we want to thank Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for calling for a general between for everybody to sign up I said that yes they will continue it for try there are food products so that is how we are now getting that on the other side on a liquid on gota foundation what you are doing we're actually you know we have what you call integrated nutrition program of which now we are trying to I'm sure I was have spoken about it we are now going to make sure that yes we access minimum you know we take out two million children out of being malnourished so it's one of the things that conditions do but right now danget is also in the process of rice milling we're setting up about 1 million tons of rice and all our rice will actually will apply these nutritious you know vitamins so this one because the main food that we eat in Angira is many rice people eats rice in the morning they it arises the afternoon they eat rice at night so with this we're now trying to introduce something and also we are going to the government to make it mandatory for all the rice that will consume in Nigeria to be fortified so this will help quite a lot thank you very much thank you and um well UN and hedgy have a lot of influence we all know this but to achieve your nutritional goals you've chosen to build a coalition of private sector philanthropy government to help achieve these nutrition goals for nigeria and beyond so what is the role of this broader coalition and your food fortification work what's pretty important that we focus more on nutrition because about 40% of the kids who do survive end up not with physical or mental development and they did we a big part of that can be reduced with this food fortification but to really get it right you've got to make sure the requirements are there the government's able to go out and measure it so that they you know make sure nobody's trying to save a little money by not doing this well the greatest example was what was done with salt the iodine enhancement there globally that's been a huge advance and that's reduced the cretinism that resulted from that iodine deficiency now we're taking five additional micronutrients where the costs are actually quite small in a vitamin D our b12 that are very positive benefits and we're trying to make sure in every country that the the typical diet that a child will have whether it's rice or bullion or flour that across those staples they get every single one of these micronutrients excellent thank you so much and now we'll take questions from members of our goalkeepers advisory board and we'll start with angel at the ledger a fresh direct Nigeria angel good morning thank you so much I'm excited to be here and I'm excited to see that Nigerian private sector so actively pushing the global goals my question is that with the difficulty that smallholder farmers in Nigeria have in meeting the needs of a group processors can you discuss a little bit about what the dangoty Foundation and the Gates Foundation have been doing to help include small holder farmers in the process well thank you very much even the lady from Niger what we are doing in Dunwoody foundation while making sure that the growth of our you know rice we get all this out growth you know small you know outgrowth to be involved and then we have already arranged we know where the banks will fund this small out growth for example our entire rice for the 1 million will actually be done by this outgrowth so which means we are going to create wealth you know among them and we'll give them the rice seedlings we give them the implements we give them the fertilizer of course which now you know going to start making from January and then at the end of the day they will sell the rice to us but if our price is not right they can go and sell to anybody you know so that's what we have on the sugar what we are doing is that we are going to control about 60% about 40% of that will be done by also out growers so we already have integrated them right into our own system and it will really really empower them that's what you are doing at the moment well the priority on small holders to say it's a great question because for some crop types that's very easy to achieve where you help them with the inputs other crop types it's a little more difficult but the the key measure is the productivity and the economics improving for those moments where the you know particularly in the north of Nigeria that the whole equation if we're gonna fix nutrition we have to help those farmers on the scene thank you both and next we'll hear from Alex Holmes founder of anti-bullying ambassadors based in the UK and Ireland thank you very much you're both great goalkeepers but you're also fantastic friends I'd love to know what do you know now through the collaboration that you wish you'd known at the starts of your journey and I'm sure we'd all us also love to know the most surprising thing you've found out about each other what you've learnt about each other okay let me let me go first well you know for me I think when I started my foundation in 1994 you know I never leaned you know realized that you know we had this massive challenge in health sector really it was a mind-boggling when we now have this you know agreement to now cooperate and how collaboration with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and that really opened up my eyes to realize that look there are a lot of challenges in health and honestly you know one of the things that made me to be very very shocked and surprised you know at that time I hadn't really had the opportunity of meeting bill or even interacting with him by meeting bill it actually now made me totally a different person thinking that yes you know this somebody who really has nothing to do what as for example in Africa and jeribai he's putting his money he sold everything he's very very committed at helping humanity that really surprises me you know I mean it surprised me a lot about Bill and you know I realized that you know it's a very simple person and never never never knew that bill was going to be this simple I thought it's a very very tough guy by you know very soft-spoken and you know kind haughty it is really very difficult to find people like bill in this world bill who are grateful you know I can I'll show you now I believe that yes with my association with you my only prayer is that in the next few years I will try and give chunk of my world to also HIV yeah it was fun when we got to know each other we would be traveling around Lagos where the traffic gives you lots of time to sit and talk sometimes and you know I'd be showing the leak of my charts about Hayes Sokoto has a pretty low vaccination rate you know and Cano needs to do this and in Alico he really knows people he has relationships he's willing to reach out to people so he'd say let's call the governor you know we'll talk about this and sure enough you know with mixing you know we've got the governor of sakoda on the phone we're talking about this and so this ability now to reach out to draw on the the broad relationships the aliquots developed and you know I'm pretty shy about calling people I just want to mail them my truck but in fact what's come out of that is that a leak oh and I do video conference call with six of the governor's in the northern states where twice a year we look at vaccine coverage you know is the supply chain working or the workers showing up or the health care posts in the right locations and it's a big challenge but really drawing on aliquots communication skills and the fact that he's not afraid to call anyone everybody wants to talk to him it's been phenomenal thank you so much thank you so much what an amazing thank you thank you
Channel: GatesFoundation
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Keywords: #goalkeepers19, ardern, bill and melinda gates, bill and melinda gates foundation, bill gates, bill gates and melinda gates, bill gates foundation, bill gates history, bill gates quotes, bill gates story, gates notes, goalkeepers, goalkeepers2019, jacinda ardern, jacinda ardern hijab, joia, melinda french gates, melinda gates, melinda gates foundation, melinda gates quotes, new zealand president, new zealand prime minister, new zealand prime minister jacinda ardern, pedro sanchez
Id: COLmpet4gmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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