Go Shopping With Me - Choosing Fabric for a Baby Quilt

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[Music] oh goodness so here I am in all my glory no makeup but I happen to be on the right side of town to visit the asille cotton company and I need to pick up some fabrics for a baby quilt so that's what we're going to do we're going to run in there hopefully find something we like rather quickly match up a few extra fabrics and get back on the road so wish me look all right soin see what all we've got here a we've got these cute little bears those koala bears brown bears what else oh here's some little bees little gnomes let's [Music] see little whales got little zoo animals and elephants alligators Lions let's see let's see let's see here we have more little animals mushrooms oh some cute little hedgehogs those are cute pine cones so many options you know I love this place but there are so many options so they always have the Hungry Caterpillar which I always think is just cute as a button all the Eric Carl you know all these are so sweet let's see got more Eric Carl but they're a darker color fish and frogs more frogs little turtles all those are very cute you've got to make some decisions you shall see wonders wisdom begins in Wonder Love never gives up oh those are sweet although that's not what I'm looking for Focus L Focus we can look at the cell rxs after we make some decisions so oh my gosh look at all these sail racks Blue's 30 red is 50 and green 70% off oh wow okay we might have to take another look at those in a minute but let's make some decisions over here let's see oh goodness what would you do if you were making a quilt for a brand new baby girl I always like Wildlife because we have so many animals in our area and I like the little bees and the owls hi owls are so cute oh decisions decisions there's so many things to choose TW so let's figure this out I'm really liking the Eric Carl the pink flowers oh goodness I like the Navy too let's think about this we're going to have to get some of these things out okay so here's kind of what we're thinking thinking Eric Carl A Very Hungry Caterpillar collection with these three and then we'll add in this one and a couple of boutiques which kind of have that same Eric Carl feel okay what do you think yeah right I wish H I think it's cute so we are rethinking the purple and I'm thinking maybe more of a green here we are again with so many options to choose from that could be pretty let's just take that back over here and take a look at it real quick how are we feeling now 2 three four five i' really like to have one more I think either a blue card for you thank you or a dark green how do I feel about those all right final choices I think this is going to be so cute these are our final choices and all of these Fabrics will make up the top and this will actually be the bottom side of the quilt they have been washed and ironed and we are just going to start cutting our pieces next look for more videos as we continue to work on this quilt and check out the final results so until next time I hope you have a great day get out there create something fun make it yours and at the end of the day just enjoy the process bye
Channel: The Practicing Crafter
Views: 7,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IsLRWZqjM6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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