Go Proverbs - Rob Pike - Gopherfest - November 18, 2015

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Make the zero value useful.

Someone should tell the AWS folks.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bkeroack 📅︎︎ Dec 02 2015 🗫︎ replies

Don't just check errors, handle them gracefully.

I prefer my version...

If it is unreasonable to expect the higher layer to be able to rectify the problem at run time, be honest and just plain die immediately, rather than your passing your bugs around like a unwanted christmas present.

Consider the millions of lines of C that check the result of malloc().

How many of those lines have been tested?

How many of those lines actually do anything that will actually work?

How many of those programs may survive that particular call.... but then stumble on a few cycles and crash?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RumbuncTheRadiant 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2015 🗫︎ replies

Reflection is never clear.

From the D perspective, Reflection and Introspection occurs at compile time via Compile Time Function Evaluation (CTFE).

The result is type safe at compile time, and succinct code without reams of boiler plate.

The result is the similarities and differences between specializations of a data structure is explicit and clear.

So this proverb is an, ahh, "reflection" of the limitation of languages like Go, Java and Python rather than a desirable feature of a language.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RumbuncTheRadiant 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2015 🗫︎ replies
there we go and okay the technical content stops now yeah this is a very different talk I think it's time to start philosophizing a little bit how many of you have played the game of go oh good Lots all right so people who learn to play go but in fact in the time I have to give this talk I can teach the rest of you how to play not play well but play because it's a very simple game and the name for the for the language is obviously the same as the game and that's not entirely coincidence although it's more of the story but the thing about learning the game of Go is that it's very easy to learn and really really hard to master because it's not like most Western games like chess they're not analyzed by you don't learn to say well if the person goes there then I go here and then they go there earlier here and there it's not like that there's 19 squared positions on the board and it just the exponential is just crazy instead you have to think about patterns and territory and it's a very different and much more sort of holistic thing to think in and it's very hard to teach us left brain Westerners how did play go I've known some good ones but I'm not among them but there's a principle for teaching it's really used for pedagogy and it's the idea of a go proverb and there's a lovely little book that was translated about 50 years ago from Japanese into English called go proverbs Illustrated and just to give you an idea the flavor of them here's one the comb formation is alive that means that that those white stones if you attack you can actually keep them alive no matter what black does because you can always create two eyes don't worry whether you understand that or not it's just that's a nice little thing the comb formation is alive or the Carpenters square becomes Co that's a really nice little proverb because that that black the black stones in this case if you attack them white and play perfectly you end up with a pattern called ko which is a very strange that's sort of one weird thing in the game that you have to understand beyond the trivial stuff but you see these have a kind of poetic sort of nice feel to them and they but they carry a lot of information for people learning how to play you when you see this thing on the board you know oh I know what happens if we if I have this position because I can create a Co and I may may or may not be a good thing so I was wondering can you have go language proverbs do we have can we think about teaching go or maybe understanding or explaining go with a similar kind of Eastern philosophy approach and I realize this is very very wet stuff but bear with me because in fact there is already one proverb you all know don't communicate by sharing memory share memory by communicating I hope we got that the right way around I usually do and and if you think about it this is a proverb right it's a little tiny pithy statement slightly poetic it's got a sort of repetition in a way but really understanding what that says is a fairly big deal because you have to understand what you mean by sharing memory by communicating well you mean passing on a channel the address of a data structure or an object and also the idea that when you send that object over a channel if you don't keep the pointer then you don't have access to it anymore and so safe concurrent or even parallel calculations sort of our inherent in this very model and so it's actually a lot behind there it's it's a nice rich little thing and I was thinking well maybe there's more of them so I tried to come up with a few of them and I'll go through my list and maybe there's more you guys can think of so here's another one concurrency is not parallelism I think most of you know if you've seen the talk I gave it was a bike actually was one who invited me to give that talk that concurrency and parallelism are often confused by beginners they think the same thing but at least the way that you talk about them in the NGO community they're very different and important to keep separate concurrency is a way of structuring your program to make it easy to understand and scalable and parallelism is simply the execution of multiple go routines in parallel it's it's somehow somewhat less interesting a concept and concurrency but there's there's a lot in those four words but it's actually a lot to understand here's another one channels orchestrate mutexes serialize a lot of begin to struggle with the idea of when do I use a mutex or a sink Condor an atomic value or when do I use a channel and a go routine and you know all this stuff and one way to think about that is that mutexes are fine-grained and very small and they tend to serialize execution if you put a mutex on a variable then only one thing can ever happen at time to that variable but when you and that's often very important and sometimes that's exactly what you want but in the big picture of the whole program what's going on go routines and channels give you a way to sort of structure the program in I'm using the word orchestrate here to arrange how the pieces work and to generate this sort of large-scale service or whatever it is you're building the sort of select for loop that everybody knows using channels to orchestrate your program is sort of the canonical example the bigger the interface the weaker the abstraction now if you come from Java everywhere everything is bigger you use you use you think of interfaces typically as having lots of methods and people talk about how unusual it is in go to have interfaces that are not declared to be satisfied they're satisfied implicitly but that's actually not the most important thing about gos interfaces the really most important thing is the culture around them that's captured by this proverb which is that the smaller the interface is the more useful it is right if the i/o dot Reader IO dot writer and the empty interface are the three most important interfaces in the entire ecosystem and they have an average of two thirds of a method right so if you if you think about the way that a java guy would build it he'd have the interface like this and it you know it would only generalize a little bit there might be two implementations of it how many implementations of IO read or other I've written programs with 20 implementations of IO dot reader inside right and that's a really powerful structuring plane so this is a really a go specific idea here that we want to make little interfaces so that we can build components that share them make the 0 value useful this came up earlier today I think this is something that early go programmers don't appreciate that you really want to try to arrange that the API to your package have the zero value of all the types inside it be useful right out of the box and some examples in the standard library that show how important that is are things like the bytes buffer or sync mutex where you just can put one of those things inside your structure not even allocated just just or declare a variable of that type and just use it you don't have to call an aid function of to think about it and it matters even more when you're building complex data structures that have these things inside them because be sorry because the bytes buffer is valid as a zero value is a valid buffer ready to use if you put that inside another structure and you make all the pieces other parts of it also valid zero bytes that buffer doesn't break that and so it's a way to structure your whole data to make sure that the programs are much easier to use now of course there's nothing wrong with calling a constructor it's a perfectly good thing to do it's often necessary but when you can avoid it and make the program nicer it just means there's less API there and that's always a good thing unless you're a Java programmer this is this is one that may be a little contentious but the empty interface says nothing it actually carries no information just yesterday or the day before I saw something of the bug where they they'd written a piece of code a function argument was an anti interface and so they called it and just work and they refactor some code and the program broke mysteriously because it couldn't be statically checked because the function with the empty interface argument didn't force any guarantees on the caller you might as well program in Python if you're doing that so the empty interface is also something you see in almost every question on Stack Overflow about go there's always an empty interface I'm doing this and it might be like a map of string to empty interface which is the least useful data structure there is because it's a map of night of names to meaningless objects right so when you're programming and you have an empty interface think very hard about whether it's really what you want or whether there isn't just a little something you could put into an interface with an actual method that really is necessary to capture the thing you're really talking about sometimes you absolutely need it there's no question about it but it's way overused especially by beginners go func is of course a big deal in the go community and this a lot of people say I won't go especially beginners I want to move the braces or why is there white tabs at space or whatever who cares shut up go thumps style go from style is nobody's favorite the things the way that it formats isn't even the way Robert Griesemer likes code to look and he wrote the program because we argue about it right and but the thing is that if you ask experience go programmers their favorite thing about go a significant fraction maybe even majority will say their favorite feature is go foamed yeah I don't like how it formats but I really like that it formats so this is this is another one a little copying is better than a little dependency so this is when I first went to Google one of the first things that was told to me that scared me was somebody who said we really care most importantly about code reuse and I thought that was a weird thing to say and then I found what they meant was you if you could borrow if you could avoid writing one line by doing a number include you should do that and I learned that that was a very very bad idea and Google internally is still suffering from that decision but you can actually make your programs compile faster be easier to maintain and simpler if you keep the dependency tree really really small and one of the ways you can do that is sometimes that you know what I don't need that whole library all I need is these three lines of code that I can just copy and it's fine and there's even examples of that in the standard library like instr cough has an is print function to make it so you can tell whether a thing was printable or needs to be escaped under certain conditions and one way to get that is doing import the Unicode package and say is it you know does this match the is print category but that involves me something like 150 kilobytes of data that's a huge dependency for such a trivial question and so Stewart comma actually has its own implementation of of is print which is tiny it's about five lines of code ten lines of code and that saves all that dependency overhead but then of course there's a test so that every time store come is tested it guarantees of the Unicode and store compactors agree on that definition the test has a Unicode dependency but the package doesn't and that's a really good example of making code more compact and less dependent on on other pieces don't be afraid to copy when it makes sense this happened today actually then I wrote this a while ago but somebody come was complaining that the syscall needed to be changed because of a problem it wasn't portable between two different versions or two architectures and I you know syscall isn't portable that's the point it's it's a system specific package and if you import this call into your file your package you you must have a build tag for the particular architecture and operating system that sis call implication is valid for if you think you have a portable thing you're using the wrong package you should be using OS or something else you should always guard your Cisco uses with build tags so cisco mice always regarded with build tags not very poetic but it works here's another one Sego must always be guarded with build tags for exactly the same reason if you're calling C God knows what it does right under the covers it's very very non portable I mean I know we think of C is a portable language in the old world but it's really not and the open source community has made sure that it's become less portable over time and so if you if you you see go you should have a build tab to make sure that it the C go you're calling in is protected and will only be invoked on the guy it maybe there's somebody grabs your package and builds it and it fails to build because the built tanks don't work that may be a good thing because they may have had a binary that built but didn't run because a C go dependency isn't actually useful on that computer or even worse doesn't work very well and breaks here's another one C go is not go a lot of people early in the early days of C go appearing would write blog posts about one of their favorite features of go is how easy it was to connect to C and I think that's a trap because sometimes you have to there's no question there's definitely fantastic efficient or you know expansive packages out there that really deserve to be used rather than rewritten but I'll confess I've actually never used C go I've never wanted to I certainly use programs that have it but I've never actually written a seagoing vacation myself except in tests because I think we haven't in a universe where the we understand the memory we have safety we have correctness we have stability we have garbage collection you puts ego in all those things go at the window you know 90% of the time inside Google when someone says my program crashes please help me or runtime corrupted it turns out it's a CEO or a swig problem and not the Google the go code that's causing the problem that didn't work with the unsafe package there are no guarantees if your code the other 10% have unsafe I mean it just says it a lot of people use unsafe and then complain when their code is imported all or changes after a release or something in fact there's one guarantee because we were too afraid to break it but I'd like to break it people use the unsafe package to get at things like string headers and slice headers which means it's very difficult to consider changing the layout of string headers and slide setters even though we'd like to and maybe one day we will but then we'll break all those programs that use unsafe to get at them and tough to them don't use unsafe unless you're prepared to have your program break one day clear is better than clever now so far all the Proverbs I've shown you have been sort of general mostly general sort of programming things in about go and you might say that this one is actually about programming in general you should always be clear not clever but there are languages where cleverness is considered a virtue you know the more compact the code is the tighter it is the more it uses built-in facilities the better go doesn't work that way we don't like to you know it's especially when you're learning go out of the box you should be thinking about writing simple clear code rather than trying to make the cleverest densest stuff you can and that has a lot to do with maintainability stability the ability for other people to read your code things like that so it's a philosophical point but it really is part of the NGO philosophy root reflection is never clear another thing you see on stackoverflow a lot is people trying to use reflect the winning way it doesn't work it doesn't work because it's not for you right but very very few people should be playing with reflection it's a very powerful but very difficult to use feature it it will it has only runtime checks this the compile time is very little checking going on and the code is utterly impenetrable I've probably written as much reflection code as almost anyone can go and I still hate it and I think we should encourage beginners to step away from using the empty interface and step away from using reflection and use the language proper because they they don't need to use these things nearly as much as they think they do errors our values this is another one again beginners struggle with why do I have to have if urn unequal kneel all the time well it's because you're not programming you're just writing code they're not the same thing if you you may know I wrote a blog post about a year ago um where I showed a program in Japan that it was really complaining about this that he just wasn't writing programs he wasn't thinking about errors as values and programming them to to good effect so he could write you know I essentially abstract the air-handling away and make his program really pretty and clear and easy to understand and too often people just write if we're not equal Neil and I think beginners to go who maybe have been influenced by thinking of errors as an exception or you know some other making some other control structure like try catch they think of that that you just substitute try catch for if are not equal nil but you can't we program a try-catch because it's a control structure it doesn't it doesn't work but errors are just values you can write code you put in for looks you can store me variables you can cache them you can put them in a map you can send one to your mother whatever you want there's just they're just values right and then if unrelated to that but just as important don't check errors handle them gracefully don't just don't just write if R equals no return thing think about whether you should be doing something with that error decorating with more information or you know it should you remember it for later and print it when you've done some other things a big part of all programming for for real is how you handle errors and people are too quick to jump to just return there up the tree and forget about it rather than thinking about how an error should really work and a really important part of writing good go code is getting the error handling right up front of any program really but because errors are just values and go it's easier to program and therefore easier to do it gracefully this one may be just totally but I tried I tried to find the Proverbs around these and I ended up writing one to cover all of them design the architecture name the components document the details what this means is when you're writing a big big system and go you design it as a sort of structural thing think about the components are what pieces work in parallel and then think of really good names for the pieces because those names are going to be what appears on the page and the go program and if the names are good the components will be easy to understand and the design will be clear inside the structure of your program if you give if you give good names to things the programming feels very natural and but there's a lot of stuff that you have to explain and so those are the details you explain but the name should carry a fair bit of the weight of expressing the design that you've architected and the details are just what goes into filling the gaps for the stuff that's maybe the fine print on the engineering diagram documentation is for users a lot of times people write documentation they say this is what this function does and they don't think about what the function actually is for and there's a really important distinction you know this function returns this right why is it returned now what should it return instead when you do use it think about the documentation you write in for your you know your Godot presentation think of yourself as the user of that package rather than the writer of it so that the presentation that Godot gives is something that the user will find helpful it's very this is just it's true for any programming language that the documentation is really about what users see but because of the automated presentation in go like many other languages nowadays but also because the documentation is so lightweight it's not annotated there's no HTML in or anything it you can just write prose so think of the user when you write the documentation be don't be afraid to explain things so that makes sense so that's my list there's probably a lot more I would win it down a lot to the ones that I thought would be easy and pithy I don't think of these things that you guys need to know I think you know them already but think about them as ideas that you might explain to somebody why something you maybe in a code review or when you're teaching someone new about something or trying to stop an argument on Stack Overflow or whatever but and I'd like to think there's lots more and maybe you guys have more you can think of and you know if you want to mail in to me and maybe we'll call eight and have a bigger list maybe this will turn into something that the community maintains on the wiki or maybe when you leave tonight this will be the end of the idea I don't know it's it's an exploration but if you think about the Proverbs back to the original idea of go proverbs from the game they have to satisfy several criteria to be the idea of a proverb they actually really short they have to be kind of poetic and what not all of the ones I wrote today are particularly poetic but some of them are nice because you want them to think of it sort of like it's a little saying right it's it's something that will be memorable you also want to be general now some other specific about a particular thing but they're kind of things that almost every program should have an example in somewhere of what that proverb represents it's it's not you know it's not like you know if you're if your function has three arguments it should probably only have two you know that's really very specific you want something more general and sort of more you know silly in a way and it's possible they they probably should be more about go than about programming because there's a lot of opinions on how to program but one of the things that go has done I think is create a community around a certain way of programming and the idea of these proverbs is to try to capture some of those ideas that make programming and go different and maybe better I don't know but also they might be contradictory you know proverbs aren't always I think real proverbs in the real world you can find lots that are exactly the opposite and that's okay too because sometimes one engineering decision is right sometimes exact opposite is the right thing but that's okay so if you think of more or you have ideas or you want me to stop talking about it let me know and that's it thank you
Channel: The Go Programming Language
Views: 141,093
Rating: 4.9608717 out of 5
Keywords: Rob Pike, golang
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2015
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