GMOD SANDBOX - The Vanoss Crew Plays In 2024!

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kill me kill me for a [Music] second shut up [Music] to [ __ ] [Music] you I have a [Music] green [ __ ] he had a sixth green he dropped a sixth green my next it's called the thank you bucket that's an error that's an error there's not really that many many inventions for me in to put in this tight spot that was an error for that reason I'm out next my next invention who doors what the [ __ ] is this you just sit in a door I don't know what just happened do you ever get tired while you're trying to open up your own door you need take a rest I have the avention for you ooh the [ __ ] is this what it called it is called the flame [Music] marable hey you are [ __ ] for that reason it only works once it's a one use item I have an invention now listen I was sitting there I was eating bread right and I was thinking H what could an invention could I make with this bread wow this is your best one yet how much money you requesting and I'm requesting $300,000 okay for 2% of of of insurance insurance these are um errors oh but if you could imagine it's a seat made out of bread that uh it's about 4,500 calories M um it is edible so you can sit on there and eat if you're hungry but you got to there's an expiration date on this on this chair all right so when does it expire uh next week the best now when you buy when you buy the the seats they only last for a week uh use them wisely I'm going to try and I'm going to try and dup dup crew yeah oh he's he's selling a gun he's look new invention have you ever wanted to shoot yourself yeah listening to this pitch all what about the the last invention the last avention this is called the anti-gravity chair it's going to blur your mind it's a chair that defies gravity wao [Music] yeah oh it works it works look at it flying around guys I died I told you it works he just gets it it defies gravity $1 billion does it come in toilets comes in every seat possible known to humankind so chairs and toilets I'm in I will give you your billion dollar Mr Delirious G it cost $1 billion to make one chair I see the potential this map might be [ __ ] because four star are we are we going to go to or British and America Italy yes Italy yes bouro home of leono D Vinci yes ah yes we like pizzas very no pineapple on Pizzeria please why do you sound like Bor who is Bor Bor who is Bor Bor I might be slov but not Bor what's his name Bor borx Borat oh [Music] dude they have Monopoly in Gmod bet there's a Uno play it there's Uno can we play UNO oh my gosh this is the greatest day of my life yeah we could oh my God we could play Uno and G yeah so we basically hold big cards and we play them are we done to play Uno and Gmod sure is it a map or is it like an it's just a mod and you hold it like an item all right so we should we need to pick a map we could play in a a random room feel like we should do GM construct maybe cuz everyone has that yeah it's like a classic yeah we don't have to yeah we don't have to Pi a Crazy M yeah join when you guys what the [ __ ] is this Delirious wait wait wait wait we got to set it up right I said be oh my God are we going to be playing like actual deck of cards and we have to use our Fizz gun so it would have to go like this it it would have to lay down like flat down like that yeah that's the deck press e to get your your card and be like oh here's my card oh and then you hold it where you can see it but other people can't see it yeah we have to use our fiz gun to that is funny as [ __ ] but you can't come over here cuz you'll be cheating so you we basically Fizz gun it that's that's kind of funny though no how do you put them back in I don't think you can we would just probably got a new deck no yeah just clean clean the yeah let's clean it up okay yeah let's get our cards then new first delious you got your don't don't you got to flip it the right way there you go now you got to get five don't you have yeah don't you have like a bunch you got to get five delious five cards there's five all right all right I feel like I should help him here you can just don't look at it yeah I'm trying not to oh near did hey I got it thank you thank you you're welcome welcome a good one that's a good one oh that's a good one oh that one I can't wait to play that one thank you thank you thank for that you're welcome you're welcome how do you twist how do you twist E Yeah but here here don't don't touch it I got I want n okay show me how do I twist them okay no relax well you know what I got now but okay you hold e and you can you can spin them around and stuff nice Evan you happy with your first card yeah it's pretty good pretty good just make sure Brian doesn't see him he's right behind you oh yeah he is right don't cheat it doesn't matter it doesn't matter you're all carrying [ __ ] error signs and that not good night no no no no you got to download no you got to download the mod we need we need we need one player it needs to be four players yeah we we do need we do need four players okay hold on wait is that Brian or Lou they're both tired I I I think this can work out we just need getting set up part is is the part that takes a while but it's kind of this is this is this is psychotic this what weird hold wait wait wait wait I have I I have something better another idea this is do you see the name on the thing instead of Uno it's called Gino yeah Gino number one for family fun okay boom now that's a card right there for me look look venos we need we need like a platform so see a little bit you doing what do I do walk walk up to and press e well let your uh your Fizz gun yes pick it up grab it and then hold e to start turning it learn how to turn it right click to freeze it in the9 Lou why are you so far away cuz look at me uh look look at my setup D you're very protective you've got like saying so I can see over it so I can see over that I like that van you can stand on that I gave you something oh there you go Evan there you go you can stand on that and uh you can stand on that there you go you didn't analyze my cards two I didn't I didn't look at I didn't look at I didn't look at him I swear I didn't look at him Lou yours need to be a little [ __ ] closer okay we're playing I'm trying to help you dude you're going to be two weeks playing a card Lou is definitely paranoid dude leave my six card alone there's going to be a card in the middle I'm going to flip this card it will be the beginning card if you don't have a card to play we all know how to play Uno do I really need to explain the rules Ryan are you still here yeah can you come back no [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] Uno in a more [ __ ] format this is amazing though all right look at this look oh my gosh look this the most ghetto version of Uno I've ever seen in my life if you don't want to pay for Uno this is why I like I like how to pick up we're going to have to Sprint to the middle and run back hang on hang h h on what could trying to put a camera behind so you can see my stuff I see behind you yeah stop trying to put a camera behind so so you can see his plus4 yeah you know you didn't know all right folks this is Gmod Uno welcome welcome it's called Gino it's called Gino and needless to say it was my idea y this goes great was your idea conrat happen to you if you lose in Gino the attack inserts folks player attack insertion there we go this is so we don't spawn and see evans's cards no explosives just in case we don't want cards go flying everywhere all right who's going first who's going first uh I feel like you should cuz you're the most excited God damn it has to walk all the way over here I don't I don't have a first turn and you don't have a blue all right next up is Lou we'll go clockwise are we doing like uh we got to play what we got or if you can't play a card you got to pick up a card no I know I know but I'm saying are we drawing until we can play it or we just drawing one we playing Unos you know how to play Unos there's different rules there different rules there something Force play or no Force play yeah yeah no we're not going to keep drawing like yeah that would be I just want to see if his his thing works it works I could have told you that if we we don't have a card we only draw one or else we'll be here for [ __ ] ever all right we're going to go counter clockwise I'll go who's going first Brian's here Brian you want to play no he's staring at the wall okay no all right play a card or not I cannot oh he does aha oh damn shall be green green Green go ahead have a green oh [ __ ] he had a six green dude I'm I I'm I got assassinated like Marth and Luther King I Have a green by the way they stick they stick like that if you oh they're supposed to stick cuz that's a part of the mod therey drop it on the top Delirious I did it that's good barely look at nice don't [ __ ] it upse oh my gosh I guys guys there's CS flying everywhere it's a reverse it's fine it's now it's your turn okay my turn I do not have a green careful now there's a lot of rats ridiculous oh hey terroriser Ryan text me what he has mother how long you planning to stand there good you it's all errors don't worry it's all errors for me you don't have to shoot me it's all errors it's all errors we playing with sevens and zeros what is seven to zeros take the time to switch hands we are not playing Seven to Zer listen man you just it's just very simple you just got to pick up one carard at a time with a Fizz gun no no no no we just switch spots we could do that we're doing sevens and zeros then we'll just move spots your turn Lou your turn Lou you have an eight or green see that are you [ __ ] kidding is he getting plus foury can we challenge can I challenge him no pick up four or put down four you either got to pick one up or stack oh one hurry up hurry up I I'll I'll help you pick up four thank you thank you there you go I'm helping you for the sake there I'm helping you okay going to be ridiculous stillar I'm still learning I'm still learning dude missing all right so my turn so it's your turn my what color did you make it Lou you got to pick a color um green cuz you don't have green you're you're such a loser you are such a loser why' you go get laid unbelievable man remembered I didn't have green all right V here go you know what's going to Subway minute we can't play 7 zeros because we got attack insertions down oh who cares that's fine nice you picked it up you can put it down nice that's beautiful what color red I like that I like that color Tak forever Dam it just for yes oh God just got R have so many damn cards so many dards I have a card to play hopefully nobody shoots you I've been shot five times actually good point oh my yeah your goal no goal your goal go what did he get you're go delirious I'm sorry I accidentally dropped your card what that's not my card that's your card what do you mean I never had that you're such an yeah I got I got this i got this don't worry don't worry don't worry draw two draw two draing please don't have a two all right venos draw draw four oh what was that no it's staying it's staying right here shut up Del there he goes production we got what where' you go where are you going did that did that to nolet earlier I don't know why three there you go thanks I'm glad you didn't lose count one more intermission four all right let me see wait no I can't I no no you can't you can't go ahead what the [ __ ] is Brian doing what is this only fans and you're my [ __ ] photographer all right I couldn't play anything draw a card what are you doing I did I Pi I picked it up and put it here that's why I have three now you didn't notice this one right here no I wasn't I I was too busy spawning things I'm sorry monsters we got an audience now yeah what the this guy better not be texting you my cards what you putting down a four oh I'd really love to put down my yellow Aid if it wasn't fused I'm going to put both of them down but pick up a card you're going to change the whole game this is a part of Uno goino okay this is the the the the question marks that happen in Uno goino I I saw it I saw the card you why did you turn it over my God shut up oh there all right they're gone I'm getting new cards okay got to make sure Evan doesn't see it that's my [ __ ] problem Evan sees every single car I pick up got a sniper rifle staring right at you yeah he's using a sniper on my cards so he doesn't see him look at him look at all right all right did someone just put on a zero yeah I did Lou had to draw a card I Messer mean we have to shift we have to shift right all right I need to keep your car hey what are you doing we're shifting I'm taking your spot you take Lou and then Lou takes Evans and Evans takes mine you put down a zero dude a zero man I don't really like the seven and zeros we should have just kept it I like the seven and zeros it it mixes up the perspective I don't I don't see a problem with it moving again moving again oh my gosh Lou what is this this layout is so ugly un un he what is he don't you remember what he would have there I think it's a green is that on properly there we go guys let's whoops [ __ ] it's good it's good we don't need those wobbling throw the there you go there we go I have an issue I have a red six combined with a blue four what we're not playing like that come you know what no I didn't look I didn't look no you know what no draw two more cards oh my gosh all right okay two more cards if you get them stuck from now on if you get cards stuck you you lose both the cards how the [ __ ] do I turn this mother Evan stop looking here I'll help you oh you got it I got it I got it I got it you little rats this is interesting this is oh one a yellow one my yellow one for a red eight yeah what the hell yeah what the hell it looked red what do you mean that looked red it looked red dude what do you want me to say it looked red draw another card all right relax relax dude it's not that deep he's cheating all right we're still going off the red eight he didn't it's a red eight Lou is on Uno this is the clutch moment here folks does he have look at him walking picking up a card oh his card's all the way down there yeah you deserve thatou I got your card right here Lou stop looking at my cards ISAC we're all getting really low yeah this is a good game of Uno this is a good game of Uno oh crap two red two as no draws his card will he be able to draw a red we'll find out oh yes sir red sub he did draw a card now who would I like to [ __ ] at are you an UNO Lou no oh you just put your car all the way back there yeah I want my spot back I want my spot back look at The Terrorizer flying in an air it's just helicopter it's a buzzard it's a buzzer yeah it's a GTA V buzzard he's in The Choppa Cher this video sucks [ __ ] B is it my turn made made made oh he [Applause] survived that time I like this part of Uno it's like festive and well not F festive hey Lou what did he have do you remember what colors he had yeah green and blue stop riding right a thank you for telling me thank you for telling me all right I'll take uh Nole spot all right okay wait wait wait wait then that means whose turn is it that's uh your turn Delirious is no it's Delirious's turn again it wouldn't be delious it is because that's the order it was going you switch hands not places we didn't switch it wouldn't skip it wouldn't I know I know I know it would be noas turn right now no it's not it's based your the turn is based on your placement I have so many hours playing you don't move places just do you do this is the first time we've ever switched [Laughter] no Delirious just went and he it don't matter he's in the place where the C moves if that's the new thing then if like him switching like I'm out of here then I quit then I qu I'm saying then we have to all how do I die what killed me you spawned a washing machine on me you know what fine it's my turn Uno turn it's my turn Lou said it's my turn Lou said it's my turn right oh you Chang your mind now Mexican boy whose turn is it no it's voses we're going if we're going from Left of delirious and Delirious move spots then it's still going counter [ __ ] special we did not look at this card yeah hold your eight you just go just leave Vanos go go go can you put it on the deck draw two cards you didn't call Uno you didn't call Uno draw cards I didn't call Uno you didn't call Uno there you go yeah all right what the [ __ ] oh I wonder who shot this Mar Let It Go Let It [Music] Go heart of the cards hard the card I'm never playing this got some comptition in this lby ever again in my life this is the worst idea ever this was your idea listen man this is your idea man play a card man is it my turn it's your turn man yeah yeah yeah yeah I thre the two yellow there it is buom there you go what how is this happening is it like on a timer is it on a Time Brian I I'm eating jelly and he doesn't he doesn't have a yellow I don't have a yellow what what what did I get what did I [Music] get creeping over yeah I'll play this I'll play this okay I'll switch with youou you would had to switch play okay that means by the way from from Lou's previous logic it's my turn pick up a card I hate you hey hey [Music] hey it's like keep away keep away keep away spicy spicy [Music] [Music] wine I don't want play I want play please please Delirious please don't get rid of the cards please Delirious try get rid of the damn please Delirious please Delirious stop Delirious please Delirious stop okay pass fine we're fine you doing I don't know got something oh you got something you got oh he's got a blue seven whose card you taking yeah um just let me organize my cards Dude you guys are dick holes You Dropped a draw too I sure [ __ ] didly did dude yeah he he he had a draw two so it's your turn Uno oh he's on Uno he called Uno he called Uno why is that happening only to meoo why is that dude it's [ __ ] it's climate change global warming okay Uno all right well oh no is that a plus two better be a green one it's a green plus two all right draw four oh my God L got six he hasn't dropped he hasn't dropped it six cards Lou no I'm going to tell you I'm going tell you no just ruined everything cuz look at if I draw venos has a red so it's already game over we still want you to pick up the six cards no pick them up I want to see every card he wasn't supposed to do it because every single pick the bend over and get him oh my where are they coming from I swear the weather is insane on this map no that's a good blue five blue eight and a green card green nine you have there you have a camera watching me this whole time this camera has been watching my hand and you all have been able to watch that's right you're on the Delirious prank show it still didn't let me win yeah oh all right go ahead Vos go ahead man just get it over with the final card the final card don't let him do [Music] it he is the champion woo he's the champion the first Uno games Vanos is the winner even though this was very SC so hey Brian thanks for placing all those cameras we had we had we had cheating Cut Throat throughout the entire game what what did you think about that win s what you think about that win pretty good that was pretty good here for memories for memories
Channel: Nogla
Views: 222,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daithi de nogla, nogla, gaming, new, video game, funny, video games, comedy, game, fail, fails, gameplay, video, youtube, epic, funny moments, moments, multiplayer, hilarious, rage, best
Id: k0vBRJaFSR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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