GM Eric's 1..d6 Speedrun | 400-600

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[Music] hey YouTube I have a new opening Series here this one is D6 versus everything is black I've done C6 before this time it's time for D6 doesn't really matter what White's going to do I'm going to be throughout the series showing you typical ideas and structures that arise from D6 while also giving General Blitz commentary as I try to raise the rating of the account okay we're playing D6 D6 versus everything anything here and there's a few ways I can approach this whether it's E4 D4 I can now I can play Knight F6 Pierce I can play G6 to Modern going to try a few different systems throughout the speedrun but the first move is D6 KN F6 hits the pawn of course please show the clock oh holy smokes oops scuff stream all righty E5 we'll just grab that they're offering a draw we're going to have to decline that there goes your castling let's go Knight G4 double attack F2 and E5 I am going to think I'm going to take the pawn but they're both I take this White's pawns are kind of messed up both very tempting no this is a high energy speed run so I'm going to go for the most aggressive option we're going to mess up the pawns and go for a quick Counterattack let's go check and then we can castle with check check and now now we can take the pawn oh where are you going here I'm going to I'm going to trick my opponent they really want this pawn and you might be inclined to play A6 then they're going to go back I want to encourage that white pursues this pawn and go C6 and if you take and I go King B8 you have no way out go for A7 take on A7 then King B8 really thinking a lot here huh Knight takes A7 King B8 okay okay I respect the energy but that was two pawns for a knight I think that's a plus for me and now we're just happy to trade right so let's take take and now we got to bring the pieces in so let's get this bishop out Yep this is an example my opponent did not do a good job against the opening I'm going to grab this Pawn with check check and we're going to just eat everything you want to come here nope don't go here I got this move planned it's a dirty move but if you give me time I'm just going to start running the pawns like that are you visualizing good stuff push push push wow thank you I like the energy unfortunately Bishops do move back backwards buddy going to have to take that good game I'll change the title [Music] oh no [Music] yeah cobster if you don't like speedruns I don't know why you're here you can just go somewhere else I play these and we start at lower ratings to uh make it more educational if you don't like it you can uh definitely there's lots of other content I haven't done one of of these since the start of the year I think just do a speedrun at your ELO no that's not how it works we're not actually speedr running we're taking our time trying to talk about our [Music] thoughts all righty D6 we're going to keep doing D6 but this time hopefully my opponent does something different D3 is not very ambitious not taking the space now we can have a bit of fun going to go C5 which is more like a sicilian Pawn structure where I'm uh preventing white from expanding can kle that Bishop I like this this isn't a threat yet I think 600s are getting stronger every year though you know going I develop this bishop and now are we worried about this I don't think so I'm going to get develop anyways don't mind trading I'm just playing on the dark squares Castle often times with D6 the um you do play on the dark squares you know D6 yto the dark Square Bishop the king's Zion is based off of that so this is not too uncommon all right let's grab that pawn it looks defended Bishop takes Knight takes the only questionable thing is if white takes here but he didn't all righty I got a provocative move here that I think is going to work Knight D4 if you take I'm happy because I go Rook B8 and uh I get to take B2 I took back with the e- pawn cuz I want to go F5 and build my Center OH doesn't care about that it's going to be a b bad uh bad Bond structure though all right thank you now White's King is soft I'm going to play F5 so my queen has access to the king side and one idea I have might be well first of all this move doesn't make sense but going bring my queen in and I can activate my Bishop I don't need to activate it this way I can also try this that move doesn't seem to address this problem so we're just going to grab that and now this is a very strong Checkmate threat Bishop here Bishop here I don't know White's just not not watching out for the king side okay think I'm going to take the queen and then I'm not interested in taking the Rook I'm interested and check meting Bishops move backwards don't forget here we go getting just block games right now all right D6 versus is D4 C4 doesn't matter the first move a London I want to think of some sort of London trap there are some that you can try but I'm not the most booked up okay I'm going to go Knight D7 and I want to go E5 just challenge this bishop right away take with the pawn so this bishop opens up now let's develop this is an interest what what is this move can I take Knight takes I don't see the idea when I take I also hit their Bishop which they invested two moves in developing okay Knight takes Bishop Queens are touching but that doesn't seem to be an issue I'm just winning a piece or at least doing very well I don't see any okay I'll take it sure so now we're up a piece and there's a maneuver here that you're going to see a lot in the speedrun it's where to put the King right so I'm going to trade cuz I'm up a piece and now the question pertains where am I going to put the king first of all I don't want my king on the back Rank and I can't Castle cuz I've already moved it so I want to put my king on the on the seventh so my Rooks can connect and join the game and I could go here that blocks my dark squ Bishop I could go here that blocks my light squ Bishop I'm going to make an igloo I'm going to do this a lot in the speedrun probably whenever my IO Castle castling rights go C6 so I can put my king on C7 and Pawn on C6 takes away D5 and B5 as squares in case there's ever checks if there was a knight here and then my pieces can develop harmoniously so Bishop C5 Rook here Bishop here Rook here and we're going to be all connected I mess up the screen well G4 ignoring there's a bit of a problem here Bishop D2 uh Bishop E3 looks like it wins I'm going to try another move order going to trade Rooks which is a good habit and now go Bishop here K has to slide now let's double check that this works Rook D1 Knight blocks can I take the Knight yes cuz the bishop defends so that looks good yep it's defended there we go hello grilled peppers Asin thanks for the uh 27 months Checkmate 642 all right D6 that's not an ambitious move so let's uh bring the KN out and we're we're going to play classical Style like King Zion PS you play D6 and you fetto a bishop it's a pretty easy system to play and it works versus pretty much every single white approach Bishop G5 you know what I would love to get the dark Square Bishops for myself then my king is going to be super safe oh hey the bishop pair this is an advantage that pawn on B2 is loose but he forgot to to defend it thank you thank you people tend to blender this long range Bishop moves every speedrun I've done it happens so this is easy math I can take a rook or take a knight if I take the Rook the queen can take I win a rook Five Points I lose the bishop three points plus two I take the Knight there's no piece that can Rec capture so that's just plus three no questions asked so you take the piece take the freebie and then I [Music] Retreat yep you saw that Knight to D4 and we're still on the same diagonal another reason to value your Bishops people tend to blunder these moves up until like a th000 ELO so I'm going to have to take and I'm going to retreat and white has no piece on the board that can challenge a dark s Bishop now I said I should retreat but another thing we can do is you see this bishop and you see these pawns the pawns on C4 and E4 mean they cannot attack this bishop ever which means we can create an outpost there's a couple ways to create an outpost here The Bishop's pretty much on an outpost it's hard to attack but I could play C5 or E5 and this bishop is just guaranteed to be good there for the rest of the game so we'll go with E5 solidify the bishop also bring a new possibility for the queen in and I'm actually going to use C5 for another piece cuz I see another Outpost potential on C5 which piece is that and how do we get there how do we get to C5 cuz we have full control over the dark squares what are we going to put on C5 a pawn the light Square Bishop the Knight so we got two options Knight A6 Knight D7 good job though either way get the Knight to D7 that's a very good Outpost let's go Knight A6 the upside is we'd never block our Bishop and we still get to C5 very common maneuver in the Kings Union defense and I can pretty much pre-move Knight C5 there's nothing white can do to challenge it now my Knight's permanently defended Bishop's good you know what I'm going to grab that pawn thank you very much this bishop is guarded so I can just move back and these two pieces are perfect I don't have to worry about that so now let's develop other things going to start with the queen what else do I want to develop light SRI bishop and since we're up so much material we might as well consider trading thank you notice that everything is defended here Queen can't take this this is the guarded this is guarded the pawns are useless at putting pressure on those pieces and now this Pawn is H and you can't play F3 cuz that's illegal so do I need to win more material no at this point I think it might be smart to just trade and go into a winning end game I'm trying though all right I'm a greedy guy so I'm not going to give any pawns away think we can take I can take with the queen or the Knight I'm going to take with a knight cuz that comes with a threat hitting this and putting pressure here now The Rook moves this way uh-oh it's a problem take we are up a rook a bishop and a bunch of Pawns the bishop I don't need to deal with at all but I need to bring my Rooks in the game so I'm going to make some space for the Rooks bring this rook in and Rook B2 is coming right here we trade when we're up check KCK I'm setting up a Checkmate King here leads check after King here Rook H2 it's defended by my bishop and the King has no Escape squares nice against D4 we can opt for the Kings indan which is a setup who okay if white goes E4 this is not a king's inion it's a pier but I don't know the setup with Queen D3 but I like the energy we're going to Castle this is when your Bishops touch we played that in 0.6 seconds I'm not going to say no to Bishop's touching but there nothing defending that is it we take yep thank you for the free Bishop The Pierces versus E4 the king zinan versus D4 traditionally and one of the main differences is the Pawn on C4 or not Pawn on C2 and pawns on e4 and D4 is like a pier pawns on C4 and D4 is like a king zini all righty you want this Pawn you can't have it Queen's just moving around which doesn't bother me at all it's going to be a Target so I want to develop and there's no light scrip Bishop so if I go Knight C2 I go for Knight C2 it's going to be now we could go Knight T2 here but seeing the queen on my side of the turf opens up some other possibilities I can go for The Rook but don't lose sight of the L I'm going to go for a queen trap absolutely where is this queen headed and to go for the lady and I could take with a rook but now I can actually win it with a knight check check and now we just wanted to trade everything cuz I'm up so much material there's no excuse not to trade and simplify the game I mean they were supposed to take but that's okay let's bring the queen in always oil check your opponents they might give you free stuff like don't be afraid of playing moves that you think are too obvious thank you thank you they might go here then we're going to slide over and take thank you check check thank you check check and now let's uh bring the other pieces in things got to go there actually this is a good exercise find find the Checkmate pattern for for Block it's quite it's not not not not that easy so if you go check which looks obvious well first of all a lot of you guys would go here and give up a queen check I go here check I go here and the King starts to make make a run for it I don't want the king to go out I want it to go in it's much easier to check me the King on the back ring can't go there can't go here can't go here now the king's there do I check again no and the King goes back now we have this check and now it should be clear King's got to go there move up with the queen King's forced to go here and then the in-your-face Checkmate que F2 oh we got a canu here D6 go Knight C3 that's what white should do F3 is another decent move so we're going to practice I said D6 versus everything um I'm going to introduce E5 without fian ketoing which means I'm going to lose castling but if you remember earlier I showed you how to make an igloo does everyone remember and it it's going to be it's not bad to lose castling privileges sometimes because in the end game your king actually wants to be in the center so what I'm going to do first is I'm going to play Bishop E6 then oh well he's going to give me the bishop here not going to complain but I'm going to go C6 my king on C7 and I'm safe and now the game now we're good uh we got the bishop pair bring in the Knight now it's time to bring in the Rooks I I got maybe I should go H5 put some pressure over here I like this got the bishop here you want the position to open up so immediately I'm going to take and now with your bishop and you find an annoying move here cuz it's an open position but black has the dark for a bishop and white doesn't so let's try to needle needle white a little bit here you find a an effective move it's a move you hate to see if you're playing White this bishop is decent it has some scope but this bishop is just unchallenged so I'm going to go Bishop to E3 prevents white from queenside castling hits the pawn and just right in your face I don't mind taking first now let's I could take that Pawn's actually a goner so I'm going to bring my rook in I'm still preventing white from castling I'm still about to take this Pawn just got to decide when and where but this restricts the king Mobility as well okay I'm coming in [Music] and I'm going to take right here attacking this Rook oh an unfortunate Square [Music] check there wasn't a good Square Rook G3 I would have gone H4 but this bishop is just a monster unfortunately this is not Checkmate cuz the I can take so I'm going to collect my material and now just push our Pawn push trade up material time to trade push I'm going to sack some pawns to run the pawn down push thank you we could make a queen I'm going to throw in Rook G1 first check you want to make the King on the back rank that's always easier so I'm going to go Queen D4 so the king cannot make progress up the board we're going to go throw in a check and now it's set up for a one mover thank you vice versa Nathan for the subs King can't go here King can't step on the defile only squares this R H1 takes out away checkmate all righty D6 versus everything against F4 it's not so bad it's actually Theory to play that if you watch my bird speedrun this is a sacrificial line that you can play do I even remember what I'm supposed to do there but we'll play traditionally oh I'm going to be a pest a lot of people don't think in the opening they just make moves automatically I'm going to try to exploit the dark squares that are loose here like that thank you just the journey for the night thank you thank you I'm two pawns up now oh I hung a pawn oh no takes takes takes I lose a pawn that's a shame that would have been Checkmate but opponent didn't fall for it all righty all righty going to queenside Castle I think it'd be a good time to attack the king in the center well this isn't much of a D6 uh game this is just white attack like not developing which is going to be a problem cuz I'm up a piece I'm castled I've done the right things I'm just going to open up lines and try to get my Rook to line up against the queen here so let's let's take here we're going to push I'm not up a piece but I have my pawns running down which I'm pretty happy about I'm going to sack my queen you can take I'm allowing it and which move am I going to go for there's going to be a Checkmate around here just give me some time oh okay okay E3 is tempting but if we want to bait properly we're going to hang our Rook oh we hung our Rook good job Tim Cannon is that Checkmate double check can the king move up F2 is covered by the bishop E2 is covered by the pawn is there any piece I can block don't see it there we go truffle PFF thanks for the prime thanks for watching another episode of my D6 speedrun if you like our content all I ask is that you subscribe to the channel below it's going to notify you every time we release a video and if you want to move on to the next episode of the speedrun just click over there what
Channel: chessbrah
Views: 25,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chessbrah, chess grandmaster, checkmate, best chess channel, eric hansen, aman hambleton, magnus carlsen, hikaru nakamura, chess strategy, chess tactics, learn chess, how to play chess, chess checkmate, grandmaster, blitz chess, rapid chess, bullet chess, chess match, twitch, chess calculation, fast chess, beginner chess, advanced chess
Id: C8y--1Zbx78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 58sec (2098 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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