Glowforge tips and tricks: Using Cricut Design Space and your Glowforge

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hey so with me again so i keep seeing this question asked a lot on our glowforge wages and i know with glowforge it's a little bit difficult because not many people have it like they do the cricut or the silhouette machine so there's not many tutorials out there so my goal is to learn or teach people what i've learned um so far which is a lot but also not enough at the same time so a lot of people keep asking can you use design space and your glow forage and the ac the answer is actually yes but i keep seeing people say no so they're wrong you absolutely can use the cricut design space for your glowforge and i'm going to show you how so i've showed you how to convert an svg in another video but i want to start from the very very beginning so i'm in qriket design space um you can't really see it because i have part of my screen cut out but so i have certain images that i already use um they are svgs they're not svg something like that so let's just say and this is what i did last time i want to do let me just do this one i just want to do a quick i don't know arrow image so or a quick sign image this is something i actually do a lot for my um for my glowforge and i'm gonna keep changing when i make it but regardless i make this a lot that way i can cut pieces straight pieces on my glowforge that i need so right now you're going to see the dimensions right here right here don't really need that doesn't really matter so i have this piece what you do is you click this empty space right here and turns it all white right so i'm going to click this space also so normally what i would do is open my screenshot right here take a screenshot of this or i can do shift command 3 and take a screenshot of it which you'll see down here so there's my screenshot um i'm going to open it again normally when i do my screenshot but i'm doing a screen recording right now i would just make it as small as i possibly can before so anyway what i do with this simple image um is if i'm trying to make it just a square a straight square or a straight line or something like i just had one the other day it didn't cut all the way through where i needed it to and i that was my fault i mis-measured so what i did is i just made something else so i'm done with this right now so what i'm going to do is go from cricut design space because i'm in design space right now you can see my qriket space like i am actually using it i go into inkscape because that's the one that i've been using and that's one that i figured out how to use um pull this down okay so up in this top corner you'll see more of the stuff and you're not gonna really see what i'm trying to open the last uh screenshot that i did was this i'm gonna open so here's my design right i'm gonna click on this and in the top that you can't see on my screen unfortunately um there's another button here somewhere there's a path button it's trace bitmap you hit path trace bitmap mine is a single scan so i'm just doing single scan i'm gonna hit update you'll see that it's blank i'll hit apply see how it turned it black i'm going to turn this off so this toggles off this toggle goes off i'm going to close this out because i'm all done with it now now the black part will be my svg because everything i do in design space i keep specifically gray that way i know this is the original i don't need this anymore i'm going to delete it this however is my new svg that i just created so see these little dots right here i want these nodes every single time i do this i want to see these nodes that tells me that this is an svg now i know right here it's a screenshot it says what time i'm taking it everything else what i'm going to do though is go to file save as and i'm going to save it as a plain svg so what i'm going to say is okay so i'm super when i do this i i really want to like make sure that i do save this as what i know i need it for um so there's that so now i'm going to go right for straight from there to here i'm going to go to my goal forge dash my glory fridge is not on right now but all of these things that i've made pretty much have all been from design space um i actually just did this one tonight same thing from design space so i'm gonna hit create new blank design which that really doesn't matter which one you hit i'm going to upload it's pulling it from my desktop i'm not going to use a screenshot because the screenshot will not work however i will use this one because that's the svg that i just created and if my glow forge was on you would be able to see and then what you're going to see is i can engrave i can cut i can score however if i do the same thing and i pull the screenshot only you can only do certain things and it may i may have to pull a different one to show you so this is a screenshot and it will only engrave right so that's the biggest difference so you just need to convert it to an svg it's a couple extra steps it's really not that big of a deal um it doesn't take that long i've been doing it this entire time like i said i have a couple things like i have this from design bundles that i actually got and what i got from design bundles was an apple and then separately i got the hot apple cider part so i wanted to make them both together that way this entire piece would be scored and of course i pulled the wrong one so let's pull the right one um hot apple there we go see and i was sure to tell myself that this is the one that i was looking for so with this one what i did was i cut the apple shape in the background just the apple shape not the lines and everything to it and then i scored this one but again see how i couldn't do that before i could only engrave before because that was a screenshot this right here is not the screenshot this is the actual svg i created by using qriket design space so if you guys have any questions at all if you think that i'm missing something and i need to add something into this please let me know because i am here to learn and i'm here to help everybody so thanks guys bye
Channel: Brittany Ann S
Views: 440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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