Glock 43X vs Glock 19 | Side By Side Comparison

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hey guys Frank here thanks for watching so today's video is going to be about a comparison between the Glock 43 X and the Glock 19 I'll just tell you guys up front both of these guns are not loaded or clear okay I'm gonna keep the magazines in both guns just for a full apples-to-apples comparison so a quick intro I did a video very similar to this about three years ago between a Glock 43 and then this Glock 19 after much thought I decided to trade in the Glock 43 and buy this Glock 43 X I thought this would be a good video to do because these guns are similar in a lot of ways but they're different in many ways as well it might be helpful to someone who's trying to decide between which one to buy so to start out just tell you guys the big difference you notice right away is the length of the slide between buck guns so if we hold these side-by-side you guys can see that the fork 19 is significantly longer it's about three quarters of an inch longer so leave this light on this Glock 19 is about six and a half inches give or take a little bit yeah something like that about six and a half inches and block 43 X is about five and three-quarter somewhere in there yeah something like that so it's about three quarters of an inch difference which is a lot when you're concealed carrying if you look at the width of the two you can see again that Glock 43 X is significantly thinner than the Glock 19 so obviously the Glock 43 X if you don't know is a single stack pistol and the Glock 19 is a double stack so the thickness is definitely something worth bringing up to a person who wants to carry concealed carry this pistol because of the thickness it can actually help you get a better purchase the weapon so here is the Glock 19 I'm going to show you guys this is my grip on it and then I do the same thing with the Glock 43 X it's hard to see but my fingers come over a little bit further on the grip and again the reason for that is because it's more narrow the grips themselves are basically identical in length they're about the exact same you guys can see these are - or flush you go all the way down to the go way up I should say to these sites they're about the exact same so it's gonna be the width and the overall length that really defines the major differences between these guns another huge variable you have to look at when you're thinking about which of these tutor buy is the magazine capacity so the Glock 19 as I said it's a double stack pistol meaning the rounds are on each side of the magazine it's 15 + 1 meaning 15 rounds of the mag one in the chamber you come over here to the 43 X it's a single stack and it's 10 + 1 10 around the mag 1 in the chamber however there's kind of an asterisks in this department because with the Glock 43 X there is in aftermarket magazine you can buy that fits actually 15 rounds in a flush magazine so it's the exact same overall dimensions but you get 15 plus 1 which is identical to the Glock 19 it's a deal-breaker for a lot of people and it was for me I don't own any of those Meg's right now but I will buy some down the road another quick point worth bringing up is the weight of these two weapons so if you have the Glock 19 here again magazines are in these weapons but they're not loaded no amo so we got 1 point 1 pound 8 ounces so that's one and a half pounds Glock 19 Glock 43 1 pound 2.9 ounces so you're looking at about five point 1 ounces difference so that's that's again you know it's a little bit of weight but it adds up it's definitely a point worth bringing up looks like between these two not loaded for the most part about five ounces a weight difference so it's definitely something worth you know thinking about some other small nuances that I do want to bring up is when you're comparing the Gen 4 to the Glock 43 X you're you know you don't have any slide serrations like you know the Gen 5 you do but on the Gen fours you do not so it's an aesthetic thing and also a functional thing you know if you want to rack the slide holding it up front it's you know to some people that's good other people not so much it's a again a personal preference also on the Glock 19 there is a rail here for mounting some kind of a light or an attachment so it's hard to do this well hold in front of the camera but you guys can see is a quick mount quick attach quick detach mount there it is very ideal but to counter that you can also say that there are light laser combos available than a towel attach and mount to the trigger guard so you can get around not having a light there maybe the Glock 43 xx will have some kind of rail and that is a very sarcastic dry joke so there you go anyway there's other small differences in this Gen 4 19 the grip itself has little spots where your fingers kind of go in between if you look at the 43 X it's just a straight grab some people like that some people don't know kind of indifferent to it myself it's not a deal breaker or anything like that but it's a difference I thought I'd bring up it seems like the triggers are very very similar to me on both weapons the Glock 19 and the Glock 43 excellent clocks website says it's a five and a half pound trigger so it's pretty similar in that department overall though for concealed carry I think that the Glock 43 X's is better now the slides not as long so the barrel is not as long might not be quite as accurate with it as your is the Glock 19 but if that's something deterring you whatever weapon you practice with you'll get more and more comfortable as time goes on so whatever accuracy you may lack in the beginning with the 19 you could make up with the 43 X so it's something worth thinking about and obviously there's other light you know guns and Glocks lineup so the Glock 48 is more or less the external dimension equivalent to the Glock 19 with the exception of the thickness because it is a single stack Clarke 48 that is so it's just something you know worth bringing up you guys these are some of the big differences whatever you like the most is just personal preference the best thing you can do is do research on it go to the store and try to handle one if you can't shoot one before you buy it and see how you feel and honestly all of these guns are you know they're I really like Glocks never had problems with mine very reliable and they're weapons that are meant to be used so I like both of these I'm use this gun for home defense and I carried this gun with me I do still carry the 19 periodically as well oh excuse me about the camera but anyway that's it you guys those are the big differences they wanted to make a video about and tell you guys and if you have any questions anything you want to bring up good points about things I missed please mention them down the comments and if you've stuck around this long you guys please consider subscribing gonna be a lot of cool videos about the Glock 43 X in the future I'm really excited to get this thing out to the range and spend some time with it so that's it thanks so much guys i'll see in the next video god bless
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Views: 38,120
Rating: 4.8419957 out of 5
Keywords: glock, 19, 43, 43x, 9mm, 9x19, comparison, review, ccw, firearm, pistol, handgun, concealed, carry, overviewbest, compact, subcompact, full size, regular, awesome, safe action trigger, black slide, silver, oxide, compare, shooting, desktop, detals, weight, length, width, magazine capacity, thickness, height
Id: Y0k3n5wH3nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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