Global Makeup Artist Charlotte Tilbury On How She Created Her Beauty Empire! | This Morning

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welcome back we're now joined by a goddess of Glam who is celebrating 10 years of incredible success with her Global Beauty brand now her alist Client List includes Kate Moss P Elby Gru JLo we're not on the list quite yet no it says I'm not on the list well I just wanted to share the all right all right no I'm not on the list all right you're on the list you remember you're on the list this is what one day I'm going to get on that list just told me that we have crossed paths years ago in the uh days of modeling and fashion shows so maybe Charlotte has done my face I don't I I'm so jealous I'm so Charlotte it is so lovely to have a sit down chat with you we've always cross thank you so much for having me it's so excit pleas I love you guys hey right so first and foremost let's go back when were you first interested in makeup well darling at the age of 13 I discovered a tub Scar and then I realized my God this is so empowering cuz I have Fair eyelashes and I was like this is amazing makeup is so empowering it gives you the confidence and anything in life that gives you confidence is amazing so that's really kind of where it started then I went off to start working with Mary Greenwell who I met who was you know Princess Di's makeup AR and the first supermodel hair and makeup I Lindy Linda sort of Claudia noi all of the yeah exactly there she is with me um and uh so I went off and started assisting her you know in all the fashion shows in London Paris she was do everything wasn't she everything and everyone she's the first super superhero makeup artist really I mean Super makeup artist yeah and so then I started working with her and that's where it really all began yeah and then you were very much ingrained in the fashion world and you were running shows yourself weren you and designing the makeup ex design no then I went on to have this amazing career you know arua the world's number makeup artist where literally I kind of you know was on a plane permanently from New York La London D everywhere kind of doing every celebrity every red carpet every cover of Vogue every cover of bizaar every cover of I mean work yeah crazy kind of hours and but having a fabulous time in the fashion and creating a lot of Trends I created a lot of Trends with you know people like Kate Mel but you know many different things you know that we would create all of these Trends where it's a feline flick or the kind of the cat eye or the kind of sculpted cheely little pick of you and Kate there right at the beginning oh my God friends for like from so crazy for a really long time haven't you you guys met years we've been friends for since we were since I was 19 yeah since we were 19 years of age yeah so that's obviously yesterday darling B I was going to say was lastday myy I love that you you're like I I am the number one MEAP in the world absolutely I love that about you and I love the fact that you're like I am and that's absolutely wonderful um but to get you here you obviously yeah you've you've you've got to have confidence in what you're doing right and you have done so much and you've worked on so many shows and done son many magazine because as youve said you've been around so much makeup and so much product what was it that made you go do you know what I want to put something else in there as well because there's a lot out there isn't there absolutely and it was an overcrowded space hardest as people would say it was over how are you doing a makeup run and I said because actually as an artist I was really frustrated with a lot of the formulas out there they kind of went patchy they went blotchy they kind of made people look the powers made people look duster and older and I had worked as a creative director for a lot of luxury houses so I knew I worked with the scientists on really innovating and I'm still today innovating a lot of amazing product and putting a lot of skare products into the makeup and I saw this kind of Gap in the market where people say to me oh but you work on Jennifer Anderson or Penelope Cruise or whoever it is and I you know came on and I can never look like that and actually that really I really wanted to democratize makeup because I think everyone is gorgeous and everyone is beautiful and everyone deserves to look and feel like the most beautiful versions of themselves and celebrities just understand I see people when they sit in my chair and that that empowerment it gives that makeup that confidence and actually we're all insecure as human beings but if we can wake up in the morning and put a bit of makeup on and get rid of any tired bags I mean darling you and I have been up since 500 a.m. you know and it's Christmas and whatever and going to parties and you just sort of put on a bit of makeup and you can just banish all of that and if you look good you feel good and that's the most important what you always done I mean and I want to say thank you you've always been so inclusive with the brand you know guys girls trans everyone is included in the Charlotte Tilbury umbrella and you've finally been recognized I think is something that is so fantastic the special recognition w at the British fashion Awards congrat on how was that I mean everyone was there the other night that was amazing I mean you know the thing is we do obviously Charlotte really know lots of celebrities it's kind of gone viral a lot of my brand because you do a lot of these products and then you've got all the celebrities there but lots of them very kindly because they love my products wearing my products andar cloney gave me my award which was amazing um and you know Kate Moss was there and it was it was amazing it's so humbling to be recognized for what you do when you've worked it's well deserved Charlotte well I've worked very hard for it and I've created amazing products that really revolutionize women's lives and you know I where you know in the middle of December when we're all exhausted I'm like don't worry I've got a glow for you darling it's going to make you look time she's like hello loves listen we can't have you here without seeing exactly what you do so let's head going to have a little look we'll have a little toddle over here so Charlotte what we hell oh no right well let me just show you exactly how to give you a little bit of that glow this is one of my beauty tricks so you can just see darling looks face straight intoa already got got exactly darling and if we go Suki turn if you zoom into Suki darling gorgeous cameraman there we go lovely there and other way there's Suki without any makeup on on it's beautiful before but beautiful after and you can really see Suki keep your head straight sweetie what I'm going to show you is how to get a kind of sculpt and lift and glow so this is an easy one I need a sculpt and a lift and a glow dot dot and then blend and this literally just can tap it in with your fingers and makes you look like you dripping in cans light you smooth out your pores your fine lines anything and you just look absolutely kind of lit from within as if you just come back from exactly the light catches the cheekbone and gives you that lift and sculpting effect then you take this and you just put it down this is my celebrity trick down the center of the nose pop that on there Little Dot at the end and that's a little nose lifting trick again if you want to brighten up your eyes you just put that in the inner corner of the eyes and that just opens up the eyes and that's really kind of you know people think that kind of you know having sort of wide apart eyes and this is under the eyebrow that little lift trick that really kind of gives you a much kind of bigger shakes it lifts it I you know all the tricks nothing you don't wake up like this I tell you I know I know that you have a full face of sh I love you Ry I love you I love you Ryland he might actually have more makeup than you I darling I know I we we were doing all the tips earlier exactly you had all my products out I love suitcases of Charlotte so this okay so I'm going to show you how to this now close your eyes look with the ones I wanted to make wup easy to choose easy to use so this for all the moms at home everyone this is just one swipe wonders look at this darling I'm just getting my finger close your eyes darling dripping it across the eye like that easy peasy you no makeup artist needed but open up your eye darling and that's just going to lift and brighten and give you bigger brighter eyes exactly like a snatch I opened up so all of these things I wanted literally getting Hollywood supermodels whatever red carpet I've done everyone's makeup it's for everyone democratizing makeup making it easy giving it and even you know creams for the dads that are own it you know exactly everybody needs everybody needs it I mean darling a bit of red Lippy darling who doesn't need that a little Charlotte you are you really are darling Spritz air did you see this on Instagram it went crazy it always does 16 hours with the people they were like coming out looking AB dunking themselves in swimming pools and water I don't go anywhere without it you know I don't I love sprit go on let's set me up there I am I'm set there you go all day so much night day all day I love you guys thank you don't leave it no I'll be back to mine tomorrow on the I'm not leaving on the Shelf
Channel: This Morning
Views: 49,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: this morning, this morning itv, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, this morning funniest moments, this morning interviews, alison hammond, itv
Id: Qbf4ww861HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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