Glidecam VS. Zhiyun Crane 2

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all right today we're going to have a stabilizer shoot off between the glidecam and the crane - I have here the glidecam HD 4000 with the 1d x mark - and the Canon 16 to 35 millimeter lens and the crane - with the exact same setup and we're going to be putting these to the test in real-life scenarios and see which one wins keep in mind either of these companies are paying me to make this video and I'll save you some time right now and tell you who the winner is neither of them they are just different tools for different situations each with their pros and cons but hopefully these tests were about to do will help you identify which ones perform better in which situations and therefore which one you should buy for your given situation but before we get on the test quick overview of how these two stack up price depending on the model you get these two stabilizers are about the same price so no real advantage there wait the glide cam is about a ten and a half pounds set up right here with what I have and the crane - is an eight pound setup so the claim - is a little bit lighter size the crane - is a little bit smaller has a smaller overall footprint so advantage crane - payload capacity the glide cam can carry my red weapon and this one obviously cannot so a dentist glide cam set up time each of these takes about 10 to 15 minutes initially to set up and I actually had to undo some of the screws on one of these axes to be able to fit the 1 B X Mar - because it's not made for this camera specifically and as far as adjusting any settings on sets interchanging lenses were on set when we got to really quickly get a new lens on and rebalance so we're gonna time each and see how long they take to rebalance ready Nate and go 45 seconds to change lenses and rebalance on the glidecam all right time for the crane admittedly this is the first time I've ever attempted a lens change and rebalance so it should take longer but we'll see one minute 20 seconds so about twice as long to change lenses out so again if I was more weathered at this I could probably get it to around the same time so I probably say it's a draw so neither room with manual focus when your glide camming you don't really have the option to wrack focus while you're getting smooth shots whereas this guy has a focus wheel that you can hook up to your camera and rack focus manually so advantage crane to battery life advantage glide cam that doesn't have a battery learning curve this is probably the biggest advantage of the crane too because the glide cam does take a couple months of practice like riding a bike before you get it down and feel comfortable using it whereas the crane too does most the work for you and then versatility this is probably the biggest advantage of the glide cam you can get more natural-looking movements and get exactly what you want versus the crane to is motorized so it is going to look a little bit more robotic and it's not going to follow perfectly exactly what you want to do especially with fast-moving objects but let's now jump into some real life scenarios and see how they compare alright so our next test is going to be filming out of the car here we go first with the glide cam very nice [Music] okay very good all right now it's time for the zoom crane - all right go ahead dude alright so in the moving vehicle crane 2 is definitely the clear winner this is much easier to keep a steady shot alright next test is the real estate test we're gonna see how these to do any real estate scenario so I'm going to do one straight pushing shot that I'm gonna do one where I'm going straight and panning at the same time [Music] very nice let's try the crane alright so for real-estate specifically I would have to say the crane two wins on this one because in real estate you want to keep your horizon level all the time and you can guarantee that with the glidecam also most of your movements are just push ins and so there's not a lot of intricate movements going on so for real estate crane two wins I next test is going to be action sports so this is kind of a quicker panning and tracking some live action sports here we go ready glide cam first and pass okay good and pass alright now we got the crane to action sports action start dribbling good pass very nice good pass very nice alright so as you can see with the crane - it's not super great when you're having to do quick action sport type stuff because it doesn't follow you as quickly as a glidecam does the glidecam was more of a natural extension of your arms and hands and with these motorized gimbals they can't do exactly what you want they don't have the same response that your brain does to your hands you have to go through their motorized gimbal so for action sports I'd have to say the glide cam has the advantage my next test is music video shooting glide cams up first here we go action [Music] get a medium shot here so right here I'm doing what's called a cancered or a Dutch angle all right here we go with the grain to action give us a medium shot here now we're gonna try the cancer Dingell have to use these little joysticks to be able to move the horizon ya see so it's kind of hard to do this slowly the Dutch angle is possible on these but kind of hard with the joysticks but again I don't really like using the joystick I like being able to have it follow my movements so for a music video I'm kind of splits there's instances where I like the crane better it just allows me to get a little smoother shots but if I want to customize my movements and get more of that Dutch angle in there and have more of a handheld look the glidecam I prefer so in this one I don't think there's a clear winner I think they're just different I think I would use both on a music video it would just depend on the type of shot I was trying to get so we'll call that one a draw my next test is the parkour test we're gonna see how they stack up while filming someone parkouring ready Nate's action nice let's watch it back for pleasure [Music] all right now it's a glidecam stern action [Music] [Music] ha ha all right there difference I don't think either one wins grain two is definitely smoother but again the glidecam is more of a natural extension of my hand and so I can really pinpoint exactly where I'm aiming it follows every move a little bit better whereas the crane 2 is a little more robotic so there's certain parkour shots that I think would work better with the crane 2 and other ones that were better with a glide cam so draw alright our next test is the walk and talk interview so this is just kind of like we're shooting a commercial and we got someone walking and talking and I just got to track him so we're gonna walk straight back then we're gonna turn so we're gonna have to do a little bit of panning as well so we'll see which one works better for us action right look at me right okay now for the crane - and action all right so with the crane - there's a little bit of an issue keeping focus I had the Flexi zone set on his face and because I can't control the pan perfectly to stand his face the whole time it kind of lost focus sometimes so I have to say that the glide cam was a more natural extension of my arm on that and allowed me to stay perfectly focused on its face the whole time so they're pretty close but I'm gonna go ahead and give that one to the glide cam our next test is the low mode we're gonna see which stabilizer is better for getting close to the ground shop so first the glide cam and here we go action [Music] all right now it's the cranes turn this guy we just flip upside down like so a little bit easier and action again they're just different the crane 2 is a little bit smoother but you can kind of see some robotic movement in there so it's not quite as clean the glidecam definitely a shaky er it's not as smooth but it is more natural-looking not as robotic looking so it's one stuff I'm gonna have to draw this one as well could go either way draw alright our next test is going to be doing a hyper lap so we're gonna be moving slowly over a long period of time and then speed it up and pose and see how it looks crying - first ready Nate action it's a good work yeah and now for the hyperlapse using a glide cam action a little bit of wind blowing which makes it harder a pro of the crane too is wind resistance glidecam not super effective in the wind also my arm is starting to burn a lot sooner because I'm only using one arm and the other hand is used to stabilize over here the crane too I can use both hands I don't even have to watch these back that can already tell after we speed them up the crane too is gonna be a lot smoother so for Hyper lapses crane 2 is the clear winner alright the last test we're gonna do is filming live events now we're not at a live event so what I'm gonna do instead is a 360 around Nate to show the versatility of moving a lot and trying to stay on a subject while you're having to move around a lot like you would at a live event like a wedding or a concert or something of the sort so first glidecam we're going to do a 360 around Nate are you ready action did you did you do titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi oh yeah I crane - now action a tutitu tu tutitu tutitu [Music] so for most live event stuff I would say the glidecam is the winner in this specific scenario it's probably a toss-up we both did a good job but if I'm gonna be filming live events where I don't know what my subjects gonna be doing they're unpredictable then the glidecam was definitely a better option because it is more versatile it is a more natural extension of your hand and your arm so it's just easier to follow people when you're not sure where they're gonna be going so in this case I'd have to say by Kim is a winner all right so in summary as I mentioned in the beginning either tool is better they are simply different and better in different situations and will give you different looks so just pros and cons to beach overall though I was surprised of how much I liked the crane - I've used other motorized Gamble's in the past that struggle in certain areas and I currently own the movi and five which I love but it is bulky to carry around and not practical in a lot of situations but because of the size of this crane - I could see myself using it a lot more will it replace my glide cam no it will not there's still a lot of pros to having a glide cam and like I said it's much more versatile but there are going to be times like real estate shoots where I'll probably use this over the glide cam but there you have it guys hope this helps you identify some pros and cons to each of these stabilizers and which one you think is best for you to buy if you want to learn more about what gear is best for you make sure to check out full time filmmaker and my free 1-over filmmaking training where I'll be revealing my top 10 secrets to achieving cinematic shots and lastly big thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this video they are an all-in-one website designing platform whom I have personally used and can highly recommend they have tons of professional looking templates helping you build a beautiful website for your business in no time and you can start your free trial today at and if you end up liking - make sure to use coupon code parker to get 10% off your first purchase but that's it hope you enjoy don't forget to subscribe and if you have any further questions please let me know
Channel: Parker Walbeck
Views: 1,251,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zhiyun, crane 2, glidecam, hd 4000, hd 2000, devin graham series, stabilizer, 3 axis gimbal, comparison, shoot out, canon, 1dx mark 2, canon 16-35, parker walbeck, full time filmmaker, motorized gimbal
Id: k4mtJTBdtVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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