GLEE | sad moments pt. 2

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you can't hate me any more than I already hate myself I don't hate you that [Music] that what I think of me and I Believe in Us you've me that's what's sacred to me Ryder kissed me and I let him don't you get it I'm nothing I'm the school joke a failure you don't know what it's like to be worthless we're nothing you do matters I feel that way every day of my life every damn day Joe's not into me I don't blame him who would be what are you gonna do huh just walk out on me who's gonna love you the way I loved you Shannon Who's Gonna Love You Now I was with someone foreign what matters is that I was by myself I needed you I needed you around and you weren't there [Music] I was lonely and I'm I'm really sorry my dad's been able since I was 10 years old which is fine because all he ever did was tell me I was garbage and you must be really proud of himself because that's exactly how I turned out do it break it like he broke my heart I loved you I'm dyslexic [Music] my entire life people have always told me that I was stupid and after a while I started to believe them [Music] I'm so sorry [Music] get out of my house I love girls the way that I'm supposed to feel about boys but inside man I knew they were all wrong it didn't matter how hard I focused or how hard I worked I was stupid foreign [Music] you've done nothing but sabotage the same glee club that has been there for you over and over again when you got pregnant when your parents kicked you out and then something horrible and awful I'm so sorry I want you to leave this house Amber want to talk now I'm the same person I was a minute ago you made your choice now I have made mine [Music] ah [Music] why did you do this to us I don't understand I thought you were leaving me are you so different will we both know it I can feel you you're pulling away from me why are you so stupid we were the only person with this one never called me that and I needed you I needed my mom someone in this room is playing games with me and I want to know who so now you're a train wreck well congratulations I was hoping that I could have dinner with you tonight sorry is it not enough I wasn't sure what the going rate was these days for male hookers I feel like I could die tomorrow and I don't think anyone would really care I'm not sure anyone would even notice no you and me were badasses nobody thinks anything hurts us it does we thought that because no one was teasing us or beating us up that no one cared like some kind of progress had been made but it's still the same oh wait a minute listen to me you gotta have these experiences you're on I can't have to be here wait a minute are you breaking up with me [Music] grow up we're all sitting here we're talking about this day that's supposed to be the most amazing and Unforgettable day of our high school lives and work we're completely ignoring the fact that she's sitting in that chair it's not right you can't come home and pretend that things are the way they were because I'm not going I'm not going not without you I don't have a choice I can't come with you well then I'll stay here I'll go wherever it is that you're going do we need a float why don't we all just ride her but do not turn this on us you are the disappointment here I loved you Terry I really loved you I'm so sorry you're a liar why didn't you tell me Quinn was pregnant you told me that if we were honest with each other that anything was possible I don't want anymore do you even want this wedding do you even want to marry me maybe I don't know her you don't know what her life is like so why do you care because she's my mom but the truth is I reached out to you because I liked you so I got a picture of a cute blonde to make you like me back but all the stories all the jokes the connection that we had that was all me at some point you just gotta grow up and stop being such an idiot everyone knows but me I'm the only fool without even like you kiss me thinking you actually have feelings for me did I'm right here [Music] I thought you guys were different I'm not leaving it's a stupid prank you don't get it you left me behind and it hurt I love you I love you so much I know that we can make this work you can call me back will please please don't go please don't go please who are you I don't recognize you at all your daughter [Music] who loves you and I know this is really hard for you but I just need my daddy to hold me and tell me that it's gonna be okay aren't you coming brilliant I didn't mean it like that yeah all the guys in ugly Club call me that I know that you slept with him at that wedding [Music] okay [Music] you're gonna get on that train okay and you're gonna go to New York and you're going to be a star without me but you put your Personal Agenda above that I'm sorry bud you're suspended for the rest of the week [Music] I think that in order to sleep at night how does that mean it means that I'm not for sale I really don't want to lose what we have we don't have anything I'm not gonna punch you in the face [Music] but I'm also not going to talk to you ever again [Music] this sounds a lot like a breakup to me you know this isn't working [Music] it's your old knows his dad's gonna love me no matter what [Music] banned from Glee don't come back unless you could be as loyal to this club as the rest of the people in this room [Music]
Channel: glee dreamer
Views: 53,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glee, sad, scenes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2017
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