Glaze Kiln Unloading - Gas Kiln

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hey everybody welcome back I hope you're having a great day it is time for another kiln unloading video let's go [Music] all right here we are you saw in the last video the glazing and the loading of this kiln here so now we're gonna unload it so you already know if you watch that video there are a ton of ornaments in this load so a lot of it might be monotonous as far as unloading but there are some tests I did in here of some different glaze application and no new glazes just a new way of applying a couple of the glazes so I haven't even looked in there we're gonna we're gonna see whatever what it looks like and see how things turned out so here we go let's open the door and it still is a little warm because I've got kind of orders that need to come out so it's gonna be a little warm got the gloves to unload the top couple shelves alrighty here we go looks pretty good from the first look oh yeah alright cool I got some new new Stein's that I did I haven't done any of this style in my gas kiln yet so I've got those in here and yes looking good my those are some very nice Stein's they're excited about that for sure there's copper and blue I did the copper lines inside the little grooves that are in the top of the Stein there and those turned out very nice couple or those and the copper in blue alright here's one of the glaze applications that I did differently I played RL with actually I lined it with the dark blue and then I actually sprayed some of the dark blue on the outside to give me this this look of having a blue not be an even line and also to be dripped down like that in some spots so that's definitely takes a little bit more time to glaze that way but I'm definitely gonna play around with that some more because I really like that just definitely gives a different look to the piece there we go there's my purple and blue there and there's a solid red Stein their only thing I got to work on with these Stein's is a couple of the rent rims are a little out of circle from throwing them a bit thin and then applying this big chunky handle but that red is gorgeous all right here's my copper in blue with some funky design I did two lines and then I did some circles and dots you probably saw when I was glazing those if you watched the last video and that's pretty neat huh pull out the other one's got more honor than ever hey that's definitely wild that's cool-looking it's different but it's cool I'll play around with that some more do some old all different kinds of things with that way down here's another blaze test that I did I did my read and then I actually sprayed the purple on top of it I had it the red was a bit thick so I got a couple skips up here at the top and I was afraid that was going to happen but overall I I'm actually excited about that glaze application because you can see where the purple was on there and where it ran that drip is actually pretty cool even though you know I'm glad it didn't go all the way and having that color in there that's really cool but like I said seeing here where I sprayed and if you can see that where it gets that kind of arc there that's really cool so I'm definitely going to play around with that some more and see see what we can have happen without getting those skips but still a nice piece I did that glaze application on a mug we're on a Stein so now we've got the the copper red but then you got the the purple sprayed on top of there so you just get that hint of purple on top of the red that's a cool in there when they have to keep that one there's another two pieces that I I played around with spraying the blue on like that and so you get that difference in look there where it pans down and it definitely looks different than if I would have dipped it that way or tried to pour it on that way yeah that's nice see that get that big spot of blue there and then over here I just had a little bit of blue up here on top so you get the raw ash there and then and then have that blue side there so if you got a table where you could sit and see all sides of that that's a really unique piece a lot going on on that coffee mugs here and the copper and blue looks great as always I love doing that swirl on the bottom where that glaze breaks you get that nice when you finish drinking your cup of coffee you get that nice little swirl on the bottom we'll probably speed it up here for a little bit while I unload these ornaments and all this out of this top right side there that's just like four or five layers of ornaments and some jewelry that my wife made so find a little container to put all that in and we'll speed up this part of the unloading [Music] I'll show you some of this jewelry but my it's probably hot I don't know if I can pick it up with my bare hands yeah I can't so that's a really pretty one there it's got these worse actually supposed to be the purple I tried spraying the glaze on these and I don't think it got on thick enough that was my rutile blue but it turned kind of green they are warm so I'm gonna put these down [Music] [Music] that's what the rutile Bo's blue is supposed to look like a little bit more so you can see it definitely got some more blue down in the bottom there and still have some green and brown there but it's definitely supposed to have more blue so I figured that out I might have to thicken up my glaze before I spray it next time to get the blue to come out [Music] here's a one of the special orders I did actually had a friend of mine bring I think it was her niece over here and maid helped her make these little boxes to give to her mom for a birthday so and put the rutile blue on those look at that design how that showed up that's really cool so just a little kind of like jewelry boxes or something like that well not boxes ooh then with lids they're just a little containers and got the design down to the bottom there too those are cool All American color red white blue I tested my my black slip underneath the rutile blue because in the gap in the wood kiln if you do the black slip under the rutile blue you get like more purple but this just turned kind of like muddy brown so I know now not going to do that again but tested it on a couple pieces just to see how it works definitely better with the with the copper and balloon there with the red slip there's the purple and blue lovely combination I love this here what I what I do here is you might not have seen when I spray the ash glaze but I spray it real lightly on the bottom and you get that toasty Brown look and I spray it heavier where it's gonna meet and then it has the drips over top of that well we got a cup of red mug and then we got the copper red mug with the purple sprayed on it but as you can see spraying that purple on there makes it run boy I'm gonna have to I'll grind that off and I might keep that one but but I'm definitely gonna play around that's more I just have to be careful how much of that spray on and maybe dip my red a little bit thinner as well more copper in blue look at that how bright that blue is inside there hopefully you can see that that's gorgeous oh you can see it better on that one [Music] last time I fired I did peacock platters I sprayed the ash glaze on a little bit too thick it's hard to know because they asked changes every time you use it plus I had a new spray gun so from here down I got some peacock platter bowls that you saw me glaze in the last video and we're gonna see how well I did on putting the amount of ash on there that was appropriate first one looks pretty good probably still a little bit thick because you get all that dark brown around there and I don't want to get too much of that but all the red turned out and looks good other than that the smaller one that definitely turned out great got just if I get just a little bit of that dark there that's the ash glaze dripping down and what happens if I get too much of that puddle in the bottom the ash glaze is like you know in a thick amount like that it's not very it's more like thick amount of glass and it will crack and and really and not be food safe in that but that is perfect right there [Music] here's the ornaments I'm doing for our local hospice that's what they look like finished put that glass in the middle and it melts and runs and there's the stamp hospice of Randolph County 2019 and I'm thankful that the the stamp worked with the iron oxide on the back so we've got those and now I load a bunch of ornaments off this yeah [Music] there we go that's perfect perfect amount of ash glazed flat there so you still get the drips going around the dots and then you don't get a big puddle in the bottom you still get the swirl the red and the bottom there's another one another blue one [Music] it's what happens when your glass gets pushed off of the center of the ornament and gets on the shelf thankfully those advancer shelves things just come right off and you can just sand it grind it right off but that ornament is a goner that's where the blast melted on the shelf and you can see you know that's sharp and all but I can just grind that right off so if you have the money and you can afford some advanced or shelves they are definitely worth it not a sponsor if you want to sponsor this video advancer give me a call because I'd love to and I'd love to talk to you [Music] of course they don't need to call me now if I already promoted their shelves without them sponsored [Music] [Music] [Music] here's my cones if you want if you're interested this is my Oh 12 when I start reduction there's my Kohn 10 on my cone 11 I used to do 9 10 and 11 I also used to have a cone pack in the bottom bottom and a cone pack on the top and then I realized I was wasting cones by doing that because I'm pretty familiar with how well how even the spires so I just put a cone pack in the bottom and at Oh 12 I start the reduction and then give me 10 and 11 so I can kind of know when 11 is going to go if I watched by seeing the pin and here was the last time I fired and here's this time set there you go or perfect peacock platters coming out there's one with the dark blue glass instead of the light blue mm-hmm shows off that swirl really nice [Music] I think it's pretty cool sometimes because of the reduction you get some of the blue glass it turns red around the edge and I can't predict it but that's pretty cool very unique to see that happen [Music] [Music] my peacock flutters all the way down in the bottom it's nice to see the red still turned out it doesn't get quite as toasty brown on the outside on the bottom but here's a different combination [Music] yeah one more this one definitely different because I don't have the red line around here I wanted to try that and I definitely think I like the red line i right the red line better so from now on I'll definitely put that red line around there I thought I'd try a piece of red glass and I had it on a few other pieces but most of them washed out red and the one that did turn red doesn't really look that good so I know now red doesn't work not red glass that is [Music] is my North Carolina ornaments here with the heart in the center I thought this one was pretty unique it must have had a little bitty piece of glass on there so it melted and then made this perfect little circle almost in a heart shape around the heart so I was pretty cool there are there we go it's empty another successful killing load out and I'll tell you about here let's let's go over here so you can see the that board of ornaments for hospice has come full circle you saw me in the last video stamp those with all of them stamped on the bottom with a hospice of Randolph County 2019 and then now they're finished and glaze now I gotta put the string and the tags on them and they'll come pick those up first part of the week and get those out so they can raise some money to go help more people so I'm excited about that Hospice does some amazing work put you back down alright guys I appreciate you being here and I definitely say this is a successful load I learned some new things I got some new glaze application that I'm gonna experiment some more with in the future and super excited about that that's just sweet and I'm thrilled with it like I said these skips up here are not not cool in my book but that's a cool piece and I'm excited to play around with that some more and I'll just do my probably the read needs to be a little bit thinner and and then we'll have that problem with the skipping and then the running and all that so anyway thank you guys for being here we'll see you in the next video if you enjoyed what's what you watched here hit the light hit the thumbs up button and share it and appreciate your support and I love you guys have a great day see [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Kelly Pottery
Views: 7,503
Rating: 4.949367 out of 5
Keywords: Matthew Kelly Pottery, Pottery, Kiln, Pottery Kiln, Kiln Unloading, Coffee Mugs, Ceramics, Platter, Platter Bowl
Id: BWsCPaurJWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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