Glass Animals - Heat Waves || Taylor Swift , Sia, Adele ...[Lyrics]
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Channel: Love Melody
Views: 6,634
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Keywords: Glass Animals, Heat Waves, Glass Animals Heat Waves, Heat Waves Lyrics, glass animals, heat waves, heat waves lyrics, taylor swift, enchanted, taylor swift enchanted, Taylor Swift, Enchanted, Enchanted Lyrics, Lyrics Enchanted, chandelier, chandelier lyrics, sia, sia chandelier, sia chandelier lyrics, sia lyrics, Sia, Chandelier, Sia Chandelier Lyrics, Adele, Set Fire To The Rain, Adele Set Fire To The Rain, adele, set fire to the rain, adele set fire to the rain, adele lyrics
Id: mvFUjZep6xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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