Glasgow Trams 1959

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Incidentally I watched a really good video on what happened to London trams yesterday, and seems that what happened in London happened basically everywhere.

Would be well up for a decent tram network. I imagine easier and cheaper to install than tube or train networks as it can use existing roads.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/LordAnubis12 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
and we now see some full-size trams ago and this is Glasgow which you'll see more of that car 11:50 and is now preserved at Christ Rama Museum these were maximum infraction bogie cars built in the middle to late twenties Glasgow's version of a London tram although the ends Werner's needs and ten years later they were building cars like this the famous Glasgow coronations complete with lady driver like some towns during the war not London but a few sounds and cities had women drivers and Glasgow maintained a policy of recruited women even in the 1950s but Glasgow had hundreds of these four wheels standard cars that started life as open Stoppers open-ended required windscreens vegetables cover top decks high speed motors air air brakes some of them lasted 60 years before they were scrapped you the box on top of the controller is an interlocked box the air breaks in the early days of air brakes have had a lot of trouble the drivers locking their wheels coming around to emergency electorate break-in which of course wouldn't work because the wheels will lock so where they modernize these cars in the 20s and 30s they put these into lock boxes on the top so as soon as you came round to electric not is that is all stood all the air out of the system these were trams they bought from Liverpool and the car following behind was the last type of modern car they built after the war known as Kuhn ardors now we're going to show you the whole of the film I took in 1959 we arrived there in August at tea time right in the peak period with trams everywhere including lots of standards that's a coronation during by a big girl that's the cue nada a post-war version and a wide variety of rolling stock on the main road coronation clatters over the junction another coronation queuing are to be hand it and they were still painting the newer cars there because the system still has three years to go Kenard are loading up and a liberal ex Liverpool Green Goddess pulling up behind it if you look at the indicator boxes on the goddess you'll see it's all that was seedling material to keep the water out the Liverpool cars although roughly the same age it's Glasgow's coronations were nowhere near as substantial and after a couple of years at Glasgow they found that they bought a bomb they were falling to pieces the equipment was nice and they were high-capacity cars the body was very fragile you see this car has been strengthened up was still strapping running top to bottom there's a Kilmarnock buggy car I also said their version of a London tram these were kept on the main straight Shipyard routes I had some trouble with him on the Paisley routes odd derailment sad junctions there's a brand new queue nada or brand-new design followed by a 40 odd year standard that some of the crews didn't like the modern cars I prefer to stand out on these standard cars you the world electric points at Glasgow but often terminal points like this which were short working in another rope the points were manually operated but of course they were about collector cars so there was no messing around with trolley poles etc you the gentleman standing in the road is not blowing his nose that's Terry Russell a well-known modeler also taken cine quite accidentally we were discovered that this was the last day of this particular road number 16 Oh though it didn't involve any track abandonment had it done so I suspect there would have been a lot more enthusiasts around there was a hole in the roof for maintenance men to inspect whatever and I stuck me cine camera through that air above my head this was the other end of roots it's a turn off from the main road quite a nice idea because its own freed the main train route for through traffic and also kept pedestrians away from motorcars quite a frequent service and of course although that the last day of the route 16 and the cars were being transferred for other roads hence they're reasonably smart appearance in fact there are several cars in this film that had just come out of the works after fully repaints accumulate bogie crashes its way across Johnston's walls town although the Kunal is manure most people prefer this design the 1937 coronations a guy in a younger driver Kilmarnock bogie rattles across on his way to dam your West the other end of this route was at a place called Aachen shovel which took me about three years to pluck up courage to actually asked for that when I pay them affair to the conductor's that is a private bus Scottish Motor traction not corporation you this was the year of the Scottish industrious fair which was held at Kelvin Hall which is to the right and we understand the Glasgow Museum of transport is shortly going to move to this site and they're going to recreate a a tramway Street you now this is a contrast this is the center of the city on a quiet Sunday morning now route 30 was interesting it had some of the oldest cars and some of the newest track one in there was a 1949 extension on reserved track but it's worked by these older cars because of sharp curves and tight clearances at the other end of the city but the following day this area will be jammed tight with vehicles and people being the main commercial centre of Glasgow this is some Georgia square and if trams were very well-liked in Glasgow and people travelled quite short distances on them and paid their fair some people go at a couple of hundred yards on a tram rather and walk because the service was so good there was a tram every few seconds this is the other side of the town at Moss park Boulevard which we call the posh area had some reserved tract which all the enthusiasts filmed there was a quite a long stretch on the street running on this route and we decided to film that also it was quite a middle class area and by this time in 1959 it was unusual to see an old car on the road they tried to keep the best cars on route 3 this was the famous reserve track section along most part Boulevard itself you but a few hundred jars camera the trams turned out and ran through the street back to the center of the city you this of course was a roadside reservation rather than the normal British tramway idea of a arterial road within trams on the center strip there's a car leaving the street route and joining the side reservation but we walk back to town on the street root as I said quite a well-to-do area even the mayor of the city lived on this route Oh flask our course down as a law Provost you Lord Provost this house is about where that motor car is parked down on the right hand side you to the left there's the house with two huge lamps that is a little Provost house lot of city councilors lived on this road as well this was our room at the YMCA Hospital where we stayed and I think you'll find during the course of the film you'll see this crossover use in both directions but this is obviously a Sunday morning we're not so much traffic around you this is another main road in Glasgow the Great Western road there is a car just out of the paint shops immaculate you the Kannada looking slightly grubby probably due for overhaul standard taken it easy over the junction but a on straight track they were quite fast cars a paved reservation probably put in as an afterthought of course any defects in the tracker four-wheel car will find them especially a double-deck four-wheel car you this was a reserved track route a guy in a roadside one-out Spartan it did go for another few miles to a place called Cross Dobbs was cut back in the middle 50s when they decided to terminate train routes at borough boundaries now at this time cine cameras were still quite a novelty and up at the terminus was a standard car and the driver saw our cameras and said oh I'll take it easy for you we said oh no no this is movie oh he said ok then he said I'm I'll belt it up a bit and you can see the results in a moment that's the tram terminus the reserved track over the brow of the hill has been taken there is the standard car at the terminus its tram number 812 which is now at crotch trauma Museum so we positioned ourselves to film this standard car coming out to this first stop into town we wondered how it ever stayed on the track you who's going so fast he went right past to stop sand everywhere people running like hell to cut it no wonder they had to spend a 40,000 pounds overhaul in that car at Christ you again we've decided to film a section on the street track most tramway enthusiasts got to the reservation and that was it there was a route off to the left here to a place called calm wad wreck which was the last Street track route built in Glasgow quite late 1949 but I believe it was only used at peak hours we never rode it we decided to have a look at the the new diesel trains of thorny Bank station Glasgow course was mainly an industrial city but they're working some nice suburbs that's a fairly new diesel set we should replace the steam trains a year or so earlier you because the qunari cars were inside frame traps hence that guardrail along the side here we have 50 year difference in tramcar design a standard car passing a Kannada McCune olives were built between 1948 and 1952 the last one built is preserved there is also another Kara preserve that Christ Rama museum you this is how to upset a car driver by standing out in the road two of you side by side with sitting cameras you'll notice a tram driver shuts off power that was an instruction that class go whenever they're overtaken by a motor vehicle they shut off power to be prepared for any emergency braking that might be necessary the favorite view of any tramway enthusiast in the top seat there's a trolley bus going by in the background and a corporation bus ahead of us plus something you didn't see every day as a car turning to take up the number three route we are now about half a mile from the to the city back to our bedroom at the YMCA but an overhaul q nada car which gives you the accurate roof colors but now of course it's a weekday there's a lot more traffic around we heard the rumble of a standard followed bars a traffic bridge probably held up all the way down the road but as standard cars were becoming thin on the ground we filmed almost everyone we saw you now the junction we saw at the start of the film it's a Vince's tree on a Sunday morning this is the same Junction during a normal working day taken from the upper floor of a restaurant somewhat more busy than earlier you girl driver clanging a gong light mag going around the corner obviously that's the start of the five o'clock going ham rush how not to drive a tram on off on off on resistance not is another what he was doing it didn't know he was being filmed obviously for parallel for a second off again it's not necessary another wrote that turned off the main road actually pulled up outside some factory gates they actually let me drive this one I've got quite worried when they saw my friend was filming with thought we were from a London TV station our kite way of changing the blinds leaning out of the top debt winner of the car nice job on a wet day well as I said most Cruz prefers these standard cars rather than the more modern cars I think the modern cars had very low slung driving cab is very cramped and they felt vulnerable in case of a road accident whereas this standards were a more solid steel - plate in front of them and they could step back if they hit anything you everything's gone the trams the cars lokah on the bridge that is not a railway bridge that is a canal up there you Maryhill row was renowned for a famous pub known as the old tramcar vaults which had a model horse tram for a sign and a rather nice X mirror in size giant or three types of Glasgow tram and also it was the route on which the lot of Liverpool cars were use the 29 this is a little full cart clattering across the junction you Glasgow bought 46th rounds on rural poor on three types of bogies EMV heavyweights amb light weights and mainly untaught and swing legs which throught this car has but by 1959 they decided the Liverpool cars were going and most of them looked a bit scruffy by 1960 they'd all gone asset one of course which is preserved now back to Liverpool condition you some of the guilt had worn off these correlation cars some of what I call the Odeon fittings but they were still nice vehicles even at this late time you the pub is still there but I believe the ensign has gone I think it was stolen but later returned and I believe it's in their Museum you Mary rode near a hill road rather led to quite an extensive tramway Junction a five-way junction which was completely relayed a few months after this film was taken and only lasted another two and a half years before it was torn up there's trams everywhere you back to the bedroom again this time the crossover being used in the other direction you some reckless driver overtaking the trail on the wrong side it was perfectly legal it wasn't in some towns a rush hour seen on a Kilmarnock bogie car they had their transverse seats replaced with longitudinal seats during a war and they weren't altered afterwards again the commercial area the city in the Teton rush hour the road in front of us was only used for rush-hour cars London would call these extras but specials you a reasonably presentable standard followed by an carnation fresh out of the works you but tight between the tram and that lorry we're going approaching an outer suburb Baelor stood behind the camera there was a reserved track route to a small town called Airdrie but that was one of the cutbacks of 1956 the borough boundaries there is a little bull car with E and B heavyweight bogies a cleaned up version of a design first years in London you can see the car body is heavily strapped to hold it together plus the basta around the windows record than the Bostic wonders but they were fast cars or the high-capacity most of the public liked them but the crews didn't a guy on the sign wrote Wars town with new bungalows being built on the left and a farm still operating on the right with livestock in the fields seem so unusual to see city trams running down the road with livestock I stood in the doorway of one of the new bungalows to take this shot I was suspect the whole area is built up now you going the start of the rush hour extra standard cars being brought out to help out again through the city center and out the other side was Mary Hill terminus they're going to cut back on a along the route that went out to mill guy but about 500 yards behind the camera there's Mary Hill depo and these are some rush hour cars being brought out to turn around to go back to town you again quite a nice area and park-wide roads Liverpool car looking decidedly grotty obviously washed in stages mildly insulting heavyweight or swing link bogeys you another catback route later became part of a trolleybus Glasgow was late and introducing trolleybuses the first routes operated in 1949 mrs. Park head cross which always had a haze about it an industrial smoke-filled haze there's a car coming out from Del Monico and route 30 it will then take a sharp bend so I'll write a very tight Bend indeed which is the reason they couldn't operate the bogie cars on this route despite their beautiful reserve track at the outer end clatters across the points driven by landlady the conductor giving a left hand signal well this time visiting motorists were becoming unfamiliar with trams there's the tight curve a park across which restricted this route to four wheelers you I think it was the overhang of the bogey cars that there's a problem though certainly could have no negotiated the curve quite easily Clippy changing the seats just before a terminus this is at Brewhouse terminus at the 29 s mainly worked by little four cars at this time you when these outer sections a lot of trainers didn't like stop him and I remember saying to my friend will I'll take a shot of this tram stop and you get in on the tram tram driver didn't really want to stop I just caught it and then back along Algar Street towards the Central Station this the this is the area where we first started the film you one time in Glasgow there was a standing rule which didn't apply on the last car at night and I think this sees we're near this Junction they stopped a tram and they counted a hundred and fifty passengers on a sixty odd seat car and they thought there was a bit much so that facility was withdrawn also Liverpool cars suffer from sagging platforms as you can see in that shot now we're going to have a look at the other end of route 30 from a standard car and this wrote was only ten years old when I filmed it in other words this reservation was laid down in 1949 my brand-new Tran wrote work with the oldest cars you
Channel: tressteleg1
Views: 85,981
Rating: 4.8669724 out of 5
Keywords: British Trams, Glasgow Trams, Scottish Trams
Id: gZ6ah4rFNDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 9sec (1989 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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