Gladys Knight Is Now About 80 How She Lives Is Sad

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Gladis Knight is now about 80 how she lives is sad are you ready to uncover the true story behind Gladis Knight's illustrious facade known as a Monumental figure among motown's female Soul artists in the late 60s and early '70s Gladis Knight's voice captivated Millions with the success of Gladis Knight and the Pips her familial Ensemble from Atlanta she became an icon yet behind the curtains of her celebrated career lies a reality far from the Glamour and spotlights Gladis Knight the Empress of Soul navigated through life's unyielding challenges including the heartache of multiple failed marriages today we take you behind the scenes to explore the depths of Gladis Knight's world it's not as rosy as you might think having spent almost 80 years battling personal and professional storms her journey is a testament to her resilience some stories will shock you join us as we delve into the complexities and tribulations that have marked the life of this legendary artist are you curious about Gladis Knight's early days born in Atlanta on May 28th 1944 gladice Maria Knight grew up in a household with her parents meral woodlow Knight senior a postal worker and Sarah Elizabeth Woods she shared her childhood with siblings like Brenda and meral Bubba Knight Jor but also endured the loss of another brother David Billy Knight her journey into music began in her formative years in the late 1940s and early 1950s gladice found her voice singing in the church choir where her natural Talent began to Blossom her remarkable vocals didn't go unnoticed and at just 8 years old she achieved a remarkable feat on July 1st 1952 Gladis triumphed on Ted Max's the original Amateur hour TV show contest a momentous event that hinted at her future as a music icon Gladis Maria Knight has etched her name in the annals of American music and entertainment as a celebrated singer songwriter actress and entrepreneur her storied career which stretches across many decades is adorned with a plethora of awards and honors testifying to her immense talent and contribution to the Arts as the lead vocalist of the familial Ensemble Gladis Knight and the Pips alongside her brother meral Bubba Knight and cousins William guest and Edward Patton she played a pivotal role in forging a musical Heritage that continues to echo through the ages in the heart of the bustling City there was a voice that could stop time Gladis night they called her and when she sang the world listened her songs weren't just Tunes they were Journeys taking listeners on emotional rides through love loss and longing Midnight Train to Georgia neither one of us wants to be the first to say goodbye and if I were your woman these weren't just hits with every note Gladis Knight poured her soul into the music her powerful vocals cutting through the noise and touching hearts beneath the glittering veneer of her illustrious career Gladis Knight's personal Odyssey was a poignant tapestry woven with threads of both Bliss and sorrow throughout her life she navigated the tumultuous Waters of matrimony committing herself to four marriages and embracing the role of motherhood to three children at the fragile age of 16 life presented her with a profound challenge she found herself pregnant and decided to marry her classmate Atlanta musician James Jimmy Newman the shadow of tragedy loomed early when she endured the agony of a miscarriage despite the tumult they embraced Parenthood with the birth of two children their marriage however was besieged by Newman's battle with addiction a struggle that tore the fabric of their family leaving gladus alone at 20 remarkably they remained married for over 12 years until 1973 amidst the storms of their marriage they joyfully welcomed a son James Jimmy Gaston Newman III into the world on August 13th 1962 despite the challenges they faced Gladis Knight made a bold Choice she decided to temporarily step away from her music career retiring from the road to devote herself to raising their child meanwhile the Pips her family's musical group pressed on with their independent tours in November 1963 Gladis Knight and James Newman welcomed their only daughter Kenya Maria Newman into the world despite the joys of motherhood Gladis felt the pull of her musical passion growing stronger in the early 1960s she returned to her recording and Performing duties with the Pips driven by the responsibilities of providing for her expanding family together Gladis James and the Pips embarked on a New Journey leaving behind their old life and settling in Detroit their new home was in the prestigious Sherwood for Neighborhood on Sherborn Road nestled in the heart of Detroit's west side but Gladis was not one to forget about education ensuring her children received the best by residing on L Avenue and sending them to a Catholic grade school as their marital challenges lingered Gladis Knight and James Newman faced a prolonged separation lasting 7 years eventually in 1973 Gladis made the tough call to divorce James sadly tragedy struck a few years later when Jes passed away bringing closure to a tumultuous chapter in Gladis his personal journey in 1974 following the trials of her previous marriage Gladis Knight discovered love a new and tied the knot with Barry henerson in Detroit Barry The Mastermind behind blackground records later signed his talented niece R&B singer Alia to the label together Gladis and Barry welcomed their son shanga Ali Hankerson into the world on August 1st 1976 however their marital bliss was shortlived as their relationship encountered its own share of challenges by 1977 the couple made the decision to move to Atlanta while glados's musical group The Pips remained in Detroit unfortunately their marriage hit rocky shores leading to its dissolution in 1979 the separation sparked a bitter custody battle over their son adding another layer of complexity to Gladis his personal struggles tragedy struck yet again in 1979 when shanga Ali Hankerson was kidnapped distraught and determined Gladis spared no expense in her Relentless quest to find her son poing over a million dollars into the search amidst the roller coaster of her personal life Gladis Knight entered into another marriage in 1995 this time with motivational speaker Les Brown despite her hopes for a stable Union the challenges of life continued to weigh heavily on her relationships eventually Gladis and Les Brown parted ways their marriage ending in separation and divorce in 1997 among the chapters of her storied life one of the most difficult and lesser disgust is her battle with gambling addiction this period shrouded in mystery and struggle offers a glimpse into the complexities behind the Luminous facade of Fame The Hidden turmoil at the Pinnacle of her career while Gladis Knight was celebrated for her musical genius she was grappling with a private turmoil that that threatened to overshadow her professional triumphs the Empress of Soul admired by millions for her strength and resilience found herself in snared in the grip of gambling addiction this addiction was not just a fleeting challenge it was a profound struggle that spanned over a decade revealing the vulnerabilities of an icon who seemed Invincible the Catalyst of change night's journey into the world of gambling began innocently enough with casual visits to casino however the thrill of the game quickly spiraled into an addiction that consumed significant portions of her time and finances the Turning Point came when Knight faced the Stark reality of her situation after losing $660,000 in one night at the backarat table this loss was not just Financial it was a profound wakeup call that prompted her to confront the destructive path she was on seeking Redemption the road to recovery for Gladis Knight began with the acknowledgement of her addiction and the decision to seek help her courage to confront her gambling habit led her to Gamblers Anonymous where she found solace and support among others who shared her struggle this step towards recovery was more than just an attempt to regain control over her finances it was a quest for inner peace and a Reclamation of her autonomy A Soulful quest for meaning the spiritual Odyssey of Gladis Knight began long before she reached the Pinnacle of her music career raised in a Baptist household spirituality always played a significant role in her life however it was her conversion to the Church of Jesus Christ of latterday saints LDS in 1997 that marked a pivotal turn in her spiritual journey this profound shift came after Decades of soul searching and personal Evolution reflecting her desire for a deeper connection with her faith the Mormon faith and a new chapter night's conversion to Mormonism was influenced by her son and daughter who preceded her in joining the ldas church this decision was more than a change of denomination it was a heartfelt commitment to a community that she felt drawn to because of its emphasis on family a core value that Knight held dear her baptism into the LDS church was a moment of rebirth symbolizing a new phase of spiritual fulfillment and personal peace during a crucial phase of her career Gladis Knight's son Jimmy Newman played a pivotal role in managing her Affairs through his company Newman Management Inc however tragedy struck when Jimmy Newman passed away from heart failure on July 10th 1999 at the tender age of 36 his sudden departure left an indelible mark on the family Jimmy was survived by his wife michelene and their children including daughters Nastasia and Gabrielle and Sons Ron Stefon and Sterling this loss plunged Gladis Knight and her family into a period of deep emotional turmoil in 2001 Gladis Knight embarked on a new chapter in her personal life by marrying William McDow their Union brought together their families forming a large and tightly knit Network together Gladis and William cherished 17 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren fostering a vibrant family bond they settled in Fairview North Carolina where they made a meaningful connection to the community by acquiring the former Reynolds High School in Asheville transforming it into a community center they underscored their dedication to serving and enriching their local area throughout her illustrious career Gladis Knight continued to push the boundaries of her music in 2013 she lent her voice to you and I ain't nothing no more a track penned and produced by Lenny Kravitz for the soundtrack of Lee Daniel's film The Butler this song joined the movies soundtrack featuring classic Tunes from various artists with hopes for an Academy Award nomination in the best song category the following year in 2014 her album Where My Heart Belongs achieved a significant Milestone by becoming her 30th top 40 R&B album counting both her solo work and collaborations with Gladis Knight and the Pips in an interview during that period Gladis shared her aspirations for women in the music and entertainment industry advocating for dignity and self-respect she emphasized her commitment to dressing modestly for her audiences urging others to do the same what else can we say other than she's an icon what did Knight have to say about the world outside of her lovely music what are her thoughts on life love her craft and much more let's dive into the 10 best gladdest night quotes nobody has a perfect anything we don't have perfect lives we're not perfect beings believe me when I say this you can't please everyone in concert even though I still want to someone always wants you to sing a song that isn't necessarily on your set list love is what makes the world go around I know it's a big cliche to use but it is the absolute truth there is nothing else like it I know that is what everybody is striving to feel in relationships in brother and Sisterhood and in all of the things that we aspire to have in our lives I don't regret any decisions I've made in my life I know those challenges that come up from time to time in life are our little learning tools our little Stepping Stones if we didn't have those things in our life how would we learn anything we would just be walking around like nothing we need those obstacles in our life because I know one thing I'm a much better person for them most people who ask me what's my favorite song expect that it's midnight train or neither one of us but actually it's always kind of been the need to be because of what it says I love the way that song was written I love the Melody I love everything about it well I never dance with the Pips they didn't let me dance when I was on our senior Hall Show he asked me about working with Kanye West or John Legend I said I'd love to I have a squash casserole that everybody even my kids love I won't tell my kids how to make it I had some great mentors as I was coming up and starting to sing so early I've been singing since I was four I had people telling me how to preserve myself how do you envision your mark on the world and what meaningful experiences do you hope will Define your journey engage with us by commenting below choose nine if this story has resonated with you or zero if it hasn't met your expectations remember your insights and feedback are invaluable as we continue to explore and share more stories that delve into the essence of humanity thank you for watching this and see you in the next videos goodbye
Channel: Iconic Inside
Views: 18,368
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Keywords: Gladys Knight Is Now About 80 How She Lives Is SadEmpress of Soul, Gladys Knight, Empress of Soul, celebrity, hollywood celebrities, 70s celebrities, 1960s, 1970s, celebrities then vs now, then vs now, how they look now, old hollywood celebrities, golden age, celebrities, Celeb, Celebs, hollywood, hollywood star, actors, actresses, historical, facts, viral stories, trending story, pop culture, movie star facts, 60s tv, 70s tv, 80s tv, tv stars, top 10, top 15
Id: Fkhh8AzeuPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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