Giving Up The Beef For an Olive Branch

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hello it's william e white pastor of discipleship at friendship west with some great news children's church is on line at 9 15 a.m go to click on get connected find the children's ministry tab now you can gather your family worship together on sundays with children's church at 9 15 a.m for 30 minutes and our general one hour online service at 10 a.m so join the discover children's community at 9 15 a.m on sundays and discover the benefit and the blessing of children's church online if it's sunday morning it's time for chosen generation live watch us every sunday immediately following sunday worship and friendship west live on facebook and instagram greetings friendship west family in spite of these trying times faith formula and friendship west still continues to serve our community by providing support and resources to our vips and those who stand in need in the southern sector of dallas as you well know stores on our side of town already lacked many of the healthier elements that our people stand in need of on a mission co-op and the hope for hungry food program helped to fulfill those needs and services but with increases in unemployment students being unable to attend school where they would receive guaranteed daily meals grocery stores running out of supplies and growing health concerns we are still on the ground ensuring that our people are well taken care of in order to do this we need your help your contributions and prayers can help us continue to feed individuals and families provide up-to-date information and stand with our community as we work to support and shine god's light in the midst of these trying times one dollar helps to provide three meals for a family of four and ten dollars provides a month's supply for a family of four so donate today at continue to check faith formula and friendship west websites for ways that you can help serve what's up my fabulous fantastic family of faith friendship west we hope and pray that everyone is safe healthy we are staying busy even at the church making sure that you maintain connection with us because although the building may be momentarily shut down god and friendship west are still running and operating we ain't canceled church we're just doing it differently we've received your emails thank you phone calls thank you and i've even been flagged down by one of you driving around the parking lot appreciate you we get the message loud and clear some of you will not use technology to get your tithes and offerings and we certainly understand your concerns that's why we're adding additional ways to facilitate your needs we have two solutions for you number one please give vita holt a call at 972-228-5239 that's 972-228-52 and she will personally mail you stamped self-addressed envelopes for you to mail your offering that number again is 972-228-5239 the second option when you leave home to do a run for essential items but you're maintaining social distance right such as your groceries or you leave home for an appointment you can stop by the church there's a phone number on the door call that number it will connect you with someone inside the church and they will unlock the door and you can step inside drop your envelope in the secure tithing box that is locked and bolted to the floor and then you can leave and everything is cool so please stay engaged with us by following us on social media facebook twitter instagram the fwbc app and of course our website friendship if you want to use technology to give please follow the information on this screen may god bless you and keep you know and as always thank you for your support your understanding during this time of adjustments as we navigate uncharted territory praying for you praying with you and i believe god is able i love you so much i miss you more than words can express but we will get through this and we will get through it together god bless you christians oh is with everything thank you god oh with my with voice thank you good thank you cheeks uh thank you uh wow thank you lord how excited we are how grateful we are how thankful we are during this season thankful to be here thankful that you're here we're so glad that you're worshiping with us in this experience in fact if you're feeling that attitude of gratitude go ahead drop in the chat hashtag thankful grateful count my blessings and then here's what you can also do if you know that you came here you're anticipating an amazing blessing and we serve an incredible god who's got a blessing platter bigger than any thanksgiving buffet you don't have to keep it to yourself invite somebody you know who needs to be here and let them know to come and join you to hashtag watch the west and watch how god blesses as you share in that generosity oh my gosh we're excited also for visitors who are worshiping with us on the day we want to know that you're here so we can show you some love will you please let us know that you're here here's how you can do it go to your phone and then text to the number 28950 go to that number and text w v i z to that number when you do that you'll let us know you're here we'll be glad to let you know we're excited that you're here as you're watching the west now how many of you have ever had this been in the excitement of a maternity ward and you've seen how thrilling it is how exciting it is what great anticipation it is as you look forward to the new arrivals that's coming you know what we have that same kind of feeling right now because we're in a kind of a maternity ward next week we're going to be celebrating those who have joined friendship west even during a pandemic during covet times and they have gone through our new members orientation and succeeded with graduation so next week it'll be some celebration and we invite you to check it out on next week we're looking forward to that now if you are and you're interested in uniting with friendship west hey you don't have to wait until next week you can do that today check out how to do that by going to our website you click on unite with the west or you can just text or email us at join us at come on let's praise the lord through prayer as we are excited about this thankful season god thank you so much for how incredible you are you're an amazing god there's nobody like you and there's so much to be thankful for we are grateful we are thankful now god have your way through us even on this day allow us to worship you in a way that makes you smile and god as you work it we give you praise and thanks in the name of jesus hallelujah and amen greetings friendship west family friends and supporters as we continue to try to be that game-changing christian movement connecting people to jesus christ fighting for justice while creating the beloved community we are excited once again that this time of year has come we are so excited to support our eye care initiative as you know we started our eye care initiative two years ago as we phase out angel tree because we wanted to make sure we were a blessing to the children and their families beyond the holiday season we wanted to make sure we stayed connected throughout the year so we can learn the children love on the children and give them other needs that they may have throughout the year and so our first school we selected was lee a mcshane elementary school here in north dallas and it is the school where it has the highest level of poverty rate for children at 98 percent and so we decided to support the students and the families and the teachers here at lee mcshane elementary school and you have been amazing for the past two years we have so many thank you letters from the students from the parents and from the teachers because of your generous support and your generosity has allowed us to serve our students here at lee mcshane elementary school now of course we're in the midst of a global pandemic and so we're not able to do our eye care as we normally have in the past and so what we're going to do this year we're going to ask you to continue to sow into eye care and give a contribution you can go to the link at and give any amount of contribution that will allow us to purchase needs that the families have from toilet paper to paper towels to laundry detergent just those basic needs that many of them are struggling with in this moment so that's we're going to do this year we can't go out and level on the children we want to put you at risk of bringing things to friendship west so we're still going to ask for contributions and we will continue to show you what your contributions have been able to purchase to support these families so now i want our principal kleiner to tell us more about lee mcshane elementary school and what's really going on with the students as of today principal kreiner thank you so much and we're just so so excited about the great response that we've had every year that we have partnered with lee mcshan as you all know as the principal here and still have that connection and and networking with them and caring about those families and so with the outpour of you asking all the time about what are we going to do this year what are we going to do this year and as minister eyre said we're in the middle of a pandemic so being in the middle of the pandemic there are families and students that are not accounted for there are families and students that we do not know where they are on top of that we know that they are in great need they have been evicted from apartments due to the lack of the follow-through from congress on the cares act and the trump administration not signing off on that so they have been evicted they are homeless we know that they are in need of clothes and uniforms they are desperately in need of toiletries so in the past where we have asked you to support us with toys and gifts and clothes well guess what this year we need the clothes we need the toiletries we need all of that so in the midst of the pandemic instead of you donating the items we're asking that you follow through on the link that is posted and as we get those those donations in we will be able to go and purchase the items make sure that they are sanitized and safe and distribute them to our wonderful wonderful families and our children who have so much potential and have so much need right here at mcshan elementary thank you friendship west baptist church i love my church and i love you father of this morning we just want to take a little time in this season of thankfulness to tell you thank you for taking good care of us come on choir thank you thank you thank you for watching thank you for watching for being our provider taking care of us most of all god i want to say thank you for tonight anybody want to thank you father you know come on lift your head we just want to take a little time thank you thank yeah yeah yeah is gave up when i was sick in my body and i didn't think i was gonna see the next day god you took any help me my way god did it and you came through right on time so i say thank you jesus for making the way thank you jesus for covering me is only you can do it all you can do with god only you could sustain me thank you anybody have something to be thankful for thank you lord for taking such good care of us god is good like that even in a pandemic god specializes in taking such good care of us how we bless and thank and praise god for being such a taking care of god god says i got you god takes good care of us i could go in on that right there as i look back over my shoulder and think about how god has taken care of me in spite of stuff that happened to me thank you thank you thank you bless god's name listen i'm glad to see you i'm especially excited to see my zoom family what's up zoom family glad to see y'all thank you all for tuning in i see my uncle there uncle liam unclean bless you i see y'all y'all look so good thank you very much this helps me because i miss y'all and when i can't see you it hurts but this helps and so thank you so much for zooming in with us listen i'm continuing our series family matters in a pandemic i need your prayers about this one this is going to be uh interesting so please be in prayer i feel led of the lord to share this word with you genesis chapter 50 genesis chapter 50. and beginning at verse 15 we find the words of our text for this message you're going to read i'm going to read this from the freddy haines remix of the 11th century vowed hebrew text you have your translation one of these days albany's working on getting this freddy haynes remix out so so it may be coming out real soon uh here it is genesis chapter 550 beginning is verse 15 1-5 here it is from the freddie haynes remix after the funeral of their father jacob was over joseph's brothers started thinking about the implications of their father's death their guilt caused them to be anxious and afraid of what joseph would do to them what if joseph really resents us and holds a grudge against us for the hell we put him through what he decides to pay us back because of the long-standing beef between us they concocted a story and sent joseph a message your father gave us a message to give to you before he died this is what he said please forgive my other sons for being low down and mistreating you what they did was criminal please do what your father asked and go high even though we were low down by forgiving us for the crimes we the servants of the god of your father committed against you when joseph received their message he broke down and cried his brothers came into the quarters of the second most powerful man in all of egypt and fell at his feet look they said we will be your slaves joseph responded don't be scared i'm not god you plotted to do me in but god set me up the nightmare you put me through set the stage for my dream to come true and countless lives have been saved as a result shield i got you and your children joseph spoke with kindness and defection and reassured his brothers i want to put a tag on this text and for a few moments with your prayers i want to talk about giving up beast for an olive branch giving up beef for an olive branch some of us won't be able to enjoy thanksgiving turkey because of family beef i like that that's a bar right there some of us won't even be able to enjoy family turkey and dressing because there is beef resentment a grudge between us and someone who will be at the family table hopefully through zoom i hope you get that my question is who do you have beef with my question is who do you resent that is a part of your bloodline your dna who do you have beef with you know already that beef my sisters and brothers is really a metaphor for what holding a grudge against someone beef basically speaks of the fact that you are embittered because of what was done to you and you have yet to allow yourself to get over what was done to you beef my sisters and brothers will build a wall where there should be a bridge between you and loved ones and so again my question is who do you have beef with all of us if you live long enough can testify we'll have beef with someone at one time or another beef i'm trying to make this real plain beef i think beef again has to do with resentment what is resentment resentment means that someone else did a crime against you but you've been serving the time i got to do that one more time they did the crime but you are emotionally serving the time who am i talking to who can testify yeah you just got in my kool-aid and called out the flavor because when i think about what they did to me it still triggers something on the inside and as a consequence yeah they did the crime but i am emotionally serving the time i'm not coming through i gotta push it a little further nelson mandela my sisters and brothers had 27 years of his life taken from him as he was imprisoned by injustice and nelson mandela my sisters and brothers who saw apartheid abort his possibilities nelson mandela who recognized that discrimination systemically derailed his dreams and destroyed his family nelson mandela my sisters and brothers spent 27 years in prison there in south africa but listen to nelson mandela explain what resentment is mandela declared that resentment is basically drinking poison and hoping your enemies die i gotta do that for you one more time because when you are embittered and resentful when you have beef against someone if you're not careful you'll end up drinking emotional poison and as a consequence you actually have the nerve to believe that if you drink the poison your enemies those that hate you those who've done you wrong will die i'll give it to you one more time and that is when you are resentful when you have beef against someone basically you are saying my sisters and brothers that they did the crime but you are emotionally serving the time harry belafonte that cool crooner who use who uses his voice as a voice for those who have no voice victimized by injustice harry belafonte has blessed us with his moving memoir entitled my song and in my song by harry belafonte he shares that when he was experiencing his fourth christmas that something very bad happened belafonte was blessed with the mother who in spite of the hell of impoverishment did everything in her power to ensure that her family was taken good care of it's their fourth christmas they're living there in harlem new york and belafonte testifies that he's blessed with a second hand hot tricycle and the tricycle as far as he's concerned is a gift from above his mother had worked hard to ensure that he would get this tricycle for christmas it's christmas he opens up the great box it's his tricycle and guess what he wants to go and ride his father waited till the afternoon for this ride to take place they go out and as they go out harry's father is holding harry by one hand and the tricycle in the other hand till they reached the top of this hill where evidently harry's dad ran into someone that he knew they were engaged in conversation by now harry had gotten on the tricycle watch this harry's dad is engrossed and engaged in conversation while holding the handlebar of harry's tricycle and then all of a sudden inadvertently harry's dad uses both hands to punctuate a point via his gesticulations and when he releases the handlebar he forgets that they are at the top of a hill and harry begins to roll down the hill in the tricycle harry as you can see on the screen of your anointed imagination is trying to keep up with the rotation the rapid rotation of his pedals and he the best they can to keep up with the rapid rotation but that's when his dad starts to chase him his dad has a look on his face that scares young harry and harry begins to pedal faster and faster but his dad eventually catches up with him and yanks him off of the tricycle and carries him over into an area where there are bushes he yanks a small a twig or a small stick off of that bush and begins to relentlessly beat little harry's legs and beat his back and before you know it his dad my sisters and brothers is shot by the fact that blood is now seeping through the shirt and the pants leg of harry and that's what shook him to stop and when he stopped he then said harry please whatever else you do don't tell your mother what i just did as a matter of fact here's what you tell your mother tell her that some bullies tried to beat you up and steal your tricycle and when they did that i came along and rescued you harry is four years old and his daddy is telling him a lie to tell his mother to cover his own mess wait i'm not done as they are heading back to the house watch what happens they come across a store and when they come across this store in the display window there is watch this a beautiful toy my dope boat in a sailboat in the store window and when harry sees it and his dad notices him seeing it his dad says here's what i'm going to do if you don't say a word to your mama i'm going to buy that toy sale boat for you they get home and when they get home harry and his dad tell their mom to lie and when they tell their mom the lie the mom then tends to the wounds of little four-year-old harry she nurses him back to health but my sisters and brothers harry did not tell his mother what really happened and sadly harry testified that he never received the toy sailboat and for years he carried a beef against his dead weight in the book my song harry transparently testifies that he is at the office of his therapist and telling the therapist that story and when he told the terror therapist that story the therapist said are you still waiting on that sailboat to which harry remote to which harry responded with an aha moment of awareness that he was still waiting on a sailboat that would never come he was still waiting on a sailboat that his father promised but now his father is deceased i'm a park right there because the metaphors are so powerful note with me my sisters and brothers that every christmas now becomes a trigger for young harry because harry has a reminder via christmas of what happened with his dad i'm not even done not only that but that sailboat that never came is a reminder that harry had a father who was toxic and had poisoned young harry i gotta park right there because if you're not careful you'll be poisoned by the toxicity of some relative that you have lived with and can't stand or you have beef with wait i'm not even done because when you look further you discover that little harry found himself living with the scar of a secret lie a secret lie that he was carrying who am i talking to who is streaming in right now there's a secret lie that you are living with there's a secret that you still suffer with that's young harry that's harry my sisters and brothers who now in my song lets us know that his inner child was still wounded by a sailboat that he never received and someone is listening to me right now thanksgiving any holiday is a trigger because it means you've got to get together with those who never gave you the sailboat that you were looking forward to what sailboat did you not receive what sailboat has left you with secret scars what sailboat reminds you of someone else's toxicity toxicity that is poison your own psyche well my sisters and brothers i'm simply trying to let everyone know that harry has beef with a dad who is dead harry has beef with someone who did something to him that is not yet through with him is there somebody listening to me right now somebody did something to you but it ain't yet through with you you still live with the secret aftermath of that agony you still live with the triggers that remind you of the trauma and with that being the case i could not wait to hop homolytically into this passage because it's a familiar passage but i think there's some fresh water from this old whale because the book lets us know that joseph had every right to have beef with his own brothers because joseph is a witness that every now when then when we get wounded it's not from others but our own brothers it's not from people outside of our lives but those who are up close and personal is there someone listening right now that's your testimony joseph is wounded by his brothers you know the story they hated on him they were jealous of him they did not like him and some of you have family members who don't like you they're jealous of you they can't stand the fact that god has blessed you and as a consequence that hate comes at you and my sisters and brothers you can tell the beast should have been building because my man finds himself getting in such a bad situation that the book lets us know that his brothers throw him into a pit he's victimized by violence they then sail him to a human trafficking ring where he ends up in egypt and there in the shadows of the most powerful empire on the planet at the time the book lets us know that joseph is lied on and ends up going to prison for a crime of rape that he did not commit it just goes from bad to worse can you see his life spiraling out of control from bad to worse all beginning with his brothers who were acting like butchers and not brothers anybody have folk in your family they should be your brothers but they act like butchers they should be your sister but instead they scar you they should be family but instead they are your foes well that's what happened to joseph joseph is in prison for what he did not do and while in prison he helps someone who gets out and when they get out the book lets us know they forget joseph have you had people get amnesia after you do something for them have you had people you were good to but all of a sudden when life gets better for them they forget about you that's what happened to joseph joseph languishes in prison for a crime he did not commit because he'd been forgotten and it all began with his brothers who acted like butchers but the book lets us know god was in the mix and that's all i want to shout you with is that god can get in the mix and when god gets in the mix and goes to stirring what others do to you can somehow work out for you and watch what the book says happens the book lets us know that joseph my sisters and brothers ends up being the prime minister of agriculture he's the second most powerful person on the planet only pharaoh is more powerful their hateration has resulted in his elevation their pain was a pathway to his promotion the bible lets us know that joseph has blown up yes he's blown up and the book lets us know that joseph is now used by god as a transformational leader i like that because transformational leaders are at their best during crises during pandemics joseph has a dream or the pharaoh has a dream and joseph interprets that dream a pandemic is on the way and when the pandemic hits it's going to be seven years of fruitfulness and seven years of famine use the fruitful years to save up for the years of famine and that's what ends up happening because my sisters and brothers i love it joseph has been used as a transformational leader i'm about to run out of here shouting because joseph did not say the pandemic was a hoax joseph did not blame the pandemic on his political opponents joseph did not act like the pandemic was not going to hurt everybody joseph was a transformational leader who recognizes that leadership solves problems instead of exacerbating problems that's what joseph did and the book lets us know that all of a sudden here comes joseph's brothers from palestine to egypt and when they arrive in egypt the book lets us know joseph recognizes them and they don't recognize him after some things go down the book says in chapter 45 that joseph reveals himself the brothers are blown away he embraces them and now five chapters later the bible tells us that joseph's daddy their daddy jacob had died the funeral is over and now they've done the graveside service and they head back to egypt and when they get back there the brothers know that somehow whenever a family experiences the death of a matriarch or patriarch that's when everything breaks loose that's when all hell breaks out and they just knew because of their own issues with guilt that joseph was going to deal with them they just knew because of their own internal stuff i gotta stop right there some folk in your family can't receive your external gifts because of their own internal guilt you see when i know i'm guilty when i know i'm wrong and you have done nothing but treat me right then my own stuff gets in the way of receiving the good that you have in store for me and that's what's going on and so the brothers they concoct a story they make up a lie and say our daddy before he died told us to have you forgive us joseph breaks down crying and says y'all don't understand i've squashed the beef i'm a vegetarian now and i'm giving y'all an olive branch an olive branch for beef i like that but y'all know that ain't original with me this past week we saw verses and during verses there was a battle between gucci mane and jesus jeezy and gucci mane have history that is filled with hurt and heartbreak jeezy and gucci mane they have history they have a past filled with pain and y'all you know what happened people gathered around their phone their mobile devices because we wanted to see what was going down with gucci mane and jesus because y'all know we love a good fight we love drama we love to see folk go at it and so we gathered around to watch it and y'all know what went down gucci mane comes out in round one and y'all can tell he ain't playing but jeezy is still kind of chill and y'all saw how the thing eventuated it eventuated i'm about to shout in gucci mane saying these words to jesus i quote gucci mane right now gucci mane testified he said you've extended an olive branch to me and i accept it let's stop right there because olive branch what is olive branch i did my homework and y'all when i did my homework i discovered that you got to go all the way back to egypt not greece but egypt because there in egypt the olive branch was became a symbol of peace and harmony a symbol of what they call my and so is a consequence harmony and peace that's what the olive branch stands for it stands for peace reconciliation and harmony concord where there had been discord that's what an olive branch is and gucci mane says you've extended to me in the midst of this beef you've extended to me an olive branch and so let's squash the beef because i'm accepting your olive brands now let me just shout right quick because some of y'all this coming thursday is thanksgiving and some of you got family beef but here's the shout don't bring beef to the thanksgiving meal bring in olive branch and all it branched means healing can take place hope can take place all it branch means peace can take place but you've got to extend the olive branch and squash the beef squash the beef squash the beef so so what does that look like freddy haynes well i'm glad you asked that because y'all the reason i'm dealing with this is that we're in dallas and those of you streaming from around the world i need to let you know dallas our community has experienced a lot of hurt here recently because so much beef is going on in the streets that i'm appealing to the streets right now and that is it's time to take the lesson from gucci mane and jeezy it's time to take a lesson from joseph and his brothers it's time to take a lesson from uh janet hubert and will smith it's time to take a lesson from isaiah thomas and magic johnson it's time to take a lesson and squash the beast we gotta go vegetarian and extend an olive branch are y'all getting that right there extending olive branch why because here's the deal y'all unfortunately we have lame leadership and in that lame leadership we have a mayor who got in political bed with the governor of the state of texas and decided the only way to solve the uptick in crime is to send texas troopers into our communities now we already know that ain't never worked all it does is shift the crime from one area to another because they don't recognize the wisdom of martin luther king jr who when asked about the violence breaking out in the major cities during his time said as he quoted victor hugo in darkness crimes will be committed but the real guilty persons are not those who commit the crimes but those who create the darkness and y'all we got to deal with the darkness it's dark right here in oak cliff it's dark when the highest for the highest construction you have is not a high-rise or an office building but a mountain of shingles that is toxic and hurting a community it's dark in a town where you have 29 landfills on one side of town it's dark in a town where the majority of toxins released in dallas are released south of downtown it's dark my sisters and brothers when we live in air-tight cages of poverty and lack opportunity to fulfill our possibility it's dark my sisters and brothers and we gotta deal with those who create the darkness as opposed to just getting upset about the crimes that are committed there is a cause and there is an effect but joseph lets us know hear me well o cliff that's my hood hear me well south side chicago hear me where detroit philly atlanta oaktown hear me well and that is i serve a god who will give you an olive branch and when god gives you an olive branch you don't have to eat nobody's beef so how does that work i'm almost done the text lets us know it works like this in that if you want to squash the beef extend an olive branch reframe what has happened to you reframe reframe look at the word frame the word frame i get from going to now defunct but never dead bishop college yet at bishop college we had to take hbcu in the house we had to take humanities and inhumanities watch this i had a teacher a wonderful teacher and he brought in dr harry robinson who leads the african-american museum of life and culture here in dallas and harry robinson shared with us about framing he said this and it still messes me up he said that a an okay an okay piece can become more in value if it has the right frame because the right frame can bring out the best the right frame can help you see it in a different light you've got to have the right frame and some of you have been through some horrible stuff that people have done to you here's what you do reframe what they did to you what do i mean by that joseph says i'm going to reframe what y'all did to me you intended evil but god meant it for good you tried to take me out but god set me up you did me dirty but god cleaned up the situation after using your dirt to help me become all that i have become you intended it for evil but god meant it for good you know what joseph is saying he's saying i have reframed this reframe this re reframed it i love that right there reframe what they did to you because when you reframe it you'll discover that when god gets in the equation of your ah embittering situation the sum total is going to be greater than the problematic parts i got to do it one more time when god gets in the equation of your embittering situation god will ensure that the sum total the sum total is the outcome that the outcome overturns what they tried to do to your overturned overturned aunt to antonio jose that reminds me of what your what your wife does she's a judge and from the legal realm we discover if a lower court makes a decision and you don't like it you can appeal to a higher court and that higher court can overturn what the lower court did if some folk have done you dirty i don't want y'all just to go back at them here's what you do take what they did to you to a higher court and when you take it to a higher court here's the good news god can overturn what they did to you god can overturn it i guess i gotta go with jesus now gee help me out right here and jesus says well i ain't easy i'm jesus said and you ought to know they did me dirty they hung me high and stretched me wide and out there on calvary i said father forgive them they don't know what the hell they doing and do you know that because of what they did to me i was wounded for your transgressions bruised for your iniquities the chastisement of my peace was upon you but with my stripes you are healed all of all they did to me release redemption in your life and now i've got a name that's above every name and at the name of jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess i gotta give it to you like this this is so good i'm trying not to shout but but i saw this or i saw this note i had taken in my prayer journal after i met for the first time the late great doctor c.t vivian c.t vivian was called the greatest preacher of all time by martin luther king jr because he preached in the pulpit and on the pavement he preached in the sanctuary and in the streets and c.t vivian told me that martin luther king jr when he was stabbed not by a white person but by a demented black woman a black woman stabbed him and dr king's own testimony is the the tip of the blade was at the edge of his aorta once that's punctured you drown in your own blood you're dead he's on a book signing tour in harlem new york he should be safe he's amongst his own people but y'all do know that sometimes amongst us if you're not careful some craziness can break out and that's what happened and she stabbed dr king dr king forgave her and when he forgave her i'm ready to shout he forgave her after discovering that when they removed the blade and closed everything up and the surgery was successful that the that the scar that was left according to c.t vivian it formed a cross okay it formed a cross it it was a star that reminded him of what happened to him but now it's in the shape of a cross and c.t vivian insightfully interpreted that every time dr king got ready to shave he was reminded that god had protected him that god had spared him in spite of what that woman intended to do to him i'ma stop right there because you may not have no cross on your chest but the fact that you woke up this morning the fact that you are still here is evidence that in spite of what they did to you god spared you god kept you in the midst of it okay but hold on hold on don't just reframe but then you've got to uh oh renew and release that relationship you've got to renew what was you got to release what was so you can renew what it should be that's some good stuff right there release what was because you don't want it to hurt you anymore but then you renew it because it can't be the same relationship it was if it's going to go forward and that's what joseph does joseph renews and releases uh oh here's i'm gonna deal with joseph forgave them that's the last thing we need to hear about right now with all the hell we didn't been through all the heartbreak folk have caused us and forgiveness is what you're gonna have the nerve to talk about today freddie haynes let me help you right quick let me tell you what forgiveness ain't forgiveness ain't saying oh it's okay but y'all know that's how we were brought up to believe when someone did us wrong one of our young friends did us wrong our parents would say oh it's okay no it ain't okay forgiveness ain't saying it's okay forgiveness uh-oh forgiveness ain't accepting what was done to you this ain't original with me i get this from the great doctor stacey floyd thomas she juan floyd thomas her great husband and i we're in a car together last year juan floyd thomas makes the statement black folk are so forgiving stacy floyd thomas claps back no we ain't forgiving we're accepting it's difference between forgiveness and acceptance when you accept what someone does to you you do it from a posture of weakness and disadvantage because only the powerful can forgive because when you forgive someone it's from a position of power she explained jesus prayed when you pray say forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors that means you have power over someone because they owe you and so as a consequence forgiveness is done when you recognize your own power if you don't know your power then here's what you do you accept i had to add to what she said because black folk accept what is done to us because we're still hungry for acceptance from those who do it to us i'ma do it one more time we accept what right races do because we're trying to be accepted by a country that continues to reject us we accept what they do and that ain't forgiveness what is forgiveness freddie haynes i'ma help you forgiveness i love it buries the hatchet knowing you have the advantage to cut them off oh i like that bury the hatchet that's an idiom you know an insightful idiom when you bury the hatchet it means you have the hatchet in your hand joseph had the hatchet in his hand he could have cut off his brothers but instead joseph says no i'm not going to use my advantage in order to afflict you i'm going to bury the hatchet i'm extending an olive branch i'm squashing the beat i'm not even done because forgiveness is a part of a healing process in that you take on an attitude of forgiveness which unleashes the possibility of healing so the healing can start once you make up your mind and adopt the spirit and attitude of forgiveness it's not saying that you've reached it already it's saying you are now on the right road and moving in that direction and once you get on that road it's because your mind has changed it's because your spirit has changed it's because your attitude has changed and you made up your mind i ain't gonna let what you've done to me continue to haunt me and handcuff me and hold me down and hold me back i'm not going to let you have the last word on me that's what forgiveness does forgiveness sets you free from what they did to you forgiveness release renew forgiveness reframe what was done to you i guess i'll quit by simply saying in forgiveness oh my god you recognize that in the recipe for your destiny god can take their bad ingredients in order to come to a glorious outcome i didn't say that like i wanted to but i think you know the point i'm making and that is in any recipe you got stuff that tastes good but you got some stuff that by itself it ain't good you got some stuff that tastes sweet you got some stuff that by itself you would never eat it by itself and i'm just simply trying to say joseph tells his brothers here's your shout you meant it for evil but god meant it for good the word meant you've heard me say it before we get our word we from we also get our word forecast from joseph said you meant it for evil but god had a forecast for good i'm not even done because it's also a word that we use for compute you meant it for evil but god computed it for good i'm still not done we also use the word invent you meant it for evil but god invented good from the evil that you did to me god is so good that god can invent something good from the bad that folks try and do to you listen listen i'll quit with this uh uh with south africa i guess it was two years ago when i went to south africa after i got through preaching uh that night someone came up to me and said would you mind coming to my home and blessing our home tomorrow night i said cool in the gang i'm in cape town i know they have a spirit of hospitality pastor durr doc here's what they did the next evening after service i am taken to this amazing area with the phenomenal view there in cape town south africa i'm walking around the house because i ain't seen nothing like this i'm walking around the house i'm looking out the window at the view that they have and finally we're at the dinner table the food is phenomenal they found out i loved lango states i grew up on the lango stage and then i finally said what kind of work do you do and that's when the owner who was sitting at the head of the table said work what are you talking about i said what job you know gig whatever you want to call it he said what he did i said so that gives you the money to live like this he said no i inherited this from my daddy i said you got this from your daddy he said yeah i got this from my daddy because here's what happened during the terror of apartheid what they did they took my daddy's land and when they took my daddy's land they had the nerve to give him this ugly dump piece of land and when they gave him this ugly dump piece of land my father worked to till that land and make something out of that land and my father worked so hard cleaning up the mess that all of a sudden he discovered a stream adjacent to an area where his home was and when he discovered that stream it was filled with pollution and filth he cleaned out the filth and the pollution but in the process his eyes were arrested by something gleaming under the water under that water there was gold and he began to mine that and before you know it what they gave him for trash instead had a treasure and as a consequence we've been set up i'm living here because apartheid meant it for evil but god worked it for gold i'm done is there anybody listening to me right now who knows that god can snatch gold out of the garbage that folks throw in your life god can snatch treasure out of the trash they throw in your life so don't you give up don't you let the beef continue exchange your beef forth and olive branch because you know that god has the last word hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i gotta quit but hallelujah i gotta stop but hallelujah thank you gucci mane thank you jesus thank you isaiah thank you magic thank you will thank you janet hubert for letting us know it's time for us to squash the beef and extend an olive branch let's pray god thank you for the healing power of your word and god that's my prayer oh that's my prayer that healing will be unleashed in such a redemptive remarkable liberating loving fashion that everyone listening to this message oh god will squash the beef pick up an olive branch and live life in a spirit of love a spirit of forgiveness just as we've been forgiven so god take now this word may it fall on good ground and may it produce the fruit the fruit of fulfillment forgiveness the fruit of healing and hope the fruit of love and liberation god let this word fall on good ground i pray that thanksgiving i pray that the holidays will be healing days hope-filled days in the matchless name of jesus and now god covering prayer those who who have resentment god you dealt with me during this message you made me look at me deal with all the beasts i have in my own life thank you that i'm not above this and i pray o god that just as you set me free healed me please do that for each and every one of your children in the name of jesus and now i pray for those who don't have a relationship with you please god save the lost i pray for those who just feel like hey i need to join this church you're leading them to join this church go ahead holy spirit move with power make it happen even now in jesus name listen i thank god for god's word if you are ready to join church ready to give your life to christ there's a number right there on the screen go ahead dial it prayer warriors are ready to minister to you they're going to do it and today listen all that baggage all that stuff all that beef it's time to get rid of it go ahead go ahead do it right now dial that number prayer warriors are going to minister to you in a very powerful way you're going to get to join church they're going to show you how to give your life to christ today is a good day to do just that god bless you and god keep you listen we're going to go ahead now just before we wrap things let me ask you to please mark your calendar for not this wednesday this wednesday we're going to be with family chill and all of that but the wednesday after this one first wednesday in december is that december 3rd 2nd december 2nd thank you we have a special guest the amazing doctor kismetia corbett one of the greatest scientists of our time she's leading leading the healing process in search for a vaccine and as you know some good news has been coming out but we want to talk to someone a scientist who not only we trust but her faith is very much a part of her science and so on that wednesday night i'm gonna interview her and y'all it's gonna be fire this is a woman of faith matter of fact she watches us she tunes into friendship west and so doc we're looking forward to a wednesday from this wednesday december 2nd seven o'clock mark your calendar it's gonna be a powerful night all your questions are gonna be answered because listen a lot of y'all keep asking me pastor when we gonna open up listen texas has over a million people who got cases of covet over a million okay we got a governor whose nose is so brown from trump that he does not do anything to help us get this thing straight because he's more concerned about economy than humanity and so we got to do stuff for ourselves and think right and so please know i want i want badly for you to be a part of the worship express i miss seeing y'all don't say this is hard preaching to a camera y'all please know this but here's the good news the good news is help is on the way i think god is up to something and so please make sure that you tune in december 2nd 7 o'clock all right i don't think i have anything else yesterday was a powerful day powerful day of feeding coalition of churches came together community organizations thank you so much for feeding those who were hungry during this season god is good god is faithful and god is using us but guess what god uses us because of your generosity so please i'm asking you right now however you choose to give text to give you can do that that number right there is on the screen you can text to give some of you like to give through what the streaming go ahead and do that and please know you shall be giving online text to give and then some of you want to mail it in please do that 2020 west wheatland road dallas 75232 twenty twenty west wheatland road dallas texas seven five two three two or some of y'all like to bring it listen that works too we appreciate your generosity because i know that god is blessing you because you've been such a blessing thank you because we've been doing more ministry since the pandemic than we did before the pandemic and we were already off the chain before the pandemic but y'all we just stepped our game up because when life is at its worst god's people are at god's best and y'all been doing the things so thank you thank you thank you please keep it up because god is using us and people are hurting they're suffering but god is using us to alleviate that suffering thank you very much give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over god bless you have a wonderful thanksgiving listen i can't tell you what to do you've grown but i hope you all ain't traveling for thanksgiving if you are wear a mask if you are make sure you practice social distancing and make sure you do the right thing y'all have been singing like y'all off your mind i sure am glad because the angels in heaven they whispered to me while y'all were singing they said when y'all sing song they take a break from singing in heaven so they can hear y'all saying say ask me freddie hayes can they sing one more time i said of course they can sing it happy thanksgiving every day is is oh is today we praise god for this impactful experience and for your joining us during it for all of you who joined as visitors you can share that you were here please do that by taking time to text f w v i z to the number two eight nine five zero and for those of you who are saying hey i want this time that i'm visiting to be the last time i'm a visitor you can join us here's how you do that join us by calling the number 469-498-0210 or email us at join us at when you email email your first name your last name and your cell number and we will get back with you we are so excited that you are here until next time blessings on youtube the love for yourself you
Channel: Friendship-West Baptist Church
Views: 6,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Friendship-West Baptist Church, FWBC, Dallas, Oak Cliff, Friendship West, Dr. Haynes, Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III., Church, Baptist, Haynes, Christian, Community, 2020, Vision, Christ, God, Holy
Id: voEuqt9Kl2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 14sec (4814 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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