Giving our BORING front yard a Makeover on a BUDGET / DIY front yard landscaping project

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[Music] hello and welcome back to my channel so today is the day we are taking my boring front yard and just updating it you guys know we have done a ton inside especially with all the room moves and things like that but it's beautiful today it's only supposed to be like 74 which is perfect for working outside um and just my front yard is boring so we are going to start Landscaping adding some character to the front yard I've been wanting to get this done but to me there were other areas that were more important so today's the day we are going to working on it but let me show you the befores first [Music] love the way you make me feel girl love the way you s my name and how I want to my whole world with you and no one else and now I make it so much better there will be no more lonely night baby if you let me try I give you what you want so little insight this ended up taking us all week we started this on a Monday we were not done until Friday this was definitely a very long process I did start out this day though that I just grabbed some uh spray paint that Bobby had in the garage cuz I wanted to kind of figure out what I wanted line wise um Bobby at this point was still in bed so I knew when he did get up that I was going to want him to like have an idea of what was in my head great thing about Bobby and I together is like I can usually Envision what I want and he brings it together like we work together but he obviously is a huge help of with bringing whatever I Envision together I will say though when he came out side he was like oh boy you had a lot more in mind than what I did I'm like yeah um so it took us like I said all week we took it easy um as a lot of you guys know Bobby has back issues and things like that and we had recently moved Grandma down here so he was already like a little sore from all of that so we definitely wanted to take it easy between me being pregnant him being broken all the things just take it slow um but then the hardest part was getting out all this s on our family Vlog Channel if you guys saw that on what was that Thursday we did a little behind the scenes of this transformation and I got so many comments about getting a sad cutter and I will tell you I looked into getting a side cutter but no hardware store near us had one available to rent so we did it all by hand luckily down here our soil is very much a mix between dirt and sand so it was pretty easy just time time consuming and we had to like Pace [Music] ourself up again you I ain't giv you I up and you no no I ain't giving you up I never going to give you giv you up no [Music] so this was also done a lot while the boys were at school so you don't see them obviously a ton helping out with this but little Miss Freya spent so much time outside with us and she had her little shovel and everything um it's so cute cuz I know a lot of people are always like she's always in dresses and it's funny cuz she is she's like a little girly girl for sure she loves her face fake makeup her dresses and all of that but she is definitely a tomboy like she has a little bit of everything she doesn't care if she is dressed up like a princess she will be digging in that dirt don't want toake up if I'm Dreaming because you know I can't get enough enough of this feeling you're giving me don't want to wake up I don't want to wake up I don't want to wake up up without you baby without I wouldn't know as you can see Bobby came out at this point um it's I actually went inside and I'm like okay so I need a rake uh but I also need you so I woke up I'm like I'm getting so tired I need you to come outside and help me cuz I really wanted to get all this sod pulled up on this first day like that was my goal it didn't quite happen I got a lot of it done but it wasn't quite all of it um but like I said Bobby and I made sure we took lots of breaks um we really like wanted to Pace oursel not overdo it uh and luckily this was a good week to work outside which is why I was so like determined to get it done um I know Bobby was like uh what did he he said something about just like me having my time frames and I do like I when I get something in my head I want it done like if I get an idea it's not like oh future it's like no let's do this and the same for here but with this one it was even more important cuz we had good weather but we are going into the months where it's going to get hot like real hot and we are not going to want to be doing any of this type of Labor outside during the day um so we already started working like earlier in the morning when it was a little bit cooler but like I said this was an all day thing so we still worked into the afternoon once it started getting warm and stuff but this definitely and give it another couple of weeks and there is no way this project would have gotten done Plus on top of that like currently I'm about 14 weeks pregnant getting stuff done um I am probably in the easiest part of pregnancy I am past the first trimester the misery of that I am not quite um extremely pregnant where I'm uncomfortable in that way so right now literally was like prime time to get this done know you know baby without I wouldn't know what to baby without I put it on what to oh you know how you know oh you know I do feel like it's always important though to like give yourself realistic time frames I'm usually really good at one giving myself an unrealistic budget like I always underestimate and an unrealistic time frame I'm getting better though I gave myself the week and it took all week um we probably could have had it done by Thursday but Thursday we had a pretty intense Storm come through and it just killed a lot of our time [Music] next day uh as you can see I got some color I don't know how I am like the only person in the family that gets super burnt um it is nice today there is a nice freeze it's overcast it's supposed to be overcast all day so that'll be really nice um but I want to show you guys what we got done now I will tell you I did about 20 30% of the work Bobby did the rest uh so I have been taking it easy don't worry I'm not overdoing it I know that's a big concern for a lot of people I'm not overdoing it um but we still have a little bit more grass to pull up and then we got to go shopping for plants yes yes um but yeah let me show you you can see we got all of this pulled up all of this grass is going to be taken into the backyard for some areas that are a little bit bare um we want to do like a little seating area in this corner and have it surrounded by Gardens over here it's okay um we moved as you can see the plant that was right here is right here now the only thing we have left to do is dig out this section and then I might play with the shaping a little bit um but yeah this little area I'm going to start digging out cuz once that's out that this part's pretty much done and we can go shopping um Mom my feet your feet but yeah these are all random rocks that we found while digging and then yeah this whole side we got all cleaned up so I think it's going to look really really nice once it's all [Music] done you you did you think i' for forget it all because of you you you it'll be clearer in a second all because of you [Applause] because of so I can tell you for sure this day we definitely moved a lot slower a lot slower than the day before uh by day two it was definitely like a okay we wore oursel out the day before uh so we moved a lot slower but we were still determined to get it done uh I had also burnt myself pretty bad I do not do well in the sun I am so so pale and it doesn't matter like sunscreen no sunscreen like I just burn and I am someone that I love being outside but normally I'm that person that is always under the shade trying to avoid the sun because ever since I was itty bitty I burned which is funny because like my kids do not burn like at all it feels like Freya like she's super white and she doesn't burn um Xander can burn but like he's got to spend a lot of time outside and Bjorn he just gets tan that boy gets so tan he is just like my dad and yeah so here is US going to Lowe's picking up flowers I am going to put the names of the flowers on the screen so if you're interested in which ones we picked up just keep an eye out for that all because of you it'll be clearer in a second all because of you all because of you so we are on day three um made our first trip to Lowe's looking at plants got some bricks and everything this load is costing us about 170 my hope is to stay under a th000 which if you done Landscaping that is on a budget so this is what we've got so far so these red bricks are going to be for the sitting area I got these beautiful bushes that I'm thinking to flank the garage to give it some symmetry I got four of those and then four of these now this is probably not all the plants I'm going to need but we also know we probably have about four trips that we have to make between plant well this is only half the load of bricks um probably only half the load of plants and then we probably need two loads of mulch so getting this amount of plants kind of lay it out figure out where we want them how much more we need will make it a lot easier so this is trip one and like I said about [Music] 170 I've been trying to bend loose since I barely was walking I've been trying harder all my life cuz I need to be perfect if I could just be a [Music] little so we went back and forth about this patio idea on this side uh but we did end up deciding to go for it uh the reason why we spent a lot of time in our front yard um one because like in the morning like right now I am currently doing this voiceover out in our laai in the backyard in the morning our backyard I love sitting out here um looking at the Ducks looking at the water like enjoying our backyard but once the afternoon hits and that Sun starts coming down this way our backyard gets really hot and that's when we really like being in the front yard cuz it starts getting more shady um and with the road that we are on it's a little bit busier yes but we also get such like it's fun to Car Wash we get a lot of really cool bikes that drive down our road and old cars that drive down our road when there's different car shows going on um it's just a lot of fun to hang out out front so that is why we're like okay let's do this uh so I tried my best to get it as level as possible um this is not professional work I know but just trying to get it as good as possible without being like overly anal about the way I did it yeah days they will be over soon nothing else could be like me and you let's stay the big moon yeah yeah I can get it up I got another I'm jul baby you are like son pour all your love me to the to let me the champ I'll I get it to the so at that point I was out of bricks from that first run so I decided that I was going to start laying out the plants I knew well we knew that wasn't enough bricks for that first go around we also knew it wasn't enough plants but our thought was let's do this we know we have to go back anyway kind of get a layout and then go back and have more of a game plan of how much more we ended up needing um so it actually worked out really really well sometimes it's hard like I kind of had an idea of how many plants um but you really never know until you start placing them the other thing to keep in mind is we bought a lot more juvenile type plants um some of like these trees are a little bit older but to save money the younger the plants the cheaper they are so I was also thinking placement wise of as they grow not wanting them to get super crowded we really wanted this to be low maintenance um but also still very pretty like I didn't want just a sea of green I wanted some color I wanted some variety so just like decorating where if you want to be neutral you guys know me I love my neutrals but working with text Tes and shades and variety will make the biggest difference in your garden and that's what I was doing here I knew I wanted it to be an easy maintenance yard so for me that's going to be a lot of leafy type plants so I just went for varieties of green and colors and variety of Textures in the plants will I get any chance to see him that's when I saw him standing next to me in class I'm ready in my heart is beating fast she's so in love she really is something happened I couldn't speak a word now you said hi what to do watch again my we I had KN it was we I said stop you always make me BL so hard my parents stay on guard I drop my when you're however totally offended by Xander when he got home this day from school he's like oh oh Mom the garden looks so pretty and it looks like you actually used real plants this time if you guys remember our old house I used fake plants um one of two reasons one I am not good with plants which is why I need low maintenance um and two we lived in Wisconsin so plants just died so easily up there that I wanted my yard landscape but I did not want to go in the headache of like con stly watering and worrying about freezing and things like that um where down here it's a little bit easier to keep them alive one I just the weather is better uh but two we also have an irrigation system it's goes off of a well um but all these plants get watered by that and not by me accidentally forgetting them and killing them because I do not have a green thumb so but yeah I was like yes yes son they are plants this time oh I laugh so hard he is um 11 going to be 12 in September and yeah he's definitely growing up I can tell by the way he talks sometimes and just acts it is so funny trip number two complete we've got more bricks uh last time we got 30 which we knew wasn't enough this time we got 35 which will be enough to finish it um I got 10 more plants um I did change them up a little bit so I'll show you this pretty grass I Lov the variegation color on this one we have this pretty tree I needed one more bigger plant she won absolutely beautiful and then I love these so I got three more of these to go with everything but what really brought the price up cuz plants were about the same bricks were about the same we got this umbrella table that was I want to say like 140 or something um and then this umbrella to go in that little seating area so that is what brought it up to that like higher pric point for now that should be everything when it comes to plants and stuff like that we we will have to make two more trips for mulch um but that won't be too too bad probably about $200 in mulch um so $200 in mulch and that should be it so I should hit my goal of under $1,000 to completely landscape the front yard which I know I don't think that's too bad and do it they can't hold on forever so just say hello yeah we'll be going all [Music] night they don't pick us up instead they knock us down and that's the way it goes until we're in the ground no they don't pick us up instead they knock us down and that's the way it goes until we're in the ground no P don't pick us down so this Sunday if you follow me you guys know every Sunday we have a family dinner family get together either our house or my parents house my and uncle's house someone's house every single Sunday we have a family get together and this week it was at our house and I can say we all enjoyed hanging out here so much we had the chairs around it was so nice this little patio worked out perfectly um just hanging out in the garden it was nice and shaded it was just such a nice little G together um but so I was laying out the last amount of the plants that I had gotten that way I could put them in um I also have to be careful when digging because we had right here where I am digging right now a little bit over there used to be a massive tree that the previous owner had taken down but they did not grind out the stump um so there was a pretty big gap in between so I was watching for roots I was watching for um our irrigation system cuz I didn't want to hit any of those lines we already Bobby had to fix one line because it had started growing the old tree had grown around it um and it just from us doing everything had finally popped unfortunately he still has to work on that uh the irrigation system is nice but it was definitely something that we are getting to learn of how to take care of it um especially since it wasn't really taken care of before so yeah definitely definitely working on that um but that tree stump what I was getting at made it difficult with some of this layout cuz I cannot put Plants there like there's no way to dig down it was a massive tree it's a massive stump we had to work around it well luckily we had a good amount of like really cool stones in our yard that you're going to see here in a little bit um we had some coina rock that is around our tree and then these Flat Rocks and it just kind of worked perfectly and once again it added to that whole color and texture and variety that I was talking about before so mixing the softscape plants with The Hardscape rocks I think it just ended up looking really cool [Music] I'm you in the [Music] summer you know it still hurts a little bit but not that much cuz if you want somebody else who might it I met you in the summer when you was C said we loved one another guess that we were wrong I Met You in the Summer Love on what day four now yeah so day four we got 20 ball bigs of mulch um some grass grass weed killer and then the table we got did not actually have the umbrella stand in it like they said so we had to pick up that so this should be the first load of mulch I think we'll only need one more bit load of mulch uh but it's really hard to tell until you start putting it down um what was this one oh right here 1225 for this one so that's not bad especially when mulch is on sale right now it's um the Five for 10 yeah five bags for 10 bucks so so that keeps it pretty affordable now is the time to do it because otherwise the mulch is $4 per bag yeah so it saves us a lot of money um so mulch wise it was under $100 the other stuff is what brought it over the price up now also keep in mind with our prices is it does also include his military discount so prices are a little bit less 10% as long as so the way military discount works is only if the manufacturers for the products allow for a military discount so sometimes you get the 10% sometimes you don't yeah definitely did this time cuz I was expecting number to be higher since the base was supposed to be like 40 yeah 40 40 uh so we got $40 in mulch um the weed refill stuff was 18 Brown umbrella base was 40 and then the other bag of refill stuff was 27 so stay in on [Music] budget I don't want to be the girl but I kind of need a word well I'm you and oh I know it's been a long time I was on theine waiting for you so you may be thinking I'm crazy about putting all this cardboard down but cardboard works so well as a weed bear we had been saving some cardboard I'd also gotten some for my mom um she owns in coffee shop so she gets a lot of deliveries and we were grabbing it from her uh it's this really does just work so well as a weird weed barrier um and obviously it's free compared to spending to get the good weed barrier I think Bobby and I priced it out like you can get cheaper weed barrier but to get the good stuff it would have costed us about an additional ,000 in weed barrier and that was definitely not on the budget um so we went with the cardboard and I really focused them where we had our plants where I know knew I really didn't want weeds to pop up obviously I don't want weeds to pop up anywhere but in the open areas it's a lot easier to maintain it than around the plants so that is where we tried to focus as much of that as possible um also if you guys remember when we first moved in uh it's what been almost 2 years now it'll be 2 years in June how crazy is that that we've been down here for 2 years almost um but I considered painting this house white I love the look of a white brick house with black accents like I do love it but I went back and forth so many times because once you paint brick yes you can strip it but it's not an easy process like once you do it it's pretty much done um and I just kind of had gotten to a point where I'm like you know what I just it's a big commitment to make I don't hate the red brick um so when we picked out this black mulch it's because everything I was trying to do was to work with what we had enhance the red and just make it look really pretty the natural way without doing this huge like change now there are things we still want to do to the house um Bobby knows I really want to build cedar shutters for the house just haven't got to it yet um I really want to update the trim so either paint it black or paint it white and just update it so there's definitely still things we want to do um but I think I've gotten past the idea of painting The Brick it's just it's such a huge commitment and I just have a hard time covering up the natural Brick Like I said I love the look of it no hate on anyone that paints brick because I love it um I just when I was going back and forth so much in the end I'm like if I can't decide I would rather keep it natural especially since we don't plan on this being our forever home we really want to get land have more animals um kind of do like a little family compound Homestead thing um if we get land it'd be really nice cuz we could have Grandma have a tiny home that way she's living by her herself again uh but still obviously not like she'd still be with us in a way um but we don't know how long like we don't know that could be next year it could be 5 years it's a goal of ours but we don't have any real time frame on it um but with knowing this isn't our forever home it's like I want to make this as nice as it can be well we are here but if I if it's not 100% yes I'm not doing it because that is like a decision and once you do it it is [Music] done so tonight I will be leaving and I got this great feeling that someday I'll be okay wait no please don't go away it's what you said to me oh and these solar lights we have these solar lights in the backyard now in the front yard I love these solar lights we just wanted something to really Define the sitting area and like I said we love sitting outside day night whatever it is these are so pretty later on when I show you guys the befores and afters I absolutely love the way these solar lights turn out and they're not horribly expensive if you go on Amazon they have a lot of different types and different colors different lengths whatever you're looking for um I want to say these were like 25 maybe $30 uh but they come in really long strands so that is really really nice okay so this area putting down the cardboard we are running out at this point and one of the areas I hate weeding is Behind These plants so over here we have our aloe vera plants um which are these like green spiky plants um they're great to have in your yard bug bite sunburn all the things but they are prickly so I don't want to have to weed around them so we were really trying to keep the cardboard in those areas like I said before weeding around plants is not the funnest thing in the world uh in the open areas it's pretty easy you just pull you know you're not accidentally pulling out one of your plants and whatnot um but yeah just trying to be very careful around these areas just to keep them as covered as possible I was was so excited once I get it started getting this black mulch down though like obviously it looked pretty before but putting down fresh mulch is always so pretty I love the way it looks um I'm not a huge fan of rocks I love the way they look but when I've had rocks in the past they've always been such a headache that I almost always go for mulch I feel like it's easy to maintain um it's easy to refresh and and yeah just always what I've enjoyed more is going with that black mulch area but it was time to start like pulling it all together kind of doing the fun part the decorating Bobby did want to go around with some weed killer around this path though so I got I had to pause which I was bummed about I'm like ah this is the fun part I enjoy this part of it but he's right might as well put the weed stuff down now and hopefully prevent in the future me me me got me on my [Music] KNE you got me on I am curious though if you have had Landscaping done professionally recently professionally and recently like uh since 2020 cuz you guys know and inflation's been insane so after 2020 the price of everything has just gone up but if you have had Landscaping done recently or work for a landscaping company I'm curious what something like this project would have cost if we hired it out professionally um my goal was under $1,000 and we did stick to that goal I think we were right around $800 to get all of this done um and we've had people say anywhere from oh it could have cost you 10 to it could have cost you $30,000 which is crazy like when Bobby and I were talking we're like oh like $3 to $5,000 to pay someone to professionally Do It um and then we started hearing these numbers and we're like really so I'm curious if you have had it done professionally within the past four years what did it cost you or what do you think this would have cost cuz I'm just curious we've never paid someone for landscaping we've always done it oursel but I would just flabbergast Ed by some of the numbers that I had heard people saying like absolutely insane to me um I get it though like after doing this I'm like okay hats off to anyone that does landscaping for a living I realize they probably have better tools than what we had but this is backbreaking work and it is exhausting like I said it took us a good 5 days um to get it all done I'm absolutely thrilled about it but I do get the value of people doing it for you all right time for the best part all the befores and afters I feel like it's so easy to forget where we started to where we came absolutely love the way this turned out let me know in the comments below what you guys think if you would have changed anything um ideas let me know um maybe things we can add in the future um like I said I would love to do Cedar shutters I would love to update the trim work on the house um but yeah let me know let me know in the comments below but I'm going to stop talking and let you guys enjoy these before and afters if you're new make sure you like comment subscribe and I'll see you next [Music] time just [Music] like we don't worry about tomorrow we just ooh o what we want to do tonight waking up and S down the world's our playground that we don't even have to pretend every time we're together it doesn't get better and every day is like a weekend we're just like o we don't worry about tomorrow we just what we W to do tonight so don't me how to act how should be all we wanted is to be free we don't want to be like see we just like the little see and we're following the heart we don't want to be [Music] like got the boom boxing and we're just laughing the neighbors try to shut us down but you know they can blame us for acting Shameless that we just like to have some fun we just like ooh ooh ooh we don't worry about tomorrow we just ooh what we want to do tonight before we all grow old so don't how to act how should be all we wanted is to be free we don't want to be like ju see we just like a little place see and we're following the heart face
Channel: living with cambriea
Views: 285,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 30sec (2310 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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