Give Me Half! - Read Aloud Math Book

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give me half by Stuart J Murphy illustrated by G Brian caress give me half part of the math start series understanding halfs published by HarperCollins give me half I have one whole pizza and it's all for me I'm going to get some pizza just you wait and see I know you want some pizza sis you only get one slice you'd better give me more than that what can't you be nice you have to share the pizza it must be split into the pieces should be cut the same for each of you one half pizza and one half pizza make one whole pizza 1/2 and 1/2 is 1 one half plus one half equals 1 what is that behind her back the last can of juice I think if he takes some juice from me I won't have much to drink I gave you half of mine so you must share yours too I'll give you just a sip but not until I'm through split the juice in half again you have to share and when you pour it out make sure that you pour fair one half can of juice and 1/2 kan of juice make one whole can of juice 1/2 and 1/2 is 1 1/2 plus 1/2 equals 1 I know she has some cupcakes I saw her with a pack I'm going to hide my cupcakes and save them for a snack hey what's that on your chair you'd better give me some I'm going to eat them both myself and leave you just a crumb your cupcakes must be shared and do I need to repeat you both get half the pack and don't you two dare cheat one cupcake and one cupcake make a pack of 2 cupcakes 1 + 1 is 2 1 plus 1 equals 2 1 is 1/2 of 2 I have a stack of cookies and you get just one bite you'd better give me half that stack or else I'll start a fight hey wait too late there are cookies on the floor there's Pizza everywhere there's juice built on the table and sticky stuff under my chair we're going to be in trouble we've made a great big mess but I have made no more than you and you have made no less we'd better each clean half there's so much work to do we'll be done in half the time if buddy helps us to the end we hope that you enjoyed this reading of give me half part of the mass start series and this was understanding halves go ahead and give us a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe thank you
Channel: STEMHAX
Views: 331,498
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Keywords: stemhax, fractions, read aloud, math, mathstart, give me half, book, kindergarten, teacher, kids
Id: GbWFfWwyB5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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