Github Copilot

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>> Are you using a new API that you just don't want to have to swap over to your browser to figure out how to implement or use or you just want some cool coding suggestions? Check out GitHub Copilot on this episode of Visual Studio Toolbox. [MUSIC] Hello, everyone and welcome to another episode of Visual Studio Toolbox. I'm your host, Leslie Richardson, and today I'm excited because we're going to be talking about GitHub Copilot and joining me today to talk about that is Fabien from the GitHub team. Hi, Fabien? >> Hello, hey? Thanks for having me today. I'm [inaudible] the Copilot team at GitHub and I've been working mostly on defining the experience for what Copilot will be for everybody to try out. Very excited to talk about it today with you. >> Me too. For the uninitiated, what is Github Copilot and what problems does it help people solve? >> GitHub Copilot is an AI assistant to help you code and generate code faster. It does not replace the developer, but it will help you access function that you might not know in libraries or simply develop your program a little bit faster and in a more easy flow. With Copilot, you don't have as much to go look for an explanation on Stack Overflow or any other website. Github Copilot will just help you and give you a suggestion that will push you in the right direction. >> That's pretty sweet. If I'm working with an API that I'm unfamiliar with, usually I'd have to go to Stack Overflow or wherever the documentation that they have that is order to figure out, but this can fill in those blanks for me without having to leave the ID that I'm using? >> Yeah, exactly. In our user study we did, we often noticed that it's interrupting your flow very much when you're trying to program with an API that you don't know, a public library that you don't necessarily know and you have to stop, go to the documentation, tried to figure things out. Well, with co-pilot you have to do it less, which allows you to be more focus in your work, but also more satisfied from the study we run through. >> Awesome. Well, I'd loved to see it in action. >> Yeah, sure. We can have a quick demonstration for today's. Just to give you a bit of context on this demo, I'm not a react developer on, but whisker pilots, I will be able to build a small react application, so I can show you how it looks like. Now on my screen you can see that I have this 10 dollar reactor TypeScript templates on the side, you see it running on localhost, and when you go from scratch. Now I'm going to remove everything and show you how it works. There's nothing, there's an arrow and you can see at the bottom, I have co-pilot running here and enable far-reaching and it detect that it's running on TypeScript. For today, we are going to build a simple task management. It's not going to look pretty, but it's going to be more or less functional. Let us go. We need to start by using you state from reacts. But here you can already see that cobalt is getting me your suggestions. It's not the one I want. I have the toolbar that showed up when I'm hovering, run the cursor, and I can explore different suggestion here. We have only two, but it's not what we want to. We want to use something called user states on reacts, and as you can see, could buy the suit that I wanted to react and I just press Tab and it accepted distribution, and now I know exactly what statement I need to make to do the import correctly. Import to react. Now we need to define a task because we are creating a small up to manage tasks, so we need a task interface. Let's just tell the copilot that we need a task interface. A task interface. Actually, that's pretty split on. >> That's pretty cool [inaudible] actual English language or whatever. >> Yeah, it's pretty cool because underlying it there is JEPD theory model that is trained on languages so it understand different languages. It's better with English, but it works with some other languages as well. >> Awesome. >> We are going to define interface and we have a string and namestring, and we have a boolean done. >> You didn't have to have anything of that. >> No, nothing. That's great. >> We see a lot of time. Don't have to worry about the syntax. >> Exactly, is great because I don't know the syntax interact. >> Otherwise I'm okay, cool. >> Yeah. Now we need to create a nap function. >> This is great because I personally right to do these comments for myself, I needed to do this and so I can just come back and all of a sudden it's just done for me. >> Exactly. With copilot use it unity that you tend to write more and more commands. Which is good actually because we all know that TOEFL and comments are bit greater. Then here copilot giving us a gigantic suggestions that I'm not going to try to read. It's too much. I don't want to, I want something a bit smarter and more control. Let me go here and I just want the first part actually. I want initial state with an empty array of tasks. That's exactly what I needed. The reason is suggesting that it is just because it's Stendhal behavior that you expect from European or React TypeScript you need that states to begin with and to manage whatever you're implementing. Here it's just using that and we have only subtask. Now we are going to need three different functions that are usually associated with list. We need to be able to create a new task. We need to be able to delete a new task or a task and because we have a boolean in each, we need to be able to target it to go that Boolean on and off. Let just say that great function to add a task. But I want to specify a bit more because we can create a task with either an identifier to put it at a specific spot in the list, or we can do it with a task object. It's centered, is pre-created or with the string, I want to use strings throughout this example with a name that works as well. Now copilot is creating the function for me. It took some parameter, name string as a parameter, and the unity that still saw defaulting the task as not done to start with. Great, that's what I need. >> Sweet. >> Now as I mentioned, it's figure that there is a boolean anywhere I need to work with boolean ads in some ways and because I specified array before that I need to work with and I want to create a function to do something, copilot is picking up on those type of patterns, and here it's saying, I need to build a task and I want to use a string with a name. Once again, it's picking up the correct definition, and here you can see that it's simply looking for the task by the name and switching the state as a boolean and that's all we need to do. >> I was going to ask what's happening behind the scenes or it's able to pick up on some of these common patterns that people are using? >> Yeah, so it learned a lot from the attribute copulatory it was trained on and it picked up pattern that people are using commonly. The more popular a language is the more there is of training data for programming language. It picked up on that, and it's also picking up on the syntax and the semantics of the language you're using quite well. That's what's happening. Copilot on top of that is ticking contexts within your IDE. If you have other files open in your IDE, it might take some contexts a bit and it's also taking the context of what is before. That's why it realize that there was a task to toggle because we define the task with a Boolean done. In English, you would often associate those things together so it knows that we want to do something with a task and we have a Boolean so we want to act on that or maybe want to toggle that task. Yeah, it is pretty powerful. It doesn't get everything right, of course, it's not writing good for you just because we are going through a fairly common example. Let's continue a little bit into the demo. Now we want to create a task to remove the function as we mentioned. Again, it knows that when we work with the list most people that are also working with function like getter and setter and removing elements in a list. That's why it's picking up on it. You notice that it also picked up with a name in here so it's repeating so that I use that pattern of commands before you add this. >> [inaudible] the language you been using. >> Yeah. As you use it you learn to use certain structure that might work a bit better. You learn to add just a little bit your language which is always interesting. Now we are removing the task we are filtering out our list of task by removing the one we are looking for. That's all we need to do. We have our three functions. Now we need to reach on the jsx from the app. Reach on deep and we are going to have a division. We want to do lists. Now, we don't want to add task right away, let's think through what we want to display here. We want to our list of task to be able to click on it and strike it through. When you click on the task is going to be crossed. We want to maybe be able to remove the list and we want that list to be dynamic as you add task. We need to create a list of tasks. Each task can be clicked on. I'm just describing what interaction I want to toggle it. The last thing I want when toggle the task is try through and the done value is changed. Yes. Good. Yeah, that's what I want. I need to close my command because sometimes it doesn't do it. Now we are creating our list. Let's go through. Here let's look a little bit at what co-pilot suggested. It did pick that each element of the list will be with the name as a key. We have an onclick function and onclick, we are switching. We are toggling the task with a name and it's using the task, the function we defined above. Now, further, the styling of striking through a value when we click on it, it did picked up on that as well in the text. The style change and if the task is done, we set up as a strike through, stricken through, am not sure. >> Struke through, strike through, I don't know. >> Let's accept this and go back here. We just display the task name. It's not going to be the prettiest app ever, but that we do. >> It is reading off of some of your previous coal mines and presumably some of the other project files. Can it pick up on just some of the ways that you write your code, like if you put your brace for your function after the function signature and you don't move it to the next line, will it pick up on that? >> It can to some extent. It's not capturing your entire project, for example. It will not have the full context of your personal habits of coding. If you have long enough file and it gives enough context it might pick up some of those minor coding habits, yes. >> Sweet. >> Now well, it's reading my mind a little bit. I never where to get sometimes in this demo because it might give me a comment that's going to be completely off. In that case, it seems pretty spot-on because we do need a form to add a task and add that task to task the list. >> It's like a teaching for future Demos. >> Yeah, is great. We create the form. Yeah, it's just coding a task from the form and with the name. The value is the name. That's it. We don't need anything fancy here. Now we have the actual input of the form and the button to submit it. That's it. That's our entire form and I did not write a single line of code so far. >> Yeah. Save in your fingers the stress. >> Yeah. It's even suggesting something else. We can remove all the task. Let's remove all the task. >> That's awesome. >> Just sitting the task to nothing. That's fine. That's our entire app here. Let just export and save and that should work. As you can see on the side, we have an app so far we don't know if it works. Let's do a test. I clicked on it before doing, I can unclick it done and done, so on. We can hear it. That's a little flow I wanted to show you about. Our copilot can be used to write an app, or you can also use it to write some test so you could add more condition and make your code way more complex than this, of course. But that's really the core of copilot right now. I did not write a single line of code because I don't know this language. >> You work so hard at that. >> I did this demo 20 times. >> That certainly helps you. >> Yes. >> That is so cool. You use co-pilot in terms of TypeScript and reactant stuff but I'm assuming it's also applicable to other languages and product types? >> Yes. As I mentioned, it's going to be the most popular languages because that's where we have the most data to be able to fine tune the model. Python is very powerful. I'm using it personally for some side predicting C-plus-plus and some flavor or C-plus-plus using for unreal development by example we need to work also quite well. It's been able to pick it up on the nuances of the different languages and even some fear of some languages. But if you are going to look for, let's see, Voltron, that is less data. >> They're like cobol, cool. I use C-Sharp a lot can I expect to see it for C-Sharp someday? >> Yeah, so it is working currently on C-Sharp, but we are working on improving the version that's right on that. >> Awesome. >> It just take some time. You should get in co-pilot right now you're not getting co-pilot just as it is today. You're going to see it if all we are really at the beginning of something new and very transformative I think for the developer experience, which is super exciting to see. >> Yeah. I felt like for a lower level languages like C-plus-plus and C and stuff I feel like that could be super-useful, like thinking about paribus collection especially and that thing and resource allocation. >> Yeah, definitely. Yeah, it's definitely, it can then be very powerful for that. But again, as I mentioned, it's not really going to write the code for you, you still need to check it properly. The App we just showed like it's not production ready for obvious reasons. >> That's why it's not called auto pilot. >> Exactly, it's a co-pilot. You are driving the car and it just giving you hints and helping you go in certain direction. But ultimately the developer is responsible for his code. >> Awesome. Cool. If people want to get started and play around with co-pilot, where can they go? >> You can simply just Google GitHub co-pilot and you'll arrive on our landing page and you can get to 60 days free trial. Either if you pay monthly is going to be $10 per month, or you can get one-year subscription right away and it's $100 for the entire subscription. If you want your company to get access to it, we are working on producing the co-pilot what we call co-pilot for business which will allow all enterprises to get access to it and manage our users as well. >> Exciting stuff. >> Yes, very exciting there's a big change in the industry with products coming up. >> Yeah. I can't wait to see where it goes from here because I imagine it's just going to get even more complex that it already is. >> Yeah, definitely. All application are possible from here because right now we're just using the IDE but you can imagine that experience in many other places in the developer experience and not just in the programming part, but it can be in helping reviewing PR or any user part of developer lifecycle. >> Cool. Yeah, that's good stuff. >> Yes. >> Well, Fabien, thank you for being here today like this is super exciting and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next for co-pilot. >> Thank you. >> Until next time go try out GitHub co-pilot and happy coding. >> Thank you. Bye. [MUSIC]
Channel: Microsoft Visual Studio
Views: 17,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tqSNgHQpUA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2022
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