GitHub Copilot Review 2023: I Love It, But It's Not For Everyone

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GitHub co-pilot has changed the way that I code and I am obsessed with it but it's not for everybody for those of you that don't know GitHub co-pilot is your AI powered programming partner it is a machine learning model that's been trained on tons of lines of code and the way that it works is you plug it into your text editor of choice and then as you're typing it predicts what line of code you're going to write next it doesn't get it right all the time but when it does get it right it's kind of scary good how well it works I've been using it for the past six months or so and it has completely changed the way that I code GitHub copilot is so powerful is because it lets me dedicate my mental energy to the code that is really hard and requires critical thinking to write and I no longer have to worry about Annoying boilerplate code or helper functions that are just annoying to write for example the other day I was creating a project where I created a drop down list of all the different states in the United States of America USA without GitHub co-pilot the way that I would implement this function would be I would Google a list of all the states of the United States of America and all of their different state codes and then import that file into my vs code and then render it all out but now with GitHub copilot I can actually write out this entire function just by writing a comment saying write a function that creates a list of values of every single state in the USA and it automatically generates a list of all of the states that I need copilot lets me focus on the tasks that are actually important and not on these annoying little tasks that take a lot of time but are still important for the project another example of when this is super helpful for me is when I'm writing functions to write a certain piece of data into a database once again on the previous project that I was working on I built it on top of Super Bass which is like an open source Firebase alternative I have a video up here in the corner if you want to learn more about it and with any API that you use there's going to be some boilerplate code that is needed to write data into a database like GitHub co-pilot it's smart enough to detect a pattern of what the database field name is like and what the actual JavaScript variable that holds that field name is in my code for example all of my database Fields Within stupid base are snake cased and then in my JavaScript code how I represent those stupid based database Fields is by going camel case instead just because that's JavaScript conventional styling GitHub co-pilot is smart enough to detect that pattern and they're able to automatically populate the entire list of database fields and almost write the entire API call for me into Super Bass once again this is another great example of how I no longer have to waste my brain power my smooth brain power on these tedious annoying tasks and now it allows me the freedom to only spend my brain power and my critical thinking skills on the important tasks at hand to make my product unique and to make my product work like I mentioned earlier in the video while I do love GitHub co-pilot I don't think that it's for everybody and there are certain people that shouldn't use it quick pause in the video but if you are enjoying the video up until now I'd really really appreciate it if you hit that like button thank you master I appreciate you I love you so much primarily if you're very new and early to coding I don't think you should be using GitHub copy the reason why I say this is because if you're still in the early stages of coding you're still learning the ropes have how do you make an API call how do you structure databases how do you create a simple react component you're still learning all of these things and sure GitHub copilot can automatically populate that for you but it is something that you want to get your first like 10 000 hours of reps in you want to make sure that you can get those reps in so you actually know how to do it in your head because worst case scenario let's say one day you can't afford GitHub co-pilot anymore or for some reason your school or your employer says you're not allowed to use GitHub co-pilot well you're going to run into an issue where you're no longer actually going to know how to write code GitHub copilot is a great tool for the folks out there that already know how to code that already know how to build software and they just want to write software ship new products and write code a lot faster but if you're actively learning how to code you're still trying to remember the basics definitely avoid GitHub co-pilot it's going to ruin that learning experience for you and you're much better off in the early stages getting your 10 000 reps in making sure you know exactly what you're doing that's better for today's video hope you enjoyed it and if you enjoyed the video make sure to like the video and make sure to hit subscribe as well once again thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one peace
Channel: Your Average Tech Bro
Views: 24,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: github copilot, copilot, openai, chatgpt, github copilot review, is github copilot worth it, github copilot typescript, github copilot javascript, github copiloet react, github copilot projects, github copilot review 2023, is github copilot good 2023
Id: uMnhX1CQa8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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