Girls Breaking Up With Guys Who Can't Handle Rejection - askreddit break up

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what is your experience turning down someone who doesn't handle rejection well I broke up with someone who as it turned out was cheating on me anyway even still he did not take it well first he showed up at my parents house where I was staying I hadn't told my dad about the break-up yet and I'd only been dating this person for about six to eight weeks so I didn't even think it was that important to mention should have though my dad invited him in and a stay for dinner sure fine I reminded him we were still broken up and that was that the next day the very next day said men calls me and tells me that he's on his way to meet my family and me at the beach I asked him why seeing as we broke up he insisted that no we didn't break up it was just a misunderstanding he ended up driving for hours with two bags full of groceries to meet my family and me this time I was smart I let people in on what was going on as I said four hours later this city it shows up on my parents doorstep he quietly lets himself into our house and starts unpacking his crap in my room I went upstairs and reminded him for the third time now that we were broken up and what he was doing was super weird he stormed out grabbed the groceries on his way slammed a door in my face and then threw the groceries at my dad my uncle a veteran four times over saw what he did he reminded him of his place and sent him well on his way angry texts ensued after that this jackass and his doting mother spent six months harrassing me she sent me a Bible with her favorite passages highlighted she told me that she highlighted them in hopes that they would save me and bring me back to her son as for her son he sent my parents my grandmother and myself very long letters giving insight into the more intimate side of our relationship and promising that he would show me why he was the best option for me relationship wise after all was said and done this person tried using me as a reference to become a police officer I spent 30 minutes on the phone the detective giving the most scathing upfront personal reference that I could he did not get the job technically I didn't even turn this guy down which makes the story even more ridiculous so I met this guy at a bookstore chatted for about 10 or 15 minutes and exchanged numbers we set up a date that I came down with a cold the day before and texted him telling him I was sick and asking if we could reschedule he suggested a particular day and I told him truthfully that I had plans with my family that day and gave him a few other days that week when I would be free well I guess to him discounted as a rejection because he flipped out and started telling me that I know you're trying to let me down easy just say you don't want to go out with me then sent me another text that said you just messed up but at that point I stopped responding because it was clear that he was crazy a few weeks went by and then he randomly called me one night but I didn't answer and blocked him I guess he thought me trying to Rochelle was a rejection and lost it I hate to see how he'd react if a girl actually flat out turned him down this reminds me of my story complete denial I went on a few dates with a dude who I had met online and through mutual friends five years prior he became increasingly possessive and critical of me very quickly so I told him it wasn't working he wouldn't stop texting me and demanding to see me including sending me long emotional messages from his dog's Instagram from the point of view of his dog saying he missed me so I told him unfortunately we couldn't speak anymore and I would have to block him I proceeded to immediately login to Twitter to block him there as well and he has already asked me several times calling me a drug addict classic projection he's in recovery and saying I messed up my face and teeth doing meth or something never have done meth obviously have very mild acne scarring from my teens I was shaking mad and cried at my desk and got all my friends to flag this tweets for removal and have him put in Twitter jail two months pass and I noticed my Instagram stories are being watched by an account called big sad pain law I have a feeling it's him but don't think much about it until he starts commenting on my photos from this dummy account again calling me a drug addict and saying he hopes I had fun with my new boyfriend he dm's me about said boyfriend who is a cow Walker liked one photo of mine I messaged him to say he's a terrible person blocked him and made my account private what a garbage person I had been single for a while and decided to join a niche dating site for bbw slash admirers started chatting with this very attractive intelligent guy and we were hitting it off at first but he went from zero to stage five clinger fast and after a few days of chatting wanted to pay for me to fly to New York City and stay with him for a long weekend I was honest and told him he was moving too fast for my comfort level asked if we could slow down a bit he lost his crap telling me I was a tease and a flake and ended his rant by telling me I was extremely fat and nobody would ever want me like obviously somebody wanted me enough to pay for a plane ticket so I once went on a date with a guy who I wasn't sure about we had really clicked texting but in person I wasn't really sure four or five days after our first date he asked me for a second and I said sure because I wanted to put my misgivings to rest at the end of the date I explained to him that he seems like a really sweet guy but I don't think it's going to work out he seemingly took it quite well although he seemed disappointed the next morning I get a call from a mobile number one don't know and I pick it up and it's this guy's mother he was 31 telling me I've broken her son's heart and how dare I lead him on I tell her that I don't think two weeks of talking and 2 dates constitutes that until her I need to get to work at work I go on my lunch break and go to get something from my desk when my desk phone rings it's reception and the dude has turned up with flowers I asked the receptionist to tell him I'm not available she says sure and hangs up about 10 minutes later she calls back and you can hear him in the background screaming at her to let him see me he eventually gets his courted out by security ten months later I'm on my first weekend away with my now and then too although it was very new boyfriend and I get a text from the dudes wife that's right he'd met and married someone else in 10 months she tells me to stay the hell away from him I wanted to text back gladly I was making out with some random guy at a party until he started to get pushy to go to his car with him yeah I was not in the mood for doing it and his pushiness was creepy I said I was going to find my sister and got away from him a while later he grabs me by the arm and says that I'm a tease that I should know who he is he has influence and would ruin my life he would find me and get me bangs from all the cool clubs law and afterwards he'd keep hovering around and staring intensely at me really freaked me out he also showed up asking if we wanted a ride when me and my sister were waiting for an uber to leave I was friends with a guy about 10 years older than me in my early twenties that's all I wanted it to be we were in different phases of our lives and at the time I wasn't looking for a relationship anyway I had just gotten out of a rel TR he pursued me constantly I never once entertained his advances after repeatedly making it clear that I was not interested and in repeatedly flirting regardless I told him I wanted to end our friendship as well he was starting to make me uncomfortable and I told him as much he flipped out called me as wilt for not sleeping with him or anyone and began pursuing my pregnant best friend is like revenge I guess she also was not interested hello she's about to have a baby then he went after our third friend who is a lesbian we all agreed to cut contact with him block his number and block him on all social media because he had successfully alienated all of us with his creepy advances everything was fine for a while until I started getting follows and friend requests from strangers I don't normally accept those that one guy on Facebook said he saw that he noticed my University and degree program and was interested in talking more about it he seemed friendly enough so I accepted the friend request after a few weeks I was talking with my friends again and we realized they got follows and friend requests from the same guy it was him he made upwards of seven fake social media accounts to follow us flirt with us and pursue us further I'm the outspoken one in the friend group so I took the lead on laying into him I threatened a police report and possibly a restraining order he finally got the picture and has backed off it's been two years since any of us has heard from him obviously all our social media with our identities are private now and we thoroughly vet our friend requests anymore I met a personal trainer while looking for a bikini coach he asked me to dinner to discuss goals weird flex but okay turned out to be a date apparently I was okay with it at the time we went back to his place and two things were a nope one his house was basically sterile white couch no paintings no decorations two beautiful mastiff big old dog oh that he kicked I couldn't drive because of wine so I slept on his couch I woke after him staring at me I made excuses and nope the hell out I texted later with a respectful well written in conjunction with a close male friend response declining both training and seeing him again he found me on all social media and added me unfriended added unfriended so I would see the notifications this was on egg and FB I got essays of texts that flip flopped just as bad please I know I love you already and if you give me a chance to you'll never find anyone better than me you're making a huge mistake he called non-stop for a solid week I came to my phone with 36 missed calls at one point when I blocked him he created new accounts and added me I just kept blocking he left me a very long threatening voicemail I considered getting police involved but I live in a very secured house and decided blocking him every new number was sufficient unless he came to my house he didn't about a year later I saw him randomly a shop and he followed me to my car asking to talk I immediately called my friend and told him to call the police if he heard anything weird on the phone because Bruno was following me he ended up yelling at me as I pulled out nothing has happened since and that was about a year ago worked in the same building as this guy we were both smokers and I needed a lighter one day so that's how we met we went on one date made out a little that was it well after that Friday night in this man's head I was his girlfriend we had this one date on a Friday night and by Sunday night he had texted me asking me to FaceTime 15 times I go to work the following week Lee sees me outside he comes to talk to me basically tries to kiss me in front of our work building I moved back he asks me when we can hang out again I tell him I had a really great time that I just got out of a relationship and I need to spend some time just on my own he says ok one week later he again asks me when we are going to hang out I'm of course confused because I thought we already talked about this and his response was well I gave you your space so I figured we could hang out again while this turned into my avoiding him and not going outside at certain times of the day because of this he then was blowing me up on social media asking to see me which I would ignore finally I made up a lie and told him I started seeing someone else because I just wanted him to leave me alone I still see him sometimes outside my office but ever since I told him I'm seeing someone he's backed off the only positive thing to come from that situation was I quit smoking to avoid him I was young and not ready for a relationship so after I had went on a date with this guy that I had been good friends with for a while and it ended horribly after a few weeks of making up my mind I told him I just wanted to be friends if he was willing and I undestand defeated and he told me he would love to be my friend and then turned around and treated me like crap talked about me to others behind my back accused me of self-harm and other horrible things because of the music I listen to and generally flipped crap I couldn't even get his friends while passing in the hall without getting looks literally this guy completely changed himself he lost weight switched from Democrat to Republican changed his style and started dating a bunch of girls I felt horrible for hurting him so badly but I didn't slash don't regret my decision especially so after seeing the outcome safe to say he didn't handle rejection well was approached by a guy who was on a bike while I was walking across campus he asked if I had a moment to talk and I said no so he proceeded to ride beside me on his bike the entire time trying to convince me to go on a date with him I was scared because I was trying to head towards my apartment but he kept pursuing me eventually he left me alone and I never saw him again thank goodness the most terrible thing was that I was more scared of what would happen if I was straight up rude with him so I tried to be polite cold and uninterested but polite I couldn't just speed up and try to lose him because he was on a bike and I was on foot it was one of those situations where I felt completely helpless the incident left me shaken for days and from then on I took a different route home at that time to avoid running into him again I don't think guys understand just how invasive actions like that King become I went to college and decided I wanted to be single it took me three attempts in several months to break up with my long-distance high school boyfriend he kept crying and saying no you can't do this the final breakup call was something like three hours long [Music] [Music]
Channel: ASK GURU
Views: 203,732
Rating: 4.8977957 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit, askreddit break up, askreddit relationship, askreddit break up story, askreddit divorce, askreddit couple, askreddit girl, askreddit women, askreddit lady, r/askwomen, break up horror story, askreddit rejection, guys that cant take being rejected, men that cant handle rejection
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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