女友看到霸总怀里竟抱着别的女人💢直接上前强吻霸总宣誓主权💘气的心机女把办公室都砸了🤴#甜宠 #sweet

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Gu Xicheng . ​♫ ♫ Every time I see you ♫ ♫ Why do I feel an unexplainable joy? ♫ ♫ Chased away gloominess ♫ ♫ I learn to get used to ♫ Impressive, He Jinxi. He Jinxi! He Jinxi! I told you to wait! He Jinxi . What? Are you just leaving? What? Do I have to pay for kissing you? Since you know what you did just now, why don't you explain? To explain what? We kissed. I kissed you to let Nangong Liuli see . I was claiming the ownership of you. What's wrong? [Xicheng] Hello? Xicheng. What can I do for you? It's her first day at the R&D Department. How is she doing? If she does anything wrong, please bear with her a little. Mr. Gu, you're being so considerate. You even called me for it. But Jinxi is indeed a little careless. I told her to hand in the files before 4:00, but she remembered it as 5:00 . If I hadn't reminded her, it would've been delayed. She lacks experience and needs to adjust herself to the working environment. i would really appreciate it if you could help her. She won't let you down. Don' t worry, Mr. Gu. I'll do my best to help her. Director Nangong, it's done. Please take a look. It's okay. It's late. You can leave now. Send it to me and I'll modify it. How can I do that? This is my job. I should finish it no matter how late it is. It's your first day at work. I am entrusted with the job of instructing you. I should do it for you. You can leave now . [I am at the parking lot.] [I am at the parking lot.] I'm at the parking lot. I'm at the parking lot. I'll leave then. Okay. [NOVOTEL] How did you know I'm still working? I was talking about work with Nangong Liuli. She mentioned it. I see. Did he mention me by chance while talking with Nangong Liuli? What are you thinking about? Nothing. It's just work. It's only been a day, yet you've become so focused. Of course. Work is work, and life is life. Since I'm in the R&D Department, I will do my job to the best. The department will submit the report the day after tomorrow . Don't show mercy to me just because I made the plan. You're underestimating me as the CEO of Huayan. [Huayan] [Plan 4 The Cat's Eye and Holy Pearl] The above is the external packaging plan made by Nangong Liuli , Director of the R&D Department. The new R&D team is really amazing. All four designs are very beautiful. Thank you. Especially the design of the Cat's Eye and Holy Pearl. It is such a breakthrough. Apart from mature techniques, it also combines many Chinese elements, which suit our new series very well. Did all inspiration of the designs came from you? Yes, Mr. Gu. I came up with the four designs. I pulled several all-nighters with the whole R&D team to produce these excellent designs. We'll keep working hard. Director Nangong. Why didn't you mention that the Cat's Eye and Holy Pearl was my design? Jinxi, do you think I did it on purpose? I mean I am the one who came up with it. It saddens me if you think so. Every design here has the effort from everyone in the R&D Department. If I only mentioned you, what would others think? Besides, this plan is based on not only your idea but also my efforts, right? I know you are very interested in this area so I let you have a try. Now the work is appreciated by Xicheng, which is the most important thing, right? Whoever contributes to it should have a name. I think everyone would like to have a fair treatment. Jinxi, you may not have worked in such a big team. It's not really considered as work when you just mix colors, do some art designs, and change a few words. Do you think because you're the CEO's special assistant, or you are close to him, so I should take good care of you? When did I become close to him? Mr. Gu. Don't get me wrong, Mr. Gu. Jinxi is talking about work with me. If it's about your R&D department, go back to your office area. If not, I don't want employees to talk about private matters in the company. I'm not talking about personal matters. I just want to prove the Holy Pearl design... All right. I have a conference call. Go back to your department. See? Does it matter who made the design? The president won't care. Director Nangong, can I take a leave this afternoon? A leave? I have liver pain. That's it. Okay. Go ahead. Gu Xicheng. You didn't even listen to me. You trust Nangong Liuli so much. She is the director, so she is worth being believed? Why would you think that I can't design? [Receive] [Reject] Hello? It's me. He Jinxi. How's mother? We haven't been in touch for a while. How is it doing with the Gu family? You didn' t expose yourself in front of Gu Xicheng, did you? Everything is fine. You haven't answered me. How is Mom? Let me show you. Is she still feeling unwell? How is her heath condition? Okay, you've seen her. You can rest assured now. The most important thing is your task. As long as you succeed, I promise Mom will live a comfortable life. When will you come back? Hello? Hello? Xixi. Are you okay? I'm fine. If you really feel bad, don't put up with it. I brought tissues. I'm really good. Everyone feels bad sometimes. It's normal. But are you sad because of Gu Xicheng? Forget it. I won't ask. I don't know whether it's because of unfairness or him. Unfairness? Well... Things related to work. I can handle it on my own. How about this? I'll take you to an interesting place. An interesting place? Come in. Be concise. Okay. Boss. What happened between you and Miss He? She went out with Fu Boya. Okay. I got it. I'm leaving then. Mr. Gu, are you going out? Why am I going out during working hours? Aren't you worried about Jinxi? But I heard she is quite familiar with Mr. Fu. With him by Jinxi's side, you can be rest assured, Mr. Gu. Aren't you looking for me ? Go ahead. Okay. Happy Club. That's a good name. But can it really help people feel good? Of course. Why, you don't trust me? Of course not. Let me tell you. This place has a magical power . As long as you're here, all your stress, pain, and worries will disappear. Childish. Let's go. Thank you. Sure. ♫ If the weather is good tomorrow ♫ ♫ If the weather is good tomorrow ♫ Let's do it together . ♫ If the weather is good tomorrow ♫ ♫ If the shoelaces are always tight ♫ ♫ Maybe I'll ask you out tomorrow ♫ ♫ Let's go for a walk ♫ ♫ Three pedestrians wearing floral dresses on the street ♫ ♫ Colorful colors like your eyes ♫ ♫ Seeing three contrails ♫ ♫ Implies that the process will go well ♫ ♫ Need more proofs of luck ♫ ♫ Have a hunch that you'll promise before I ask ♫ ♫ Promise that we'll continue tomorrow ♫ ♫ Continue to chat and laugh with you while we're walking ♫ [Fishing Master Award] ♫ If there's a rainbow after the rain ♫ ♫ If there's a rainbow after the rain ♫ [Twenty pounds] [Twenty pounds] ♫ If there're green lights at each intersection ♫ ♫ Maybe you've long been there waiting for me ♫ ♫ To go for a walk with you ♫ ♫ Three kids wear yellow clothes on the street ♫ ♫ The bright color encourages me to push forward ♫ ♫ The sky is clear and cloudless ♫ ♫ Foretelling we'll be alright ♫ ♫ Foretelling we'll be alright ♫ If it's about your R&D department, If it's about your R&D department, go back to your office area. I don't want employees to talk about private matters in the company. Gu Xicheng, go to hell! [An'an, what are you doing?] [An'an, what are you doing?] An'an, what are you doing? [An'an, what are you doing?] [ Eating Instant Noodles] [Eating Instant Noodles] Eating instant noodles. [Eating Instant Noodles] [Always eating instant noodles is not good for you.] [Always eating instant noodles is not good for you.] Always eating instant noodles is not good for you. [Always eating instant noodles is not good for you.] [Always eating instant noodles is not good for you. Do you want to have a meal with me?] [Always eating instant noodles is not good for you. Do you want to have a meal with me?] Do you want to have a meal with me? [Always eating instant noodles is not good for you. Do you want to have a meal with me?] [I'm full.] [I' m full.] I'm full. [I'm full.] [Today, He Jinxi seems to be ill-treated at work.] [Today, He Jinxi seems to be ill-treated at work.] Today, He Jinxi seems to be ill-treated at work. [Today, He Jinxi seems to be ill-treated at work.] [Today, He Jinxi seems to be ill-treated at work.] seems to be ill-treated at work . at work.] [Sharing location] [I'll come to you right now.] [I'll come to you right now.] I'll come to you right now. [I'll come to you right now.] An'an. What were you doing? You scared me. I got to see you at last. Do you want fried chicken or sushi? I bought both. I won't eat them. Just tell me, be quick. What happened to Xixi? Actually, I don't know what happened between them. I can tell even without thinking that it must be because of Gu Xicheng. His dubious relationship with that old friend of his is fine by me. But if he dares to touch my Xixi, tell him that I won't let him off. Wait. Forget it. You mean boss being involved with Nangong, it doesn't matter? I mean Gu Xicheng has no feelings for Xixi, and our Xixi does not think much of him either. It's good as long as they get along well with each other. But if he dares to bully my Xixi, I will not stand it. But I think they love each other. They are fighting each other. Why don't we help them? You mean they like each other? You're being ridiculous. What are you thinking about? An'an. Let me get back to my work. Let's call it a day. I've read your idea. You can take care of the details. Okay. But if there's something I don't understand, I'll still need your help, Mr. Gu. I'll leave then. He Jinxi. [Reject] [Receive] [Missed calls] [Reject] [Receive] [Missed calls] You dare not answer my call. I feel so relieved. I'm in a great mood now. I didn't lie to you, right? As long as you are happy today, I've achieved my goal. I'll say no more thanks. I owe you a favor today. But you seem to owe me a lot of favors . -Hello. -Aren't you going to pay back one of the them? Thank you. Okay, tell me how I can repay it. Why don't you treat me to dinner? Of course, if it's inconvenient for you, you can reject me. I'm used to it anyway. No problem. You choose the place. It'll cost you a fortune. Gu Xicheng's calls. [Creditor 16] So many! Maybe something urgent happened in the company? Why don't 't you call him back first? Okay, I'll call him. How are you? How are you? [How are you? Did Gu Xicheng bully you?] [How are you? Did Gu Xicheng bully you?] [How are you? Did Gu Xicheng bully you?] Did Gu Xicheng bully you? [How are you? Did Gu Xicheng bully you?] [How are you? Did Gu Xicheng bully you?] [How are you? Did Gu Xicheng bully you ?] Or it's Nangong Liuli? [How are you? Did Gu Xicheng bully you?] Or it's Nangong Liuli? [Reply right away!] [How are you? Did Gu Xicheng bully you?] [Reply right away!] Reply right away! [How are you? Did Gu Xicheng bully you?] [Reply right away!] [How are you? Did Gu Xicheng bully you?] [But from now on, I won't give in.] [But from now on, I won't give in.] An'an, don't worry. [But from now on, I won't give in.] [But from now on, I won't give in.] I used to admire her working ability. [But from now on, I won't give in.] [But from now on, I won't give in.] But from now on, I won't give in. [But from now on , I won't give in.] Come in. Mr. Gu. I have a document that needs your signature. It's after working hours. Huayan doesn't encourage employees to work overtime. Go back early. Actually, I have a favor to ask. Go ahead. I found a very unique restaurant which inspires me a lot as for perfecting the details. So I booked a table, and I want you to experience it with me. You will understand what I want to express. I' m used to eating at home now. But... [Reject] [Receive] Why didn't you answer my calls? I was busy, so I didn't hear it. Tell the truth. I don't know what you mean. I'm telling the truth. Do you need me to explain it for you? He Jinxi. Where are you? I'll pick you up. I have my private matters. Sorry, Mr. Gu. It's none of your business . Hello? Hello? What happened to Miss He? Is she okay? Where is the restaurant you mentioned? It's a little far from the company. I'll go to my office and get my bag. See you later. Are you okay? Don't care about him. Foolish leader! Why are you laughing? Nothing. Don't be angry. Let's go. I'll treat you to dinner. I promised I'll treat you. Let's go. Nangong. Are you with Miss He? Is she okay? I heard she was in a bad mood. You went out with her? She's fine. Don't worry. I hope so. Boya, when a girl is in a bad mood, she'll be okay after eating a tasty meal. Would you like to take Miss He to eat something good? That's what I intend to do. We are going to have dinner. Do you have any good suggestions? You asked the right person. I know a restaurant where its atmosphere and food are first-class. I'll send you the address. What should we eat? Choosing a good restaurant is so difficult. Well, my friend recommended a restaurant that seems nice. Do you want to try it? Sure . Seatbelt. [Underground floor] [Having dinner with Xicheng tonight] Director, you wanted to see me? I've listed the plans for tomorrow on the calendar. You can go once you copied them. Okay, Director. Having dinner with Xicheng at night. It's my treat. Order what you want. So generous. Today, I'll spend all my salary from Huayan to vent my anger. Excuse me. Hello. Thank you. The amount of dishes has to be in odd number too . Three steaks, please. Okay. Here. Do you want some puffs? Three puffs, please. Okay. And three bowls of ice cream. Okay. Thank you. Can you unfold the napkin for me? Okay, that's all for now. Thank you, Xicheng. Would you like to have anything else? Yes. Excuse me. Hello. I'd like to order one salad, three steaks, five cups of iced lemon tea and seven macarons as dessert. Okay. They're all in odd numbers. Anything else? We're good for now. Mr. Gu, would you like some soda water? Yes, please. Thank you. Excuse me. The dishes are ready to serve. This is for this lady. Do you need my help? Yes. Thanks. You can have mine, Xicheng. Nangong. Thank you. Don't mention it. Mr. Gu, You can have my steak too. Enjoy it. Xixi. Don't go. It's not fun seeing others quarrel. He Jinxi. Let go! No. Isn't it enough to have an old friend? You already have Nangong Liuli, why did you come out and follow me? Don't be so willful, okay? You finally spoke your mind, right? In your heart, I'm just immature and willful. Don't get me wrong. I didn't! You and Nangong Liuli stayed together. I saw you! You were with that Fu Boya too. I. .. I have explained it to you many times. Fu Boya is just an old friend of me. So is Nangong Liuli. I... He Jinxi. Come back. He Jinxi. Nangong. Why? Did you have to do this? Am I wrong? I'm just helping ourselves. Helping ourselves? Fu Boya. You like her, don't you? What? Did I say it wrong? It doesn't matter. You can think whatever you want. Why do I feel that you've changed a lot after coming back from abroad? Not only me but also you who has changed. I don't think your dedication to Gu Xicheng, as well as your hostility to Jinxi is worthy. Many things have passed since long ago. Shouldn't you try to let them go? Can't you try to accept a new person, or the new relationship? A new person? No matter how long I've been away, I always believe Gu Xicheng still has me in his heart. In the past, I was not qualified to stand beside him. I've been through a lot, and now I finally made myself back. Why should I give up? Why should I give him up? But Jinxi was chosen by Madam Gu for Gu Xicheng. Don't drink that much. You'll get drunk. It's better to get drunk. I can forget everything then. I will make Xicheng fall in love with me again .I definitely will. What are you doing now? Nothing. I just want to see you. Let's watch a movie later. I'm busy. I've taken orders. I'm going to make money. I can wait for you. We can watch the late night movie. How about this? I'll give you a ride. Are you pulling my leg? I drive a racing car to be a designated driver? So what? You can get more orders. I promise I won't disturb you. You drive ahead. I'll drive after you. Besides, people who place orders at this hour are all drunk men. I have to ensure your safety. I don't have money to pay for your gas. It's my honor to serve you. It's really a pleasure. What about my car? Please. Let's set off to make money. [The Northwest Building] We've arrived, sir. Let me do it. Let me do it. Here. Contact his family. I'll leave him to you. And this is his key. Okay. Don't take orders of such customers anymore. How can a little girl like you handle it? I'm not an ordinary girl. You're right. Get in. Where should we pick your next passenger? At the cinema. You're really good. You've finished eight orders today. I mean, let's watch a movie. I know. Let's go... I know. Let's go... ♫ This happiness ♫ ♫ This happiness ♫ ♫ Comes with the sea breeze over and over again ♫ Watch a movie? Watch a movie? ♫ Layer by layer like wave splashes ♫ ♫ Layer by layer like wave splashes ♫ ♫ I wanted ♫ Let's hurry, or there will be no tickets left. Let's hurry, or there will be no tickets left. ♫ To confess to you ♫ ♫ To almost confess to you ♫ What about my car? What about my car? ♫ What should I do ♫ ♫ What should I do ♫ ♫ What should I do ♫ We'll come back tomorrow. We'll come back tomorrow. ♫ With a pounding heartbeat ♫ ♫ I wandered past your windowsill ♫ ♫ Finally it's my turn ♫ ♫ To fall in love ♫ ♫ I've set an alarm ♫ ♫ In fear of missing your dream ♫ ♫ Please remember to take me with you ♫ Listen to me. Open the door. I need to talk to you. He Jinxi. We can talk if you're not happy. Open the door and let me in. At least give me my pajamas. Grandma. You deserve it! It's not what you thought. Grandma, it's really not what you thought. Gu Xicheng, you took Nangong Liuli with you every day, but blaming me for meeting Fu Boya. It's unfair. Ridiculous double standard. When I get through this period, and my mom safely comes back, I won' t see you again. [IMAX Theater] [Cinema & Bar] [Cinema & Bar] Let me help you. [Cinema & Bar] [Cinema & Bar] It's okay. [Cinema & Bar] I'm strong. Let me do it. It's almost spilled. Let me take them. Okay. Who is calling me? It's my boss. I gotta answer the phone. Okay. Hello, boss. I'll hang up if you have nothing important to say. I'm experiencing something big in my life. What is it? Watching a movie and An'an. Give me two minutes. Okay. Wait for me. I'll be right back. Boss, just say it. The movie is about to start. Here's the thing. A friend of mine asked me what he should do after quarreling with a woman? Who? Which woman? Miss He? You don't know the person. Take it serious. This is the easiest question. Let "your friend " think about what he did wrong, and how he made the other angry. Let him apologize to her and beg for forgiveness. Just do the three things one by one as a set. Why should I apologize and beg for forgiveness? It's not my... my friend's fault. Then your friend is even wronger. Do you know why? It's always the man's fault when there is a quarrel between a man and a woman. If you have any other questions, please refer to the previous guideline. Okay, boss. My movie is about to start. Bye. Hello? Apologize ? Admit mistakes? Beg for forgiveness? [Are you still awake?] [Are you still awake?] Are you still awake? [Are you still awake?] [Yes. I'm in a bad mood today.] [Yes. I'm in a bad mood today.] Yes. [Yes. I'm in a bad mood today.] [Yes. I'm in a bad mood today.] I'm in a bad mood today. [Yes. I'm in a bad mood today.] [What happened? If you want to get something off your chest, you can talk to me.] [What happened? If you want to get something off your chest, you can talk to me .] What happened? [What happened? If you want to get something off your chest, you can talk to me.] [What happened? If you want to get something off your chest, you can talk to me.] If you want to get something off your chest, you can talk to me. [What happened? If you want to get something off your chest, you can talk to me.] [What happened? If you want to get something off your chest, you can talk to me.] Have you ever met Have you ever met a self-righteous, bossy and unreasonable... That's too much, He Jinxi. Do you hate him that much? What's the relationship between you two? He's my enemy, opponent , and creditor. So you are in a bad mood today because of this person? [opponent,] [So you are in a bad mood today because of this person?] [instead of me? I'm so mad.] [instead of me? I'm so mad.] Although he is annoying, [instead of me? I'm so mad.] [instead of me? I'm so mad.] as I expected, [instead of me? I' m so mad.] [instead of me? I'm so mad.] but how can he only trust others but how can he only trust others but how can he only trust others [instead of me? I'm so mad.] [instead of me? I'm so mad.] [instead of me? I'm so mad.] instead of me? [instead of me? I'm so mad.] [instead of me? I'm so mad. .] I'm so mad. [instead of me? I'm so mad.] [Maybe he doesn't know you so well.] [Maybe he doesn't know you so well.] He's a little bit over. [Maybe he doesn't know you so well.] [ Maybe he doesn't know you so well .] But I don't think he did it on purpose. he doesn't know you so well.] Maybe he doesn't know you so well. [Maybe he doesn't know you so well.] No way. [comforted by my friend this afternoon, but he ruined everything again at night .] [comforted by my friend this afternoon, but he ruined everything again at night.] [comforted by my friend this afternoon, but he ruined everything again at night.] You know, [comforted by my friend this afternoon, but he ruined everything again at night.] I was finally [ comforted by my friend this afternoon, but he ruined everything again at night.] I was finally [comforted by my friend this afternoon, but he ruined everything again at night.] comforted by my friend this afternoon, [comforted by my friend this afternoon, but he ruined everything again at night.] [comforted by my friend this afternoon, but he ruined everything again at night.] but he ruined everything again at night. but he ruined everything again at night.] [comforted by my friend this afternoon, but he ruined everything again at night.] Friend? Friend? [someone special to you?] [someone special to you?] [someone special to you? ] What kind of friend? [someone special to you?] [someone special to you?] Is he [someone special to you?] [someone special to you?] someone special to you? [someone special to you?] [someone special to you?] The perspective you pay attention to is really special. The perspective you pay attention to is really special. The perspective you pay attention to is really special. [We're just close but normal friends.] [We're just close but normal friends.] [We're just close but normal friends.] He's not that special. [We're just close but normal friends.] [We're just close but normal friends.] We're just close We're just close [but normal friends.] [but normal friends.] but normal friends. but normal friends. [Friend? What kind of friend? Is he someone special to you?] [We're just close] [but normal friends.] I knew it. They're just normal friends. Let me tell you. I saw this on Director Nangong's schedule yesterday. Having dinner with... Director Nangong. Delete the photo . I only asked you to back up my work schedule, but this is my private schedule. Don't do this again. I'm sorry, Director Nangong. I won't do it again. Remember, The company hires you to work , not to chat. Yes. [Cosmetics] This is my elaboration for these proposals in details. Thank you. From now on, in order to improve the creativity of the R&D department, I will create creative assessment system and divide the work, in order to ensure the rights of each employee are properly protected. Judging from the result of this proposal, and as far as I know, the core idea comes from He Jinxi. Director Nangong led the team well. She can make such great achievements, in such a short time. She is really talented. Thank you, Mr. Gu. We'll keep working hard. What's wrong with you today? You never took sides in the meetings before. It concerns the company's interests. I have to admit her contribution if she did do it. I have no reason to make her unhappy at this time. Is it only for the company? You just want to revenge for Miss He, right? What? Are you going to admit your mistake? How is that possible? You're overreacting. You must be guilty. It's time for "Your friend" to apologize, right? Do you need my help? Judging from the result of this proposal, and as far as I know, the core idea comes from He Jinxi. Xicheng. What do you want to do? Could it be... [Letter of Resignation] [Sertraline Hydrochloride Tablets] Come in. Just say what you need to report. past. This is the company. I don't want to talk about anything except work. If you're here for personal reasons, please go out and close the door. What do you mean? I think I should resign now. As the Director of R&D, I was criticized for a significant mistake at the meeting. I'm ashamed to lead the team or stand in front of you again. So I think [Letter of Resignation] [Letter of Resignation] I should resign. [Letter of Resignation] Is that true? Director Nangong really printed her resignation letter? Why? Is it really because of He Jinxi? It's because of her. On the meeting, Mr. Gu said the design was made by He Jinxi. How humiliated it is for our director? Besides, with our director's level, she must feel so wronged when being treated like that. Is that design really made by He Jinxi? Is there any difference? She is also a member of our R&D team. Is it wrong if the design is under our director? That person just wanted to drive Director Nangong away because she's close to President Gu. Do you think she really has special relationship with Mr. Gu? Gossip is endless. Who is close to him? Who bullied others with the help of him? It was Nangong who appropriated my designs, but now I'm blamed instead. I didn't deny your capability. I just want to show you the right way of working. As a leader, you shouldn't have erased the hard work of your team members. To achieve the success of a team, leadership's ability and cognition are very important. You're right, Mr. Gu. So I feel very guilty. Please allow me to resign. [Office of the President] [Something happened to Boss Please come and subdue the demon at once.] [Something happened to Boss. Please come and subdue the demon at once.] Something happened to Boss. Please come and subdue the demon at once . the demon at once . Okay . I accept your resignation . today? As an employee, you can be dissatisfied with your boss, but you shouldn't have forced your boss in any way. In this world, no one is irreplaceable. Neither is you. Are you implying that I've been replaced? By He Jinxi? I've told you... I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have left. I shouldn't have left without saying goodbye. I shouldn't have given up on you. Otherwise, I would still be the one with you. There will be no place for He Jinxi. Enough. This is my office. I don't want to talk about this with you. If you don't leave, then I'll leave. Xicheng. What's wrong? Nothing. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I'll leave. I will disappear. Just... Consider me dead. What is this? Nothing. It's just some supplements. Nutritional supplements. It's just some supplements. Nutritional supplements. [Sertraline Hydrochloride Tablets] [Sertraline Hydrochloride Tablets] This is the prescription medicine for psychiatric use. Why are you taking this? I... Actually, over these years, I've been in a bad condition. I can't dine or sleep well. The doctor said I've been in major depression. Depression? [Huayan] Get up. Xicheng. Don't do this. [Office of the President] Oh no. If Miss He comes now, everything will be over. No. I have to call her. Miss He, wait. I saw it wrongly. The boss is not inside. He is over there. Over there. I messed up. Do you have a lipstick? Isn't Huayan the biggest cosmetics company? You're the vice president. Why don't you have a lipstick? You can have as many lipsticks as you want. Miss He, which color do you prefer? The flaming red! Gu Xicheng. Xixi. ♫ This happiness ♫ ♫ Comes with the sea breeze over and over again ♫ ♫ Layer by layer like wave splashes ♫ ♫ I almost wanted ♫ ♫ To confess to you ♫ ♫ Maybe it's an accident ♫ ♫ Maybe it's the weather ♫ ♫ Maybe it's the weather ♫ Gu Xicheng. Xixi. ♫ This happiness ♫ ♫ Comes with the sea breeze over and over again ♫ ♫ Layer by layer like wave splashes ♫ ♫ I almost wanted ♫ ♫ To confess to you ♫ ♫ Maybe it's an accident ♫ ♫ Maybe it's the weather ♫ ♫ Every time I see you ♫ ♫ Why do I feel an unexplainable joy? ♫ ♫ Chased away gloominess ♫ ♫ I learn to get used to ♫ Impressive, He Jinxi. He Jinxi! He Jinxi! I told you to wait! He Jinxi. What? Are you just leaving? What? Do I have to pay for kissing you? Since you know what you did just now, why don't you explain? To explain what? We kissed. I kissed you to let Nangong Liuli see. I was claiming the ownership of you. What's wrong? I was claiming the ownership of you. Who taught you that? Grandma. Why are you laughing? Nothing . I just didn't expect you would believe what grandma said one day. But what you did in the company just now is inappropriate. Then what you and Nangong Liuli did is appropriate? She and I... You and... You were hugging each other. Situ and I saw it with four eyes. I just helped her up. But it doesn't matter. What matters is... Are you really going to be like this with her? Am I...? Mr. Gu, what's wrong with you? She's the one who's been troubling me. How would I dare to give her a hard time? You've been angry these days. I don't have time to talk about this with you. Between you and Nangong, you actually did something wrong at first. Mr. Gu, please say it again. You joined her team and was a member of her group. For your design and research, even if it's your own inspiration, it's still the result of the whole team. You can't argue with her directly for personal reasons. This is disrespectful to the leader. Others will see that you don't get along. Gu Xicheng. Let me finish. Xixi. I'm doing this for your own good. I hope you can learn more from Nangong. Don't put your emotions into work, or see her as your rival in life. Mr. Gu, please say these to Director Nangong. I, a little worker, don' t deserve it. He Jinxi. Don't follow me. Gu Xicheng, I hate you! Madam, the dishes are all ready. Grandma, have more. Grandma, I'm full. Grandma, let's dig in. Thank you. Please give me a good review. Thank you. Su Yanxi, you're awesome. [An'an] [An'an] Tell Xixi. [An'an] [An'an] I'm going to meet her now. [ An'an] An'an is coming. But boss and landlady quarreled so much. If she comes, she'll make a mess of the office. No, no, no. Got it. [Ma's driving services] An'an, I can't take it anymore. What's wrong with you? I'm afraid I have a serious illness. I'm here to see you for the last time. We... What happened? Say something important. I'm poisoned and I feel like being burned by fire. I... [Ma's driving services] I think you want to die. I caught a cold. You caught a cold? Let me see. You were fine when you texted me. I caught a cold immediately because of a dozen air conditioners in the company. A dozen air conditioners? Don't you make cosmetics? When did you make the air conditioners? Not only that. The fridge will be produced the day after tomorrow. I can't take it anymore. Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Don't eat with the landlady. Take me home. I'll treat you for the rest of my life when I recover. Okay. I'll do anything as if you don't speak like that. I owed you in my previous life. I'll order from your driving service. I'll take all your time tonight. All? [Huayan] If you look at me again, I'll accuse you of harassment. No. I'm just admiring your skillful driving skills. You must be tired. I made many orders today. I planned to relax after work with Xixi. I didn't expect you to take me as a strong labor. I 'm sorry. I didn't know you were so tired today. Why are you apologizing all of a sudden? Not at all. Everything is tiring. Besides, it's not a loss for me to earn money from you. Pull over. What are you doing? What are you doing? Come down. Let me drive. No need. You paid the bill. I promise I'll drive safely. Besides, you're not feeling well. I'm just pretending. Didn't you notice? Come down. I'll drive. Cut the crap. Get in the car. I carry you down, or you do it by yourself? Just sit. I'll drive. Let's go home. [Industrial and Commercial Bank of China] [Xixi, I want to try with Situ Shuo.] [Xixi, I want to try with Situ Shuo.] Xixi, I want to have a try with Situ Shuo. [Xixi, I want to try with Situ Shuo.] [Miss Lu may be the best remedy for your fear of intimacy.] [But don't forget to come to the clinic for a follow-up visit.] [But don't forget to come to the clinic for a follow-up visit.] visit.] Although Miss Lu is [But don't forget to come to the clinic for a follow-up visit.] your best medicine [But don't forget to come to the clinic for a follow-up visit.] of the fear of intimacy, [But don't forget to come to the clinic for a follow-up visit.] don't forget to come to the clinic. An'an, you're awake. What do you mean? What fear of intimacy? What does it have to do with me? Nothing. Don't get me wrong. Situ Shuo. Who sent this message? Are you hiding something from me? Why are you going after me? I'm not hiding anything. Actually , I can't explain it clearly within a few words. An'an. Don't let me see you again. An'an. [Don't mention Situ Shuo again.] [Don't mention Situ Shuo again.] Don't mention Situ Shuo again. [Don't mention Situ Shuo again.] What happened? Her phone is off? What's wrong with them? ♫ Admit it ♫ ♫ I just can't help missing you ♫ ♫ Don't tell him ♫ ♫ But eyes don't lie ♫ ♫ Time can tell ♫ ♫ Is this my wish? ♫ ♫ Maybe insomnia ♫ ♫ Is the price for falling in love ♫ ♫ You know it ♫ ♫ I don't know much loving words ♫ ♫ Plant a flower ♫ ♫ Wait for it to sprout slowly ♫ ♫ Wanted to leave ♫ ♫ But still can't let go ♫ ♫ Betray myself ♫ ♫ Is the price for falling in love ♫ ♫ You are my dream ♫ ♫ You also know my heart ♫ ♫ Walking through the crowd ♫ ♫ Only your voice was there ♫ Nangong. What's wrong? Can't you calm down when something happens? Do you have to be so impulsive? Is it the first time for you to know me? Don't you know my personality? If I never acted on impulse, we wouldn't have met. Right? I must try it for the last time. I don't believe that Xicheng really fell in love with He Jinxi. I must take him back. Do you want to continue? Shouldn't you talk with Gu Xicheng frankly? Don't be so aggressive. This will only hurt both parties . Why don't you listen to what Gu Xicheng is thinking carefully? Do you think he will tell me the truth now? He hates me. Only by getting rid of He Jinxi can I stand by his side again. So, I need to hurry. Nangong. Stop persuading me. I know what I'm doing. Boya, what you need to do is blessing. That's enough. This weekend, the Super Moon, Full Moon in Taurus, is coming. Since 1948, this is the closest Super Moon to the earth, which only appears every eighteen years. According to our initial investigation online, many young people's searches and discussions about the Super Moon have reached the peak. So our R&D department will launch a series of package pictures with the design of the new moon themed with the Super Moon. Four themes will be warm, bright, pure and tender. We aim to push the new product of Huayan to a new step. The theme of this series is great. Of course, The theme of the moon was inspired by my personal experience five years ago when I was in college. I promised a friend to observe the moon together. Unfortunately, it didn't come true. So, Mr. Gu, can you permit us to design about the Super Moon? We can try it. I'll send the proposal to Mr. Gu's office this afternoon. The Super Moon? A promise with someone? Do you think others are fools? You just want to ask Gu Xicheng to see the Super Moon . I don't care. [the Super Moon New series design scheme] [the Super Moon New series scheme] [Nangong Liuli] Mr. Gu, will you be at the company on the night of the Super Moon? I think I' ll make a plan that day. I want to discuss it with you. I may not be here at weekend. I'm in a hurry to launch this series. Mr. Gu, I'll wait for you. Situ, do something for me. Fei, let's go to the restaurant for a sunset dinner. How is it? I'm not going. It's the Super Moon tonight. Aren't you going to see it with your boyfriend? Red moon is amazing. Amazing? It is said that the closer the moon gets to the earth, the greater the magnetic it gets. Magnetic affects people. Maybe your boyfriend will think you are a worthy hell-bent person after seeing you as beautiful as a flower. What? It makes people in a bad mood. This Gu Xicheng... [Reject][Answer] Lu An'an. Why didn't you call me earlier? How are you? What's going on with Situ? Xixi, come and save me! Help me ! You... Send me your location. I'll be right there. [Location sharing] I've made the call. Your order is over. Don't go. It's not over yet. Why are you pulling me? Let go! Even if I will be killed by you today, you have to do me this favor. I haven't make the landlady happy yet. Otherwise, your good friend and my boss will still love and hate each other. Are you taking revenge ? You hurt me. I swear. After this, you can do whatever you want to me. Lu An'an. Where did she go? Where did she go? Did she really get drunk and fell down somewhere? What? This... Well. Well. ♫ On a most ordinary day ♫ ♫ On a most ordinary day ♫ ♫ On a most ordinary day ♫ Someone prepared this surprise for his girlfriend? Someone prepared this surprise for his girlfriend? Someone prepared this surprise for his girlfriend? ♫ I wanna be with you ♫ ♫ I wanna be with you ♫ ♫ Wandering around the whole city from morning to night ♫ ♫ Wandering around the whole city from morning to night ♫ Did I go the wrong way? ♫ Wandering around the whole city from morning to night ♫ ♫ Wandering around the whole city from morning to night ♫ I'd better go to find her first. I'd better go to find her first. Xixi. ♫ Watching grand fireworks ♫ ♫ Shooting across the starry sky ♫ ♫ They shine more because they are in your eyes ♫ ♫ You have a special magic power ♫ ♫ That makes me have butterflies ♫ ♫ And makes many days extraordinary ♫ ♫ Gathering every bit of likes ♫ ♫ Into the sweets jar ♫ ♫ Giving you a half till that day ♫ ♫ Happiness is related to you ♫ ♫ Bad weather is related to you ♫ ♫ My world changes along with you ♫ ♫ Daydreams are related to you ♫ ♫ Nights of insomnia are related to you ♫ ♫ You are the sole answer to the puzzle ♫ Mr. Gu, the plan is done. I'll do it. Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is busy now. Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is busy now. Please redial later. Gu Xicheng. What are you doing? I want to apologize to you. I'm sorry. Recently, I neglected your feelings. Because of the arrival of Nangong, I thought of you as someone who has rich experience like her. I forgot you've been a live streamer. You are not good at dealing with business affairs. I shouldn't have blamed you. You need time to study. And I... I should be the on who should give you the most time. I also ignored the time we spent together. Although we met because of the contract, no matter in the Gu family or in the company, you helped me overcome many difficulties. Sorry. Can you forgive me? You made me so angry. How can some star lights and a bouquet of flowers make me forgive you? Not that easy. How about this? These balloons are prepared for you to cut them. As long as you cut them and let them fly, your unhappiness , anger and indignation your unhappiness, anger and indignation ♫ Admit it ♫ your unhappiness, anger and indignation your unhappiness, anger and indignation ♫ I just can't help missing you ♫ ♫ I just can't help missing you ♫ ♫ I just can 't help missing you ♫ will be taken away by them. ♫ I just can't help missing you ♫ ♫ Don't tell him ♫ ♫ But eyes don't lie ♫ ♫ Time can tell ♫ ♫ Is this my wish? ♫ ♫ Maybe insomnia ♫ ♫ Is the price for falling in love ♫ ♫ You know it ♫ ♫ I don't know many loving words ♫ ♫ Plant a flower ♫ [Unhappiness] [Unhappiness] ♫ Wait for it to sprout slowly ♫ ♫ Wait for it to sprout slowly ♫ ♫ Wanted to leave ♫ ♫ Wanted to leave ♫ Unhappiness? ♫ Wanted to leave ♫ ♫ But still can't let go ♫ ♫ Betray myself ♫ ♫ Is the price for falling in love ♫ ♫ Is the price for falling in love ♫ [Anger] [Anger] ♫ You are my dream ♫ ♫ You also know my heart ♫ ♫ Walking through the crowd ♫ ♫ Walking through the crowd ♫ [Indignation] [Indignation] [Indignation] ♫ Only your voice was there ♫ ♫ Only your voice was there ♫ ♫ You are my dream ♫ ♫ You are my dream ♫ How is it? How is it? How is it ? ♫ Walked here ♫ ♫ Walked here ♫ ♫ Walked here ♫ Did your unhappiness ♫ Walked here ♫ ♫ Walked here ♫ fly away? ♫ Walked here ♫ ♫ Left with the final sentence saying you're also willing ♫ ♫ Left with the final sentence saying you're also willing ♫ No. ♫ Left with the final sentence saying you're also willing ♫ ♫ Left with the final sentence saying you're also willing ♫ I'm still angry. ♫ Left with the final sentence saying you're also willing ♫ Then continue. [Cry] ♫ You know it ♫ ♫ I don't know many loving words ♫ ♫ Plant a flower ♫ ♫ Wait for it to sprout slowly ♫ ♫ Wait for it to sprout slowly ♫ [Gu Xicheng] ♫ Wait for it to sprout slowly ♫ ♫ Wanted to leave ♫ ♫ But still can't let go ♫ ♫ Betray myself ♫ ♫ Is the price for falling in love ♫ ♫ Is the price for falling in love ♫ I was wrong. ♫ Is the price for falling in love ♫ ♫ Is the price for falling in love ♫ I'm sorry. ♫ Is the price for falling in love ♫ ♫ You are my dream ♫ ♫ You also know my heart ♫ ♫ You also know my heart ♫ You're a bad guy. You do something bad with others to me. You do something bad with others to me. You do something bad with others to me. ♫ Only your voice was there ♫ ♫ Only your voice was there ♫ I won't forgive you. I won 't forgive you. ♫ You are my dream ♫ ♫ You are my dream ♫ ♫ Walked here ♫ ♫ Left with the final sentence saying you're also willing ♫ ♫ Left with the final sentence saying you're also willing ♫ My boss's My boss's 3 tricks for apologizing and begging for forgiveness are really great. I'm leaving. Don't go. They've reconciled. What am I doing here? I'm not done yet. I need to make fireworks later. Turn off the lights. Turn on the lights. I'm leaving. You stay here and feed the mosquitoes. An'an, are you afraid of mosquitoes biting? I'm here. You... What are you doing? Why are you taking off clothes? Put it on. All mosquitoes, listen to me. Don't bite An'an. Come and bite me. Put it on well if you want. It's freezing. Director Nangong. Director Wu. Mr. Gu asked me to check the design of the new series with you. Mr. Gu? By the way, the weather forecast says it's cloudy tonight. I don't think we'll be able to see the Super Moon. So, I can only see it in the design with Director Nangong. Okay. We're here to work. Did you prepare all these? It is said that this is the closest place to observe the Super Moon. I didn't expect Mr. Gu of Huayan Group is quite experienced in preparing surprise for girls. Could it be that you have a lot of experience? Situ Shuo prepared it for me. Situ? Let's write our wishes. It is said that if we make them fly in the sky where is closest to the moon, any wish will come true. If I want to write "I hope someone disappears from my life"... Just kidding. If you continue to be naughty, I'll teach you a lesson. Where's the pen? Write a wish. I need a pen. What's wrong? Xixi. It's fine.
Channel: 劇Drama
Views: 3,122
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Keywords: drama, 電視劇, 言情劇, 霸總, 霸道總裁, 晉江, 婆媳, 豪門, 新劇, movie, 甜劇, clip, love story, trailer, 中剧, ssl, 軍旅, dec, 搞笑, 搞笑影片, 短劇, 段子, 爱情, 接吻, 姐弟恋, 洞房, 偶像, 言情, 吻戏kiss, 大陆热播, 公主, 美女, 帅哥, 甜爱虐爱, 白天鹅, 都市, 高冷禁欲系, 呆萌女主, 偶像剧, 娱乐圈, 甜美, 婚姻生活, asiancrush, kiss, chinese love drama, romantic chinese drama, top chinese drama, chinese new drama, eng sub, 大陸劇, 甜宠剧, 好看中国电视剧, chinese television dramas, chinese tv dramas, chinese drama, c-drama, k-drama, asian drama, love, romance, 중국 드라마, douyin, douyin popular videos, sweet pet drama, 抖音, tiktok
Id: dEk05aBWR2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 58sec (5398 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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