Girl got pregnant after that night. She tried to escape, but was caught and became CEO's fiancée

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Isimm ready Isimm ready Isimm ready Boss Pei Oh, no. I slept with my boss. It's over. Who's not good at sleeping? Sleep with this living Rip. He can't know it's me. Or you're dead. This life. Promise Where did you go last night? After seeing Boss Pei back to his room, he never came back. There was no answer when I called you. You don't live with Boss Pei, do you? Don't talk nonsense. I'm back. Look, why didn't he call you? To buy breakfast. Oh, no. It came here so soon. Will come to the company soon. Boss Black, you asked for me. Yesterday evening How did you... I'm in my room. After I sent you back to your room, I only have my necklace. Why did you leave it in the room? Last night, a woman climbed into Boss Pei's bed. Boss Pei I, um... Work with Luoyan 24 hours to find this woman. Who's coming out? Didn't he know it was me last night? I didn't know this pendant was mine. Do you have anything to hide in the employer? No, no, no. I know. I'll find it right away. Black boss Do you want to bring it to you when you find someone? I'll take care of it when I find someone. It's over. Rock fall. It's going to make me wonder. The ghost unwittingly disappeared from the port city. That woman must be Liang Mang. Thinking about my Pei family fortune. Trying to get Pei Qingfeng Forget about that nonsense. And now you dare to interfere in my marriage. I'll drug you first. And hide that woman. This way of doing things is very much like your stepmother's handwriting. It seems that he is determined to ask you to marry her. And this time the hand is too big. He wants to wait until this woman is pregnant. And then threaten it. Curator of our army What a thief shouting to catch a thief Let the salt be treated When he finds out it's me, He sold me to dry oil drums abroad. Or poured it into cement. It's not... Is it the precious necklace that Gu Ye usually wears closely? Grandpa lost his necklace. Put it away. Don't drop it again. That's not your most important thing. Whose necklace did you say this is? This is Gu Yun. This is the necklace I just dropped. I drank so ugly. And give me something so important. I almost lost it. Boss Pei, you can rest assured. I will find the owner as soon as possible. You only have 24 hours for this. What? Master Gu, what are you talking about? Isn't that the most important thing mom left you? You said that from now on, You mustn't let Boss Pei say that. How on earth did you mess with Boss Pei? Why are you so nervous? You said I gave Boss Pei last night It's so strong. What? I don't know what happened. Just poured Pei Xiao three glasses of wine. And then things don't say anything. Whoo Different You've been around Pei Xiao for three years. You should know how ruthless he is to women. I admire him most. Who gave you the list? So what do I do now? Pei Xiao, he doesn't know that woman is me. Let me find someone in 24 hours. Are you sure he didn't see it was you? Otherwise, he couldn't have asked me to find the right idea. Resign quickly and leave. Otherwise, it will be over when he finds you. I heard someone stuffed a woman at his side. He put people into bankruptcy. Even drove out of the port city overnight. You said it was like us. You can't throw it into the sea to feed the fish. Hey, what? Gu asked you to arrange a job for your cousin. How long have you been talking? He will have an internship certificate next month. I didn't say yes. And the gambling debt your mother owes. Those who ask for debt are gambling on our doorstep. 100000 with capital and interest If you don't pay the money, you will take your house to pay off the debt. Uncle, I can't resign. Yeah, my aunt. Now he's going to take the house my grandmother left me. To pay off the debt, that's my sister and My only hope of living I don't know how much it is, but Then what are you going to do? Then you have to turn yourself in in front of the boss. Wait for him and then throw you into the sea to feed the fish. What am I going to do now, Chu bug? Don't cry. Don't cry. I'll help you Boss Pei checked in the monitoring room. After I took you back to your room last night, No one ever went in there again. As for that necklace, It should have been left by the former tenant. What do you mean by the right time? After that, Pei Xiao hates uncertain answers most. After Song Lin went back to his room, no one went back in? Luckily, you didn't. Wei Yanpei always has any instructions. You take someone to the hotel to ask. See if there was any information about you at that time. Princess, you look like you're having a lot of trouble. Sorry, Boss Pei. I may not have a good rest lately. A little hypoglycemia. low blood sugar Let's go. Drink numb. Shut up. Have something to eat Don't leave until you have a good rest. Boss Pei, actually, I'm fine. Do you want me to tell you again? I'm sorry. You're welcome. Why aren't you back yet? Is it detained by Boss Pei? Explain and explain What you did will be withheld by me. I'm sorry, Bai. I was wrong. You work hard and have strict cooperation. So. You talk to me. Boss Pei Did you find out Okay, find out. Okay, what do you find? Three, two. I worked as a part-time sculptor while I was on vacation But it has nothing to do with the company's business. It will not affect the interests of the company. Part-time sculptor Just your body. When I went out, I thought we Pei couldn't afford to raise a pig. From now on, After the salary has doubled Focus all on your work. Persist Assistant Gu also asked you to come with me in person tomorrow. Maybe there is some Mu Xisheng in the hotel. Is the little girl all right? I'm sorry. What are we going to do? Bald head says that he is now He's going to the hotel to find an eyewitness. Then the security guard, he's gonna find out. Yeah, I don't think I can hide it. I just quit my job and watched. What about your house? You sold him. no way House The house is the only property left by Grandma. Don't ask. There is a way It's a little risky. But I can try. Hello, Lotte help. I'm suddenly not feeling well today. Do you need me to take you to the hospital? No. No, no, no. That's the trouble. It will be enough for you to check the hotel yourself today. All right, you get some rest. good Hey No, let me find him wet shoes. You have the time to rush me. You've interviewed several companies. You're an adult. Can't you worry about your work? Hello Say something Who does Secretary Guo think I should talk to? Boss Pei I was supposed to greet you. But you seem to be recovering well. Sorry, Boss Pei. I don't mean it Now go back to the office. It's over I'll be back soon I got messed up. Ah! Boss Black, I'm sorry. I got the wrong number before. Didn't mean to offend you. Sorry, Secretary Guo. Although the company has no right to interfere with your freedom of love. But I still want to give up. No, no. Boss Pei, you misunderstand. I'm not in a relationship. The man I scolded just now is my cousin. Cousin My cousin just graduated from college this year. A man as big as hands and feet I have to introduce him to work every day. How can I introduce him to a job? I'm really busy. Boss Pei, what can I do for you? I'm angry. Chief Pei's household registration witness has been found. Hello, Boss Pei. This is the security guard at the Dali Hotel. You're not You don't know who you are. Know Boss Pei I have been watching him busy around Boss Pei before. Fortunately, Uncle Cool is dead. After hesitation What if someone asks you? Have you ever seen a girl? All you have to do is say something else Oh, I get it. Don't worry. I see you every day. So many people No way I remember everyone's face so well. Ah! Remember what you said. You can work longer. Understood I understand. According to the security guard, He seems to have forgotten what the woman looked like. So are we all cut off from this clue? Although there is no clue to the witness. But we still have video clues. I checked that video at the beginning. No one ever went in there again. Due to the lack of time last time Our investigation may not be rigorous enough. So for the sake of defense, I brought the master disk of the hotel video surveillance. Said you brought the master plate back. What's up Ah, nothing. Let me sigh. He is worthy of Lotte's help. WOW Because this is so important. So I'm going to take every monitor in the hotel Have to conduct an investigation. As soon as that woman shows up, The old man is sure to give himself away. Now it is. Boss Pei, would you like some coffee or something? It is estimated that shortly after Assistant Gu left, That woman should have shown up. Leave the ghost, Mr. Gu. He's screwed when he sees me lately. Try this black tea. Don't try This should be it. WOW Don't go. Actually, I... Catch It's out of order. You're not so lucky, are you? It seems that there is something wrong with the software of the device. Really You are happy. I'm not happy. I'm watching camel poisoning. He worked so hard for so long. Nothing. Is it What did you just say about discriminating against you? Boss Black said that Qin, the director of the it department, Said he could fix it himself in one afternoon. Fix everything. There were hackers who hacked into our system. Director Qin, on his own, He blocked the other side. How's it going? Director Qi, can this be persuaded? 30% likely It will be done in three hours. I'll give you an hour. If you can fix it. Double the year-end bonus No problem, boss Lei. For an hour. It's too late to go home to pick up your luggage. When it's over, I'm gonna die miserably. Application for departure My great-aunt. What are you doing Didn't I just tell you to take care of the security guard? Security took care of it. But I He said he got the hotel surveillance back. Let the it department director Qin fix it in the conference room. Performance Ha ha ha You quit now. I've been busy for nothing before. I'm not quitting now. You'll have to be busy with the formalities after that. I heard that Qin tavern is an old fart. I will be beaten later. You stole the tough guy. You asked me Let me seduce him. Yeah, resign. Oh, don't worry. I'm here. Remember to act according to the opportunity Oh, Director Qin. I've been writing a planner for a week. If there is no electricity, I won't sign it. But I Oh, come on, no buts. The intern last week He handed in the plan 10 minutes late. I was scolded by Shanghai Library for a whole day. I don't want to be scolded by him. Yeah, yeah, I... I'm looking at your face. I knew you were the best. Okay, Mom, you go and have a look. Never mind These are all little things. As long as I do it. It can be done in minutes. It doesn't matter. It's really clear. There's nothing he can't handle. What do you do What are you doing? I'm afraid Manager Qin is working too hard. Come and ask. Hey It shouldn't be. The program I set up It is easy to fix the video in an hour. How come even the motherboard is burnt out? Which one of you moved the hard drive? Oh, who is that? Hey Now it looks like it can't be repaired. Hey My year-end bonus. I'll tell you in an hour. You come and tell me the last money. The subjective is already searching with all its strength. This is really my dereliction of duty. But what else do you have? This clue may depend on Boss Pei. You, you're the only one Someone who has been in close contact with that woman Is it possible that that woman Isn't there any characteristic on it? I remember The back of his neck. E-mail from the construction project of Assistant Gu's famous city. It has been sent to your mailbox. Send it to General Pei's house today for him to sign. Okay, I'm on it. Boss Lei Are you at home I'm sorry, boss Lei. Your cerebellum has been damaged in the past two days. It's on Dad. Black boss Why are you knocking on me with this file? Oh, what's up? What happened to Boss Cai? Secretary Gu, explain. this This is not me. I accidentally dropped the pillow last night. Apply a plaster to relieve it. Is the smell too strong? Why don't I take the next step Who? You pay attention to rest. Say it again Explain it again. What is this? I don't know the application. How did I type him out? The company mistreated you. Ouch. That is, Secretary Gu has a problem with me. I dare not. I dare not have it. Not none. you What are you afraid of? Of course I'm afraid, you know. I'm the woman who slept with you the other day. And then euthanized by you. You go. Did I call you? Just pretend I'm dead. Is it true that I won't call you this number? Just pretend I'm dead. Of course I do. But there seem to be a lot of people who want you dead more than I do. Let me tell you something. If the leg is not broken. Get your ass home at the end of the month. What are you doing? What else can I do? It's your mother's birthday. First of all, I have no obligation to accompany you to please an outsider. Who are you calling an outsider? you still have I'm warning you. I only have one mother. He's dead Pay attention to your language in the future This rebellion My lord, please calm down. At such an old age Don't be discouraged with A His mood. I understand. I can't believe it's been so many years. He still won't accept you. Never mind Let Shaw come back this time. That is, to set up the marriage of our two families. If he marries my cousin's niece, Then even if he doesn't accept me, We're family, too. Lawyer Shu. If there's nothing wrong with black, I'll go first. It's not over yet. Where are you going Black always rest assured. My resignation was just a misunderstanding. I'm just going back to the office to send a file. The office is still waiting for me. Ha ha Can be regarded as running out of the temple of Rip. Hello, Boss Pei. Yao Man has already made a move over there. Get someone to stare at you. Since he's so awake, Don't blame me for being more honest. We've been tracking two suspicious times. I didn't find him meeting anyone suspicious. Three losses in nine places Definitely By the way, Director Qin has been contacted. One of the best in the world To repair the video. It's just the price As long as it can be repaired. Money is not a problem Okay, I'll take him to Port City in two days. It's been almost two months now. Liang Wanke dares to mess with me this time. I think he got what he wanted. Are you saying that that woman has If she does get pregnant, What are we gonna do? And find someone in advance. Call the police Just say what you have to say. I mean, could that woman be the employer? Because he's the only one who claims to have watched all the videos. He was the only one who sent it to the hotel. good Lend him the courage. He dared not even seduce. Boss Black, what are you laughing at? I just suddenly thought of Liang Manke's birthday party. What gift should I give him? This is really over. What are you doing? Sorry, Boss Wei. I just wanted to cut you a blanket. Don't cut it yet Your hair is tied. I'll cut it for you. Wait a minute. Where to? Boss Pei, you are so obsessed with it. Take off your pants first. So I can get my hair out. Say what? Boss Pei, you give me this money. I didn't see anything. I didn't see anything. Get out Hey, I heard he seduced the dog in white. Do that in the office in broad daylight. Yeah Shame on you Hey I heard you failed to seduce Boss Pei today. Be driven to the office by Boss Pei. It was only one lunch and I was dressed like this. If I said, I'd just see him asleep. The blanket fell to the ground and picked it up for him. Doctor, you are really free. Huh That Pei Xiao Even if he freezes to death, it has something to do with you. Why are you covering him with a blanket? You're crazy You have a point. But don't I understand that it's too late? But that might be a good thing. What's so good about that? You want to. Boss Pei dislikes the people who throw themselves at him. He is now in seclusion. I don't want to see you these days. Hey We have less contact with him. Then don't give it away. So he's gonna fire me? Ah! Ah! Meet me at the office after work. No, no, no. None of this will. Are you really going to fire me? Boss Hai, you asked for me. Boss Black, I will cut my hair when I get hurt. Why did you cut it? Say I didn't mean to. I'll do it myself. And then draw this by the way. What's this Come with me to Peigu. aunt Do you think Pei Xingfeng will come today? It doesn't matter whether he comes back or not. As long as Pei Xingfeng approves you. We're half done. But that night at the hotel Shh. Since it didn't work out that night, don't bring it up. Don't let Pei Xiao know. What did you do? Young master, you're back. This is Mrs. Yao Shao What? Hello, young lady. Hello, young lady. What do you mean, young lady is good? From now on, You are I'm not I said you are. You are Anyone will ask you who you are in a moment. Why? Because it's a wonderful move. Little brother Who are you My fiancee. This is Liang Yi. An unimportant person. So it doesn't matter if you can't remember. Brother Xiao, you've only been back for a few days. When did you find a new woman? Why didn't you tell me? I'll find Master Tang. Just wait here. But you are now a young lady. Make yourself at home. Other people don't have to be What would-be young lady? I'm just an assistant. Stop! where are you from, wild woman? Nor stand beside Brother Xiao. Miss Liang Liang It seems that it is not up to you to decide whether you deserve it or not. That's what boss Pei said. Boss Pei. I remember you were his assistant. Sheng and Xue laughed. You come back quickly. You are a rebellious son. You want to piss me off, don't you? My lord, please calm down. Keep your body tight. Daughter-in-law, I've brought it back for you. There can only be one young woman in the Pei family Is speechless. A humble little assistant. Even because she wants to be the daughter-in-law of our Pei family. Yeah, second brother. This is a big deal in life. You have to think long-term. Can't. Really What happened to Sully? The one next to you She used to be a humble virgin. Did you Pei Xiao already know that it was me? Now all we need is a wedding. How many years do you think you married Pei Xingfeng's daughter-in-law? What a rebellion. get out of here I don't have an animal son like you. get out of here Please don't calm down. Do you want to save Boss Pei, actually, I have to be honest with you. Bring your hukou book to work tomorrow. Ah! What did you say I'm getting a divorce tomorrow. no way You don't want to. It's not a question of willingness or not. This is marriage. It's not a game. And my grandmother told me again and again before she died. She said that to get married, you must find someone with a good temper. It doesn't matter whether you are handsome or not. At least be nice to me. So you think I have a bad temper? Don't look good. It's still bad for you. No, you're fine. It's just... It's just an agreement. Agreement What agreement? You just saw it. That woman wants me to marry. She arranged a good person. It is easy to compete for company. It's family property. I suspect she arranged that night. It turns out that this is her. The reason for the woman I'm looking for. Since you didn't help me find someone, Then why don't you do it? I'm going to play myself. But I What did you just say you wanted to confess to me? Ah, I... I'm trying to confess. I want to confess the real reason for my resignation. My hometown wants me to go back on a blind date and get married. So I can't sign that agreement with you. Ha ha ha Fasten up 20 million You and I agreed to get married. I will give you 20 million yuan to play games after the breakup. You want to quit now and go back to your hometown to get married. Or take diplomacy. If you are the house left by grandma You can't leave the port city. Since there is no choice Then take advantage of this opportunity to make money. You can rest easy with your sister for the rest of your life. Okay, I promise. But Mr. Hai Can we have a deal in advance? It's just an agreement. Is to add a clause to the contract. Don't help you solve your business needs. I just don't accept the money. Don't talk to me about balls. Dare not dare Then you just ha. Oh, Bah. I told you. That's the same blackhead as me. I thought we had a deal. Do not accept this obsessive-compulsive disorder Their mouths have been gagged by their eyes recently. Put on a show first Live together Drive a car There are new slippers in the shoe cabinet. There are only men's clothes at home. You can make do. Black boss Secretary Gu doesn't have to take a bath before going to bed at night. Secretary Gu doesn't have to take a bath before going to bed at night. Ah! A hacker who has been contacted by the money supervisor. They said they could fix the content for two hours. Boss Pei So late I think I heard a sound in the shaft. I have him. Are you still alive? Ah, yes. Follow up with the video. I have something to do here. I'll talk to you later What's up Boss Pei, I don't have a bath towel. Thank you, Boss Pei When it's over, he doesn't think I want to use this kind of unclassy means. Seduce him. Not in the shower. Why is it still so hot? I stayed in there for a while. What's so funny about it? I'm sorry to play games with you. I thought we agreed to just get married. Don't go. It's a deal. it's a deal. It's just an agreement. aunt Pei Xiao wants to talk to that bitch who doesn't know where she came from. What do I do when I get married? What's the use of crying? If you have this time, you might as well think about it. How to get him to leave Pei Xiao aunt Do you have a way to find someone to find out about this girl? I still don't believe that money can't buy people off. You still don't know how to explain to your aunt. Miss Gu, is it? Let's talk. Miss Gu is a smart person. You know what I mean? Ms. Liang, I'm stupid. I don't know what you're talking about. Since Miss Gu pretends to be confused Then let me get this straight. Ah Xiao is the heir to the Pei family. And what kind of thing are you? It's just a wild girl from the countryside. It depends on you. Can still be the slave of our Pei family. If I were you, I'll take the 10 million and sell the little house. Far away. Too bad you're not me. I can't be what you want me to be. What do you mean I know I don't deserve Pei Xiao. But you have no right to send me away from him with money. You said I wasn't qualified. You're not his real mother. Just trust me privately. Looks like you're making a toast, not eating and punishing. Huh You'll never get the approval of Father Pei. Ms. Liang doesn't have to threaten me. The man I'm going to marry is Pei Xiao. It's not Father Pei. Take your time to taste the coffee The company has something to do. I went first and tried to buy me off for only 10 million. If Pei Xiao knew about this, I dare to betray you, but I am a hundred times more terrible than you. What is this road you're looking for? This little girl film Sharp-tongued I'm not a little timid. Sister glistening You come here so late. Aren't you going to work tomorrow? Let's just say they squeezed you to do the housework again. It's okay. It's us. Then what kind of housework? We are now relying on others. It is right to do more. Come on in. Mom, I really want to. Oh, you can do it. When will you bring your wife back to Mom? I have this spare money to buy these things. Why don't you pay off your family's debts as soon as possible? Mom Song, the debts our family owes. I return the principal with interest on time every month. If you don't want these things, Then give it to my sister and nephew. Take good care of the body Not the second sister. Hey What if we asked you and me to arrange an internship? When can I go to work for Pei? I told you. I am also one of Pei's little assistants. I have nothing to do with you through the back door. You can worry about your work. I'm not. Why are you doing this? you I can't do my job. Then why did you come back? Come and get the household registration book. What are you doing with the household registration book? Our company will organize team building at the end of this year. You have to apply for a passport if you want to go abroad Need to get the household registration book. Apply for a passport Really? Does your company have that document? No Owe so much money and didn't pay it back. Do you want to take the hukou book? Sell the house and run away. I You don't learn to spray people like dogs. When will I not pay you back? Hey What's your hurry? Looks like huh. I was right. Yeah There's something wrong with you, isn't it? Let me tell you something. I want to take the hukou book. There's no way. dream on The registered permanent residence book is originally Are you done? I'm sorry. Boss Pei, there's something going on at home. The registered permanent residence book may not be available for the time being. Send me the address. Boss Pei, I don't think I need to answer it. I'll send you right away. I What do you think this place is? You can do whatever you want. Listen to me, you two. If the money is not clean, That is, the king of heaven is here. You're not going to put your hukou Ben, take it. How much do you owe? Who are you Boss Pei Return Boss Pei I am still Boss Pei's mother. It's because I owe money. So I can't take the household registration book. How much do you owe? 500000 500000 How could that be? Is it trustworthy? You two. Eat our food. Stay with us. It's both cost and profit. It adds up. It's at least 1 million. Household registration book You, you said 1 million. I believe you. On what grounds? By virtue of I'm his boss. He is really the president of Pei's Group. Ha, Boss Pei So it's you. Look at my mouth. Oh, you're here. Us, really. Ouch! ha! Miguchi Ben Oh, son, go get the hukou book. Hey Mom. The registered permanent residence was originally registered. Hey Household registration book Grandma has passed away. The only relative in the family is this sister. The fallen leaves will come back to you later. Sister Let's go Ah, Sister Ying Ying. You can rest assured that Pei will arrange for someone to pick you up later. good Boss Pei, thank you today. I will try my best to return the money to you as soon as possible. This money will be used as a deposit for the agreement. Compared to this. I'd rather you tell me something. What is it? What is the relationship between you and Liang Wanke? Yang Manke It has nothing to do with him. I didn't know him before. Don't know But someone saw you. Meet him at the coffee shop this afternoon. He did make an appointment with me today. But before that, I only met him once at Pei's house. What did you say? He gave me a check. Let me leave you. What did you say? Of course I'm angry. Angry Yeah, very angry. He gave me 10 million to leave Port City. And told me I wasn't good enough for you. Because I really don't deserve you. But I earn 20 million to work for you. The word I give him is 10 million. Let me match it. So in the final analysis, it's because of the lack of money. No, of course it's not the money. I did it because Because you're scarier. Because you're nicer to me. Does Bai have to live here? I want to go home and live. I'm going to the Civil Affairs Bureau first thing in the morning. It's more convenient to walk together. A new aunt will come in a couple of days. If you need anything, just tell him. He'll give you the details. So late I won't get rich if I secretly cook noodles with black pine. Cough Cough Cough What are you doing General Manager Hai I just want a midnight snack. I didn't expect to blow up your kitchen. Just say it. How much does it cost to decorate Chongqing? I'll pay for it. Use my salary to deduct You just owed me 1 million today. What are you going to pay for yourself? I didn't expect it. Variety I can't believe you can cook. It's a surprise. Yeah. My mom taught me. Yeah I was surprised too. You can't even cook noodles. Boss Pei, if this is your invitation, I can learn. But I don't want to change houses yet. I have things to do. Tomorrow I will call an aunt who cooks. Don't go into the kitchen again. Hurry up and go to sleep after eating. Sorry Something so important. I'll give you a hug. Yeah. What about the agreement? When will you sign it? Promise will come to find it. You're not leaving? Do we have to split up? Keep it a secret. You've been very thoughtful. Oh, my God, don't move. Why is Gu Ying here with Boss Pei? Is it always true to hook up with Pei in the company? Hey First wife Have you heard? I heard that Lotte help is going home to inherit the family business recently. He and Pei are going to be inside our company. Choose a new first assistant wow Lotte help He is really a rich second generation. What do you think? I heard that when he and Boss Pei were abroad, We studied abroad together. Hey Shouldn't you focus on the candidate? Well, Jinyan has been with go to do for so many years. If according to the ability to work It should be her. Or it could be the sword concubine. Hey, brother. Don't you think about yourself? It's too late to hide with me every day. Always hiding in front of my eyes. I'm crazy. Assistant Gu The contract for the construction project will be sent to the civil rights company. You're not going alone, are you? I'm sorry. Wait a minute. I have a meeting with Boss Pei. You said it yourself. Boss Pei asked me to have a meeting. This information of Mingcheng can't be delayed. Yan Chu You are not an employee of our president's office. And Mr. Pei asked his assistant to go in person. There's always something wrong. Can you afford it? What? I don't believe it. Then ask Boss Pei yourself. OK Golden swallow What's wrong with you? Therefore, the assistant has always been the special assistant to the president. It's not like you don't know The boss in Mingcheng is famous for his porn. I like to take advantage of these little secrets on weekdays. Why are you so embarrassed? And a special assistant. I think he specializes in shortcuts. I don't like this kind of routine most. A man fucked you. Just enough to make him learn his lesson. You mean you asked the assistant to play the woman? And you got a license from him. Yes, you can contact the media recently. Reveal the news. Liang Manke is going to let him give up completely. This was repaired by hackers. Two hours of video That's the limit. I didn't call you the first time by anyone. In these two hours, The assistant sent you to the hotel. Never came out after that. Where is Gu Yun? Where? Assistant Gu went to the famous city to deliver the documents. Gu Yun went to the famous city. When did you go? 15 minutes ago. Who is in charge of the business of the famous city? Who told him to cut? You don't have to look for Boss Pei from tomorrow. Boss Pei Boss Pei's business today? I've been using him as my successor to pay for it. It's not worth it, is it? You've seen me give people a second chance. You just agreed to get married. All right, I'll call right now. Get him here. But you have to think about it. In the two hours that can't be fixed. I put it in the hotel and never came out. What happened in the last two hours? I'll find this. Clear. Oops. My great-aunt. What are you doing back? I just told me to come back and get it. Li Xiao was looking for you everywhere just now. Did you just leave? No, no. It's the video. Boss Pei fixed it. My God is thinking about you. Oh, hear me out. But the good news is, so are you. The cloud is a fairy. Two imps. Never. Ha. I left my phone in the taxi. I'll go find it. Ha ha Yeah. What a coincidence? ha. It's over. Life is really dying. Boss Bai What do you want with me? It's nothing special. It's Uncle Lott. Just found it. Videos repaired by the world's top technology hackers Would you like to come and take a look at it with us? No, there's a lot of work to do. I'm already busy. Okay Wait I'd like to have seafood porridge tonight. good If you get off work early, you should buy food in advance. And then here. And have the balls. The sound. I said What? you and Boss Pei are licensed to get married. I can't believe you're living together. Keep your voice down. You said Boss Pei What does he mean? During the day, he told me to keep him secret. Now he doesn't want to take me home and break up. Since he didn't dismantle it, it means you still have a chance. Don't admit it directly. According to the personality of Boss Pei cut the weeds and dig up the roots He's gonna find out I tied you up behind your back. And then I'm screwed, too. If you dare to admit I will break up with you. What am I gonna do now? Keep pretending. The video was repaired for only two hours. Even though you didn't come out. But they don't know if anyone went in. Right As long as you don't admit it. There's nothing they can do about you. As long as you don't admit it. There's nothing they can do about you. Didn't I tell you not to let you in the kitchen? What are you panicking about? What are you panicking about? Only those who have done something wrong are in the mood. What did you do? Die of old age and do not admit it Is there you? No Not really. Then what were you doing in my room that night? Me, you what? I'm out. when Two hours later, What is the specific time? When is the exact time? Forgot to discuss with the rock owner. I really went out. And I really don't remember clearly. Didn't I drink too much? You can still remember CDR when you drink too much. Yeah I hate when people lie to me. You don't want to be hot until you want to. I hate when people lie to me. Don't answer until you make up your mind. I really went out. I shared a room with Chuchu. You can ask clearly. Chu is broken. How did I give up Chuchu? If Pei Xiao confronts Chuchu Is the time we're talking about right? So it's really not you. It's really not me. Then what are you doing in my room for so long? Oh, my God, there are more and more mistakes. How to make it up? Isn't it your fault that you talk so blindly? What do you mean The woman that night was really you. Of course it's me. What exactly do you mean? It was the day you spit a lot. I've been taking care of you. Eat. Boss Wei, you threw up three times. Twice at the bedside. Once in the bathroom. It's all packed. It's over. I forced him to be so detailed. If he doesn't believe it, I'll have to confess. Yeah, I said. I'm sorry. I just can't make it. Boss Cui called me. You'd better remember clearly. Everything I said tonight Hey, sister, what's up? Grandpa, where are you? Have you seen the online news? What's going on with you and Boss Pei? No way. glistening Is that really you? Sister is a person. He... he really is me. But this is complicated. Unconsciously help me give it to you on the phone. Hey, Yingying, what's wrong? Sister, I'm fine. I almost slipped just now. I won't tell you yet. You wait a minute. What's going on with marriage? Boss Pei and I are actually fake. Grandpa, what about you? Grandpa, my sister said it was a fake marriage. There's someone else over there. Then talk to your sister. Sister, me and Boss Pei Pei Xiaoqi and I are really married. All of a sudden Boss Wei, what do you mean? Boss Fei, what do you mean? Don't forget to keep it a secret But didn't you watch the news? Did I not make myself clear before? I want you to play the woman of that day. Whoever it is, You have to say it's you. Boss Pei, are you saying that The only thing we should keep secret is an agreement. I'm sorry. Boss Pei, I thought we were going to get married all the time. What am I? A shady person? Need a hidden marriage. So in the final analysis, Or do you want to keep our relationship public? If I don't want Pei Xiao to find out I was really the one in his room that night. You can't let too many people Concerned about our current relationship. Boss Pei So if I meet someone worthy of trust in the future, You need to get married. So now I'm out in the open. Don't you think I'm not worth trusting? Forget it. It doesn't matter. Do you think anyone else dares to take my woman? What does that mean? His woman. Boss Pei, I have to work tomorrow. We need to get some rest. Good night, Boss Pei Take a day off tomorrow Rest at home Then I'll call Lu Special. Who did you call So I'm sure I'll be fine. I'll stay at the main house tomorrow. Send a servant. I don't need it. I'm not used to it, am I? Then you have to get used to it from now on. Mrs. Chai. Who? Hello, Mrs. Shao. I'm a servant from Pei's old house. Just call me Sister Zhang. Oh, Mrs. Zhang, please come in. Ha ha ha Sitting and wandering No wonder her ladyship doesn't like this. Ha ha ha And clenched his teeth. It's really rude. How could the young master marry him? What would the young lady like for lunch? Ah, there should be leftovers in the fridge. You just heat it up for me. Thank you. Leftovers. Ah, is there a problem? Ah, nothing. I'll heat it up for you, Mrs. Shao. From the countryside. Ha-ha-ha. Even eat leftovers. Ah, Mrs. Zhang. Let me help you. No, no, no. It's okay. You don't have to be polite to me. No, no, no. Mrs. Zhang, are you all right? Mrs. Shao, this is a very expensive vase. You just accidentally broke it. How can I afford it? What are you talking about? I broke this. Young master Just think of it as I broke it. It has nothing to do with the young lady. It had nothing to do with me. Ah, right, right. It has nothing to do with the young lady. Good Boss Li I saw Mrs. Zhang cleaning the vase just now. Young master, I Let me tell you the truth. I was cleaning just now. Mrs. Shao insisted on coming to help. As a result, I accidentally broke the vase. What are you talking about? How could you slander me? I have been working in Pei's family for 10 years. His Lordship and his wife have always been very satisfied with me. The vase looks expensive at first glance I wouldn't make such a low-level mistake. I didn't break the vase. I can't carry this pot. How can Mrs. Shao lie with her eyes open? Although I am a servant, But I also know that this vase is very expensive The girl who can only eat leftovers is really ignorant of heaven and earth. You let her eat leftovers. It's what the young lady wants to eat. Starting from tomorrow. You don't have to come. Young master, I'm an old house. His ladyship and his ladyship are just for the old man's sake. Didn't tell you to get out. Pei's family is already good. And this is not Lao Lin. He can do whatever he wants with me. As long as he's happy. Young master, I know I was wrong. Please give me another chance. Why don't you go? Anyway, I'll take you. Oh, don't you dare. I'm leaving. Boss Pei Thank you for protecting me. I don't protect you. Who do I protect? Pei Pei Boss Pei, I really want to thank you. You know that. I don't have any family at home. There is a sister you have met Or it's my aunt. And a cousin. And then there's a mom with no connection. So I really appreciate you protecting me. Then I will really What kind of guardian do I need when I'm an adult? What? Liar I've been sweating so much since I left. And then caught a cold. I have to pay you back for him. No, be good. Then I'll change my clothes. Otherwise, you won't get better. Yeah, help me change. I said Was Awake. Why are you here You told me not to leave yesterday. I What's wrong with this dress? That's not what I was wearing last night. Did he change it for me? Will it be discovered when it's over? What's up Boss Pei Did you ask the servant to change my clothes yesterday? What do you mean, of course, servant? Of course I stole your clothes. I changed them. Boss Pei, I'm a fake marriage. It's up to me to decide whether it's true or not. It's over. What are we going to do? is he serious? Why don't you believe me? I found you yesterday. Oh, come on. It's no fun to tease you. I changed your clothes yesterday when you had a fever. I didn't touch anything or see anything. Really Great. Looks like he didn't find out. What are you happy about? I'm not happy. I'm really not happy. Are you hungry? What do you want to eat Noodles are fine. Do you wash yourself or beg? Just wash it yourself. I'm not burning. Are you confused? Boss Black, why is he suddenly so gentle? Eat slowly and be careful with hot food. Are you uncomfortable? Yeah, a little bit. Maybe I caught a cold last night. It's getting late. You don't have to worry about me. Boss Pei, if you have something to do, go ahead. Uncle Xing will be here soon. If you feel really uncomfortable, go to the hospital. I'll pick you up, and he said, Okay, Boss Pei will be fine. Mrs. Shao, are you all right? I'm fine. And you are? You can call me Mrs. Chen. Let me help you. It's okay. It's okay. Thank you, Mrs. Chen. Oh, then use it slowly. Is Yeon-yeon okay? I haven't seen you for only a few days, and you've taken care of yourself like this. I caught a cold last night. I don't know if that's the reason. I can't realize it today. I've never seen you so fragile when you catch a cold before. Mrs. Shao, drink some hot water first. Okay, thank you. I think Mrs. Shao looks like this. Must be pregnant. Mrs. Chen, what are you talking about? What's going on here? The young master is not young. I think you should have a baby, too. That Mrs. Chen, don't talk nonsense. Grandpa, he, um... It's too cold. The one you eat, the good one. Come on, go to the hospital. Slow down. Master Gu, let me ask you the truth. Did you take any medicine after that night? Drug What kind of medicine? What kind of medicine can there be? Are you eating or not? I don't know. I didn't eat. Do you have any love to pay me? I don't remember anything. I just remember when I got back to the dorm that day. I have a stomachache. And then did I, at that time, Are you sure you didn't eat? But didn't eat it. Come on, let's take you to eat moon cakes. It's over What about the spring breeze this time? Spring and Chu What else can I do? Keep lying. Keep lying. Uncle, do you know The most unhidden thing in the world is Wenle. Then I want to live with him. It will be revealed over a long period of time. Hey, hey, no. You're not going. You're going. Not only are you screwed. Our Yan family is going down, too. Can't you confess? No, I can't. Uncle You see, the doctor told me that I was six weeks pregnant. Then I told him how many have grown in my belly. Grandpa, don't worry. It should be four months before your belly is big. Let's think about it. How do we get out of this in four months? Ah! That You go back first Just pretend nothing happened. What about the hospital? I'll get some for you. Then I'll write you a list of stomach ailments. And that's what it is. Do you have to give up this brand? Can I not say it? Yeah, of course you can choose not to leave the brand. For us, Is a safer option. Let me think about it. Why don't you go back and try it? Don't think too much I dare not test him. Do you know Do you know about having children? What happened that night was more sensitive. So what are we gonna do? Hello, Boss Pei. Are you still in the hospital? Yeah I came to pick you up. Oh. Okay. Okay. Then I'll wait for you at the hospital. Car owner, why are you crying and asking him to pick me up? I'm speechless right now. Listen, you just have a stomachache. Why are you afraid to distribute gastroscopes? Yeah, you go back first. You can live together. Please don't do this. I'll write you a list and bury it first. Bury it first. To be buried You can't do this. Ah, yes. Do you remember the word doctor? yes, I do. Wait a minute I've been getting sick. How about this? Well, it usually takes three months to relieve pregnancy and vomiting. Then I'll tell him that I can't have gastroenteritis for a month. He has to find the best doctor for me all week. No matter how it turns out That's all you can do now. Let's go to dinner first. Come on, the baby's coming. No. It's over. I admit I was wrong, too. What did the doctor say? Didn't you prescribe medicine? Nothing. Just ordinary gastroenteritis. There is no need to prescribe medicine Just drink more hot water. What would you like to have for lunch? Anything will do. Oh, no. Now I want to throw up when I smell anything. Will it arouse Pei Xiao's suspicion for a while? Hey Wen Xiao hasn't been here for a long time. This is your sister-in-law. Ye Yun called him boss. Hello, Boss Ye. Oh, it's my sister-in-law. Then we have to take out the housekeeper to entertain us today. Boss Su, boss Su. Coming Braised fish in soy sauce Come on, elbow. Here comes the lobster. Ah, sister-in-law Bai, hurry up. Eat Public Sister-in-law, do you dislike it or are you mature? No, no. I'm not feeling well in my stomach lately. So maybe I can't eat something too greasy. Ah, blame me. Poor greeting I have the Qing Dynasty. I'll be right there. Wait. Here we go. What kind of porridge? A taste of seafood and meat Come on. My sister-in-law is not pregnant, is she? Don't talk nonsense. How is that possible? Oh, sister-in-law, don't be embarrassed. You want me to have this ability for once. It's no problem to have sextuplets. Haha, it's not. Don't make jokes like this in the future. He is thin-skinned I'm not going either. Oh. That's my fat mouth. Younger sister-in-law. Then take your time. Shit shit He said he didn't like it. I don't like to joke about being pregnant. Or don't like kids at all? Is there something you're not telling me? I'm not. Do you know You always look the same every time you lie. No, you can't tell him about the pregnancy. At least not now. If I remember correctly, You're in the old town. There is a house with an outstanding loan. 6 houses of Company 12 and Company 5. What's up Nothing. Just to remind you. It's best not to play petty games with me. I have the ability to help you pay off the loan It also allows you to make a loan. Do you know know So make sure there's nothing to tell me. Never mind I'll go up first. What I'll be right up. I have to go up first. If you are not feeling well, walk slowly. Yeah Master Hu Oh, my great-aunt. I kind of found you. I've called you more than 20 times. Why didn't anyone answer? Ah, I'm sorry, Chuchu. I was having dinner with Boss Pei. It was muted. That Didn't Mr. Pei see that test sheet I gave you? But don't show him the wrong list. Take it by mistake It's over. The blanket seems to be in the car. Where is it? did he take the blanket when he went to the bathroom? Oh, no. You can put this in the car. Where's your list? I'm in the ear. Thank you Wait a minute. How do I get that key? Ah, I can't get close to that. You can laugh. Then think of a way. Take the keys from his car, will you? I'll wait for you here. Go, go, go. Go! Hurry up I'm leaving in 20 minutes for tomorrow's meeting. Got it. Got it. What It's over. It's too late. Boss Pei, you should have enough money for car repairs. Save the kid quickly. Don't smash him. What's going on? I I smashed his car. I came here as soon as the car called the police. Our car was smashed. And the copilot's glass is all broken. Differential monitoring Ah, how dare you? You smashed the car like this. He must have smashed it to death. Oops. What can we do? You didn't even know how urgent the situation was. Can you make sure you're not caught by surveillance? They can go to the surveillance room now. Of course not. good But don't worry. I've destroyed the surveillance room. They can't find it. this What's going on? The ornaments were destroyed. It's the same as the last hotel ornament. You mean the same person did it? You mean the same person did it? Nine times out of ten Which means the woman we're looking for Or his helper is likely It's someone within the group. There's a good chance Well, this Liang Man can all open. Began to infiltrate the people around me. Shh. Time to like it. I'll find out everything. Action master Let Liang Man know Something that doesn't belong to him. Don't even think about it. Where's Pei Xiao? Boss Pei is out. I'm not here. It's just right to go out. I'd like to see what kind of spearhead is going on. I came to see Boss Pei to catch up on the past. Since he's not here, Then I'll go inside and wait for him. Hey, ma'am. You can't. Don't you dare control me. This lady. I'm sorry. You can't break into the president's office. Damn girl, open your eyes and see who I am. Oh, it's you, Ms. Liang. Ms. Liang did not have an invitation from the president. Even if Father Pei is here, You can't just have a private office. Not to mention an outsider. Dead girl movie. Don't rely on the identity of Pei Xiao Dare to talk to me like that. Sooner or later, I will make you pay for what you said today. sorry I'm just doing my job. If there is such a day. Then wait until that day comes. Now I will put everything that happened here today Tell Pei Zi word for word You're trying to scare me. I think you're in a hurry. I I think you're in a hurry. Boss Yang is so free today. Run away from me, fly. Don't you dare hit me. I was asked by Father Pei to come and ask you to go back. Then please help me go back and find it. If you want me, let him come in person. But then again, This old man is so kind to you. So good that you forgot the family name Pei, didn't you? Boss Liang, don't be nervous. I don't hit women. Otherwise, you wouldn't be alive today. Somebody. Send Mr. Liang home. Don't be brave in this situation again. Do you hear me? What's up Afraid of hurting you. No, just a little scared. I'm scared. you were pretty good with him just now, didn't you? He scolded me first. Dead girl. You're right. Cai Wei, no one can give up. He just said he was delivering a message for Father Pei. It's not good for you to let him go back. He's really stretched out his hand too long lately. Looks like we have to clean up the mess as soon as possible. To make him stop. It turned out that Pei Xiao thought these were all things that Liang Man could do. When he finds out, it's all me and Yan Chu. Isn't it bad luck for us? Let go! let's go! Release Ah! Ah! Okay, you be a little bitch. I have to make you look good, huh? Ma'am, we found out Pei Xiao's first love Li Weiyu will be back soon. Li Weiyu Well, when he comes back, arrange for us to meet. I'd like to see it then. How can this Gu Yin be so wild? Boss Pei, what are we doing here today? Try on a wedding dress Try on a wedding dress The wedding ceremony is already in preparation. Before that, the wedding dress needs to be ready in advance. Hello, Mr. Pei. These are the wedding dresses you customized before. These are all customized. Yeah. All the sizes and styles reported to us by Mr. Pei. What a waste. Go on. If it's not appropriate, I'll ask him to give it back. you How does he know I'm eating? Is it possible What are you thinking about? What's up Yeah, it's nothing. It's just that the belt on the back of the dress is not easy to tie. Why do I feel like you've lost weight again recently? Maybe it's something wrong with the stomach. So, but it's weird. I can't breathe. If it goes on like this, it may be exposed before the ceremony is held. By the way, Boss Pei When is the date for the wedding? At the end of this month What, are you in a hurry? No, I'm just looking at the time. Do you want to control your weight? Be promoted today It seems that we need to control the wedding as soon as possible. I see good Luotezhu, this is the information of the recruits within 5 years. It's all here for you. Cylinder Is to follow the post all the time. The computer next to it is rhinitis. I see If I remember correctly, The girl you often spend time with is Yan Chu. Right? Oh. What's up They have a small project at home. Has always been Pei's supplier. Did he find out that the car was smashed everywhere? I remember I warned you before. Don't keep anything from me. I You quarreled with Liang Man before? Sharp-tongued Boss very Mei Anyway, Can you let go of your eyes first? Then tell me why he smashed my car. I have no idea It's over. Ray does know. I have no idea I have no idea good Then I will immediately terminate the cooperative relationship with Yan Chu's family. And then send him to the desert factory. Never do Boss Pei. I told him to smash the car. Or you can give it back to me. Good reason. I'm sorry I got hurt. Boss Pei I'm sorry. I lied. Open your eyes. Say you lied to me about what? What do I do? do I have to admit it now? What happens after admitting it? Can you keep the house? There's a show. I'm sick. I'm afraid you can't continue to travel after you find out. Went to the hospital. What disease? Gastric cancer Are you serious? Seriously, just... I'm just afraid that the report list will be found in your car. That's why it bothers me. Hey, hey. The hole that deleted the video. That night at the hotel, I got it. I really don't know. I just asked Yan to smash the car and take out the list. It really has nothing to do with me to delete video frequency. It has nothing to do with us. Didn't you suspect that Liang Man could do it? I didn't know him before. I have to go to the company now. Oh. It's okay for you to close the company on your own. If there is any situation, go to the hospital and make a list of VR. Boss Pei It's your turn. Er, that's all for today's meeting. Boss Pei Is there something on your mind? It's because of Hu Zhu. About Li and Yan Chu? Say what happened to them? It has nothing to do with Liang Wanke. Do you know the non-disease expert of Rose? It's hard. I asked Paradise to contact the best doctors. I'll give it to you tomorrow. The most recent See a doctor Yeah Is the most authoritative. Nothing will happen with him. But I don't want to see a doctor. I'm fine. Don't see a doctor if you are ill. What nonsense? The Yellow River is too big this time. The doctor came to check. How can I be round then? When will he come? Tomorrow morning I've already returned all my jobs. I'll be at home with you tomorrow. That is to say This is the only night left in my life. Yeah Li Shao Come on, have one. The old man doesn't look too easy to fool. What's Xiao Ren's name, Doctor Bai? Hello, Dr. Bai. Mrs. Shao, please rest assured. On the phone The young master has told me all about you. Nothing big will happen with me. It's only when you're here that something happens to me. Ha. Where are you going? I think I'm fine. Actually, there's no need to check. Yo What can the doctor find out with this instrument? Mrs. Zhao, in addition to lying, Any other physical problems can be detected. Doctor, I'm sick of blood. Can't. I still feel sick with needles. I can't Eat up Eat up Why are you so nervous? Huh Dizzy How can I explain if it is exposed later? I wasn't around at the beginning of the year. What am I supposed to do? How can I explain if it is exposed later? Yan Chu is not around either. What am I supposed to do? The results came out. What about The young master and the young lady are not sick. no No disease. It may have been misdiagnosed by the hospital. But Mrs. Shao is not sick. Yeah, it can be said to be misdiagnosed. Misdiagnosis Yeah, how could I be sick? Misdiagnosis is great. Such a big disease can be misdiagnosed. Which doctor gave it to me? Look at this doctor, and neither is he. You can't say that. People come and go in that hospital every day. So many sick words. It's normal to have one or two misdiagnosis once in a while. Bring it here. I'll take care of the rest. Be obedient Doctor Bai is here to speak for you. Okay, no need. You have a good rest. Now you can have peace of mind to raise the fetus. I'll take you. Ah, Dr. Bai. It's just hard for you to go. What is troublesome? I haven't had enough trouble in your family all these years. Ha ha ha Well, he's sure there's no problem. Is there anything you need to pay attention to? When it's unstable. Mm-hmm. Defense. Yeah This is in the last three months. Doctor Bai, is this box quite heavy? I haven't listened carefully yet. This is heavy. But your body right now. I can't hold it even more. Ha Lei Shao I have something to do. Let's go first. take care. Uh-oh. By the way, uh... Recently, some bird's nests have been prepared at home. This bird's nest is a sneeze to this pregnant woman. This bird's nest is a sneeze to this pregnant woman. Nothing If Dr. Bai doesn't leave, something will happen. That's an idea. I don't dare to catch cold recently. Dr. Bai, don't worry. I will take good care of myself. Hey, I won't give it off. I will definitely take care of my health. If it goes on like this, I'm really going to fall for 10 years. Boss Li What are you looking at me for? After all, which doctor made it for you? Just the central hospital. I can't remember which doctor. Shaw doesn't really want to get even with that doctor, does he? Ah, I'm glad it's okay. Do we need to invite your mother for our wedding? Me? Yeah After all, marriage is no small matter. I think if there are relatives present, You should be happier. Boss Pei My mom was trying to avoid debt. Abandoned me and my sister for so many years. I don't care all the time. Since you don't want to see Then I won't mention it in the future. Rest assured There will never be anyone else. Bullied you and your sister's house. Pei Xiao, he did this to me. Is it part of the contract? Yeah Put it away. It won't go wrong this time. One is the VIP membership list that I mended for you before. Gu Yan, have you made up your mind or not? Do you want to take advantage of this time to abort the baby? I'm afraid it won't be so easy to fool the next time I make a mistake. As a matter of fact, I still don't have a good idea. During this period, Boss Pei He treats me well But it's not the same thing as having a baby. Even if we take a step back, Then you can hide everything from him. Can you guarantee that he really likes you? We're just contracts. But there are no other women around him now. Let's play it by ear Welcome the young lady back home. While I was away, Did anything interesting happen? business as usual I just read something. I heard that Pei Xiao, the president of Pei, seems to be engaged. Pei Xiao is engaged. No way There has never been a woman around Pei Xiao. Did you find out the background of the woman? Everyone is curious about Pei's future Shaofeng background. But no one seems to be able to find out That's interesting. To send invitations to Pei's family. Tell you I came back from flying back Young lady, let me do it. This needs to let the young master know that you cook. It's our fault again. It's okay, sister-in-law. I just have to cook myself. To show my sincerity. You help me. Help me taste it. Try to see if this fire is just right. Yeah, no problem. It's rare that you cook today. The young master must be very happy to know. Oops. I hope he likes you. Young lady, look at the young master today. I guess I'll have to work overtime again. You, eat a little bit. Don't wait for him. I'll wait. Even if you work overtime at this time, you should be back soon. But it's getting late. Sister-in-law Chen, please take a rest. I'm waiting. Boss Pei, you are now Are you still busy? Boy Tonight Ah Xiang Long time no see I thought I said I didn't have to wait today. Boss Black, have you eaten yet? I specially prepared it for you today. I ate. I thought you said you were working overtime. Is it called overtime only in the office? Eating, drinking, talking about business is also overtime. Like this What did you say you got for me? I was supposed to learn some dishes from Mrs. Shen. I want to cook for you myself. I'd like to repay you for solving my family problems before. Are you sure it's a reward? What do you cook? Forget it You can't eat it anyway. Take a taxi if you can send it. Die of poverty. Pack it for me, too. Don't you never eat leftovers? Cut the crap. that How about this? Boss Pei, you need to make another one for you. I'll only have leftovers tomorrow. sleep What happened Gu Ye Are you all right What's the matter? it's headless and mindless. I heard everyone say He and Boss Pei grew up together for many years. The white moonlight always comes back. Boss Pei has a white moonlight. Why haven't I heard of it? Really? you stay with Boss Pei every day. How come there is no news like me as an outsider? Well, I heard that you are a rich lady at full Moon. Is to study jewelry design. It is a real white and rich beauty. I just got back from work two days ago. Has there been any abnormal behavior in Peixue recently? Abnormal behavior Pack one for me tomorrow. Does the sudden craving for leftovers count? Forget it. Your head is as thick as a nerve. Ask Yo I knew to do it for Boss Pei. Where's mine? you eat mine. Hello I'm looking for Pei Xiao. Excuse me, is he there? Mm-hmm. Oh. Oh. Yes, let's go. When will someone be looking for you? Wu Yue What are you doing here? He is the white moonlight I was telling you about. So that's him. You came to see me last night. Pull the cufflinks to me. We met yesterday. It turns out that BAE doesn't work overtime. I went to see him. My own white moonlight. But why would you pull the cufflinks there? Ah, thank you. I came a long way. How can I just say thank you? So what are you saying? I mean, Then why don't you buy me lunch? No problem Oh. It turns out Boss Pei can be so gentle to other girls. Boss Pei, why are you back? Something happened to him suddenly. So lunch was canceled. And then I just remembered. Some people say they prepared lunch for me. Ah! I'll go out and buy it for you. I told you I only eat leftovers today. What are we going to do? You are Boss Pei. I moved it. Don't you dislike it? Do you think I don't dislike it? Then you can have a taste. If I think it's right, I'll make it for you again. Didn't wash your hands. It's not convenient to get it. I'll feed you. The dance is fine. Thank you. Oh, that's right. Li Jia prepared a cocktail party In order to marry Li Weiyue You go back and get ready. Come with me next year. I went to attend Li Weiyue's wedding party. Yes So many people Stay with Shaw later. You may have to drink a lot of wine But I'm still alive. What should I have done then? Yo Boss Pei, long time no see. It seems that Miss Li has a lot of face. Or we won't see you. This is a long time no see. Boss Lu is still so fond of manipulating. Xiao, you're here. Assistant Gu is also here. You look beautiful today. Oops. Everybody, don't stand here. Go inside and stay. Employer, you and I thought what an amazing woman. I didn't expect to be just an assistant. No, I'm afraid. If you lose, count me in. Don't worry if you win. Really? Boss Mei heard that you are good at cards. Why don't we learn from each other? How's it going? Wood Only people with similar abilities can be together. What do you think It's not easy for everyone to get together. It's mainly for fun. If we play two games here together It's a white moonlight. He can save up and flow heat now. It's not fair to have both of us on the field. Let Gu Yun take it away. Boss Bai, find an assistant to accompany us. My sister looks down on us too much. He's my assistant. But she's also my fiancee. Announce in public Li Weiyue became a joke in front of Pei Xiao. Excuse me, everyone. I'm not feeling well. Excuse me. Sure enough, Li Weili is more important in his heart. Why? Come over today. I want to celebrate my return to China with you. I didn't mean to upset you. I've heard that you're engaged to another woman. But I didn't expect it to be the little assistant. The gossip out there I take it as a rumor. Or It's your excuse to fight against the family, isn't it? After all these years, I didn't mean to keep it from you. At first, Gu Yin and I were really just an agreement. But then A deal. Okay. You can fool others. You can't trick me I'm also a woman. It is clear that the two of you are really acting. I really fell in love. good Then I'm asking you now. Or you break up with him now. Marry me. will you Miss Gu, you don't have to worry too much. Boss Pei and Miss Li haven't seen each other for years. There must be a lot to say. Come on, have a glass of water first. It's kind of boring. Why don't you go over there and have a rest? Ah Xiu The relationship between the two of us over the years Can't you compete with him? WTF Ah Xiu It seems that that woman is a difficult opponent. Where's the ghost, Boss Lu? Your date and recorder have just left. About 10 minutes or so. Miss Gu, Boss Pei will be a little busy. He said to let you have a rest here. What are you doing? What are you doing? Hey, hey, what are you doing? That's what you do around Boss Pei. He can. I... It's okay. I'm not just the owner of Pei's family. I'm still his fiancee. I won't let you go. Hey, hey, hey Then I'd like to see it. It's him, Pei, who moves fast. Or his mother Manco is fast. What do you mean You don't know me yet. Boss Pei quarreled with Liang Man over so many family possessions. But you died. You said if I took care of you, Do you think Liang Wan will be grateful to me? Go away and break up. Stop struggling. It's very powerful after being drugged. Break up Break up Why did you come back for the rest of your life? Brother Pei, you What are you doing back? It turns out that the influence of Mr. Lu I also know Lu object. I know. Teacher Liang took care of the children. It was your hand in the previous life. And then You miss Dad. I work with Liang Anke How wide is your management? Have the ability to rush out and use it. What is the ability of a woman? Sure enough, it's still a girl to stay. This little assistant is your weakness. Black boss Calm down. Take away If you ever touch him again, I will let you go to hell with Liang Manke. Fan No way. Again Where to? I You have to do it. I will be responsible for you. I don't want you in charge. I don't mean it Gu Ming I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend. But I didn't realize you were rich. Who to learn from? Of course it's only when I learned it from you. Please don't ask me. Don't go. I really didn't. Ever since I made an agreement with you, I've never had a relationship with another man. There is something wrong with the report of General Hospital Pei. It's not misdiagnosis. It is required by Yan Chu. Gu Yun How many things are you not telling me? Are you sure it's the two women in the picture? Yeah, that's the woman. And asked me to open a report. This is not Can you be responsible for what you said, Boss Pei? The importance of this matter Lotsuke already told me. I guarantee my career. That's the woman. Is this report form real or fake? This one is real. Patients have files in our hospital. Looks like she's been pregnant for a while. Pregnancy I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend. But I didn't think you had it. Ever since I made an agreement with you, I've never had any contact with another man. Hello You do have an ID card. Boss Lei Does the child who hires an assistant need to arrange surgery? First, go and find out how the child did it. Lei always comes Don't let anyone else go. I'd like to see if it means anything this time. Miss Li, actually. I've always liked you. This is a shallow fate between our two families. It's all because of Gu Yin, the stinky servant girl. Just because she still wants to be the daughter-in-law of our Pei family. Auntie, I have no fate with Ah Xiang, right? You can't say that. Human effort is the decisive factor As long as the two of us work together There's nothing we can't do. Win-win co-operation Since my aunt is willing to help me, You must want something good. Ha. Oops. Miss Lin is really smart. After it is done, Pei's family belongs to me. Pei Xiao is yours. even so Then it will be a pleasant cooperation. Miss Li, what can I do for you? Assistant Gu, there's something I want to talk to you about. Say it now. It's not clear on the phone. Why don't we meet and talk tomorrow? Okay, no problem. Why would he come to me? Is it related to Pei Xiao? Assistant Gu, I ordered you a latte. See if you like it. I'm sorry. Recent gastrointestinal discomfort No coffee. Oh, I see. Gillian goes to bed every morning. You must have a cup of coffee before you can start work. Originally, when I was still here, I prepared it for him. He likes to drink coffee with double syrup. Assistant Gu may not have thought of it. A man who looks so serious. Unexpectedly, it has the same taste as a child. Miss Mei, I think You come to me. Come here. Not to discuss Boss Pei's taste, is it? The company has things to do. If that's all you're saying, Assistant Gu, I just wanted to tell you You don't know anything about Xiao. Miss Li, what do you have to say? In that case, You leave Xiao. All the money that Xiao gave you, the house. I can give you any resources. As long as you Miss Li, that's all you offered. It's not like Liang Manke hasn't given that before. Or send you abroad? I can send you to a Shaw. Can't find you. I'm not leaving him. If that's all you have to say, Gu Yan, you need to figure it out. Liang Manke and I have the same means. Assistant Gu, is the coffee good? not good There's something wrong with the coffee. General Manager Fei The most delicious. Sorry, Boss Fat. The employer lost contact with him. Lost contact. It's Assistant Gu. I'm not answering my phone. I went where he might go. I don't see him at all. Even the dog? call the dog back. Yes It's over. It can't be found out about Guanyin Dan, is it? Boss Pei and Luotezhu look so terrible. say Does Pei always have to report his work? Stop pretending. You put ICBC on the spot. grandpa What does Boss Pei mean? I didn't even get in touch with my grandfather today. I really don't know. Stop pretending. We investigated that test sheet a long time ago. Gastric cancer You really can make it up. Uncle Locke, Boss Pei Oh, let me tell you the truth. My family withdrew their marriage. So I wrote a fake marriage list for stomach cancer. Oh, so it looks like you're pregnant, too. Yeah, take him to the hospital for an examination. It wasn't me. That's Aunt Gu. Ah, no. Not this. No, not that. That's adultery. No. No, not that Boss Pei. Now it's time for you to explain to you yourself. What? you took care of him? I listened to his explanation. Ah! That man. He, I don't know. I swear I really don't know It's broken. That's Brother Liang Mang. Yes, Boss Pei. Lately Liang's company is about to go bankrupt overseas. It's easy for dogs to jump to the wall. Okay, Grandpa, isn't he in danger now? What should I do? Grandpa, he's still pregnant. Well, I mean, I've already got everyone. Then who is the father of your child? You can do it. your top priority now is to find a job. I thought you said just send Gu Yun away. Pei Xiao is not so easy to deal with. You need to act with me. Where am I? Then you didn't tell me. It's so troublesome. The plan hasn't changed quickly. What you're doing is simple. I'll set a fire here. Just pretend to save the silver and fail. As soon as Gu Yin dies, Pei Xiao can't find your head. You think I'm Gu Yin, that idiot. Then I will set it on fire. Is it him or me? After all, they are two different things, Liang Mangzi. You want to cross the river and break down the bridge Is it right to be unkind? Let me tell you something. I'm sorry. I'm not involved in your plan. What about Gu Yin? see for yourself. Wait, you can't kill me. It's not up to you. I have more use. I'm pregnant with Pei Xiao's child. Really I advise you not to lie to me. Your life chopped off my hand. Haven't you been looking for sleep that night? The woman who laughs with you? I'm the woman. What about you? I don't need to prove this, do I? You said the whole story. Naturally you can send someone to check it out. What I said stands up to the test. I don't think you're so anxious about my life. Hello Go and check Gu Yun's physical examination report for me. You can put it off for a while anyway. Smile I'll wait for you to save me, really. How's it going? have you heard from Grandpa? Sure enough, you did something wrong. Boss Pei, I'll send someone to check it out now. Even if it is digging three feet into the ground I got him out, too. You're useless. On the contrary, it will cause him to break. What are his terms? The equity of the company Separate number He wants me to take the shares to redeem my fiancee. And my kids. come out Boss Liang, what's the hurry? I always have to make sure first. What you said is true or false. Ha ha ha You can't cry until you see the coffin. You're not afraid. Does it have anything to do with me to have sex with one body and two lives? You said she was pregnant with my baby. What proof have you No I've been looking for the woman who slept with Pei Xiao that night That person is me. really Chinese products You can really lie to me. Ha, believe it now. Boss Liang is really a good means. Yeah, but even if she's pregnant with my baby, What can be done? Do you think I would do it for a little secretary Hand over my equity How could I be a woman like that? He is a member of the Pei family As cruel as your father. I knew you'd do this for me. So I'm not going to let you go back today. Gu Yin Since there is the blood of the Pei family in the belly Then you, Pei Shaw, There is no need to exist. What about today? It's your time to die. But don't worry. I'll take good care of your baby. After all, this is the last blood of the Pei family. What about me? Relatively pure I'll take my own picture of my child. Ouch. I'm afraid there's no chance. Somebody, give it to me. Leave no one alive. Hello I heard what Mr. Liang said just now. Boss Liang just said that there would be no survivors. Master Gui I can't fight you. You have to hold your woman. My kids will get out with me, Xia Tian. You have to take your woman and your children. Come with me, Xia Tian. Kneel Walk away with a smile Ann wants to protect my children. however My child I'll go by myself. Calm down. Don't go. I'm asking you. No matter what. Redeem him. He's my most important person. Don't worry I will do my best. Pei Zongliang has gone on strike. In addition to some skin injuries to the body It's going to be a tumor. good Then this is it. The salary will be calculated clearly. What a big fate. You are now suspected of kidnapping. We have already reported the case. No, no, no. To No You killed my fiancee. Talk nonsense to me. No I didn't leave. I just gave him a little push. He's not gonna kill him. Ah! Ah! It was a slight push. I didn't leave. I was wrong. I deserve to die. I... There's an obsession behind me. I'm here. Ah! I should also thank you. Because from now on, Yang Jiajia is Gu Ziqiang. Ah! Ha ha ha Ha General Manager Gu Miss Gu's operation is over. No Don't worry. Miss Gu has controlled the danger of her life. What about the kid? Don't worry. And the baby is saved. It's just that Miss Gu is still at the wedding. I don't know when I can get up. Go find him. I thought for a moment on purpose Don't remember. My child Our children Make amends. You already know. Not sure. After all, you lied to me about too many things. The first thing is sleeping with me. Incredibly The second thing is to cheat me with Yan Chu. After having a baby, I still think about it. Even did not hesitate to fake the hospital examination. Let me see if there are any more. No Otherwise, you'd better let me explain. Your sister is you. Yeah, I just lied to you. I did hide it from you before. But now I have nothing to hide. But my sister and Yan Chu are innocent. What do they have to do with this? Of course. Why doesn't it matter? It's you. It feels a little like a dream. I think marrying me and starting to dream. No, I didn't think you'd really fall in love with me. Actually, I already did. Fell in love with you. It's just that you've always wanted to escape. I'll just have to find a way to keep you by my side. I didn't think I'd never leave you again.
Channel: 小魚撩劇
Views: 1,335,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 中國電視劇, 偶像劇, 現代愛情, 慕總的天價前妻, 霸道總裁, 灰姑娘, 陸劇, 小嬌妻, 情感, engsub, 短劇, 熱播短劇, Chinesedrama, cinderella, president, ceo, shortfilm, shortdrama
Id: Hz2aylaGzXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 12sec (7812 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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