Gino's Italian Escape: A Taste of the Sun | Full Series Two | Our Taste

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my name is Gino d'acampo I'm a chef born and raised in Italy for Italians the most important thing in life is food look at that let me show you how mouth-watering ingredients have shaped my home country I said the most important thing is love and passion to put in there and we did tonight I'm on a roll with a perfect pastry that's much easier he shot me the wrong technique a historic Florentine delicacy that might not be for everyone I can see why people could be slightly squeamish in a succulent steak that's a feast for the years [Music] the best sound in the world this is my Italian Escape foreign [Music] I've come to Florence the regional capital of Tuscany striking fascinating and stimulating perfect for the start of my Italian Escape if you look at the map of Italy the City of Florence sits at the top of Tuscany lying on the river Arno Florence was a great Center of medieval trade as the city prospered wealthy merchants and Powerful families commissioned great work of art an impressive and inspiring buildings and the Renaissance was born [Music] today tourists visit Florence just for that art and architecture but I'm here to discover Italy's greatest Masterpiece the food to be honest I don't really know a lot about Florentine Cuisine but if there is one thing I really want to learn is all about the bisteka a la Fiorentina which is florentine's style steak since the early 19th century bisteka alafiorentina has been the ultimate Tuscan stake [Music] tastiest steak in the region and it comes from a very special animal [Music] kennina are the world's largest cows and they've been a part of Tuscan life for over 2 000 years their tender meat is bursting with flavor and is ideal for the besteka a la Fiorentina this restaurant has been cooking the Florentine specialty for over 60 years [Music] and manager Michele Nota Francesco supervises the cooking of actual whopping 150 steaks per day so tell me where does it all start follow me in the fridge okay [Music] wow is meets Evan amazing now tell me about the kianina cow why is it so important for the mystical affirmity this is only women cow and the fatties are really important because it is when you cook yes yes it gives all the nice flavor yes come on we are talking too much about this steak let's cook it of course [Music] now this is going to be good a true floating time steak can feed two people and it has to be a particular thickness yes to be three fingers three fingers what kind of fingers are you using like Mattel fingers all right Michael has allowed me to cook this huge slab of meat in the traditional way over hot coals what's the technique a little bit of oil anything else just like that see okay foreign and what if the customer wants it well done he said if a customer comes here and asks for a well done steak very polite if he's going to go there and say sir do me a favor go to the restaurant next door a rustic salty crust stops the meat inside from cooking too quickly but soon the steak's ready there you go and my mouth can't stop watering look at that that's fantastic come on let's go eat it okay the beauty of the Fiorentina T-Bone is that you get a bit of sirloin and a bit of filled steak all on one plate nice you done the stick for me I'll do the oil there you go [Music] it's like butter it melts in your mouth wow to me I know it's probably quite strange but it's very romantic you know if you are a couple like a husband and wife you put the stick in the middle everybody takes their own piece you can have a chat I never thought a steak could be romantic you haven't inspired me to be romantic but the stick has salute [Music] what an experience I want to cook my version of florentine's steak it's simple to make and you don't need hot coals and what I'm going to show you today is how to prepare a tayata which is sliced tibonsek served with courgette's ribbon and goat cheese and let me show you how to do this get yourself a really hot griddle pan unlike michelia at the restaurant I like to oil my steak to stop it sticking I don't worry if you can get T-Bone you can use ramp instead I also cut the fat then the steak won't curl up in the pan now listen to the sound of this [Music] the best sound in the world while the meat sizzles away I'm going to get it on with the garlic what I'm going about to show you is very sexy when you serve it with the steak cut it in half look at this just like that rub it a little bit of oil that is on top of the steak and then straight onto the griddle pan [Music] now for my courgette's ribbon salad have a look at this I just peel it like I'm packing with a peel a potato my salad is all about the colors of Italy green courgettes ribbons white garlic and red chili to spice things up and don't forget the steak [Music] for medium rare steak I cook each side for 4 minutes look at that all beautiful and caramelized now back to my courgette salad I just need a sprig of mint some extra virgin olive oil and a splash of white wine vinegar vinegar is going to help with the courgette to slightly marinade and cook now my meat is done but I stake this good just can't be rushed you're gonna have to allow the steak to rest and the reason is very very simple while you're doing that imagine if you wore the steak you're gonna get straight on the hot griddle pan your the meat is going to be very tense if I'm gonna cut it now I'm gonna get a tough steak vibrant salad won't be complete without Tangy goat cheese just crumble it like that then straighten with your finger lift everything together and the magic is gonna happen and if you think the salad looks good take a look at my steak and there is only one way I would serve it a large rustic chopping board my fresh salad works so beautifully with a juicy steak don't forget your griddle garlic and finally a little drizzle of extra virgin olive oil that's it there you have it keep it simple keep it rustic and keep it Italian [Music] so far I'm loving the Florentine experience this breath taking place was once one of the world's wealthiest cities but while Renaissance Florence enjoy the economic power not everyone was rich [Music] were forced into eating whatever was available one ancient awful dish called lampredotto is still sold today it may look disgusting but it's a tradition you have to experience if you come to Florence my theory on trying new food is very simple life is too short whenever I have the chance I will try everything that you put in front of me simple Pierre Paolo paulini and his dad Sergio have been running one of the city's many lampredoto stands for 15 years so the florentines must be on to something [Music] yeah in Italian Basilica well it doesn't look too appetizing but I never say never foreign [Music] slightly squeamish when they see this but I'm going for it [Music] let me tell you what it tastes like boiled salted beef that's exactly what it tastes like yes a little bit more fattening but the flavors are very very similar I get the celery through basil fresh basil is coming true can I tell you something if I had to eat this one every day be a very happy genome very happy you know this is good I like it very good very good [Music] now that I've sampled the ultimate Florentine Savory dishes I want to taste something much sweeter so I'm heading out of Florence to the nearby city of Prato in search of a delicious dessert the third largest city in central Italy may not be as famous as Florence OR Rome but its bakeries and pastry shops are some of the best in the country Italians are you special for breakfast lunch brunch mainly though when they go to people house for dinner they always come up with a tray of pastry goodies that they take as a present Prato has a celebrated pastry for over 150 years and I want to find out how Master Baker Paolo saketi has perfected it foreign it's very very soft Paolo's sweet breadi brioche though starts when he grates orange zest into flour he actually gave me a tip that I didn't know he said the oil of the orange skin it melts into the flower and you get an explosion of flavors the magical dough mixture is churned with vanilla butter and honey for extra sweetness I could almost eat it now beautiful and the smell so he's rolling into little sausages and then he's making little balls [Music] ah ah is using his thumbs to do it Paolo wants me to help make the next batch of balls all 500 of them I think it's going to be quite tiring no this can be that difficult why can you get a machine to do this I don't know I give up I'm doing it the gene away that's easy that's much easier why he showed me the wrong technique see look voila perfect that's the way to do it not with the fingers I'm nowhere near finished so paulos lending me a hand I think he's copying my technique now Cheeky Monkey [Music] while the door goes into bake Paolo prepares some Heavenly Vanilla Pastry cream which will fill the Buns and my little balls come out like Posh Donuts they look absolutely amazing but now I want to see how to put them together first a boozy dip into the Italian spicy liqueur Alchemist then the smooth vanilla cream a sweet coating sugar nice and finally candied orange peel and now the job is done now I can't resist anymore Bado medicine all right oh so there is a proper technique to do it um what I like is the fact it's got a little crunch outside then as you batter in you gave the tuscanely cured exploding into your palate this is the best I think the way to eat it is like this hahaha Paolo's peaches have really inspired me to create my own fruit and creamy dessert it's Apple poached in red wine with Amaretti biscuit cream and we start right here with this beautiful Apple I've already taken out the core of these Granny Smith so just peel away look at this seven years in catering College apples going to a deep saucepan get yourself a good bottle of red wine and cover the apples let's see now my apples get a hot and spicy bath sugar cinnamon and black peppercorns cook the apple for four minutes switch off the heat and just let it cool down in the red wine I'm now ready for my Amaretti biscuit cream and it starts with two golden egg yolks and a good helping of caster sugar and you now need to whisk your egg yolk until pale and fluffy believe you me the hard work will be worth it [Music] I am happy with this shiny smooth straight in there we're gonna add the mascarpone cheese it's the flavor of the dish without overpowering the original taste vanilla adds a warm and sweet flavor and if you can't get the pods like this one use a few drops of vanilla extract there you have it [Music] straight into the mascarpone and egg cream now the last thing you have to do Crush in a few Marathi biscuits these crunchy biscuits add not only a beautiful texture to the cream but I love that intense almond Flavor now it's time for my poached spicy Apple I'm gonna choose this one I like this one [Music] Fantastico the color has come through perfectly just the way I want it that's it now I'm gonna put everything together to arrange the apples in the middle overlapping each slice [Music] that smooth yet crunchy biscuit cream delicious I've boiled down some of the red wine mixture from the Apple saucepan to make this intense sticky fruity sauce and to finish a little sprinkle of Amaretti biscuits for extra bites [Music] I'm happy with this my poached apples in red wine with Amaretti biscuit cream enjoy [Music] my time in Florence is almost over it's been so easy to fall in love with this Timeless place and I know I'll never forget the people and traditions which have made my time here so special tonight traveling in style with a lady who knows how to lunch you can see there is no transparencies a kitchen thrown into confusion no no don't blame me he did it and perfect Venetian food my chicken right here in Bellissima Venice this is my Italian Escape [Music] unique alluring captivating and sometimes overwhelming Venice is one of the most mesmerizing cities in the world its Enchanted visitors for centuries and is the perfect place for an Italian Escape if you look at the map of Italy Venice and its surrounding Islands lie to the north east of the country on the Adriatic Sea thanks to its unique geographical position Venetian Waters were once filled with Merchant ships on the East-West trade roads the region was ruled by counts and I'm about to meet an important Contessa I have to say I never met a Contessa before and I'm a little bit nervous because I don't know if I'm dressed right I don't know what I should say I don't know if she's going to ask me something I'm going to start to panic and plus show about something what do I need to do [Music] runs an Italian cookery school and I'm really Keen for her to tell me about a kind of Venetian Tapas called chicketti are tasty finger foods which are served with drinks at many of the local bars or bakkary this trend is now catching on in the UK and I want to know why it's an important part of the nation culture the contesa and I may be Worlds Apart but we shared a passion for food still that doesn't stop me from being nervous foreign ah a good old Italian greeting it works every time she's Patty in my hands tell me something what is the a Fascination about the chicken in Venice there is a big drinking culture the chicken were born to help cope better with alcohol so are you saying that it's like a little antipastity that people have to help him drinking a whole lot of little bites that you have while you have a drink Chiquito could be just little baby cuttlefish just grilled a little bit of olive oil a toothpick and that's educator or a slice of salami with a little cube of cheese that's educator so every background has a specialty very sadly because of the decrease of the Venetian population and the huge increase of tourists nowadays most Baker cater more for the tourists the batteries two or three that really really really the top two and today we're gonna go to one of those two or three this chicketti sounds very yummy but it wouldn't be proper to walk Enrique through the crowded streets my contesta deserves to travel in style and how else but on a gondola [Music] in the 16th century gondolas were the most common boats used here for both transport and trade back then there were about 10 000 gondolas in daily use how many Gondola there are in Venice there is about 430 now left can anyone be a gondola driver absolutely not so if you want to be a gondra driver it will be because your father or your grandfather was a government driver I can't wait together me too cold well you know this is the slow pace of ladies [Music] the thought of the chicken along with the Prosecco is getting more and more tempting This is Love Is it okay this is you can see there is no transparency so it's a it's an unfiltered they are telling me that you are the king of Venetian chickette is it true no I mean boys come on I can't wait anymore let's try Okay eggs smoked salmon asparagus oh probably simple concept you choose really good ingredients if you know how to choose the right ingredients you can do this very easy I like the idea of these prawns and I don't know wow it's got a bit of a curry powder yes definitely oh why you think he ate it Curry to this I think because probably the venetians they were going with boats all over the world all the boats with the spices from the East yeah to the West that we're coming through Venice so the Venetian cuisine in the old times I had loads of spices and I think the venetians they got it right the chicken is a fantastic idea now that I've tasted authentic Venetian chicetti I want to create a little platter of my own but first I need some incredible ingredients after saying arrivederci to the Contessa there is only one place to go for inspiration venetians have been coming to the Rialto Food Markets for over 1 000 years the fruit and vegetables are second to none but it's the fish stalls which have really caught my eye bonjourno I don't know um those prawns will be stunning for my chicken but I couldn't come to Venice without buying fish produce from all over the world has been shipped to the Rialto markets but I'm after something special [Music] foreign [Music] dishes are made with dried Cod but I'm going to use the fresh stuff of animals okay [Music] now that I've got my fresh prawns and succulent Cod I'm going to make a delicious chicken plate of toasted breads with tasty toppings I'm not gonna do one or two I'm gonna do three of them and we start with the easiest one the courgettes this first topping will be an explosion of flavors and chives give a hint of fresh onion I've Porter the fennel and removed the core it's just too tough and I only need the best bits now add a few capers in vinegar season with salt and pepper and extra virgin olive oil these ingredients get my mouth watering just by looking at them so my next dish I'm going to use cod this is the code I got this morning from the fish market beautiful and fresh I want you to slice me thin slices I'm making a topping of mini fish fingers so the portions must be small for the coating I'm using toasted bread crumbs which I'm mixing with coarse chili powder get your finger and mix the bread crumb with the chili Perfecto time to coat my Cod egg first and then straight into the breadcrumb you could also use smoked fish for this recipe I'm going to fry the cold in olive oil get the oil hot but not too hot so my tip is very simple get a little pinch of bread crumb put into the oil and if you see the bubble going on it means that it's ready look at this bubble going let's get a fish in now you can only imagine the flavor of this called crispy outside spicy going on sweet cod in the middle oh yes my chicken they're gonna rock I'm cooking the fish for one minute on each side get the prawns and they're going straight in I want you to cook them for 15 seconds on each side [Music] wow these prawns are so juicy everything's cooked the prawns just need slicing and very simply cut the cods enough I'm using toasted ciabatta for my chicken and here's the first courgette fennel and capers the next one has a mayonnaise and chili powder base for the prawns and the last one has a lemon juice and zest mayonnaise to complement the breaded cod the last touch a little bit of salt on top and I'm done look at that right here right now in Bellissima Venice [Music] Fantastico but I still got more to do in Venice it's early morning and I'm heading to the nearby island of Burano the eye-catching multi-colored houses make the island feel like a living postcard but it's not only the houses that attract visitors it seems that Burano has become famous for a certain type of rice dish for Northern Italian people eating and cooking rice is like for us in the south of Italy eating a cookie pasta it's something that happens every day climate and geography in the north of Italy is perfect for growing rice in fact 60 percent of Europe's rice crop is produced in Italy I've seen risotto and rice cooked in many many ways and apparently there is a restaurant around the corner from here where they cook risotto in a very weird way and I'm very interested about that Romano Trattoria has been operating on Burano for over a century their specialty is risotto and Chef Mirko mikeli has been cooking this rice dish for over 20 years and I want to say what all the fuss is about [Music] anything okay okay good good good is making a creamy risotto with Northern Italian villalone Nano rice and the stock made from Venetian Go Fish okay I'm all the way down here because apparently he has this you know weird technique on how to make risotto but so far it looks pretty straightforward foreign together because usually mantegatura is a butter and Parmesan the risotto you stir in a pan like he's doing and he ends there okay because this is the way he does it because air goes into the rise and releases more starch I have to admit I'm never ever seen this night before bro you know it's a tribe I say I'm Italian I need to work around Venice okay grazie I seriously come work it out if he's joking or if that's the way he does it okay yeah stand back see you look on my shoes [Music] this is quite fun [Music] this is cool I'm challenging him to see how he can go okay [Applause] nice nice [Music] breakdown I didn't do it no no don't blame me he did it even the woman said that whenever he does he makes a mess everywhere in the kitchen well I think I can I like this never I've seen a risotto make where air is part of the mantegatura it's part of making the risotto creamy and this is super cool I want to eat now because I want to see the difference between a risotto and his risotto with all this juggling Mamma Mia it looks like double cream just sticking on the back of the spoon I tell you what it's like it's like a Savory warm ice cream it melts in your mouth the rice is like having a little hazelnuts that's the way I can describe it I never thought in my life I would have learned a new thing about risotto and that tells you a lot about cooking you know every time you go somewhere you meet someone there is always something new that you learn I'm really happy to be here risotto was so delicious it inspired me to come up with my own version so I'm heading back to the rooftops of Venice to cook my risotto with red Radicchio and Italian sausage and where do we start right here with my sausage now what I want you to do is to squeeze the sausage out so you get all the meat into the pan add the noble butter and a splash of olive oil then get busy crumbling The Sausage Meats I want all little bits and pieces going on all over the pan then British bangers to do is to take out all the sausage meat leave it on the side and we're gonna use them right at the end I'm going to use this delicious meaty oil to cook my risotto rice I just need a bit more butter and olive oil before adding the vegetable base wanna go here I'll go my celery and my onion nice and finely chopped both of them into the pan keep an eye on the mixture as this won't take long to cook now as you stir the onion the celery make sure that you scrap in all the bottom of the pan so all the flavors will come up once the onions and celery turn clear it's time for The crucial ingredients the carnaroli risotto rice I like carnaroli because it gives creaminess to the risotto you should use about one and a half handfuls of rice per person you need to toast the rice because the outside of the rice grain is going to get nice and translucent and inside is going to keep nice and Al Dente make sure the hot oil coats every grain this will help the rice slowly absorb any liquids without getting soggy now add a little bit of white wine use a dry wine you enjoy drinking once the alcohols evaporated it's time for the vegetable stock I'm using warm vegetable stock and you're gonna have to add a little bit at a time so many people get confused at this stage but don't be the secret is very simple you add one Ladle you wait for the rice to absorb the stock and then you add more stock I know this bit takes time but trust me the end result will be worth it this red Radicchio has a bitter and spicy taste that Mellows out when cooked the Radicchio goes straight into the risotto and so is my piece frozen peas is solutely perfect for this dish [Music] I want my risotto to look as creamy as mirkos without juggling it so it needs more butter and Parmigiano-Reggiano start to stir until it becomes all creamy risotto will go even more creamy as the starch releases into the pan finally don't forget to add the crispy crumbled sausage I'm saving a bit of the sausage for decoration at the end look at this it looks amazing and the smell is like woofing away all over Venice okay and after all this hard work it's time to serve it up [Music] oh I'm super happy with this creamy risotto with red Radicchio and crispy Italian sausages [Music] my time in Venice has come to an end but the memories of dispel binding City and its food will stay with me as I continue my Italian Escape tonight getting close to the best Italian produce wow ham fit for a prince I've touched Prince Charles culatello I can't believe it the Queen's exclusive vinegar this is probably the closest I'm ever going to get to touch her majesty the queen and even a king of Jesus and this is the way you do it this is my Italian Escape I'm intrigued by places in Italy where the landscape plays a vital role in the local Cuisine so I've come to Emilia romagna a fertile region which is famous for producing some of the world's finest food and I want to find out why if you look at the map of Italy the region of Emilia romagna lies to the north and Parma is where I'm starting my journey Parma lies in the south of the pole River Basin and the river's tributaries have created sedimentary soil ideal for growing most crops the area's livestock are used to produce the best cured meats which are found on Italian dinner tables cured meats are very important to Italians especially because we use them for our antipastity you know the starter selection I don't think Italians would be able to live without curements that how important it is the city has given its name to the world famous parmaham this estate has taken cured meat to another level produce the ultimate premium variety the king of killed mates culatello its name means little bottom because it's made from the best part of the pig's back leg I don't really know a lot about culatello have heard about it and I've heard that it comes from the bum bum of the pig but I have no idea how it's made I don't know about the original flavor of the culatello and I can't wait to taste it and see the texture Chef Massimo spigaroli serves succulent culatello platters in his michelin-starred restaurants what fascinates me is that he actually produces this priced cuts on the premises Massimo has agreed to show me his 700 years old seller and revealed the secrets behind the best cured ham in Italy wow this is a lot of culatello Cantina resistance I actually explain the smell of the cellar the only way I could explain is like wet dust you know when when it rains and and the rain touches the ground and you kind of get a smell from the ground that that's what I'm feeling in my nose but definitely a smell that I never experienced before a little bit musty questions he said but if you're impressed about this male the one you should be really dismantling is insidelo is cured with salt and red wine and wrapped in a pig bladder it is then aged in the cellar where a mold which develops on its surface goes to work giving the meat its distinct flavor and smell Dolce foreign sweet or reminds you a little bit of honey and and very flowery you know she I don't know if I can explain myself he's like when you smell a bokeh of flower that you know that they flower but you don't know which flower are they the mold which does all the work slates around the cellar take away special window [Music] is this ancient window overlooks a river which along with the autumnal weather here is vital for culatello production when it's about October time the fog comes in and it creates like a white coating around the piece of meat and what they have to do after two three weeks they have to gently take it off with a brush one by one one by one but this is the beauty of this particular kind of made it's impossible to recreate unless you live here right here in this place is just a magic thing that happens and it's that magic and the care that Massimo and his team take of the Kula tele which gives rise to that incredible price depending on its age a single culatello can cost over 300 pounds and with that price tag comes a very Discerning clientele Massimo supplies is made to many famous people foreign in a good way if you know what I mean oh he said you can't touch this no so oh I see he said you know you can't touch it because it doesn't belong to him anymore now he belongs to the prince it's been fascinating to see this incredible seller and now I can't wait to try the culatello this particular joint has been hanging in the cellar for 17 months Massimo suggests I close my eyes to get the full experience everything that I smelled in the cellar is now in my palettes is incredible perfecto so it's the area climate that is the secret to this Exquisite cured meat but Parma is not just known for his ham this fertile region is famous for high quality Dairy produce the city gives his name to the world famous hard cheese parmesan the finest of these is Parmigiano-Reggiano and this Factory has been producing it for over 40 years general manager Nicola Bertinelli explains what makes this cheese so special to get the original Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese we have to be in this area right you must have the grass from this region the cows from this region the milk every step you know puts inside the cheese specific characteristics that you can find only in this piece of the world so it's Emilia Romania's Rich pastures that create these unique cheese the Parmigiano-Reggiano is matured in this store for up to four years each wheel gets a stump of approval but to be sure you are buying the genuine article look for the writing on the rhyme I can't resist buying a wedge of their two-year-old cheese for my next recipe my friends you are a superstar I'm going to use the Region's best cheese to make a beautiful dish with aubergine mozzarella and tomato all covered in basil olive oil dressing and what you need for this is fresh basil leaves just like this one have a look ago young basil leaves what you do just put them on a chopping board and finally slice it fresh basil is the key ingredient in my dressing so don't use the dry stuff now get yourself a mixing bowl and in goes the puzzle sprinkle with a little touch of salt and pepper and be generous with the extra virgin olive oil now mix everything together let it rest for five minutes and then we're gonna use this at the end just to drizzle all over my dish now I know many of you are a little bit scared about aubergines because of the size because of the texture the color but let me tell you something if you're nice with the aubergine the aubergine will be very tasty for you so what you do just cut me two slices probably about half centimeter thick [Music] there is a little bit of olive oil in a hot frying pan now fry the opportunities [Music] season and move on quickly to your tomatoes and what I'm using here is a round firm tomato I just want two slices more or less the same size of the aubergine first thing to do discard the stalk and then slice away this is one of my easiest vegetarian dishes now add to the frying pan with the aubergines these vegetables don't take long to cook so keep an eye on them now just a final touch of salt and pepper and then we're done these smells amazing now the only thing that you got to do is to lift them up and let it rest for one minute the last thing that we're going to have to prepare is the mozzarella cut two round slices let's put the dish together we're going to start to pile everything up so first thing is the aubergine then parmesan shavings slice of tomato [Music] and then the mozzarella on top foreign [Music] these look so beautiful [Music] this is why I get excited about Italian food the one for the aubergine with the crispiness of the parmesan cheese the tenderness of the tomato and the cool mozzarella now the last thing that you have to do for me my basil infused extra virgin olive oil drizzled all over this [Music] the way you do it Bon Appetito I'm enjoying the produce of this fertile region and I'm hungry for more there are so many places to explore in Emilia romagna and I'm now traveling to the province of Modena the area is world famous as the home of Ferrari cars but it has another unique product which is also globally renowned for being the best balsamic vinegar when I came into the UK 20 years ago knew about Sammy vinegar I had to walk four miles to get a good bottle of balsami vinegar in this region tribiano and Lambrusco grapes grow very well and for almost 1 000 years Italians have used them to make outstanding vinegar one thing that I feel people should know about balsami vinegar is this difference between commercial balsamic vinegar and traditional balsamic vinegar the achetaya Del Cristo estate has been producing traditional balsamic vinegar for over 160 years and I want co-owner daniele bonfati to explain what makes this vinegar so special fermented grape juice is cooked then matured in barrels which can be made of up to seven types of woods aha we've got a celebrity room here what's going on I'll show you oh Daniela has some important customers and they have their own barrels [Music] aha we go Mr Douglas here what's going on Michael Douglas discovered our traditional balsamic during the holiday in Bermuda and now he loved to use like a digestive so he actually uses traditional balsamic vinegar to help his digestive system yes the one I'm interested is that one there look at the the queen tasted our traditional balsamic vinegar and she'll love it this is probably the closest I'm ever going to get to touch her majesty the queen how about that well if this vinegar has the Queen's approval I just have to try it a true balsamic vinegar must evaporate over a minimum of 12 Years in authentic wooden barrels this traditional product is only made from Pure grape juice unlike commercial balsamic vinegar which has additives such as caramel and wine vinegar to give a flavor and color the first thing that you get is like a tingling things going on on the top of the tongue but then there is an amazing balance between the acidity of the vinegar and the sweetness of aging vinegar you know that that is it works perfect we're going to the supermarket we get a bottle of assami vinegar we think that that's the real thing this is the real thing having sampled this Exquisite vinegar I have to use some for my next recipe balsamic vinegar is usually put with cold foods but I'm gonna use it in a hot dish with chicken and pancetta and the first thing that you have to do make sure you grab a nice hot pan drizzle a little olive oil into the pan and then just put the chicken on top of the oil this dish is simple to make and pretty impressive if you got friends coming round make sure that the skin is nice and crispy then turn it over I like using the thigh and leg meat as is nice and moist chicken breast tends to be more dry at this point we add the diced pancetta mix the pancetta all around the chicken you can imagine now the fats and the saltiness of the pancetta is going to get into the chicken meat for even more flavor I'm adding garlic and Thyme I wish you could smell this the garlic the pancetta the skin of the chicken the thyme this is going to be amazing now as soon as the pancetta starts to get nice and crispy it's time to add white wine [Music] you can see straight away there are a lot of white bubbles into the oil the alkaline is evaporated so it's not going to be any bitter in my sauce now wait for about a minute and then we're going to add plain vegetable stock which you can make with the stock Cube I want to probably buy 200 milliliter for now just season with pepper because there is plenty of salt in the pancetta Now cover with the lid and gently cook for one hour it's as simple as that I'm going to serve my chicken and pancetta with a delicious asparagus tomato flat leaf parsley salad I add olive oil and lemon and it's very important that you massage the lemon so then when you're going to squeeze it all the juices are going to be nice and easy coming out the Tangy lemon softens the asparagus and if you have a couple of Pips just pick them up season with salt and pepper and gently toss the salad [Music] all these flavors they're going to be nice and combined together put it on the side for 20 minutes the chicken is definitely ready the sauce is get nice and creamy shiny bubbling away switch off the heat and now is when the magic is going to happen I'm using a traditional balsami vinegar which is a little bit more expensive the standard vinegar if you can't get traditional balsamic you can use the ordinary stuff [Music] at this point I want you to switch on the heat again and just warm up the balsamic vinegar for about two minutes warming the dish through will give it about balsamic vinegar a chance to combine with the sauce my salad is so colorful and fresh it will complement the dish perfectly the color is just amazing chicken is perfect and of course don't forget to add the incredible pancetta garlic and balsamic vinegar sauce and this is how you make chicken in balsamic vinegar with asparagus and cherry tomato salads Fantastico [Music] thank you on my journey through Emilia romagna I've seen the passion that goes into making Italy's Finest food my memories of this beautiful region will stay with me as I continue my Italian Escape [Music] tonight fishing on the beautiful ligurian Coast the non-knowing you know what we're going to catch is like yes yes bizarre way to make bread very interesting technique I never seen this done before and I create a fist a hole look at that to bring together new friends to you and to all your families I love you all this is my Italian Escape as a southern Italian it's always fascinating for me to explore the north of my home country so I've come to liguria a diverse region where the coast meets the mountains if you look at the map of Italy liguria lies to the northwest and the fishing town of kamoyi is where I'm starting my journey it's early morning when I arrive just in time to see the little Fishing Harbor away [Music] in the late Middle Ages this was a large post trade thrived so much that kamoyi was known as the city of a thousand white sailing boats [Music] at the end of the 19th century its industry went into Decline and kamoye's fishing Community struggled I admire people who make a living out of fishing because I know how hard it is and you know especially in the winter it's going to be very cold I I got a lot of respect for them loads of respects [Music] thrown a lifeline I've come to meet Renato his daughter Erica and her boyfriend Andrea who make a living from peace caturismo or fishing tourism Capitan are we ready ready come on let's go let's go for 10 months of the year these guys take tourists out to experience what life is like for kamoyi's fisherman [Music] and whatever the tourists catch they eat the weather is great today but this can be a challenging job that relies on kindnesses and a good supply of fish it looks like a great commute to work but the uniform needs a little improvements the iPhone been Italian we would be you know a little bit more elegant I look like a pillock ready go ready Let's Go Fish the crew cast their Nets last night so they know exactly where to try for fish today foreign back in the UK so I have seen how unpredictable it is I think the non-knowing you know what we're going to catch is like yes I've got my fingers crossed for a Whopper I can see the net and I can see fish we got the first guest here that's like Rockfish this small the water bye bye so the first fish we caught straight back into the sea we have to be gentle with the sea oh well as I always say size isn't everything often do you come to the sea to put the Nets ah we pull a nest two three times per week good living uh sometimes a little heavy I can see why there is a lot of tiddlers about this is Tiny can you cook this beginning or the right side we move on to another net and hopefully better luck foreign I can see one fish but something has beaten us to it see look they were telling me before that when the fish is like this it's been eaten by the octopus so the octopus gets on there and he sucks all the flesh out and it really annoys him really annoys the capital it starts to really annoy me as well what a waste of a fish beautiful tree yeah this one Friday would have been fantastic [Music] finally our patience pays off oh nice that's a good one look at that a plump hake and the fish keep on coming ah Erica what's the name of this fish Nia that's beautiful look at that there must be at least what two kilos nice can't wait to show to my friends in London they're going to be so jealous every time I fish they're like this look at that this is a very nice fish [Music] now that we coat our lunch it's time for some of the workers to relax and take in the Glorious ligurian Coastline while Renato transforms from Capitan to Chef ladies and gentlemen Lunch is ready [Applause] am I dead he's braided and fried the fish it's simple fresh and beautifully done [Music] fantastic see this is the way fish should be served from the sea straight into the plate and the view come on you it's not bad is it wow I think I'm going to come here for lunch more often yes you guys don't mind what a perfect way to spend the morning salute foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] such a fantastic time with the guys from the boat and as a little thank you I want to prepare a specially Gurion Feast for them later so we're better to perfect my first dish than overlooking the beautiful ligurian Coast in Caper and butter sauce we grilled marinated carrots now where do we start is very simple is with carrots right here my carrots have been boiled in salted water then cold we're gonna add a little touch of olive oil and some salts make sure you have a hot griddle pan ready now listen to this [Music] perfect [Music] and these are just not going to be any boring currencies are going to be absolutely fantastic cooking carrots like this increases their sweetness and I'll be marinating them in garlic and fresh mint leaves always keep an eye on the carrots to make sure that you turn them around beautiful this is exactly what I'm looking for those griddle marks on the carrots I have to admit they look quite sexy The Fragrant marinade is so simple a little more of extra virgin olive oil a sprinkling of salt and a little chili a couple of pinches no more than that white wine vinegar gives just enough acidity and you will see if it's Incorporated well because the oil starts to get a kind of a cloudy color the only thing that you will have to do pick up the carrots and then go straight in and if you can keep them for about five to ten minutes to marinate that it will be perfect now for my C bus I've got some seasoned flour just pick up the fish straight on top like this [Music] literally coated I want you to make to me about 4 in the skin so it won't curl up in the pan [Music] then it's time to fry with a good Italian olive oil and then straight up to the olive oil we're gonna add butter and the reason why I'm doing this is because when you put oil and butter together the batter is not going to burn skin sat down straight away [Music] the fish will take about five or six minutes on the skin side and meanwhile get the butter sauce ingredients ready fresh parsley wonderful garlic and salty Capers will work so well with the Sweet Sea bus a hole look at that the second side takes less time so now I can bring the beautiful sauce together with fresh oil Capers parsley and garlic all goes in others [Music] all I need is a lemon and finally the essential butter it's time to serve it up garlic the fresh mint the extra virgin olive oil and we got the fishing Fantastico so nice and crispy last touch [Music] let's see look at that and there you have it sea bus in Capers and butter sauce served with grilled carrots and a beautiful marinade and I really hope that the guys from the boat they're gonna like it [Music] but one dish doesn't make a feast if I'm going to impress Erika in the crew I'll need more typical ligurian recipes using the best local ingredients so I've come to the town of rekho where there is always one thing on the menu set to date from the 12th century rekus Focaccia is a crispy flat bread stuffed with oozing creamy cheese it's not like the thick doughy version you may have tried in the UK these ones totally irresistible I'm meeting biaggio Palumbo who's been a baker for 40 years and is a master at the local specialty de la Pasta is but what are the real secret ingredients I said the most important thing is love and passion to put in there and we did so I like it so far his technique reminds me of home I like a neapolitan pizza okay [Music] to me is it looks like quite a lot of cheese he said yes but it's light I said well how can it be dead light if you put all this cheese in it it's not the dough it will absorb it and it makes it very fragrant and light very interesting technique I never seen this done before yeah now I said it's the turn for me to help him so far it looks like a white pizza here it goes with the top of this giant cheese sandwich okay he said go with your hands underneath and swim like a frog [Music] and it just stretches this is like making a bed [Music] just a few Finishing Touches all right that's cool like a like a Cornish pasty salt okay he said only with the best of extra virgin olive oil and after six minutes in the oven oh look at that this looks incredible it's the moment I've been waiting for I think it's very crispy very light but you can see that the cheese it makes everything nothing gooey is very interesting texture um you can see why people they're coming from all over the place Moana excellent excellent will be an amazing part of my ligurian Feast but I need one more dish to complete my menu and it has to include the ultimate Italian herb basil green plant came to the Mediterranean via India the ligurians went crazy for it and made basil the star ingredient in Italy's favorite sauce pistol to the Italian people pesto is really really important it's like saying how important is pizza from Neapolitan people Everything is Everything pesto originated here in liguria so it's no surprise that all of the ingredients for this classic green sauce come directly from this area it is a perfect place to make pesto simply because they got the mineral from the sea going into the Basel so they make the best basil ever they have a very good quality extra virgin olive oil and the pan kernels oh they're delicious around here now I simply have to use pesto for my ligurian feast and I'm going to make a dish that's so typical of the region and is pasta with pesto with green beans and potatoes and where do I start is right here with my pestle immortal try to use young basil leaves for this sauce there are no strict rules so I'm adding Rockets I love the bitterness of the rocket leaves against the sweetness of the basil add a touch of salt then some pungent garlic and a mild olive oil that won't overpower the ingredients [Music] and now the only thing that I have to do start to peso [Music] a food processor here but the additional method gives my pesto a more rustic texture trust me it's gonna be worth every effort you put it in pine nuts are the classic choice for pesto but I like to be different I use walnuts as well for extra Crunch and that earthy bitter flavor [Music] this smells amazing the only thing that I want to do right now is put my finger in there just eat it but I'll have to be patient as there is still panchi pecorino cheese to add and olive oil to loosen the mix and yes more pasting keep going but make sure the pesto stays rustic look at that leave the texture in there because that is the difference between a good pesto and a great pesto now let's get on with the rest of the dish my hand full of fresh green beans is going into salted boiling water with the local trophy pasta have a look at this it looks like all little tiny curl and very very popular around the ligurian region make sure you give it a good stir and keep the water boiling salted boiling water that is the secret to make sure that the pasta doesn't stick just a couple of minutes in the pan and I'm ready to serve don't waste a drop of that pesto and let me tell you something about the cooking water this little water that is at the end I need that to make sure that the pesto is loose enough to cut to the pasta perfectly Fantastico and you slowly slowly coat the pasta into your pesto dressing for x flavor and texture I've boiled and Cubed some firm potatoes [Music] that's a few basil leaves for decoration that's it my trophy pasta with pesto green beans and potatoes liguria I'm now officially your son Bon Appetito [Music] it's time to serve my Feast to my friends from the ligurian coast just hope I've done Justice to the local dishes and ingredients a boy to you and to all your families I love you all I love you all let's eat come on for me this sums up what's special about Italy friends and family together eating amazing food in beautiful surroundings [Music] what more could you want from life tonight the hills and towns of unmistakable Tuscany this is just wow my attempt to impress the monks who have lived here for centuries and I told them to tell me the truth I'm sure they will because they're not gonna lie and a dessert that's fit for a queen this one should be softer more of a feminine palette I think he knows me this is Italian is cake [Music] there are so many wonderful places in Italy [Music] but this has to be one of the most picturesque with its amazing scenery Timeless Beauty and stunning architecture Siena is truly one of Italy's Treasures [Music] at a map of Italy Siena lies in the heart of Tuscany [Music] at the foot Rolling Hills near the Chianti wine region Siena is probably best known for its sloping Piazza del Campo which stages the trailing paleo horse race or it's Cathedral simply in spiring [Music] this is just wow is it I mean you can see how in the old days they used to take more care and time to build something so spectacular beautiful really beautiful [Music] during the Middle Ages Siena prospered as a resting place for pilgrims on their way to Rome like them my visit here is brief but I have a good time to check out a local specialty those Travelers may have seen many years ago pan Forte this Rich fruit and nut cake originated in Siena during the 13th century pan Forte literally translates as strong bread due to its heavy spicy initially served as a Christmas treat this Italian cake is now baked all year round and is big business here in Siena panforte must be very important to Siena because everywhere you go in Siena they sell pan Forte they make pan Forte you know around here they just pump Forte crazy the nanini family has been serving up Amazing Cakes and Pastries in Siena since 1911. but the pan Forte which I'm interested in I'm here to meet baking Maestro Alessandro bianchardi Bongiorno everywhere you just said we are in Siena what do you expect everywhere is the Italian for pepper bread I have to admit it's already sounding unusual Pepe El Chili Peppers I'm not sure about it I'm not sure about it Alessandro tells me that the recipe is centuries old with an amazing history foreign well if this stuff can win Wars [Music] um you know the weird thing is that I like it it tastes like to give you an idea Christmas pudding harder but then all of a sudden you get a kick of black pepper and Chile it's very surprising you usually I don't like stuff like this but as we say in English um has a name often seen on Italian menus margarita like the Pizza see the pizza is when Queen Margherita visited Siena in 1879 the local Bakers adopted their strong panforte recipe just for her so what he just said is uh this one should be softer with more honey so more of a feminine pallets more delicates I think he knows me um is right see with the other one you got a black pepper that cuts through the sweetness of the honey here you don't have black pepper so you really get the sweetness of the honey it's delicious though is very good I prefer this one to be honest yeah what a fantastic way to kick off my stay in spectacular Sienna the bricks in the buildings here are made from the same clay that provides the color for burnt sienna paint it's certainly is a picture and an inspirational place to make my next recipe I'm meeting some very special people later and I'm going to present them with a mouth-watering pan Forte of my own and one I'm going to prepare is a chocolate panforte with amaretto liqueur it's going to be very easy and delicious I've got three egg whites that I'm gently breaking up so don't go mad with whisk [Music] 40 ingredients probably won't 3 tablespoons of runny honey and make sure that you mix the egg whites and honey together okay ground almonds will turn the measure into an amazing paste [Music] and at this point what you get is like a soft marzipan texture now for the crunchy bit hazelnuts and walnuts and for bursts of flavor candied peel and you're gonna have to admit that so far is a pretty easy recipe right [Music] Italian amaretto liqueur gives even more intense almond flavor and next my icing sugar and trust me whenever you fold the nice and sugar you're gonna have to be very careful otherwise it's going to go everywhere so slowly slowly my cake mixture is nearly ready all it needs is the star ingredients melted chocolate you must make sure that the bottom of the glass balls never touches the hot water because if the glass touches the hot water the chocolate is going to come very very bitter okay so be careful when you do that I insist on using a good quality dark chocolates and this is going to be the last time that you ever gonna fold as far as the upon Port is concerned look at that this is going to be incredible now we put everything into a tin so get busy with the cling film [Music] wow I am in chocolate Heaven push the mixture down into the tin and spread it evenly and then cover top with clean film in Siena they cook their pan forte in the oven but my recipe is even easier put into the fridge for three hours just to allow to set but I got one already prepared here hey have a look at this time to unwrap the pan Forte turn it is easy what we're gonna have to do now cover it with a chocolate glaze my glaze starts with icing sugar and boiling water so melt the icing sugar into the water then it goes straight into the melted chocolate yum yum look at that [Music] need to do is the is the fun part decorating just spread the smooth chocolate all over the cake you're gonna have to be very quick now otherwise the chocolate is gonna set [Music] look at this hi beautiful and shiny to finish off lovely sugar crystals and the job is done [Music] my chocolate panforte with amaretto liqueur simple beautiful and very tasty [Music] I've come to Tuscany to explore its intriguing sights the Region's warm climates and Rolling Hills are ideal for producing grapes [Music] and Tuscany is home to some of Italy's greatest wines like chanti and Bin Santo I'm on my way to meet some very unusual wine producers who have been in the business for over 600 years the ancient Abbey of Monte Oliveto Majora is home to a group of Benedictine monks and I've arrived during prayers [Music] it's a privilege to see such a beautiful service [Music] I'm Keen to find out a little more about the Monk's lifestyle in the Abbey I'm meeting Don Antonio at Don Carlos and as a thank you I brought my pan Forte today is the test to see how good my chocolate and amaretto 140 really is I have no idea what these guys normally eat but but I bet not chocolate pan Forte la Pasta okay the monks tell me that nearly everything they eat is grown or prepared in the Abbey and you just said that yesterday they had a beautiful spaghetti with the fresh pesto and basil see it's very simple I like that they eat quite healthy they eat quite healthy asajjamo here it goes I'll see if I can get their blessing I told them to tell me the truth I'm sure they will because they're not gonna lie but I told them to tell me the truth a multi-bone Grazie Grazie traditionally um he's asking me for the recipe already this is a winner I think I got the Monk's approval for this chocolate Amaretto Comfort very happy [Music] has passed the test I'm eager to learn about the abyss wine making [Music] is [Music] I really want to taste that wine and the monks are happy to give me a glass or two in their Vineyard not moving I'm sampling a full-bodied Tuscan red that's bursting with flavors these beautiful surroundings have given me an idea for a lovely recipe it is yours alienated in the Monk's wine with the three bean salad [Music] now let's talk about the meat what I go here I got some rump steak and have a look at this you want the meat to be cutted more or less the size of a tablespoon my gooey herb marinade starts by mixing honey and aromatic Rosemary fresh Rosemary is the only way never use those dry things you find in those just they are absolutely diabolic fresh Rosemary because it gives a beautiful flavor especially when you do barbecue just use the leaves and not the Woody stalks the Monk's wine will soak into the meat and make it all soft and the final ingredient black pepper [Applause] coat to the meat in the sticky marinade and leave it to rest for an hour at room temperature and I got one here that is being marinating for an hour have a look at the difference this is paler in color this is going to be fantastic once I put them into the skewers I want my skewers to look as colorful as possible so I've got some red onions [Music] green courgettes and now straight with my peppers and I've chosen a yellow pepper because a yellow pepper is sweet so when it goes into the barbecue it's going to kind of caramelize with its own sugars in the peppers and also because I have to say I think yellow it looks very cool on the barbecue [Music] for this recipe [Music] the only thing that we have to do is skew away I've soaked the skewers in water so they don't burn on the barbecue and don't forget whenever you put the meat on just to leave a little bit of the wooden skewer at the end that once the meat is going to fall off soon after the meat yellow pepper one quarter of onion then the courgettes and just keep going [Music] you can put as much meat or vegetable on as you like there is nothing better than a good barbecue you just need to make sure the grill is hot but not too hot and what do you want to hear is this listen to help my beautiful skewers cook they need a dub of olive oil just brush it on top of the meat not too much because otherwise it's going to Flame I want to serve my meal with a delicious tree bean salad at be upset I'm using tinned beans Bean yes you could use a technique like in the old days to soak the beans with bicarbonate soda overnight blah blah blah blah blah blah I don't do that because nowadays tinned beans are absolutely amazing first the mild cannellini beans then the Nutty chickpeas sweet varlotti beans followed by vibrant parsley parsley straight into the bowl then a good dollop of extra virgin olive oil [Music] white wine and vinegar and lemon [Music] amazing do remember to keep an eye on the skewers now look at that all caramelizing because of the honey yes to finish my stunning salad red onion and a dash of seasoning [Music] and come on let me tell you this is the perfect bean salad all that's left to do now is serve [Music] beautiful beautiful beautiful marinated meat skewers with a tray bean salad [Music] [Music] it's time for me to leave Tuscany my memories of its peaceful scenery warm people in beautiful towns will stay with me as I continue my Italian Escape tonight the fascinating city of Bologna Ciao Bello how are you doing nice an Italian Treasure Trove the best sausage in the history of Italian sausage and well think again my grandfather showed to me when I was a little boy and I've been using the same recipe since then this is my Italian Escape Italians use three words to describe the city of Bologna the red for its red buildings and socialist Politics the learned because it has the world's oldest University founded in the 11th century and the fact which is a nod to the city's food and how well the population eats this rich food Heritage means I just have to pay a visit if you look at the map of Italy bologna lies to the north in the region of Emilia romagna bologna became Rich from trade its Merchants built over 100 defensive Towers within the city walls but only a few remained as the city prospered and developed nearly 40 kilometers of particles were built is Warehouse extensions over the pavement below and range from early wooden ones to the later extravagantly decorated variety with the city's trade and wealth came great food and the town gave its name to a source which is globally known as Bolognese I couldn't come to the center of Bologna without finding out about the most famous Italian Source in the world the bolognese sauce I mean I've been cooking Bolognese so since I was like a little boy 10 11 years old and I've just wanted to make sure that I haven't missed any tricks to find out the secrets of a great Bolognese I need to meet one of the best chefs [Music] has been cooking bolognese sauce for 28 years [Music] he's a legend and I want her to teach me about her recipe which was passed down the generations by her grandmother [Music] is okay I think I better listen hard quality in segreto foreign [Music] goes through some severe surgery she just said one very important things whenever you cut an onion in half you need to take the the hearts of the onion away because that is what it gives you acidity it makes the digestion going really funny relay hey [Laughter] it's better to kill the onion first by taking the heart that's the way it should be done [Music] uses a combination of minced meats that I've seen before pork and beef but what's new to me is the way she uses tomato concentrates she said whenever you put a tomato concentrate put a little bit of water so then when you mix into the ingredients it melts properly people from bologna use very little tomato in their sauce but the British Northern Europeans and Americans make a more tomatoey version Anna Maria's next tip is to avoid wine for the type of ragushi makes it will give an acidity um she said Ragu is like a melody it's like hearing all the violin and the arches in Orchestra and all of a sudden you hear somebody drumming so that's who the wine does I'm not sure about that because the wine if you take the acid depart away the alcohol away you should be able to pick up the wine flavor but who am I to contradict this beautiful woman and I think if I do that in Italian she will kill me so she's now showing me the pasta that is going to go with the Ragu which is tayatelli egg pasta made with 100 grams of plain double zero flour a one whole heck nice and simple and she said a lot of elbow grease ciao it will take eight hours to cook and I can't wait to try it with a handmade tayatelle [Music] all make the mistake of using slippery spaghetti for this dish but bolognese sauce sticks much better to wider flatter tayatelli end result looks delicious but how does it taste the meat I would expect it to be heavier but it's not it's actually quite light I love the balance of the flavor and the texture is very fascinating because it's not too much sauce you've got little pieces of Heaven into your mouth that really explodes I've never tried a regular Bolognese like this before and I understand why she is the queen of the regular Bolognese right here Anna Maria's pasta was stunning it's made me want to cook a special version of tayatelli a la Bolognese so I'm heading up to the rooftops of this lovely city to cook a recipe that's been in my family for many years my grandfather showed to me when I was a little boy and I've been using the same recipe since then I'm using minced beef and pork which needs a bit of a massage [Music] drizzle a little volleyball on top then use your fingertips to loosen up the meat and this is a great tip because then when you fry the meat it's going to crumble very very easy once you coated all the meat with oil set aside and wash your hands I'm starting my bolognese sauce with an Italian vegetable base of celery onion and carrots this is called Sofrito these chopped vegetables caramelize and give a rich flavor I remember my grandfather used to say to me if you don't have the Sofrito do something else don't make a bolognese sauce otherwise it's not going to work myself Frito is nice and golden now it's time to add the meat what do you have to do with the help of a wooden spoon break the meat into the pan the beef texture plus the fat and flavor from the pork make a winning combination but please don't tell Anna Maria or I'm gonna use next let me tell you something if the red wine is not good for your palate it shouldn't be good for cooking trust me once the alcohol has evaporated I add my grandfather's sacred ingredients milk the reason why you add milk is because it helps to tenderize the meat don't add too much probably here you want about six to seven tablespoon no more than that and make sure you stir everything together again for the milk to Bubble away for about a couple of minutes whenever you make you should never put too much tomatoes in it okay so what I'm going to start is with double tomato concentrates it's going to give me a nice shine into the sauce and lots of flavors next I'm going to add the passata sieve tomato about 300 milliliter that's all the Tomato I'm using and it needs to be properly mixed into the meat [Music] time to pour in the vegetable stock enough to cover the meat she learned sauce needs to simmer for three hours and then rest for a more intense flavor I couldn't serve my beautiful sauce with anything except always mix the pasta into the sauce so every strand gets a good coating piley Thai a little drizzle of extra virgin olive oil on top and there you have it my grandfather tayatelli ala Bolognese cooked right here Topo bologna happy Gino I have found out all I can about the city's most famous food but there is more to discover I'm enjoying my time in Bologna often overlooked by tourists for nearby Florence OR Siena bologna may be world famous for naming a pasta sauce but there is another food produced here which the locals are proud of Mortadella it may look like spam but this is a specialty cured pork sausage it's made from shoulder and cubes of fat and we're better to try it than this beautiful shop where I'm meeting fourth generation butcher Davide Simone how are you doing nice if you had to describe Mortadella how would you describe it Mortadella is the best sausage in the history of Italian sausage and what are the main ingredients for the traditional Mortadella from bologna the pink is the shoulder so the best thin part of the pig and the cheek the best fat pepper salt and one day for cooking that's it so very simple you must have some Mortadella for me to try of course Mortadella is my favorite meat I've always loved its mild sweet taste it's very smooth it's got this kind of velvety texture and it's not too fattening either what are the different ways that people eat Mortadella here in Bologna we have it for breakfast in a panini we have it for lunch for example grilled over a barbecue we have it for antipasti and a skewer or in dadini what we call this square shape but above all we put it in the filling for tortellini that's our traditional pasta so not only do people from bologna eat Mortadella for every meal they also stuff it into their pasta if you go everywhere in Italy there is always a particular shape of pasta which is associated with the region or with a town with a city it will be impossible for me to come to Bologna and not to learn how to make the bologna shape of pasta which is tortellini and tortelloni portelloni are large ring-shaped pasta usually stuffed with ricotta cheese and spinach tortellini are the smaller version normally filled with mixed meats and served with broth I'm off to visit sisters Monica and Daniela Ventura who have heard make some of the best tortellini town buongiorno how do you make your pasta Olive flower double O and eggs without salt without oil nothing only that fresh pasta without salt why because you salt the water I always make fresh pasta with a little pinch of salt no no that's the way my mother told me how am I going to say now to my mother that she was wrong what's the feeling in there what have we got it's an old recipe we cook it with the butter pork Mortadella ham so this is actually already cooked yes girls what are we doing here so we are putting some feeling in the in the square and then we start to close tortellinis you're going too fast the sisters may be going fast but it's not surprising they have been making pasta here for 18 years they fold the corners together and trap The Filling inside then the pasta triangle is turned around their finger for that circular shape so how is the tortellini shape came about the legend says a priest saw through the keyhole a fantastic woman that was Venus and he saw the belly button and so he decided to reproduce with making pasta the shape that he falls in love with so he made tortellino and as as you can see is like bottom and tell me something these priests that looks through keyholes a naked woman and the only thing that is a fascinated with is a belly button he was a priest oh I see all right all right that's why he's the priest time for me to make my first tortellino it's a little fiddly then turn around perfect this is my first belly button look huh it's good or bad if you go faster for Christmas we can ask you to come here and work and make 60 kilos a day of tortellinis 60 kilo these things I think I'm gonna go to I'm gonna go somewhere else at Christmas who showed you how to make tortellini when we were a little young girls our grandma our mother started to teach us how to make tortellinis the problem was that we made one and eight three so oh I see out of the kitchen okay I want to try the tortellinis too much talking I need to start to taste so what's the best way to do it this gorgeous tortellini are simmered and served in chicken broth and I can't wait to get my teeth into them the first thing that I get is the mostadella then definitely the pork [Music] simple flavors great National Dente I love it love it [Music] pasta fillings don't always have to be Savory so I've come up with an idea for sweet pasta stuffed with ricotta cheese nuts and delicious chocolate chips it's gonna be the best desserts you ever had and where do we start right here with double zero plain white flour in there I'm going to add two whole egg and one egg yolk in goes unsalted butter and caster sugar get yourself a wooden spoon and start to work the flour into the egg the butter and the sugar with the back of the wooden spoon straight in from the middle go around this technique stops me getting messy I'm gonna get the pack of The Wooden Spoon sticky first and then I'm gonna put my fingers in there turn the dough out and knead away and with a little Gino magic the dough is done rest the dough in a fridge for 15 minutes it will be easier to roll for the feeling I've got ricotta cheese make sure with the help of a fork that you make the DeCosta nice and smooth chopped hazelnuts give a crunch then add the zest of one whole orange and would you believe it chocolate chips for pasta mix everything together I've made some discs with a rusted pastry but before they can be filled make sure you go yourself a beaten egg and a pastry brush gently brush the egg all around the edges of the disc and that is going to help you to seal the discs properly now I load up each disc with my sweet mixture butts don't overfill them or the parcels won't close and will burst when you cook them thankfully close up the discs pressing the edges just to make sure that the filling doesn't go anywhere I'm going to use a fork to press it down a fork makes the edge stronger and much prettier it's time to fry pick up the pasta and go straight in [Music] exciting [Music] beautiful look at that all nice and golden bubbling away this is going to be great this is taking approximately one and a half minutes on each side and they're ready to come out definitely ready nice and crispy so get yourself straight away a serving plate these half moons are best served hot so you need to be quick here I'm going to drizzle a little honey on top [Music] finally a little touch of icing sugar beautiful sweet pasta filled with ricotta cheese crushed hazelnuts orange zest and chocolate chip enjoy [Music] my time in Bologna has come to an end I've realized that the traditions and recipes of this area are passed down the generations the home of Italian food will always be a special part of my Italian Escape foreign [Music]
Channel: Our Taste
Views: 429,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Our Taste, Documentary, Food Documentary, Full Episode, Full Length Episodes, Food, Drink, Cuisine, Recipe, Cooking, Cooking Show, Meal, Chef, Restaurant, Vegetarian, Vegan, Cooking Hacks, Food Hacks, Cooking Videos, Cooking Competition, Cooking Ideas, Food Ideas, Easy Recipes, International, Travel, Food Around The World, Tasty, Meals, Desserts, Dinner, Breakfast, Lunch, Food From Around The World, British Food, American Food, French Food, Foodie, How To Cook, Cooking For Beginners
Id: CvCmi8Gl8gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 9sec (7689 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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