GIMB 10 Doubles GRAND FINAL - Riddles & jw Vs. MtE & Blacktwins13 SSBU Ultimate

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actually he's recently picked up roy again yeah i don't know why he ever stopped playing him he even told me he's like i don't know why i stopped playing roy well let's take them back up of course he's been like primarily the aegis is a little bit of mario if he's on the yoshi's but pishu i think trying to true main right here the day one maine actually reads that roman but only gets a you know we can air off of it now i'm gonna i'm trying to think of what jw and riddle's strategy is of course you know jw riddles black ones they're kind of in that triangle where they're always playing each other in every the dark triad the triangle you always see at every ontario event you know they're probably gonna be in the top three somewhere so do you think as riddles of jw go for mte singling and i'll try to force black senses of that 1v2 if they can possibly do that i don't know because mte really has proven that he is like holding his own here so i think they're just going for you know their usual strategy not really going to try and single anyone out i'm just gonna yeah play their game well definitely working out right now empty doing a lot of damage push manages to push riddles off stage and look at their percents mte actually taking the least amount so far so he's definitely playing a really good score roll the arsenal's gonna come out and now pichu at 94 percent well past kilo percent i would say obviously pichu the lightest character in the game dies super super easily especially against characters right roy and greninja but eventually at a certain point you know after like any strike he can kill pichu pizza can really just go ahead and spam those electric attacks that's our spot downer surprisingly strong it is actually so so good but as you see there just a stray up there you're going to close out that stalk it's going to be one stop each mte riddles still hang on to their first stop but look at mte trying to do some damage on jw 16 from those up here strings uh blackman's trying to go for that downer on to the roy but it does not beat it out oh my goodness yep that counter once again stop for stock they're uh keeping even with each other first jw then black twins riddles trades out with mte we're back to even right now oh my goodness everyone's just up the ledge there and then trying to overextend riddles find himself the legend gets someone like joker very dangerous joker with so much edge guarding potential both these characters really pichu and joker both have really really great edge guards as we see right there the trump into the back here yeah that's gonna be a high recovery jw finds himself at the ledge to probably gonna try to try to protect riddles right there but of course giving up that same position that's gonna be good oh my goodness yep gonna catch that throw with the up smash but greninja gonna get punished for the up smash from empty either yeah we're gonna retaliate with an outstanding zone and once again stop for stock this is good this is looking so even right now every time someone's lost a stock immediately two two three seconds later someone on the other team loses their stock so although if it is fully even i would say i would give the advantage to red team there just with how light pichu isn't how you know uh gimpable joker is without that our son well mte somehow gonna make it back despite the uh backer attempts for jwjw just returning to the stage probably to back up riddles right there knowing that black wouldn't try to bully him a little bit yup down throw thunder not gonna catch you guys again for the south thunder thunder only works if the opponent dies in and unfortunately the platform was in the way so he's not able to get that kill oh that up smash not gonna take picture out surprisingly i guess not enough rage on jw to deal it yet but blackman's in a very dangerous situation 95.2 could explode i just realized 186 oh my goodness oh wow jw not recognizing that he didn't got the ledge unfortunately going to sd there and i think it's just whoever loses talk here uh blackpins or riddles fourth row is a kill throw but here we go singles mte versus jw oh he's burned his jump already air dodging just to get back to stage okay gonna get the back here this is the one this is just a classic 1v1 of course jw does have experience playing against a lot of jokers within the region so it's going to be interesting good drag down for mte this is going to combo jpg is but very very nice jab locking drag down combos already 74 in that meaty backer oh very very nice shuriken to stall while i'm here to wait out that down here i'm gonna go try to go for the confirms no we're gonna down i think yeah i was just trying to stall the arsenal look at that meter depleting right now already gone and now it's up to mte without arson he's got to maybe either try to get him back or try to get jw to a certain percent where he can just maybe get that edge guard but that nair is going to confirm that for air ps2 is actually a really big stage so it's still definitely possible well i think he doesn't have that read right there he just weighed a little bit on that fare unfortunately didn't get it the up throw arson is actually pretty close to coming back out yeah empty has a little bit of stage control gotta watch out for the shadow sneak oh my goodness the back air keeping uh jw off the ledge here oh but the side b is gonna close it up from cross stage very very unfortunate but jw gonna close it out it's very close actually i think that was a very very interesting option we haven't seen jw go for something like that we knew we knew that shout out think was in the back pocket but he would kind of just let go let's go for it again knowing that mt probably wants to try to get that edge guard and recognizing that jw goes for it loses wins the game and running it back running it right back very very close game definitely any it was anyone's game literally it was down to the wire i mean that entire entire game we just saw them trading stocks back and forth you know riddles lose this riddles loses the stock well then empty loses the stock jw saw well they're going to get black twins and it kind of went back and forth until that last one putting things down to 1v1 jw of course just edging out barely of course we gotta go into game number two can't focus on game number one right now we are still seeing the pichu which is interesting i'll give it how close the first game was i definitely don't think the switch was necessary yeah they definitely feel like probably that they could win with this king combination blacktoon's doing a lot of work as a pichu of course the jab blocks oh he tries to go for the fourth smash to get interrupted i'm gonna get that back they're gonna send jw right off the stage what's the edge guard here i actually think it was a little bit of a miss input oh no oh the grab release so you can uh recover faster yeah he's gonna let him go right there black twins are good stuff just managing to keep his oh hold on what that should have been that should have been dead and but that is death there taking both the stalks the riddle still making it back as well jw oh calls out the tree grab into the normal get up with the force match yeah i think reynolds was a little bit too scared to try a little bit scared of the edge guard right there by black twins so trying to go low just went a little bit too low and let's get even things back up goodness the thunders black twins just being completely aggressive here with the pichu not giving riddles or uh oh my oh my goodness the backyard into the fallout into mte down airing i'm surprised black ones wasn't caught in that downer as well i'll work whatever works whatever works right yellow team gonna get a nice lead right here everyone else find himself at the end of a very early stop uh stop losses against that combo attack so gonna work out for things now jw still has to find a way to keep the stock and of course they have to close out of stop from yellow team but well it's so high percent i wouldn't be surprised if you lose it just like that next master david i'll be gonna close that black twins oh the thunder but not gonna connect into the discharge smash mte just getting a little bit damaged unfortunately no arsenal riddles is going to still hang on very very scary situation here for a red team here windows definitely does not want to lose the stock oh but there we go now jw's the one that has to play very very defensive oh my goodness hitbox is everywhere he's gonna just back them up they're in the dangerous spot right now that after gonna get the delay then nolan's gonna lose his stuff right there i thought for factory w such a high percent was gonna lose his life but no manage to keep it fourth throw and he's gonna lose his stuck and now his last knock a piece but jw and riddles look at that look at those percents oh the wake up up smash gonna close out jw stockton www.jw definitely not prepared for that man back there one watch the edge guard i think that should no good good resource management right there riddles gonna get caught oh it's delete the back that's so surprising recovery very very good but now it's last stop versus mte it's dangerous if you're empty right now you are terrified you got to make this our scent count man oh my goodness this is so scary they're both killed i think just i think just a good read from uh mte or from riddles could do it but that back here covering the ledge options yep very very nice from mte to close that out definitely very scary one side we had the ledge and you were done so very very nice from empty either it's not one one yeah they're good oh no they're not going to run it back they they are all right are they running back i want to say they're probably going to run it back i mean both teams took a game each no team swaps no stage swaps i think this is a very neutral playing field for either of them and i feel like there shouldn't probably be a counterfeit until they really need it both teams are doing and looking really well so here we go game three at same teams see what happens can i hear that rumbling people having fun of course and now red team off to a little bit of a percent deficit here empty kind of playing super defensive i don't really want to take too much damage yeah blacksmith is once again going electing for that uh grab release just so you can have a better and faster defensive option jw playing aunt just right at the ledge right there after he's gonna find that back here jw off stage and blacksmiths could not capitalize on that's the jw is going to hold this stop but like you said red team had a pretty marginal percent difference right here but as pichu you know 70 percent that's 12 percent and apparently it says two percent for mte too oh my goodness and there they go they take the first stock red team somehow bringing it back oh wow we're not attacking that there jw's gonna lose a stock for that flat twins yep down through a thunder i had to catch the din yeah because most people expect like a fourth or thirty-six i'm thirty-six i'm dropping p2 shadows you get 36 there's a classic jw move right there you're going to catch blacks wins at the edge not the stage right there it's going to give them back that lead and give him a nice cushion as well and a good twitter clip and just like that it's already swung into the red team's favor here very well he with the joker oh i thought i thought just confirm things get the guaranteed stop kill and this spirals out of control very very quickly for uh mte and black ones here yeah and he finds himself in the edge of the stage allows the gang up on blackfoot a little bit they got to get a little bit of stage control back trying to find a stop somewhere anywhere oh gets played by the roy uppy an empty gonna lose that stock there see this is what i love about wwe look at jw's double she's so aware of what's going on like you've seen them so many times throughout the the various sets just kind of it's like okay i'm combing this person but oh man riddles is in trouble i should probably run over help him that led some save to stop right there and of course randall's still alive jw just lost his stock so yeah i'm seeing some uh execution flop from blackheads here missing a couple of edge guards and just throwing out smash attacks really or it'll still hang on 162 percent oh lactose is going to go for that out smash not going to do anything md try to go for that counter against roy's uppie there close the stock the rapid jabs into the f smash from riddles [Music] please tell me you're not going to regret that gw on accidentally taking a little stock but of course empty he had 100 should not matter in the grand scheme of things definitely uh i don't want to count them out because this is still last stop so anything happened just like that no no no another mistake that's two mistakes from jw this game reynolds did have the read right there oh he caught the up there up there is gonna close it out just barely yep the di makes up expecting the jab backers who are holding in gets clipped with the upper so now jw anderle's taken game two that was really that was a real explosive start but it really came down to you know last player once again i'm expecting no changes everything's been working pretty smoothly for both teams i guess it's just been the back and forth so far now it's up to the mte black twins tally once again yep no character switches even after pichu dying at that very very early 30 percent just gonna stick with what you know i think everything's been clicking so far for both teams it's just about the who who's gonna adapt more and right now yellow team has to adapt or to stay alive maybe force back to bracket reset if they can win a game five but you know jailbreak riddles has to find a way to close it out right now so let's see what they got in the background yeah quick 40 combo until they're on to jw from black ones there thanks to pichu's throw combos now up to 65. now look at that riddles just backing up if it looks like they're trying to neutralize mte before arson can even get a chance i think that might be a regret yep mte is going to manage to get the tech good stuff from him jada was going to go for potentially an smash yep oh my goodness the hydro pump from jw they're sort of messing up black town's edge guard against riddles missing a little bit good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good taco jw barely make it back wow cliff and jw there was definitely meant for riddles but let's see what we can get that was gonna be the first stock taken for yellow team marginal lead of course you got to watch out blackman only said he got 60 63 64-ish but that's you that's that's pretty much actually killed herself especially against a high power character like roy just side b's especially with the amount of race that he has just as i say he's gonna survive he's gonna manage to survive oh mte gunning riddles right into the ledge he's going to miss attacking that's going to allow blackman's to get a little off-stage presence of his own gonna take out oh my goodness the sour spot down here is closing out these so good so strong peaches down here obviously one of the best tapas in the game it stays up for so long and it's still so powerful auto cancels on short hop that's great oh thunder try to catch the landing but gets punished for it with the back air yeah this is the second our scent for uh mte with the same stock so this is gonna be very good unfortunate sd that is very very bad because uh we were looking at a good lead right there black just gonna sd as you mentioned so and now this is actually a tournament game yeah a game uh probably looked really good for yellow team and suddenly looks a little bit more even they still got themselves a slim leap but then sd for black texas could really cost them down the line definitely is still yellow team favored they seem to have not even missed a beat they're going right back for sort of just dominating really oh very very nice enough smasher empty jw gonna take that stock right back from riddles okay this is very close but oh look at the riddles i think he was expecting to get the tech situation but unfortunately just buffering that air dodge so now that's going to allow them getting a 2v1 empty still has two stops to play with as well so now it's really just yellow teams uh job here to close it out yep covering glow has to go high pg very very good at covering high oh the four tilt two frame was so good it's really really tough for jw here i'm gonna make it back barely barely the one the water from the hydroponics is gonna barely i gotta remember this is only for a reset if you're yeah black ones have the e it's already been like a pretty tiring set honestly because this is the this is their warm-up must be real this is the one this is the warm-up and they're just getting ready there's gonna be a swift 30 for the next set although they have been trading games so maybe it's jw we're following a powder and then theoretically it should be jw uh riddles but of course we've uh proven in yeah like i said i don't think we're gonna see this i don't think we're gonna see a counter pick until maybe game five where it really really kind of matters so i don't want to show your hands too much town of city definitely a good stage for both roy and greninja of you really likes taking greninja onto this stage so i think that might have been his suggestion of course at the same time joker's a good pick on the town of city as well and pichu once those platforms are gone exactly it's like a third ft but as of on the this stage the stage two blast zone is actually pretty small compared to uh other stages so royce i'd be against pichu specifically is going to be very very good salon paper is definitely a good counter pick but of course in reality uh and character in factory characters of course is gonna be very interesting because of course i think all these characters can benefit from this age like town and city it's just a matter of uh how it's applied right now and it's looking good so far nice and even nice catch for jw going to catch fte with that arson and arson such an exploitable recovery oh my goodness got pushed by the hydro pump underneath the stage unfortunately and that's gonna be the first time for riddles a little bit of an over extension from riddle he's gonna find himself job locked and unfortunately mte could not capitalize but he's gonna get a double back here good stuff gonna push them back to the other side of the stage that that neutral black one's gonna get a little bit of a breather unfortunately no roy you can close out that stock drag down back here into the fourth row the invincibility from the forethrow gonna dodge that uh jab from riddles and riddles gonna get that f smash gonna close that the platform drop very very nice from jw and red team despite uh riddles losing that very early stock jw's gonna hang on with one stop for them and their lead and the forward smash gonna take riddles the second straight you were talking about it those blast zones are exceptionally small and especially when you're factoring that platform just sliding off the off the ledge a little bit that's gonna be even more dangerous position riddles gonna lose the stock super early absolutely oh my gosh i thought it was gonna be another sd from riddles oh i think it is oh what the heck i think it is this is it's not impossible though empty and uh black twins they're still at you know pretty mid percent the mid percentage pichu is high percent really riddles going a little too deep again that's another sd so it's gonna be all left to uh jw who has to take down four stops on his own and uh i think it's safe to say we're going to get a little bit of background yep yeah yeah just get it just give just give it up gonna go for the reset brittles not really know what happening that stock or that game definitely uh lots of clubs going on there but hey we got the reset we do have the reason for set to determine the winner of the double down all these levels games have been so close right now i don't think they're gonna there's there has not been a clear like 2030 or three one yeah there's been dominant games but you know no real dominant sides i think that just goes to show just how you know good these kind of players are when you're when you're a player these kind of cavalry you kind of have that expectation to make the make the adaptation make the changes of course you got the counter picks in your back pocket but i think the most important thing as a player of your caliber is you go back to your fundamentals and just like that we're going to go back to ps2 i think once i think this time around we're going to be seeing maybe a little bit more of a counterfeit i think now that it's a bracket reset a little bit more on the line so we'll see what happens of course ps2 isn't trying to pick for these these guys or we just see the ps2 throughout the entire thing you know hey man your guess is as good as mine i definitely think we're just going to see the ps2 throughout the entire set because while that town in city pick was on paper smart obviously riddle's sd'd a bunch of times so it's not very it's not really what you want to see i mean at that point not so much a stage as it is uh very unfortunate circumstances but you know you take what you can get if you're uh black twins and mte force things back to the grand finals reset and this is what we're looking at right now so now pretty even for sense so far no real advantage here right there although at 61 that's not what you want to see oh good good use of that down there right there just getting that second hitbox canceling gw's uh charging up smash gives the empty and black with a chance to get back to the ledge and riddles i thought i thought that was gonna be it for riddles just air dodged just barely missing that smash empty very fortunate of course on the other side of the stage reversal from black twins oh my goodness gonna get that back here reversal as you mentioned good stuff right there going to take a nice early lead so they're keeping their momentum from game five oh no double jump from riddles uh he should make it back right there but no tech from uh mte that's going to cost them and back here from riddles he's just been so aggressive like it's just overextending you know really wants to close up this game yeah that's kind of really in a nutshell but it's definitely working out for him when he gets it in the right scenario and it's getting them a nice lead right here back here yeah i think i think that might be it he has force right there he makes it back to the fourth match really really weird hip-hop sort of feel like the inside of it yeah but it's still manchester city nonetheless so that's gonna take down his first stock mte still has the uh are set on deck jw gonna recover high just so he doesn't get hit by that back here and obviously doesn't want to get ledge trap really all that much by it because it is very very scary but our friend's gone now so definitely red team's time to shine on once again that platform on the up smash button it doesn't matter jw's gonna still catch that double jump for mte gonna take his stock riddles he still has his jump very thankful he's gonna air dodge to the ledge and i think jw just took out riddles with that back here very unfortunate so that's gonna be a little bit of a gift from them but he's still even stalked still of the percent lead oh but that thunder he's dead no no he got saved no he's gotta save fighting got saved right there that actually the thunder would have killed if he didn't hit the discharge or if you'd be reversed i think jw actually died in just to make sure he did get him by that discharge so regardless it's very good man should keep this stuck because i think that could have been very very good certain death of the discharge didn't get hit just barely gonna kill gonna close it's gonna take the stock right now well i guess not anymore yeah so it's so difficult to get for price when you're like a 1v2 like that because you know as good as grabs are when you have a partner like that they just run in charging f smash especially as beat you you're gonna explode this from the end of the riddle not really gonna do much still going to get punished [Music] this is very very scary oh f smash is the wrong way that would have been a very very nice combo oh look at that i in absolutely i was just about to say he dies it so it doesn't get hit by the up smash just can't escape this ledge right now two characters making each other almost go that might be it oh no he couldn't react on time he had to turn back around so jayla very fortunate gonna keep his stop yeah he's still trying he's still going for it that back here is going to give him a little bit of time to maybe get castlevania is going to make it back if they gradually at least they're going to miss again you know if blacksmiths can bring it down to a 1v1 yeah using the wall jumper pokemon stadium actually pokemon must take him too exclusive cannot do that in pokemon stadium one yeah so black ones can bring this back oh my goodness that's gonna kill oh that's gonna kill i was gonna i was just as i was saying brings it back brings it back to 1v1 it's definitely still possible peachy does have a good amount of cheese that he can hit with he's got the good matching vw right here 57 percent this is definitely dual ball more combos and black twins is going to find uh oh we had a kill percent right here in fact he is a kill percent now absolutely one could get like a down throw up air thunder could get straight up up throw thunder oh i heard i heard the match from here and i have the headphones on black this is fighting for his life right now oh he's going to get the tank he's going to get the tack off the thunder jolt you have to attack that that's the door dyke oh cause not to jump it doesn't punish it i think that would i think that might have done it with all that rage right there and that back here and you can obviously can drift so far back while turning uh doing back here oh that is gonna be it very very nice try from black twins though definitely has jw sweating a little bit yeah i think my heart's beating a few pounds right there but a good pivot break from jw catching blackfish on the roll just gonna secure game number one and that was only game number one that felt like a game that felt like a game three or four then i was game number one oh my goodness i was so close for black ones i can't tell if that would be a confidence booster or a damn or morale damager but i don't know well game two of the reset number seven overall seven yeah looks like they're talking a little bit of strategies they're discussing a little bit it was a little bit closer comfort black twins almost running badly you can see black stocking mte as well so they're definitely both discussing a little bit of strategy so gonna be interesting to see what kind of things and changes they implement here as we saw in the previous games uh riddles was playing very very aggressive and sort of bit him in the butt a little bit uh so we're going to see if you know riddles chills out a little bit or if he's going to go for the same strategy i don't think he's just trying to play roy's strengths right now you're just trying to go in a little bit trying to do a little bit of damage i think riddles definitely excellent at doing that just a very some sds maybe he had to tone it back and that's in that regard right there just be careful a little bit of the recovery but so far things have worked out for them they've got a lead here game number one in the finals reset now we're getting two seven overall again so it's been quite a bit it's quite been lead here for yellow team peaches back there doing a lot of that work we're 100 here this is looking very very nice for mte and life was there whatever they were talking about it's looking really nice and unfortunately forward air from jw gonna catch riddles there i'll throw thunder gonna close that out yeah he's gonna up throw a little bit too fast uh for davos to react with uh with the di so he's gonna set straight up for that thunder to that discharge and they got a nice lead right now going into uh second game of this finals reset and even with the uh stuff they take it's still even oh then down there hit riddles because of the extended hitbox of the substitution oh and he's gonna get one of his own they still haven't even lost their first stop yet goodness but there we go yellow team gonna lose the first one of the game that back there yeah there we go there's gonna close it up but like they made they make good work of everything they had right there taking good care of that arsene wenger cjw off carter's black twins himself gonna catch one against jw that's gonna give them that nice two stops two stock leads so far oh the edge guard still kept the jump gonna air dodge back to ledge interesting i think mte was expecting maybe an air dodge in from riddle but he just airdodged up just to delay his recovery a little bit make it back i think if he maybe just say the backer right there he could have probably stolen uh riddles his job blackstone's got caught in the pummels there unfortunately it's probably expected to throw something oh it's a thunder but grill's gonna hit pichu out of it to knock at the discharge he still has his jump yep riddles is going to make it back very fortunate blackman's getting a little bit too ear to close up these stalks probably wants to you know probably should chill out a little bit i mean i think you got to know who you're dealing with as well you're dealing with riddles jw we saw how close how much of a how much of a slog fest it was in that last game just to make it back to a 1v1 it's still finishing the loser you can't take chances right now you got to close out something however you can oh the dow smash tried to read a roll in or an air dodge and potentially down smash oh the double double smash yep you cannot challenge that the hitbox on it is huge so very very nice from blackman's there that was a quick game much faster than uh the previous one yeah yeah exactly so nice showing there from black ones with that down smash to end it definitely an unexpected ending so far we're still seeing that back and forth back and forth one one each um jade we really think in that first game and then blackstone's taking this one with mte and they just picked town of city so like you said before they're gonna utilize those counterpicks much earlier as opposed to my guess when you can play ps2 it kind of just makes sense now that you're on the loo the both in the reset of the bracket makes kind of sense you want to throw in those counter picks a little bit earlier spice things up change up the scenery and then maybe go back to ps2 when you feel comfortable or you know kind of stay on town at city but oh my goodness back there forwards managed to catch that air dodge in watching is trying to go for a little bit of cheese that's all right just got those grills already at 64 percent here yeah mte just uh backing greninja off of peachy right there so blackpins could get out has to force himself to reset right here and blackmail's a 65 so already pretty much a kill percent absolutely especially if you have like the downtown forward errors with uh greninja it's definitely very very nice build in front or jab forward eric's gonna close out that stuff no empty does have oh what are you doing that's the wrong scary red man a little bit of late reaction from black says could have maybe closed out the stop but he's going to find they have smash on turtles i think black twins thought riddles were going to land on the platform yeah yeah uw has to play it uh pretty careful around peachy there because one up throw thunder that is gonna be it there we go oh that goes for the down throw try to catch it in i don't think uh jw is at the percent where would have connected thunder yeah oh let's try to get something off of riddles at the 41 percent nice but jw's gonna find himself a little too deep off the stage right there to recover so that's going to be a free stock given to the yellow team but that's only jw's first stock so you got to watch out right now now mte is uh does have our send up so it might want to you know start racking on that damage while he can obviously last stock here it's gonna be hard gw is gonna throw him off i like the air dodge up right there just to avoid the hydro pump doesn't want to be pushed ooh that backer is not gonna close it out and the reversal back here from jw there the thunder gonna catch the landing you'd love to see it the force match is gonna catch the spot actually we actually tried to shadow sneak right there yeah he caught the shadow sneaker right there just barely uh got the end start up with it so jw still very fortunate to keep the stop right there trying to say spite it splash will be relatively small the stage is actually quite big so i want to coach the coast on this map uh or this stage and uh riddles saving galactus from certain death that pichu down air into thunder is a true combo oh and down air is a true kill combo that's another oh jw here to fight it's definitely still super possible here we go here's the combos go for a backer probably forward or probably would have been better more damage and also set up into more team combos i think they just want the stage position right now mte of course no longer has our sense so definitely wants to i think sort of just stay back but you know if you can hit him then hit him fourth row okay fourth definitely kills i think mtv might have been a little bit off on the di right there that's going to allow jw to set things into 1v1 so looking like uh the first game that january took in this uh this bracket oh my goodness so many wreaths going on the platform so dangerous for either of those characters oh my goodness the perry but jabs right after goes with a frame advantage that goes a little bit too early on the uh the back here jw is still in the disadvantaged position rolls right into the near gonna find himself oh my goodness here literally anyone's game oh wait see i see the auto cancel down here leads into those mix-ups the drag down forward tries to go for the grab size 2 frame with that f tilt thunder jolt not going to catch oh catches the roll in very very nice but lands on the platform oh and i made the platform right there yeah i think i think it might have messed them up like he just had to have to get off the platform that allowed black ones to catch him with the floor there so a little bit of reversal from that uh that initial game we saw them winning in this in the bracket yeah i definitely was not expecting to land on that forward there probably just wanted to drift a ledge but runs off gets clipped with the forward air for there not really a like a kill move from pichu like back areas but you know it'll get the job done if you're high enough percent the box on it is pretty huge anyway so yeah i'm gonna go right back to ps2 so a little bit of a little bit of reversal we saw when uh jw riddles were still on the winner's side they uh managed to take up things two i want to say two oh two one no it was two one two one they tied it back to two and of course mte black's wins won to get to this reset now it's kind of a reversal jw riddles find themselves on the end of having to win the two in a row that's definitely possible for them we saw game five from the for the first set i feel like riddles just starts at like 70 percent i don't know what happens it's not going to get oh that's going to get yeah empty he already tried to uh use the upbeat earlier so he didn't have that like extra momentum going up jw still managing to get back to the ledge i definitely thought the sideways would have come to me if you're uh if you're renting things are looking good right now you already took a really nice early stock against fte neutralized one are sent right off the bat of course they stopped the deal with the other two here's one right now oh and the downer to catch the low recovery that's what's so good for black does he's managed to find so many down airs and spike kills so i'd be not gonna get the full combo from just like that our son is gone so there goes that little bit of advantage they had progressiveness now it's all up to finding those stocks black twins gonna fight with jw and riddles and jw gonna hit the wrong person for it airing riddles it's been a little bit of clubs all around 120 percent he's at zero he's at zero hey you never know what feature oh nice raw back here comes that into the mte so now if he has riddles on the ledge he's going to try to do some down gun push them away jw that was like the last hitbox oh wow that up there going to close out black turns to stop there yeah a little little aggressive black let's try to close things out jw wow good tech and good angle for the hydrophobic he's going to allow him to keep his stock empty he finds himself off stage right now that f tilt not gonna close it out relatively pretty even i mean pichu obviously low percent never mind jw just died i take back what i say but mte 150 percent yeah he fought two arsons uh for the stock so that made up for the uh the early stop-loss he made he uh had earlier in the game right there so to our sense really helped them out and now they got themselves a very slim but still nonetheless a lead an empty finally gonna lose that stock to jw's backer catching that recovery yeah about a fresh stock empty he has all the time he needs right now all gonna be focusing on is getting that stock yeah quick 63 onto jw there from black ones trying to get all the percent that he can while he can a little bit of a miscommunication there thunder's the stall there yep he all alone in the uh center of the stage and good lead from blackwell's gonna get that raw of smash i want the rollery from riddles that's gonna tighten back up one stock a piece but mte with arson they're trying to do everything they can to get rid of him black twins trying to go for a little bit of uh cheeky kills here definitely wants to close this out drag down back here reads the role in but doesn't react in time well riddles try to go for one himself going for that f smash maybe you're trying to catch mge the downtown the down smash it out it's all up to riddles for close to keep this uh this tournament alive oh i think if you just if you think if you got that second hit of the fair that's it that might be it yeah that's it yep that's it absolutely empty and black twins are getting my basement number 10 doubles champions crawling back through losers after losing in winners semis
Channel: Page 1
Views: 188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x81DwYWVunI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 14sec (2414 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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