Gilmore Girls: A Deep Dive

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somewhere between 1999 and 2000 television writer Amy Sherman Palladino pitched the idea of a show about a mother and a daughter who are like best friends this pitch came after several rejections from the Warner Bros execs except this time she would be asked to develop a pilot from that idea at the time she actually had no idea where to go from there but before completing the pilot she went on a trip to a small town called Washington Depot and there she stayed in an inn called the mayflower Inn to described the town as fairy-like magical warm and full of camaraderie from there she decided that she wanted to share that feeling that she experienced on the trip and so a little town known as Stars Hollow was born [Music] mom the Gilmore Girls Seasons would start in the summer and would end with the Summers as well so each season would follow Rory during an entire school year and summer vacations Gilmore Girls is actually one of the few shows where you don't get lost in the timeline a lot of the episodes would start with the Friday night dinner so the audience would know that it was Friday and the show would actually acknowledge the weekdays and the weekends as weekends very often when we'd see Roy walking around town without her uniform would know that it was the weekend or that it was after school and I know it's like whatever but there are so many teen dramas that literally never acknowledge that they're actually weekends and school breaks no one ever actually realizes that hey all of this could have happened on the weekend we actually see Rory studying and doing homework after school the show really stays true to the day-to-day activities we see a lot of familiar routines with the morning hustles occasional rushed breakfast Roy's children activities and Royal eyes work life most of the show was set either at Rory schools the Inns Luke's Diner the Gilmore residencies and the Town Square a lot of key moments on the show happened around meals or town events every season would get introduced to some silly but fun town events that included the 24-hour dance-a-thon the sprinkling Festival the Snowman building contest and many more and of course let's not forget the ridiculous but hilarious weekly Town meetings that even the show's characters like to mock with the setup of the show Gilmore Girls really gave the audience a sense of familiarity when the characters would plan trips or events those trips and events would actually happen even if they were off screen Gilmore Girls had one of the most realistic representations of time well except for the long warnings and that was one of my favorite aspects of the show another thing to note is how they acknowledge transportation and commutes so many shows just have no respect for time and distance it's absolutely ridiculous characters will just teleport from state to state within a few hours yes Glee I'm looking at you on the show there are many times where Rory would arrive at the Friday night dinners first because she came directly from Chilton or Yale like thank you for acknowledging that there's actually distance between places and you don't just magically teleport around cities I know I'm going on about this but it's so easy to get lost in the mix in drama shows and when a story is supposed to resemble reality it's so hard to believe certain storylines because of how they're set up but when it comes to Gilmore Girls it was the closest to reality at least compared to many other shows okay this is good you all look good things are good things are you gotta go thanks for the grub one of the show's most famous characteristics is the dialogue with Gilmore Girls the dialogue was given just as much if not even more important than the storytelling itself they followed the formula of a slowly paced story with a rapidly paced dialogue even though this show had a writer staff that would change pretty often the Show creator Amy Sherman Paladino and right behind her husband Daniel Palladino would still write the majority of the scripts go over each dialogue and had the last day on everything so over the course of the six seasons the show had a very distinct voice when creating the dialogue Amy wanted a Snappy delivery from the characters because she believed that comedy dies slow so this resulted in scripts being 80 pages long as opposed to the regular 50 to 60 Page Long scripts for one hour episodes the lines had to be delivered exactly the way they were written and there was no room for improvising there was even a dialect coach on set and some actors often times recalled being asked to speed it up after takes the dialogue was so quick that it was an editing nightmare so scenes would often be left on one shot showing the characters talking to each other because otherwise the back and forth would feel like watching a ping pong match let me tell you something if you needed a crash course on pop culture this would be top on my recommendations list I mean there were numerous times where I actually paused and looked up the reference they made and I'm glad I did because on my next view watch the jokes landed really well and elevated the experience I mean that's what's great about the dialogue it never gets old and that's an important factor for the rewatchability of a show it has to excel in at least one Department to make it worth me watching whether it be the dialogue the drama or the music it has to have something that makes me watching it feel entertaining every time and for Gilmore Girls the dialogue may not be the only reason but it's a big one at least for me it is she named me after herself she was lying in the hospital thinking about how men and boys after themselves all the time you know so why couldn't women she says her feminism just kind of took over Gilmore Girls had a lot of feminist undertones it was a part of the show's DNA however it is important to note that under the term feminists there are many many waves and many forms of feminism and the show adeared to a specific type of feminism white modern feminism from the start Gilmore Girls was doused with femininity and arrived at a time where TV was severely lacking female power the show was full of ambitious independent hard-working women Lola and Rory approached their goals on the show without letting their gender win the balance it was never even in the conversation their ability to reach their goals solely depended on how much work they were willing to put in well sort of you see the Gilmore Girls was a feminist show for its time you also have to factor in the fact that a lot of the events leading up to the show took place in the late 80s and 90s in New England so Lorelei taking charge of her life as a young teenage mom was Progressive regardless of the time but even more so when you think about the fact that she didn't have to now looking at it from today's lens it's a little more complicated than that yes Lorelei had very feministic ideals and passed them on to her daughter but what was barely ever acknowledged on the show was the fact that they had an immense privilege to fall back on the more you look at it the more you realize that the show was only really Progressive to rich white Americans who felt oppressed by their families Lord I accomplished a lot on her own no one can deny that and with her upbringing it certainly earned her her parents respect however we can ignore that some of their accomplishments and I say some not all would not have happened without their privilege most notably both Rory's Chilton and Yale tuition as well as lorelei's attention of a bank loan for her in through her parents connections so yeah are the Gilmore Girls hard workers yes they very much are but are they also privileged no end yeah they most definitely are okay our house is burning down and you can save the cake or me what do you choose well that's not fair the cake doesn't have legs food is a staple on the show I mean frankly I don't think I've ever seen a show that isn't about cooking used food the way Gilmore Girls does oftentimes how the character interacts with the food in a scene can tell us a lot about what they're feeling even without dialogue the Gilmore's love to eat when they're happy and the happier they are the junkier the food is there are quite a few instances where they're hungry and could eat anything but as soon as they've had a bad interaction or in the presence of people they're not comfortable with they'll lose their appetite it's a perfectly normal thing to lose your appetite when something unpleasant has happened so it's not weird that this happens with the Gilmore Girls it's just it happens pretty often on the show so just wanted to point it out point of getting everything within delivery distances so we can judge the quality of food speed of service cuteness of delivery guys on a scale of one God's sake from it like these things catch up also another thing that I've heard a lot of criticism on is how they were even able to afford eating out most of the time I mean was it I I think it's possible since Lorelei doesn't really cook I think her finances are centered around eating out for 80 of the time so I think it's usually manageable but yeah I mean listen despite me rolling my eyes at a few completely unbelievable food subplots I love the Bon Rory and her mom have with food on the show and how they connected with it it's also great because many fans would describe Gilmore Girls in itself as a comfort food in the form of a show so yeah I can't stand it this is so unhealthy Rory please put down that cup of coffee you do not want to grow up to be like your mom sorry too late so I couldn't move on before talking about the only thing that the gilmours love more than food coffee Lorelei just passed that addiction onto Rory without any guilt at all I mean realistically Lorelei was really screwing over her child's body because how do you stuff yourself with junk food and coffee every day and grow up completely fine it's it's fine whatever sometimes I don't even believe they consume that much coffee because our cups are always so empty we can see that the paper cups have nothing in them I know for we take purposes things could get messy in the food department and also actors have to be careful with how much they eat in each take because you know these things can add up but sometimes it's still a little annoying when you see them just playing with their food and their drinks but you know that's just me so kissed any good boys lately who Mrs Kim apart from being a family-centric show the Romantic themes dominate the show apart from wondering where our girls are going to end up we also wonder who they're going to end up with I have to say that for a show that used so many romance tropes and didn't really rely on shock factors they managed to keep the Romantic storylines very interesting were they predictable yes of course they were but they still gave the romances enough respect and care to make his care as well usually the will they want the couples can get really annoying allow Ross and Rachel but Luke and Lorelei surprisingly didn't get tiring at least to me I will say this though it's really frustrating how much they use the Trope where main characters can screw over others and we should just keep rooting for them because they're quirky and they don't mean any harm there were so many annoying things that Lorelei and Rory did romantically and I get it okay both of their characters are still supposed to be learning but then if you cut to the Revival they're still doing the same so you know yeah you know tying into that I read an article a while back that made note of how the show always paired negative events and failures of the young girls with them being sexually active it happened with Rory both on the original show and the Revival with Paris it was even worse she blamed her Harvard rejection with being sexually active and the show never tried to rectify that but okay you know apart from that the show did a decent job at showing different types of relationship different types of people and how they mix and it was nice watching Rory evolve into adult relationships and honestly Lorelei too we always had a democracy in this house we never did anything unless we both agreed but now I guess I'm gonna have to play the mom card the foundations on this show are the family Dynamics you know whether it be the good the bad the complicated The Awkward the family aspect is the root of almost everything tackled on the show the tone itself for example mimics a big slightly unusual but nevertheless happy loving family Dynamic the one where regardless what happens they'll have your back and see through anything and most importantly unlike a lot of the other family Dynamics on this show this family Dynamic is one where there is no judgment and where there's safety where things aren't taken too seriously unless they really need to be we then have the dysfunctional family Dynamics without which well we wouldn't have a show Lorelei Emily and Richard represent a type of family Dynamic which isn't rare on screens however on the show it is dissected in a way that makes viewers understand each party the transactional relationship between Lorelei and her parents is where we start our story and you ask yourself how messy does a relationship have to be for mother to blackmail her daughter into coming to dinner in exchange of helping out her own granddaughter where you would otherwise see the Trope where Emily would be horrible for no reason you're given perspective and understanding that even though Emily is difficult dealing with Lorelei is not a walk in the park lastly we have the family Dynamic that made the show stand out the close mother-daughter relationship you know we're in the story we would have been at the stage where Rory would start to act out and hate her mother instead we got the rebellious mother who lucked out with the kid she got this could be a case of which came first the chicken or the egg was Rory a good kid because she felt safe in being who she could be or was Lorelei an open relaxed parent because she got a kid who's different from her could be a mix of both but regardless this Dynamic is what made the show lovable when their relationship started to change their quality of the show deteriorated as well don't get me wrong their Dynamic was imperfect either in the end you saw how their Dynamic negatively affected Rory but that was part of what made it realistic in the end part of parenting is just doing your best to put a decent human out into the world and praying for the best outcome and in the end there's only so much you can do once your child leaves the nest and decides to make their own decision so yeah in fact if you put oi and poodle together in the same sentence you'd have a great new catchphrase you know like oy with the poodles already so Lola Gilmore grew up an only child in a rich family where she never felt understood or heard she makes it very clear throughout the story that she didn't have a generally happy childhood she experienced a lot of criticism at the hands of her parents who would not hesitate to express their disappointment with her every time the opportunity arose you know in today's world a lot of people are more open about their mental health struggles and the importance of preserving it a lot of people open up about learning to distance themselves from toxicity and unfortunately a lot of the time that includes parents Lola definitely grew up in a toxic environment and when she got pregnant as hard as it was I think her leaving her home was the smartest decision she could have taken for her sanity and the sanity of her child her independent trait also played a major role in her deciding to leave her home because she knew how controlling her mom was and how they would come to clash over Rory's education same with Christopher I think they wouldn't have been able to raise Rory together in a healthy environment because Lorelei often wants to do everything her way and only her way I get really confused when people refer to Lorelei as immature and irresponsible I mean does she have immature and irresponsible Tendencies yeah but she also has an amazing ability to make rational decisions in high pressure situations and she also has an incredible ability to keep her composure even when her limits are being pushed there is nothing wrong with a person who finds light in most situations and makes jokes out of most things especially when it's a coping mechanism I get that it can weird people out especially those who don't know her and it could be inappropriate but in my opinion it's much better to make jokes in uncomfortable situations than to be anal about everything while raising Rory Lorelei tried to be as open with her daughter as possible and always said that she was her friend first and her daughter second opinions on this method of raising a child strongly varies but either way we could see the good and the bad that has come out of it through Roy's Journey Lorelei sees her daughter as perfect and refuses to reconcile the fact that her daughter up a lot it's one of the most frustrating things about her she takes so long to put Rory in check and often times it only happens when Rory is directly opposing her views also I'm sorry I talked about how I love their bond over food but let's be honest she gave her daughter very dangerous dietary habits including drinking heavy loads of black coffee as a teenager did any of you ever see that movie called that's my boy because basically it's a story about a preteen boy who sleeps with this t-shirt I know gross and she eventually gets pregnant and basically their son Han Solo yes that's his name reveals in his adult years that he's now diabetic egg because his irresponsible teenage father let him have cake and ice cream every day so yeah Lola might have hated healthy food but boy was it irresponsible to get her child hooked on that same lifestyle Lorelei is also such a stubborn girl for me personally her most unlikable characteristic was her inability to compromise with people like sure you could find a few times where she sort of ends up folding but I swear that only happens once every 10 times and it's usually not with the things that really matter this trait is especially apparent when it comes to her work relationship with Suki and her romantic ones in general I understand that when Rory was still under her roof she tried to keep stability in her life which didn't allow her much flexibility in her romantic relationships but after Rory moved out things could have been different I know that the things she earned on her own meant a lot to her but at some point when you're sharing your life with someone you have to be willing to build new things with them I feel like every guy who gets in a relationship with her has to be able to put their needs on the back burner or else it just won't work Lola is also surprisingly similar to her mom I remember in season one she criticized her mom for shutting people out when she's upset with them but she would end up doing the same thing to Rory in season six you know Emily and Lorelei are in many ways two sides of the same coin it's very interesting to look at their relationship because of that despite being stubborn she's such a loving and caring friend she's a great neighbor and townie and she actually cares about her community she would have done anything to help her daughter including entering her parents life again I felt bad for her sometimes because her parents would sort of treat Rory and introduce her to strangers as the successful daughter they never had above all it's great that Lorelei is so forgiving especially with her parents I mean there were a couple of times I thought she was in the wrong but it doesn't mean her parents didn't cross the line way too many times I know people call both Lorelei and Rory privilege but I think it's a little unfair to compare the two Lorelei might have gone back to her parents in Rory's teenagers but up until then she raised Rory on her own bought her own home with her own earnings and got a college degree all while working and raising a child as a single mother and for that I commend her thank you hi oh Rory me that's that's me yeah Rory so when Roy was introduced she was a character that almost every viewer was rooting for I'm gonna be very honest I only liked Rory through season one and a couple more episodes in season two but that's it I'll admit it I get annoyed with characters very easily but it usually doesn't last longer than a bad storyline but with Rory it was way too quick and funny enough it was without any external influence in season one I thought she was so adorable and sweet and honestly there were times I really admired her as a person I think she was a very tender person who tends to see the best in people and I love that about her if I were in her shoes I don't think I would have ever become friends with Paris because I just don't have that kind of patience also as much as Rory gets handed to her let's be honest it's not the case at Chilton and it sort of aligns with her character in the first few seasons she is hardworking at Chilton she gets her work done helps with she's needed and only really pops her head out of her books when she's forced to she also acted as a peacemaker between her mom and her grandparents I find it interesting that despite being raised by Lorelei Rory at her core was a hybrid between the middle class American Girl and the rich American girl she could blend so well in Emily and Richard's world that at times it would even bother her mom there are also times where I really respected Rory for not following her mother's Shenanigans regarding her parents sometimes she was just mature enough to just do things for her grandparents because she knew it meant a lot to them even if it was completely ridiculous Rory's ability to meld into those different worlds makes her a darling to all those around her because of that she was often labeled by her Entourage as a perfect girl actually one of the moments that brought me to tears was War's graduation speech because she recognizes all that her mom has done to get her where she is she's thankful and she's grateful and most importantly she's proud of her mom and wears the upbringing as a badge of honor unfortunately in the later Seasons where his character went to one of my favorite things to ask my fellow Gilmore Girls viewers is when did you stop liking Rory and it's sort of like a little survey that I have in my head and the responses come in many wave forms so let's break down those waves shall we wave one the arrival of Jess that was the moment for me I mean it wasn't exactly the moment he showed up but as soon as Jess came to town Rory started changing she started to lie more and have more secrets with her mom it's okay to fall out of love with someone and more importantly it's okay to be confused about things especially that Rory was young and in her first relationship and let me be very clear here Dean was no saint either and I will get more into that later but for now let me focus on Rory Rory gaslighted the hell out of Dino when they broke up it was because he couldn't ignore it anymore she missed her mother's graduation to go see Jess for crying out loud and if the emotional affair wasn't bad enough she kissed him in the season 2 finale and guess what no one ever finds out she just gets away with it wave two first year at Yale one Rory got to Yale she started to lose some of the maturity that made her so Charming in the earlier seasons do you guys remember that tree subplot that might have been a little thing but that's around the time that Rory's entitlement over things really started to get out of hand I mean first it's a tree then it's a married man because he was your boyfriend first like sis really come on I mean when she got the same hairstyle as Lindsay we should have known that she was up to something like she had the audacity to justify sleeping with a married man by saying that he was her Dean not according to the law he's not Wave 2 second year at Yale so when you're a first time viewer you think that Rory's attitude in season 5 is at an all-time low and it probably won't get worse than her being completely disrespectful and cruel with her mother for something that she did uh but nope it gets worse after she slept with Dean it was obvious that her decision-making skills were completely up but what was to follow in the season would just make you believe that Roy was switched and that this was some clone first off can we talk about the swimming box incident I can't believe that Roy would let an innocent employee get fired for something that they didn't do you know at this point Rory began fully immersing herself into the world her mom tried so hard to protect her from and eventually after not getting her way she decided that it would be a good idea to steal a boat and drop out of view because a guy who obviously doesn't like her said that she's not good enough wave four Rory out of Yale so at this point most people who are still defending Rory kind of took a backseat and hope that she would come to her senses I mean she eventually would but d.a.r Rory felt like the longest storyline ever you know I understand that Rory might have felt smothered by her grandparents but how ungrateful can you be they did their best to help you when even your biggest cheerleader was against you and you send your two Bozo friends to get your stuff from the house really Rory knows how much Lorelei leaving her parents without giving them a real goodbye hurt them and she goes and does the same thing to them I don't even think that after all the drama or character actually acknowledged her wrongdoing to her parents but yeah despite the fact that she had terrible growth as a person it's actually pretty realistic how she turned out I mean growing up Rory might have missed her father but she literally had an entire town filling up that slot they constantly praised her spoke so highly of her and just believed that she could do no wrong and Lorelei had the highest case of the perfect Rory syndrome you know it's actually sad to see how hard it was for Lorelei just to tell Roy the truth when she didn't agree with her like Emily really did a number on her it shouldn't be best friends first in my opinion it should be Mom first I mean you shouldn't be scared to tell your daughter no the fact that every time lorelei's had no to Rory it turned into a huge fight is just not normal you should be able to get a no from your parents and just accept it even if it's annoying like Extremes in either case aren't good and that's literally with anything in life you see what Emily's education did to Lorelei and then you see how Lorelei tried to overcompensate so bad that it just made her scared to oppose her daughter the problem with Rory is that she put all her eggs into one basket way too many times it's good to be optimistic in fact it's the better way to be but also you have to be realistic by factoring the fact that you are not the only variable out there you may be good you may be great but you won't always be the best this actually happens to a lot of good students who end up our big schools they face the hard truth that they're no longer special because they're in a place filled with people who are also special where they came from midrum huntsberger was one of the first people we saw on the show who was not at all impressed with Rory in fact I can't even lie that dinner at the huntsburger Mansion cracked me up because everyone thought that they were looking down on Logan's future brother-in-law but nope it was worried it was also a very interesting moment for a character because she did what all rich privileged people do she pulled the name card you know the funniest thing about Roy was her lack of self-awareness I mean at her core she didn't think at all that she was one of the privileged kids and listen I know she grew up with a single mom and it wasn't always easy but come on let's be honest she had an entire town that would have helped with anything she needed on top of that things always sort of just went well for her and her mom in the end her mom suddenly came into possession of enough money to pay back her parents and then her father also became him rich and paid for a yield tuition in full how did she not understand that she was a privileged girl God you don't know how happy I was when Logan gave her that you're one of us to speech it's not a crime to be lucky or privileged the main problem with worry is that she was so judgmental of rich people and their lives when the more she grew up the more she became one of them hold on I'm looking up aneurysm in our medical dictionary to see if I just had one it's oh what you're going to a raccoon's wedding okay let's talk about the eldest Gilmore Girl now shall we and yes I know Trix is there but I don't care so how you feel about Emily Gilmore in my opinion comes down to one simple thing and it's under which lens you choose to judge her under the lens of reality or under the lens of a TV character as a character I have to say Emily is part of the most entertaining aspects of the show her input and old age ways of thinking are a lot funnier than they should be but when you think of her as a person in the real world it's a lot more complicated than she's funny Emily Gilmore is a product of her generation plain and simple she was a teenager in the 50s you know the Donna read era yeah sure the show takes place in the early 2000s but to this day how often do we hear Baby Boomers whining about how our generation has turned everything this and how things are better in their time not to mention the fact that she's a part of the high society conservative Community which has evolved a lot slower than the rest of us so yeah to be honest Emily was just unlucky to get a really rebellious daughter who gave her a hard time because in my opinion if she had gone a daughter like Rory they wouldn't have had half of the issues that they had with Lorelei but in families like this every generation gets more and more relaxed as time goes by or when the cycle is abruptly disrupted Lola I could have enjoyed the same things as Emily and thus wouldn't have considered her mother toxic but it just didn't happen that way I would never invalidate what Lorelei felt growing up with Emily because that would be unfair and honestly we all know Emily she's a pain in the ass but you know what Lorelai is as much of a pain in the ass as her mother she skipped school drank snuck out and started having sex as a teenager like yeah that's every parent's dream some say she was acting out to get her parents attention and to be heard but when has fighting fire with fire ever worked regardless of how good or bad Lorelei was as a kid ask anyone who grew up with a mother like Emily what it's like it's exhausting we all know that Emily loves Lorelei and wants to be a part of her life some would argue that most of the things she does are out of love and I agree to some extent but when do you draw the line between I love you I want what's best for you and I'm going to sabotage your relationship because I don't like your partner Emily is extremely controlling and she's even passed that trait down to Lorelei even though in lorelei's defends she does try to fight it her attitude with Luke in particular was very telling of her character doing that storyline Emily was showing her worst side her classist one she didn't care that her daughter was with a Man Who Loved Her who had always been there for her and her daughter and who was just always good to her family in general no all she saw was that he was a diner owner hence beneath them I mean she didn't even like Christopher like that and she said it but she preferred him for his name and his stature in society rather than a man making an honest living Emily says a lot of up things on the show and we laugh because one were desensitized to a crap into sometimes she has a point but still that doesn't give her the right to talk to people the way she does especially the maids it's part of an ongoing joke on the show but can you imagine if you met someone who had a new maid every week that's some crazy firing a maid because your granddaughter spoke with her or because she logically added an extra seating to a dinner table really come on I hate to say it but by today's standards Emily Gilmore is a Karen I said it she's a Karen Emily like many women feel trapped by the standards of their Community they often put on a smile and suppress their true emotions even though they hate their life you know Emily reminds me of Bree Vander Camp from Desperate Housewives she was an uptight woman who would literally smile every problem away because that's what she was taught by her mother her kids hated her growing up and her husband hated that side of her too my point is that similar to debris Emily was not taught to process her emotions properly and would instead I'd pretend everything was all right then would have these terrible outbursts and meltdown at really inappropriate times despite the fact that she's a lot to handle there are moments when you see that she did try her best moments where she proved that in the end she did love her family above all and just wanted to be in their life when you look at Christopher's parents attitude towards Rory you realize how much Richard and Emily care about Rory they wanted her to be there they opposed the option of abortion that Christopher's parents had put on the table they did in fact want to be there for Lorelei and they were willing to support their daughter through raising Rory were they disappointed yes but that's because for so many people having a child as a teenager means your life is over you have to look after another life now and for parents like Lorelei who had so much hope for her of course they'd be disappointed but they would have still supported her anyway do you know how many parents would kick out their child after they found out they were pregnant her daughter leaving the house hurt her not because she was a Teen Mom but because she lost her child her own daughter left the house without saying goodbye that's gotta hurt she had to ask Mia for pictures of her granddaughter how sad is that the Friday night dinners were her own up way of trying to reconnect with her daughter and granddaughter and of course realistically it wouldn't go smoothly after so much drama had passed but in the end she came around and got better at accepting the choices of Rory and Lorelei even without necessarily agreeing with them in my opinion even without factoring the Revival Emily did have a lot of grow in the original series so Grandpa how's the insurance biz no people die we pay people crash cars we pay people lose a foot we pay Richard is a weird character to me there have been times when his cluelessness has been very funny as well as his Dynamic with Lorelei Rory and Emily but there have been equal amounts of times where his refusal to change his ways have been insufferable so in creating this video I'm trying my best to discuss characters from all angles to talk about the good and the bad sides because that's basically all the characters they're all on a spectrum of humanity and here's the deal I don't think that Richard's a bad person I don't think he's evil or malicious but if I'm being honest I would feel weird saying that he's a good person once again this maybe just has to do with the lens under which I see him but yeah most of the crap that Emily gets for her bad qualities I find them in Witcher 2 it's just that he's more hidden in the background so sometimes he looks less problematic when you look at people like Lorelei Luke and even Rory despite the fact that they're flawed you can see how caring they can be for the people on the outside and by that I mean that it's easy to say this person's amazing because they love their family and stand up for them but sometimes I don't think that's enough when characters like Richard and sometimes Emily will act like humans with their family members and treat others like less than I have a hard time sitting here and labeling them as good people I think the Jason style situations was very telling of how ruthless Richard could get to save himself but I could also never say that they're bad people because they were brought in a world where you only look after yourself and close Entourage and I don't think Richard and Emily are out to actively hurt anyone it's more so that they aren't taught to consider people who are not in their Circle so on the show we saw Richard as a father a son a husband and a grandfather so let's take a look at those real quick as a son Richard loved and respected his mother and honestly we could say that he was a really good son okay now as I grandfather Richard was a pretty normal Grandpa in my opinion I think Richard is a person who can easily detach himself emotionally before the golf outing where he realized that he and Rory had things in common he didn't seem as interested in getting to know her or maybe he just wasn't comfortable yet I think his relationship with Rory worked so well because they had so many things in common and he was really proud of her I do think he evolved into the series he might have been a little awkward with Rory in the beginning but when Rory came running into his arms asking for help we saw how much his love for her could overshadow his judgment also compared to Christopher's house of a grandfather Richard is a gem for a grandpa I think of all his roles in his life Richard was worse as a father his neglectfulness of Lorelei in her formative years really with her and was definitely a part of her adolescence revolting I could see how young world I could feel like her father didn't care about her he was often gone when Lorelei was young and I don't think they really had time to form a deep relationship it's because of that that I think Corolla fights less with her father and seems to have less resentment towards him Emily was most likely the bad cop and Richard was just the neutral one in the end Richard loved Lorelei and cared deeply for her he also respected her as an independent woman and businesswoman and I think he respected her work ethic a lot more than Emily did now on to Richard as a husband Richard was an enabler he's often regarded as the chiller one but honestly he sits back and lets Emily get all her hands dirty I specifically noticed it on two occasions the first one was when Emily decided to break Luke and Lorelai up and Emily even pointed out that Richard enjoyed being the favorite one Richard was just as condescending to Luke and wouldn't have ever stopped Emily from trying to break them up the second was was when he found out that Emily was on board with lorelei's plan for Rory in season 6 but only backed up Richard because she trusted him we don't get to see their day-to-day interactions but in the fourth season we start to see how dissatisfied Emily is with her life and how ungrateful Richard is towards her discovering that Richard was having yearly lunches with his ex-penolin lot was the last straw that broke the camel's back actually never mind it was this complete disregard of Emily's opinion on the Jason Styles issue I think season 4 did a really good job at showing us the flaws in their marriage and season five did really well in building them back up to where Richard actually started to see her value Rory if my parents still get upset over the obscene portion size of American food I seriously doubt I'm going to make any in relative Eminem I'm just going to start with this Lane deserved better I rooted for Lane through every second of the show she just wanted to enjoy her music and peace and be a teenager but she couldn't Lane was actually very similar to Lorelei but I don't think I would overtly call her rebellious Lane didn't believe in what her mother believed in but she never stood up for herself either I've seen rebellious kids in oppressive households and Lane isn't really like them Elena's terrified of her mom and has set up her entire life as an obstacle course to do what she wants without her mother finding out to be honest that's what made me feel bad for her because despite feeling caged in she loved her mother unconditionally through the entire run of the show and actually didn't want to hurt her before the girls graduated I had hope for Lane because I thought okay maybe she'll be able to escape and live her life in college but nope she went to a freaking Evangelical College because of her mother I also had a lot of hope for her and Dave and as much as I love of the OC I'll always be a little salty that we lost Dave because of it Zach is cool is cool I guess but I can't ignore the way he was portrayed in season three like he was a literal clown so sometimes when I rewatch The earlier Seasons it's just weird to think that they ended up together in the first few seasons if I had to put my money on someone going really far it would have been Lane I just thought this girl has so much inside her that is going to Blossom in the real world and I thought okay she may not become a rock star but she'll probably do something with her music whether it be producer teacher hell even own a music store just anything except the whole antique store thing oh I know I know not everyone's dreams come true life sometimes just kind of throws you around but it almost feels like they were teasing us with the way they set up Lane's Arc she finally left her home and was making a living for herself she ended up with gigs and went on tour her mother finally accepted her daughter's career choice couldn't she have left Stars Hollow in the seventh season would it have been that bad to send her off into the world and at least say she tried it I guess she seemed fulfilled in a year of a life but I don't know I just love lean and wanted more for her sure her turnout is is somewhat realistic lots of people's potentials go to waste but I guess we could try to see it in a positive way which is that she was happy in the end I think I hope but yeah Justice for Lane where'd you come from now who you are too Paris Geller is what we call a good complexed character I mean if I'm being fair a lot of the Gilmore Girls characters are but Paris is one of the more interesting ones the thing I love about Paris is for drive you know when I look at Rory and school I feel like Rory had passion for Learning and it's just something she enjoyed I feel like if Rory didn't find some kind of pleasure from learning she wouldn't be a top student whereas Paris she has the drive to achieve her goals no matter how much hard work it takes Paris had a lot of reasons to want to give up through the show and I found her season 6 Arc to be admirable she got a job rented some crappy apartment and kept going despite what her family was going through paris's financial situation in season six was actually a good reason to take time off of Yale but she didn't despite growing up rich she didn't look down on the only living situation she could afford when I see how Paris interacts with people I can't help but think that she might have Asperger's Syndrome like she just shows so many symptoms like aggression compulsive Behavior fidgeting social isolation anger and anxiety she didn't even really change her attitude it's just that she became friends with worry so we didn't really see her nastier side as often on screen oh but it was still there am I the only one who felt like their friendship meant more to Paris than it did Rory I sort of feel like Rory became friendly at Paris so she could get her off her back which isn't a bad thing but at times I felt bad for pairs because I think she cared more about Rory than the other way around Rory was a generally loved person with so many people in her life who cared about her so the two of them didn't really serve the same purpose to each other Ferris is the friend that I'd like to have I mean she might be difficult but she will give you the reality check you need she did that with worry so many times when you think about it she was the only one who pushed Rory to come out of her shell more in high school and participate in more activities Rory had no idea that good grades weren't good enough to get into Ivy League schools Paris was good to have a round Rory because their competitive Dynamic pushed Rory to be better Aurora was also a good influence for a Paris to social life and brought a lot of support into her life also just real quick before I move on did anyone have a hard time watching pairs with Asher I really hated that storyline it was so disturbing like I don't know why they would do that it added nothing to her character it was just gross and weird like I thought it was just gonna go somewhere but nope he just like like died like what but yeah pariskeller best character growth on the show up there with Jess hey do you have any Lucille balls left yes I have some balls I'm sorry are you a fan of the 50 slash mid 60s sitcom heroines so when we first met Kirk he wasn't Kirk he was Mick which I always forget when I rewatched the show so I'm always confused for a second before I remember again also Patty didn't even know Kirk like how Kirk's an oddball he's this weird independent man child that can do any job but can't really take care of himself sometimes he can be such an idiot that it's not even comedic anymore it's just irritating but his character is basically one of the many running gags on the show and he always brings back familiarity to the story so you know that's Kirk that's blood you're bleeding why are you bleeding oh my Stitch is open I was using too much maple syrup it strangled the fruit when did you get stitches all right Suki Saint James so tsuki is an amazing Chef that can't take criticism and can be quite annoying when it comes to her food I mean she's a perfectionist and she cares a lot about her craft sometimes she gives me anxiety because she's so clumsy and when you're in a kitchen you can't be that Reckless it's just a recipe for disaster honestly some of her cooking storylines I skipped now because of how annoying it can get remember the Lord of the Rings party or when she was on maternally leave and was being difficult about her replacement also I don't think she was the best business partner like realistically in real life her friendship with Lorelai probably wouldn't have survived but you know in my opinion her good qualities outweigh her annoying ones by far her bubbliness bounces off really well with lorelei's quirkiness they really make a good pair she was a supportive friend and neighbor and was always eager help I mean she wanted to sell her car for Rory to go to Chilton like how selfless is that but yeah asuki is just an amazing character and the show would just not have been the same without Melissa McCarthy and yes I'm referring to the pilot episode I mean Alex Bernstein is awesome but like oh my God could you imagine anyone else being Suki I can't but yeah unbelievable so this is what we've come to you sneaking around behind my back buying somebody else's strawberries okay so Jackson Jackson is the other side of the beta couple on this show I like Jackson well most of the time his relationship with his produce is hilarious and for the most part his innocent ignorance is funny and not really harmful he is kind of a jerk sometimes though like he just kind of barks at people remember that time he yelled at Rory for not having Suki make the pizza for Lola's birthday I mean he did it out of love for Rory but they're just these times where I'm like dude chill you can't just yell at people because they aren't doing what you want but you know most of his scenes are with Lorelei and Suki and those two can be pretty aggravating so yeah Jackson was basically an extended piece of Suki's storyline all his main story lines were centered around her with the town selectman storyline being the only one where he broke off and did his own thing by the way the whole vasectomy storyline was all kinds of messed up and it was not a good look but apart from that I guess he's cool he's cool I guess yeah excuse me and there was a phone call for you and if I'm to fetch you like a dog I'd like a cookie in a raise so Michelle is another example of a great TV side character that's fun to watch but would be insufferable in real life he has no patience and gets annoyed so quickly Lorelei mostly pokes fun at his short temper while Suki gets annoyed by it more often and has hilarious screaming matches with him we do see that he is good at his job and is an integral part of the dragonflies in and the independence in in the Revival Lorelei says that Michelle is her Paris and I guess it makes sense also Mia's rudeness surrounding his accent gets me every time I mean he's a type of character whose annoyance is hilarious and it would be really awkward seeing him act loving or happy he's one of those friends that won't ever tell you they love you unless they'll know you'll never see them again I do wonder about Michelle's sexuality if he came out publicly after the show ended or if the show decided to rectified in the Revival because on the show he has kind of shown interest in women so I'm not sure if we're supposed to ignore it but I mean at least it's clear now so yeah well excuse me Andrew but some of us have businesses to run that don't involve peddling drug paraphernalia to kids it was a lava lamp Taylor there is no use for a lava lamp unless you're on drugs so Taylor is the towns like men and the owner of the grocery and ice cream shop of Stars Hollow I mean I'm surprised that the amount of people who dislike Taylor yeah he's an annoying anal retentive rule obsessed control freak but his character is actually really sad when you think about it he seems to have no personal life no friends no family nothing it seems like his job is the only thing he has going for him like it's some kind of compensation for his loneliness when Jackson got the job he realized that it was not all about the title and that Taylor actually does deal with the town folks issues and events all while running two businesses so you know he's a hard worker in the Revival it was sort of implied that Taylor was gay and honestly I don't know how it never crossed my mind but it definitely makes you look at his character under a different light I do understand why so many people dislike him he's annoying and sometimes malicious but you know for me sometimes I see a lot of characters at heightened versions of What they'd actually be like in reality so a lot of it just becomes comedic Taylor's ways can be very hard to watch when he's interacting with other characters like when Lorelei was just trying to open the end but then there are the prices moment during the town meetings that just kind of makes his annoying attitude worth it but yeah I mean I like Taylor let me know let me know down below how you feel about Taylor I'm actually curious [Music] I'm going over there when I come back over here these chairs will be in the same place no moving you understand yes Mom not you him so Mrs Kim in my opinion is one of the characters where there's a healthy balance between people who hate her and those who love her or don't mind her I think at the end of the day how you feel about her comes down to the way you view her treatment of Lane personally I rooted feeling every time and I wanted her to get out of there but that didn't make me hate Mrs Kim in fact she was a very funny character to me personally and I repeat personally I get bothered when people call her abusive was she a little too strict yeah she was did she abuse Lane no hell no come on people just throw around that word like it's nothing at the end of the day you saw that lane and Mrs Kim loved each other and respected each other like many parents from conservative families they don't see anything wrong with their actions they were treated that way and they see it as normal eventually these things usually get less intense over time when someone in the lineage breaks the cycle Lane understands that her mother believes she knows what's best for her and none of it is from a place of hate that's why there's never any resentment between them despite the falling out in the end we all saw how Mrs Kim pushed Lane to not give up on her dreams and did the best she could to help them out and then people want to call her horrible also just to be clear I know some people don't like her because it reminds them of their upbringing so I get that and that's something I'll never judge I myself grew up in a semi-strict household and honestly I would feel Lane's pain most of the time but at times I could just understand that Mrs Kim thought she was doing what was right so yeah yeah that's all I got from Mrs Kim [Music] Jerry Cutler's new one Annabelle oh that name alone turns out the 24 year old former Miss Magnolia Blossom had a little secret what her birthday so okay let's quickly talk about Miss Babette so Babette is the loud eccentric lovable neighbor and honestly I love her she's just iconic her and Mori are awesome her stories are always such WTF moments but honestly they crack me up every time but that's duo with Patty on the show is also one of the most notable pairing they're just always gossiping and oftentimes are used to inform other characters on the show of things they should know to keep the story moving Miss Patty is nice too but she's an absolute weirdo the way she just feels so comfortable making sexual innuendos at men on the show and even worse the underage boys just makes her sort of unlikable just imagine if it were an older man making those comments about teenage girls he would have been labeled the town perv apart from that she she does have a few moments where she shines most specifically during the town meetings she just has such a funny Dynamic with Taylor dude can you chill out about your freaking 11c's do we get this song straightened out I'm hypoglycemic if I don't get something in my system I'm gonna cry let's talk about Thing One and Thing Two real quick so Zach's a likable guy he's also an absolute clown and should have remained in the background every time I see him in season three acting like a fool with two brain cells I just wonder how he ends up being Lane's husband the main reason it's so weird to me is because when I see Lane with Dave it's just so hard to think of Zach as his replacement it just sort of felt cheap to make them end up together don't get me wrong I think Zach is a great guy and he actually treated Lane with a lot of decency and respect but it's just hard for me to take him seriously when I see him in the earlier Seasons I'm I'm sorry but that's just yeah that's just what Zach is to me Brian of course is also another clown with a heart of gold and Gil was actually really interesting him having a wife and kids in a business made his character really approachable instead of creepy there were cool elements to clean story I guess so yeah I don't mind them I don't mind their scenes they're not my favorite but but they're good they're good so yeah [Music] worse well you know not drinking it is always an option not in my world I'm Max Medina so let's start with Mac shall we my opinions on Max changes depending on the episodes because sometimes I feel like Lorelei didn't give him enough of a chance but other times I feel like on lorelei's side they were just not a match Max seemed fascinated with Lorelei and with Lorelei it felt more like she fell in love with the idea of what Max could represent in her life in my opinion they got engaged way too quickly there was no time for them to really get to test out living together I was especially uncomfortable when Max was trying to parent Rory it was too early and Lorelei has always raised Rory alone it's not even like Rory had another person there at any point in her life so 16 seems a little late to want to parent Someone's Child like I do get that when he joins the family he should have a say but knowing how independent Lorelei is I cringed for him in that moment it also really just sucks that his proposal was a way to assert his dominance over Lorelei because he was insecure I mean who proposes over the phone after fighting about a guy and expects it to last he was also a bit pushy we can't lie about that I mean I just want to say that if he wasn't so pushy he wouldn't have had a relationship with Lorelei but also knowing Lorelei and how much she likes to be desired I think that if Max had been nonchalant with her she would have eventually gone towards him long story short their relationship couldn't have worked in my opinion Lorelei was still in her self-destructive phase and Max wanted Lorelei to be something she could never be I mean I still liked a huge portion of the relationship and I wish they weren't doomed from the start because I think that apart from being a little pushy he actually had some great qualities and he could have been a really good father figure for Rory as well well hello Digger Styles Lorelei Gilmore you sure grew up good oh did I dig her thanks listen you know what sucks when a TV show establishes their end games early on because every time a new love interest walks in no matter how much they should end up together all you ever wonder while watching them is how much longer especially when it's a good match you sort of just want them to rip off the Band-Aid and get on with it that's what I felt with Jason at first it was such an odd match I mean especially physically they do not match but then something happened I saw Laura like compromise not only once by sheer coincidence but multiple times Lorelei is a my way or Norway kind of gal so the fact that she liked Jason enough to put up with his weird quirks was actually refreshing all the time before and after this relationship all we would see were men shifting to adapt to whatever weirdo thing Laurel I was into but never so much the other way around the only person in my opinion better at matching lorelei's Banner was Chris the relationship also came in a good time for Lorelei because her kid was out of the house and she had a lot more space for a man in her life it was quite refreshing seeing Emily not like one of the girls boyfriends for something other than the fact that they weren't Rich dating a man for the sole purpose of annoying your parents is also a terrible idea I mean what happens when the novelty wears off I don't even think that Lorelei was projecting herself with Jason she's just sort of going with it and enjoying the bubble of secrecy she was in as soon as the parents got involved the relationship imploded and for a number of reasons it wasn't surprising at all Richard was an absolute piece of crap for what he did to Jason Point Blank and Richard could have at least tried to solve it amicably before going behind Jason's back I mean I think a lot of people would have broken up with him in that moment I mean only a woman who is truly in love would have stayed by his side or at least would have tried harder to keep the peace Lorelei didn't have a speck of sadness leaving him emotionally she was already detaching and entertaining the idea of Luke I wish Jason didn't come back for Loyola at the end because that was pathetic and embarrassing for his character when as viewers we could see what was happening with Luke my shirt Christopher all right Christopher there's a lot to unpack here for me in a perfect world Chris is the guy would have wanted Lorelei to end up with and in my first view watch I was gutted at how it ended but the more I watched the show the more I realized that the relationship was actually a best case scenario type of thing let me explain in the earlier Seasons Chris had this unmatched energy with Lorelei that made it seem like they were perfect for each other they had this amazing Banner with each other and the chemistry was still there even after 16 years but then you realize that until Rory was 16 Christopher never went to Stars Hollow and you're just like what the like the quality that would have made Christopher Charming to no end and basically irreproachable would have been if he was a good dad and if he was present the thing with Chris and Lorelei is that it's not a black and white situation they both wanted different things and couldn't satisfy each other when Lorelei became a parent her mom instincts kicked in and she knew that Mary and Christopher wouldn't yield anything good so she took her child and left and he didn't fight it at the time he was a 16 year old boy and I could understand that it was scary but not showing up to your child's house for 16 years is like highly up aren't you curious at all to see where she grew up and who she's surrounded by I don't know I've said this plenty of times now and I'll say it again Lorelei doesn't compromise and she believes she knows best especially when it comes to her daughter I think it's extremely hard to co-parent with someone like that but even if it's hard to co-parent with someone like Lorelei she's still a great parent to have because she dedicated her entire life to Rory without giving it a second thought and always put her first co-parenting with a person like Christopher is also tough and complicated because he's not a bad person so it's hard to justify keeping him away from your kid it's not like he's a literal danger to the child or he'll be a bad influence per se but he doesn't have his together enough to be a good parent so there's that part of you that feels like you need to protect your kid from that also I think his attitude towards Roy was just sort of messed up even if it wasn't like overtly mean you know he seemed to love Rory by default because she was his blood and it seemed like the obvious thing to do also Rory is a very lovable child but he put Lorelei on this pedestal that even Roy couldn't reach and and that's messed up it sucked that his relationship with Roy was so dependent on how well his relationship with Lorelei was going like your child should come first it's not the other way around Rory's interaction with him in the Revival was so depressing I think she was asking him those questions because she was pregnant and wanted to figure out what to do but his response was just so sad his excuse was that Lorelei kept reject him from their lives and to some level it's true she did constantly reject him but she would reject him romantically not as a father and for Chris that sorta came as a package deal I get that from the point of view of someone as immature as Christopher it must have seemed like Lorelei was sending mixed signals but he still should have loved his daughter enough to show up more often when she was younger don't get me wrong knowing Lorelei I believe she would still prefer this Arrangement a thousand times over than if Chris shared custody of Rory even if he was a responsible father you Chris wanted to be a family but he was incapable of doing the work he also didn't want the blame so he just played the Martyr by staying away he was a well-intentioned Man Who Loved Lorelei and Rory but lacked the character to follow through on his responsibility towards them for Lorelei 2 he was the ideal man because he was her first real attachment and obviously because she had a child with him they never stopped being attracted to each other which is kind of a big deal I believe she pushed him away because she was trying to protect what they had going even though it was very tempting for her too he was just her what if person and honestly she needed to be with him to fully let go of the idea or else he would have lingered forever Lorelei said herself that she would constantly self-sabotage relationships because of Chris so eloping was a step too far but I'm glad they had a relationship so that Lorelei could fully let go of the Christopher fantasy at the end of the day I do think that there was some growth as his character because he understood that what he did with Roy was wrong and despite the fact that being with Lorelei was his dream and he finally got the chance to be with her he did the right thing and he chose his daughter Gigi that was one of the few positives to come out of his messy Arc all the writers kept doing was changing his narrative around depending on where they wanted the story to go he was literally the show's biggest plot device and that was annoying but yeah how many cups have you had this morning none plus five but yours is better you have a problem yes I do okay now Luke so Luke is a good person and I think that's one of the things no one in the fandom would argue about he's a good guy now where opinions differ in the fandom is whether or not Luke and Lorelei are actually a good match but let's talk about Luke as a person first so Lucas is really grumpy guy and it turns a lot of people off myself included he's the town Grump he hates all town events and he gets into screaming matches with Taylor every couple of episodes he also tends to project whatever crap he's going through onto his customers when he's in a good mood he'll get free food and drinks which is fine but when he's angry he'll completely lash out on his customers which as a viewer is entertaining to watch but highly problematic on its own I don't know if Luke has always been that way or if it's an accumulation of disappointment he's experience but that side of him never really changes to the show as a matter of fact I think it got worse on some aspects there were three times where I had a really hard time tolerating Luke and the first one was on his double date with Lorelei Rory and Dean it doesn't matter what you think of him you just don't act like his whole Rory is too good for Dean's speech was a very messed up thing to say I'm sorry I thought okay maybe he isn't being a jerk maybe he just doesn't like Dean for whatever reason then we get to the second time where he was just awful and that was the Martha's Vineyard trip Luke was just insufferable in that episode he was acting like such an idiot the writers definitely amped up his usual grumpiness in that episode I don't know how Lorelei didn't just snap at him later on I realized that ever since Roy dated Jess he's just sort of been biased about all her boyfriends okay now it sounds like I really hate Luke but I don't okay so so let's talk about what makes Luke a good person Luke is the most selfless character on the show for someone who is so grumpy and hates town events I find it so adorable when he still participates to help out Taylor and the town's people like sometimes I actually feel like Luke maybe secretly loves all the town Shenanigans but he'll never admit it I've noticed more than anyone that he'll rise above any situation when it's necessary and he'll step up to the plate when he and Lorelei had broken up and Richard had a heart attack he showed up while Christopher wasn't even bothered to pick up his phone and to be completely honest after the way Richard and Emily treated him I don't think they deserved his help Also let's not forget that he hates hospitals if Jess hadn't left Luke was willing to walk him through anything and even though he only lived with him for two years he was the most constant figure in his life even with Liz and TJ he was so good to them he was good to Rory and genuinely cared about her he did for her so many things that Christopher was supposed to Luke was just a very loyal character and did so many nice things on the show that I couldn't even list them all but you know what makes me laugh Luke with women it's just so awkward when he interacted with women Rachel Nicole Anna it was also so weird to me I mean he basically had a thing for Lorelei since he met her and it took him eight years to work up the courage to talk to her so how did you just marry Nicole so quickly he built a hubba for Lola's wedding with an another man yet he was in love with her I mean he was just so inconsistent with women sometimes he got all nice and confident and other times he was literally stumbling on his words how did he need a self-help book to get with Lorelei what about all the other women in his life like Rachel for example I mean I don't know maybe it was a reflection of how much he liked the woman in question since he was awkwardness with Lorelei and he basically put on a pedestal speaking of Lorelei let's talk about the Luke and Lorelei romance you know that undeniable Chemistry Between Luke and Lorelai that even the writers couldn't ignore him years later and I still don't know what the hell everyone's talking about but whatever Luke was into Lorelei for as long as we've known him and we were meant to believe that Lorelei had a thing for him too but it's so obvious that before they got together Luke was the one who loved her way more than the other way around there's this jealousy and possessiveness between them and half of their fights revolved around some kind of jealousy ego thing every time and it was so funny when Laurel I would want diner food but couldn't go in because she fought with Luke you know how sometimes people don't want to date their friends because they could lose the person as a whole if I were a lorelei's friend I don't think I would push her to be with Luke because he's actually a really good friend and knowing how self-destructive Lorelei could be I wouldn't want her to ruin the Friendship but they did date and even though I didn't really ship them before I liked seeing them together the first time around they're both putting in enough work for the beginning of a relationship unfortunately faluca didn't take long for the gilmours to start treating him like dirt he acted so respectfully and put up with everything Emily and Richard said or did I mean Emily and Richard's attitudes were deplorable but it was his girlfriend's parents so it wasn't as bad as having to deal with Christopher which was a whole other story after they got back together and decided to get married Luke was very patient with Lorelei while she was sorting through her issues with worry but even before April showed up the dynamic already felt like it was changing at times it very much felt like I got the girl and my work here is done there seemed to be a balance between who was more invested and it would always change between these two when April came in she completely flipped that balance as well as Luke's entire world you could tell he wanted to get things so perfect that he stopped putting in any efforts with Lorelei because he already knew where he stood with her during this period Luke was an absolute jerk to Lorelei and he was aware of it but wouldn't do anything about it because April was his priority at the time the biggest flaw in the relationship was the lack of communication the lying and the walking on eggshells they needed therapy and they never got it and when you flash forward to the Revival you could see that that stuff just never goes away to those who ship them I can understand where you come from because they had some really cute moments and a lot of little amazing gestures towards each other through the seasons but for me personally there were so many annoying things about the relationship mostly with Lorelei who was never really willing to compromise with anything and with Luke who basically internalizes everything it just sometimes felt like there was a boiling Kettle in the background with the two of them and personally I just I I just wasn't convinced my family just moved here from Chicago Chicago windy Oprah yeah yeah that's the place so this guy was an okay guy I won't say he was a bad guy because that would be taking it too far but to call him a great guy would be pushing it too basically what Dean needed as a character was growth and he never really got that if anything his character really regressed Dean was a good first boyfriend in my opinion because they were young and even if they didn't see eye to eye on things in life it didn't matter since they weren't really trying to build anything together he was really sweet to Rory and when the show premiered he was the ideal boyfriend to all young viewers I think how you first saw Dean depended on how young you were when you first started watching the show lots of adults saw red flags that us viewers were totally oblivious to so red flags right what are these red flags I speak of well to put it simply I could save Dean's hidden rage Dean had a nice guy persona until he didn't the first time a weird hit's ugly head was when he told Rory he loved her and she couldn't say it back he was younger and it would have been okay if it was a one-time thing but as the show progressed it's Dynamic with worry changed he became so toxic and possessive gosh remember that time he wouldn't stop calling like jeez he didn't cheer Ferrari in a lot of important moments and was actually kind of a hater and if it didn't make things worse Rory was literally terrified of him remember that bracelet storyline the only time I take Dean's defense is when he gets for his reaction to finding out Rory crashed the car with Jess I understand hating a character but please be a little realistic and fair she had been gaslighting him for months and he isn't stupid he could see that she was lying to him about Jess how the hell is he supposed to react to finding out that she went on a drive with a guy who's clearly into her and doesn't even have the decency to hide it and then crashed the car he spent weeks fixing up for her not just that but he wouldn't have even found out that they were hanging out alone in the evening if the accident didn't happen so she was basically telling him because he was going to find out anyway he kicked a duffel bag so what that's all he did and then he let it go and he moved on like he's allowed to have a reaction and in that moment his anger was completely understandable you know who was the real victim in the story Lindsay she was treated like when all she was trying to do was make Dean happy first off getting married that early never a good idea and even worse when the person who you're marrying is a freaking rebound one of his top moments going home after cheating on her and having the audacity to yell at her like excuse me you shouldn't even be talking right now I will say this though I hate how Gene became a victim to the narrative in some sorts just like Christopher his personality was changed in function of where the story needed to go in season 1 he connected with Rory on books music and was mostly able to keep up with their pop culture references then they literally did a 180 and turned him into an idiot when just came to town well a little before he came into town but it was in preparation for justice arrival I'm not saying he was some book geek like Rory and maybe he was even putting up an act to war but you still have to have some kind of intelligence to do that and I don't think it aligned with the later seasoned Dean it just wasn't fair to his character in my opinion but I was happy to see that he was happy in the Revival the positive penny in me believes he got hold on his bad habits or met someone who truly brought the good in him hey hey I'm Roy yeah I figured nice to meet you on to Mr fan favorite Jess after my initial watch I was so confused as to why everyone liked him so much I just didn't like him like at all and I'm not even going to lie he's still not my favorite but now I do get what the fandom sees in him just as a character that gets better and better to the point where his growth surpasses the main character's growth Jess was introduced as your typical angsty misunderstood teenage boy with a chip on his shoulder and the only character he really felt comfortable opening up to was worried so basically nothing out of the ordinary regardless of how I felt about Jess I was always excited to see him and Dean in the theme song because it meant that the episode was going to be good he just brought that bad boy good girl Trope to the story that people literally salivate over what made him so unlikable to me at least was that he was unnecessarily rude he was grumpy like his Uncle also we talk a lot about about Dean's treatment of Lindsay but Jess was such an to Shane like honestly I don't know why the guys on this show can't act properly with other women who aren't gilmours his own credit the Stars Hollow Community was not that welcoming to him as soon as he got to town every time something bad happened they just assumed it was Jess and Luke kept getting attacked by everyone because of it you know sometimes when people have their mind made about you and they won't change it you might as well do what you want Jess was a kid who hadn't had stability growing up both of his parents were bad parents he didn't even have a paternal figure just a bunch of bad boyfriends who treated his mother like crap and his mother was more focused on getting male validation than looking after her young impressionable son it's actually really sad when you think about it people like Jess have to learn to emotionally detach from others to protect themselves it does a lot of damage to a person when the people who are supposed to love and care for you don't then getting sent to a town without having a say in it can get you in defensive mode yeah so I get it Luke was the first person who was truly looking out for Jess and you see the trajectory of his life after after he lived in Stars Hollow Luke was good for him but he was also really good for Luke the two of them acting like a family and bonding pushed them out of their comfort zones with worry the relationship was better when they were not together before and after they broke up when they were together all they did was make out and argue intellectually they definitely mashed each other and I get why Rory was fascinated with him but it wasn't enough to keep their relationship alive because Jess didn't know how to love her right at the time there were too many messy things that he did to her remember that scene in the room at the party that was not a good look on top of that he left town without even informing her like come on dude have some respect he did not treat her well in my opinion and that made Rory put Dean on a pedestal and I think that sort of drove her back into Dean's arms but out of all of Rory's boyfriends he was the one who challenged her the most he pushed her on the right track I mean they both pushed each other to reach their goals even in the Revival he was sort of the one who nudged her in the the right direction he had the best influence on her in my opinion and she for him ultimately that's what you want in a partner someone who will push you to do better I do Wonder though am I the only one who felt second hand embarrassment when he asked her to run away with him like come on dude use your common sense his growth in the series is up there at Paris says he might have flunked out of school but he found what he loved made something out of himself and I was really proud of him in the Revival lots of people who hate Jesse say that Roy was too good for him and I guess in the original show sure but after the Revival if one person is too good for the other one it's definitely Jess I'm sorry I slipped my mind of course I met you yesterday with Marty nice to see you again be nice to see you again Rory you're looking well angry works for you now we get to Rory's final love interest on the show Logan with Logan I don't really know how I feel about him I definitely don't hate him it's just that sometimes I don't care for him at all by the time he came around I wasn't as invested in Rory's love life as I was before she got to Yale but back to Logan so Logan was Slash is this adventurous smart Charming footy smooth talker type of guy which is great but he's also a spoiled snobby arrogant little rich boy who talks down to anyone who isn't from his Circle so yeah some people hate Logan because they say he was a bad influence for Rory and that he led her downfall and I wouldn't completely agree with that because it's a lot more complicated you see Rory's perfect attitude started cracking as early as season 2 and by the season 4 finale she had slept with a married man so to fully blame Logan for her downfall would be really unfair in fact fact the only thing you could maybe pin on Logan was that he sped up something that was going to happen with Rory anyway it's true that if she didn't date Logan she wouldn't have met Mitchum and the chain of events following the you don't have it speech wouldn't have happened but you know what if Rory hadn't heard it from Mitchum then she would have probably heard it from someone else in the journalism World truth is not everyone's going to be impressed by you and you need to learn to take criticism and do something constructive with it by the end of season 5 Rory had burnt out in my opinion she had already lost Focus she was getting more and more mixed into the life of her grandparents especially because of her relationship with Logan with the whole boat stealing incident however I can't defend either of them that was a typical rich kid thing to do and I wasn't in the least bit surprised that Logan would propose that and actually I wasn't surprised that Rory accepted so easily either Logan's adventurous side made him really Reckless he literally almost killed himself because of it and you know what as long as it only affects him that was his problem but then there was how he treated the non-rich that sewing box incident for example was gross and showed how little consideration he had for other people and if Lorelei hadn't said anything that poor girl would have gotten fired now let me just say this though Gilmore Girls is really good at showing the good and the bad side of people because in this situation Rory and Logan were able to sit and watch something and fair go down and even laugh about it while Lorelei was the one with the moral compass but then you remember that Lorelei switched the seating arrangement of her mother's party planner and got her unfairly fired it's one I think of moments like these where I realized that at least Logan wasn't a hypocrite he knew he was privileged and he owned it while people like Lorelei and Rory refused to admit it I can't tell you how much I enjoyed Logan telling Rory that she was just like him she went to prep school went to an Ivy League school had an important name and in the end never really had to worry about money his moping about his father's day dictation over his life got really tiring but I do understand how he might have felt trapped he would party excessively and enjoy what was left of his freedom because he had to follow his Father's Footsteps I mean to be honest he could have just decided to follow his own path and yes it's easier said than done but he had a lot of good Connections in the end and he did manage to find his own job so yeah once again it all turned out fine for him which rendered his complaining useless I want to give credit to Logan because he also gets a lot of flack for cheating on Rory but I still don't know if I consider her cheating I mean at some point even Rory kind of alluded to it being a breakup I I don't know I don't know I feel like a part of her knew it was a breakup because she did stay with him after finding out and was probably still mad about him because it hit her ego either way Logan is the guy who changed Ferrari the most out of all her boyfriends he became monogamous for her he let her be herself and never wanted to impose his views on her do you remember that time Rory had a crush on a stranger and told Logan do you think she could have told Dean or honestly even Jess I think they had the healthiest relationship out of the three yes Logan maybe didn't do much to get Roy back to Yale but he was also respecting her choice which was something most people around her at the time weren't doing also last thing I find it interesting how the show made a point to show us how similar Logan was to Christopher it's often said that humans will fall for people who remind them of the parent that they have unresolved feelings with and we all know how Rory feels about Chris so yeah it's pretty interesting so I love how the show picked all these love interests from the most used mail tropes out there first we got the dreamy Boy Next Door while at the same time we got the bad boy who picks on the girl because he secretly likes her I'm still a little salty that Chad left for Dawson's Creek which by the way his character on that show was awful but we'll talk about that another day then we got the Misunderstood bad boy who hates everyone except for the nice girl after we got a little bit of the nice guy who's actually not so nice but thinks he deserves a chance because he's that nice one but will still get mad at you because you can't understand why you possibly can't like him back and then finally we got the rich Ladies Man Who changes after he meets the one I mean listen good Ferrari I guess I seriously wonder what other type of guy they had under their sleeves if the show hadn't ended abruptly but either way for me there was never a guy that I was fully satisfied with but let me me know down below which guy was your favorite and why first season of Gilmore Girls premiered in October of 2000 at this time Lorelei was 32 and Rory was a few weeks away from turning 16. we met the characters at the first turning point of their life during this time after a few years of separation Lorelei against her greatest desires made the decision to reconnect with her estranged parents in order to give her daughter Rory all the chances to reach her goals I.E Harvard and journalism when he watched the first season of many shows the character decisions may not make as much sense because you don't know them but when you re-watch the series you realize the foundations that were being set up in the first seasons in the first season we get enough information about the characters that whatever happens next in the story we can piece things together but not so much that bringing up the stories will get tiring for example we know that Chris is a deadbeat dad but we don't know how exactly it came to be until it becomes relevant for the characters to discuss it again in the later Seasons we get a better understanding of why Lorelei left home we even get to a point where Rory gets to see her mom's perspective later in the series we also get to see the other side of the coin with some of the other characters some would get to understand Emily's motives more but in season one we're given enough Humanity from Emily's character that we already know that there's more to her than what Lorelai tells others in the second season the character traits have been established Lorelei Bales on her wedding after a phone call with Christopher Rory misses her mom's graduation to be with Jess Emily and Lorelei can't seem to find middle ground at the spa weekend a lot of future things on the show were foreshadowed in season two most of the character arcs could be traced back to season two you know when you look at Kurt's character for example in the first season versus the second one you notice that season two is where he really becomes Kirk someone like Dean as well unfortunately was better in season one but his actions in the later Seasons would line up with his attitude in the second season lorelei's Dynamic with Christopher in my opinion was truly set in season 2 and not as strongly in the first one both season 1 and season 2 respectively had overarching stories that would finally get wrapped up by the season 3 finale but season 2 had the strongest impact in the overall series season 3 was one of the show's best seasons for me it was the best it took a lot of the Season 2 story lines and went over them again but drove things in sort of a different direction season two had just come back to town and swear to be better in season three Luke took a different approach at his guardianship with Jess and you know unfortunately didn't work out and just would eventually leave town like season 2 Jess and Rory would just hover around and nothing major happened until the end but instead of fighting it like in season 2 and this season Dean would choose to step away from this this led to the Rory and just relationship in season 2 Lorelei and Suki would attempt to buy the in and would get rejected by Fran but in season 3 after Fran's passing Lola and tsuki would ultimately be able to buy and begin their in Journey the finale of season 3 was wrapped up perfectly and would set up season 4 to be a mini reboot like many shows as the seasons Advance the tone of the show will shift as well the first three seasons were the most similar to each other and had several distinct themes that made it set itself apart from the earlier seasons in my book the first three seasons are defined as Rory's high school years and lorelei's Independence in years the first few seasons of Gilmore Girls were the most magical and innocent ones the color palette used in the scenes gave the story a warm Ambiance season one was the grainiest one of all but season 2 and 3 weren't too different either the show had vibrant lighting Stark shadows and low saturation the scene lighting would heavily rely on inseam lamps and natural sunlight which made it feel more lively the earlier Seasons would use diegetic lighting which would then give the scenes a rich warm feel which is why visually at least the first few seasons felt the coziest visually the first few seasons felt the warm as story-wise as well the first three seasons possess a charm that is lost in the later seasons season one felt like super 90s which in my opinion gave it a special difference from all the other Seasons they still used pagers Dean had like the most 90s hairstyle ever and the songs performed by the town Troubadour were great Throwbacks from that time it was great those earlier Seasons felt the safest the characters were going through modest troubles with Simple Solutions the story felt more contained and at the core it was still centered around a family dealing with their issues with one another and that family aspect never changes but eventually we do get a lot of external factors causing disagreements between the characters at first we were still befriending the characters we were sort of in a honeymoon phase where everything is perfect the show had this very optimistic Vibe everything with Rory seemed set and we wouldn't guess all the trouble she would get into later it felt nice seeing our characters work towards their dreams and eventually get it what we were rooting for felt very clear for characters like Rory it was Harvard than Yale and with Lorelei it was the inn and Luke and seeing them work towards those goals were some of the most Charming parts of the earlier seasons now we get to season 4 which is the second major turning point for our characters Rory is in college and lives in New Haven and Lorelei is starting a new business from scratch even though this season was Rory's first year in college Lorelei storylines dominated this season well not just Lorelei actually Richard Emily Luke Lane hell even Kirk had some pretty good storylines this season Lorelei for the first time had a season-long boyfriend as well as a shift from the usual her boyfriend belonged to her parents world this is the most intertwined lorelei's love life would ever get with her parents World Richard Emily and lorelai's storylines were very connected this season Rory on the other hand storylines were completely detached which I guess kind of made sense because she was supposed to be off to college doing her own thing but the only interesting things that were happening to her were out of college her College storylines were a complete snooze Fest by the fifth season of the show the show had completely changed Direction every major thing the audience might have been rooting for was delivered by the end of season four Rory is now in college Lola has now opened her in and her will they won't they situation has finally come to an end with her and Luke getting together with every season Lorelei and Rory got more distant both physically and mentally in the sense where their values and ways of seeing life started to differ more and more in season 4 they were still learning to be a part physically and this was giving Rory time to grow and be her own person in the season 4 finale Rory finally ends up sleeping with a married man and tries to justify her actions with her mother this is the first real falling out that they have unlike the previous season where Rory goes on a modest trip around Europe with her mom she goes on an extravagant trip to Europe with her grandmother this signified one of the bigger shifts in the worlds between Lorelei and Rory Rory in the season gradually starts entering the world of the rich much to her mother's disapproval of course you know while her mom is at home giving up cable magazine subscriptions and no longer eating out Rory is hanging out with the EL secret societies and getting cocktails thrown in her honor we're also seeing Rory and Dean trying to capture the magic that just isn't there anymore you know the tone of the show at this point had just completely shifted at this point the show becomes more serialized with a lot more overarching dramas we start to feel more of the elitism in this chunk of the story it's no longer just small town and modest business with Richard and Emily being so heavily featured both in their work life and private life the show takes a different turn and goes deeper into these characters issues Emily's having a crisis and Lorelei is also having a semi-crisis and Rory is definitely having a crisis Wedding Bell Blues is one of the show's most dramatic episodes and also a really good one in general the aftermath of the episode in my opinion made season 5 even better I mean the blue and pink ribbons was just gold and reminded us of the good old Stars Hollow nonsense this season was one of the last times any significant characters would be introduced to the show in season 4 we met Liz and TJ who some people find funny and others find annoying and in season five we met the hansberger family who basically filled the show upside down I'm just gonna go right out and say it at this point seventy percent of the show became about rich people problems so if you stopped caring I wouldn't blame you oh and yes this is where the cinematography completely changed and we lost that Charming quality of the earlier Seasons at this point HD TVs were becoming popular so they started filming wider shots using lighting and discarding the ones in the actual set Shadows basically became non-existent and that took away from the liveliness of the objects in the background the colors got washed out and the imagery was giving a colder feel than before at this time microwave price the Director of Photography also left the show so you know that negatively impacted the cinematography as well I mean when you look at the timeline of the show the change in cinematography aligned with the change in storytelling the later seasons were just generally less happy seasons and the vibe we got from the cinematography wasn't really happy either so yeah so in May of 2006 CBS and Time Warner announced that they would be shutting down the WB and the upm channels in order to merge the two networks the network would become what we now know as the CW Gilmore Girls was one of the seven shows that were picked up from the WB Network and with this we got the beginning of the end of Gilmore Girls as we knew it so whether you were a Lorelei fan or a Rory fan or an Emily fan or a Java junkie fan this season was no doubt one of the hardest ones to sit through the tensions between the characters were at an all-time high this show was about the special relationship between a mom and a daughter and their Adventures living in a quaint slightly wacky town in New England and season 6 that aspect is completely lost I get that family members fight it's realistic that as people grow and change they may butt heads but for Gilmore Girls Lorelei and Rory not positively interacting for half a season has a big impact lorelei's constant optimism is a pillar on the show and that took a big hit this season At first she wasn't happy because she wasn't talking to her daughter best friend and then in the second part of the season they started messing with her and Luke's relationship Luke shutting her out was slowly eating her away in silence and for the major remaining part of the show we wouldn't see their fun Dynamic come back you know what was really sad when Paul Anka got sick and Lorelei started beating herself up for it it just showed how much Rory's decision affected her self-esteem as a mother on the other hand you have Rory living in a sort of renovated bachelor pad complaining about being woken up at nine and having to do community service I know living with Emily's hard but after committing a felony-sized tantrum and feeling No Remorse for it at all I wouldn't even call it a punishment this season we see Rory delve deeper into her grandparents life Rory seemed to be enjoying this life the thing that's so strange is that Lorelei grew up in this life and hated it and basically trained already hated too yet in the end Rory belonged to this life more than Lorelei ever would good whenever I watch this season all I can think about is how Amy Sherman Paladino was basically building up a fiasco that only she could fix this season is where the story started to prioritize drama and big soapy moments over the little calm moments that translated so well with the fans personally I like April and for Luke is a character I'm glad he could have a kid of his own since it's something he always wanted but I also completely understand why April is one of the most hated characters on the show April represented the big shift on the show the shift that we never came back from on the original show Luke and Lorelai would spit up after this and would have very little interaction in the final season we only see them back together in the finale and even then it's barely closure so season seven also known as the No Amy Sherman Paladino season I have yet to encounter one Gilmore Girls fan just one who'll tell me that they enjoyed it I mean at best I'll hear I didn't really care much for it but never anyone who actually enjoyed it you know as someone who didn't watch it as it aired instead binged it just a few years later I have to say it was weird feeling like I was crawling to the finish line but at the same time dreading the end as well I wasn't watching the show and taking my time to let the episode sink in I was very much rushing through it I needed to get through all the drama just to see how the mess would be fixed I didn't realize this but I was also trying to get back to that safe feeling of calm that the show Once had and I thought that the story would somehow get wrapped up in a way that could bring back that comforting image of these girls lives that I had once before as some of you may know by now Amy Sherman Palladino and Daniel Palladino left the network due to failed contract renegotiations all they wanted was a little more help in the writer's room because after carrying six seasons of 20 to 40 minute episodes it was starting to feel like little much for them also they allegedly wanted money but honestly they deserved it knowing the CW today it's not at all surprising that they would fumble the bag with competent show creators and writers and instead hire new people to work on something that had a very distinct voice for six years I mean they literally refused to let Amy and Daniel get help but they still ended up hiring multiple people to take their place make it make sense please season 7 felt like eating an off-brand of your favorite cereal like you recognize it and it looks familiar but the whole thing just feels off and to be honest there was no other way it could have gone because the show had one distinct voice for six years and no one could have come in and kept it going smoothly the season structure was so different the first half of the season was super slow and then everything in the last few episodes was just sort of rushed Gilmore Girls is a fast-paced show in terms of dialogue but not story-wise the dialogue in season 7 was significantly slower and obviously not quite as witty but when I look back at season 7 I can't even remember that many episode as individuals I can remember about four to five things that happened overall in the season like Chris and lorelei's wedding Emily's our station Luke punching Chris Richard's second heart attack and the impact it had on Chris and lorelei's relationship but I just can't remember the Filler episodes the way I could on the previous Seasons because when you think about it we lost most of those traditionally wacky town events that would happen between the seasons most of the subplots this season went nowhere and in the overall story had no impact the way the little things did in the earlier seasons there was also the fact that most characters were acting so out of character I think that is generally agreed upon that Lorelei wouldn't have ever gotten married without Rory there Luke was so different this season I mean I did appreciate him not being like grumpy 90 of the time but it was still way out of character for him to be so bubbly especially after a breakup with the women of his dreams I mean it could be explained by him having a child and finding new joy in life but I don't know I just wasn't convinced also who the f were these two characters I mean they were nice but also they were so out of place I was always confused about why they needed to be added I don't know it might just be me but yeah I mean personally I would still choose season seven of Gilmore Girls over most TV shows because it's Gilmore Girls and it wasn't necessarily bad TV it was just bad TV by Gilmore Girls standards the dialogue themes pacing and characters that made it famous were all different and they wouldn't get a chance to be fixed ever again even in the year in the life so the bitterness of the fandom is more than understandable now cut to 2016. nine years after the ending of the original series we finally get to the Revival series to many the Revival series was going to fix all that was destroyed in the process of Amy leaving the network this was one of the most anticipated reboots in a long time I mean people roll their eyes now when they hear reboots because like we're tired but Gilmore Girls on the other hand Netflix had a significant growth in subscriptions after the announcement of the show and the Curiosity of Outsiders also attracted a whole new wave of viewers to the original series now let me get this out of the way Gilmore Girls is like magic to me I find so much comfort in this show Even though nothing about these girls lives is relatable to me I enjoyed a year in a life simply for what it was to me it felt like seeing an old friend after a very long time things might be different but it's always nice to see a familiar face and to be completely honest there still hasn't been one show that I could say gives me the same Vibes as this one so at the time it was arriving it was very much appreciated now I'm just one person and I definitely do not represent the general consensus on this matter so let's get more into that so in the final episode of the original series Rory leaves Stars Hollow because she's going to cover future President Barack Obama's campaign and Luke and Lorelei seemingly get back together for hopefully the last time and so for anyone rooting for Rory or Luke and Lorelei that was a great satisfying way to end the show and I left her imaginations filled with rather positive outcomes in 2016 we finally got to the Revival in the form of four episodes covering the four seasons of the year it would be pretty similar to The Original Series in the sense where going through the seasons with the character was a huge part of it the format and filming style of the Revival is immediately noticeable the majority of Gilmore Girls fans hated when the show switched to an HD style back in 2005-2006 the Revival episodes were not only as long as a movie would be but they were also filmed in a way that would make you feel like a professional studio went all in even with the later seasons of the OG show the lighting really contributed in changing the feel of the show as the seasons went by it was one of those things where it looks like look we got all this material to make everything much more clear and lifelike but ends up having the opposite effect I mean Luke's Diner was the worst one for me it was so cold and blue that's the other thing the Revival was kind of a downer I mean after all this time we came back to most of our main characters being unfulfilled and unhappy it was like a dark cloud was looming over the entire series I mean I get it the Revival was about us arriving at a huge turning point for most of our characters again Richard is gone and Emily's alone Lorelei is not only feeling lost in a relationship with Luke she's also losing another pillar in her life Michelle and tsuki isn't even there anymore Rory is just floating around not knowing what to do I mean they're all a huge mess when we come back to their stories in terms of character development it was a huge disservice to Rory especially I mean in the original series she started messing up pretty bad around the middle but she got back on her feet and left the show on an extremely promising note if you never watched the Revival you would think that hey she was just young and messing up and needing to find her footing but then in the Revival she's a 32 year old Mistress of a guy who actually proposed to her nine years before and she rejected also I know it was supposed to be funny or whatever but poor Paul I don't think your treatment of Paul came off the way they thought it would like it wasn't funny at all and it wasn't a good look we also found out that she can't keep a stable job and she has no idea what to actually do with her life this all just cemented the whole Rory Picton High School thing that so many people say about her you know that famous last line in the Revival where Rory reveals she's pregnant Amy Sherman Palladino apparently wanted the original show to end that way which would mean that she wanted Rory to be a mom at 22. personally I don't think there's anything wrong with that she would have been an adult with a college degree in a supportive family but because of this ending lots of people have wondered if the show was always supposed to come back full circle with Logan being the presumed father representing Christopher and just representing Luke I I find it hard to believe that Jess would still be hung up on Rory he is really good Ferrari though and always seems to be the voice of reason for her I know some people weren't really fans of the whole book story point but I liked it the only thing that was odd about the story was lorelei's reaction because I always felt like she was really proud of her journey and that she was an open book but I guess it can be intimidating to have so much of your intimate life being put out into the public I believe Amy wrote most of the Revival with what she would have done with season 8 in mind you know when we come back we find out that Luke and Laurel I never got married and never really came back to the topic of having kids and I mean we know from previous conversations that this is something both her and Luke wanted to do so it seemed odd to see them in that place after nine years the problem with the Revival was that their character developments and lives really felt like it was frozen in time until we got back to it I mean Lorelei by the time they got back together was already in her late 30s and pushing 40s and it just wouldn't make sense that they would just be taking their time it was sad to see that Lorelai and Luke still pretty much had the same communication issues and in my opinion a lot of walking on eggshells I mean there are issues during the Revival were also probably Amplified because of lorelei's grief and crisis however regardless of what she was going through in that moment there didn't seem to be too much progress or change in the way they approached things as a couple I understand that Amy didn't want to give them this whole life off screen that we didn't get to see but the original series sort of hinted to them riding off into the sunset so we all expected them to at least be married even if they wanted us to see the wedding the writers could have maybe had them be married and going through some rough patch and then give us a vow renewal ceremony or maybe that they had eloped and didn't bother with a big wedding it would have worked so well with the way they set up that casual wedding the thing is if it's true that Amy never watched the final season then it all makes sense you know that seemed to be the issue with a lot of the writing the fact that the final season was pretty much ignored for example didn't Logan have like character development and stop working for his father in season seven then cut to a year in a life and he's cheating on his fiance and working for his father again and if all this drama didn't make it depressing enough the musicals were just impossible to sit through and damn near tainted the whole thing I mean seriously who thought of that in a 40-minute episode where time matters this would have maybe been three minutes top but I guess they had so much extra time with the 90 minute episodes that they could waste on unfunny musical moments that were completely out of place even for me who enjoyed the Revival regardless there were so many moments that made me so sad for the characters like I've said this before and I'll say it again Lane deserved better I think out of everyone on the show her turnout made me the angriest also the state of Lorelei and Emily's relationship made me really sad and oh my goodness that damn letter what was the deal with that letter who wrote that letter how did we never get to the bottom of it to this day that still bothers me by the way I just had to say it but yeah I mean of all things that weren't handled well I think the passing of Richard was handled when with a lot of Grace and respect well except for lorelei's annoying word vomit after the funeral the scene in the car after the funeral was done really really well and you could feel all the emotions they made sure to honor him by showing us the impact his absence had on the characters tying into that you have one of the best character developments throughout the entire show original series included with Emily exploring the void in her life without Richard and realizing that her only ties to their world were with Richard and having to seek her own happiness elsewhere was beautiful you know Emily evolved when she goes from treating the help terribly and as easily disposable objects with no consequences to basically becoming family with Berta Emily owned the Revival and honestly good for her so you know like many other shows Gilmore Girls has its fair share of problematic aspects I mean that's basically a given which shows that were created before 2015 and that's not a stretch the show just needs to be viewed through the lenses of the past you know where other shows might have intentionally said or made certain storyline to hurt or make fun of others I don't think that was ever the intent with the original show now in the Revival it's a whole other story where you can't just wonder if the show writer ever evolved as a person not only were the storylines Frozen in times the jokes and the punch lines all seem to be borrowed from a script made in 2005. however despite its imperfections Gilmore Girl remains an unmatched piece of media that has yet to be replicated decently in a time where Buffy was slaying vampires and the Scott brothers were dominating our screens with their soapy storylines we got a show that took the small and made it big focused on the little details that are so often overlooked that a story becomes cheap where are the shows like Dawson's Creek almost by ignored the small town aspect of the show Gilmore Girls took that and built strong foundations and created the most memorable story lines for my part Gilmore Girls remains a comforting show that I can always go back to when I need to relax and unwind to me it's the equivalent of a Diary book in the form of a TV show just overall wholesome while exploring everything that life has to give all right if you made it to the end you deserve a huge congratulations for me for having sat down and listened to me for over an hour I hope you enjoyed this video obviously some of this was my opinion and other things were fact and the comment section is open for comments you know you can disagree that's fine and yeah I just hope you enjoyed this video again feel free to comment down below make sure to like the video If you enjoyed it because it would really help and I'll see you next time
Channel: The VHS Tape
Views: 925,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gilmore Girls, Rory Gilmore, Lorelai Gilmore, Emily Gilmore, gilmore girls revival, the gilmore girls, alexis bledel, analysis, lauren graham, milo ventimiglia, funny, comedy, amy sherman palladino, cw, wb, downfall, teen mom, family, jess, dean, logan, luke, lane, paris geller, kim, sookie, melissa mcarthy, tristan, chad micheal murray, jason stiles, dave, adam brody, the oc, one tree hill, 2000s, teen drama, stars hollow, coffee, food, diet, luke's diner, jarred, boyfriend, sucks, best, worst
Id: iX3S2jEAp8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 29sec (6569 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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