Gilligan's Island - Gilligan's WWII Mine

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it's a mine a great big mine skipper hey skipper where are you skipper you gotta see this it's got and it has boy skipper what is this Gilligan an underwater iron mine no I managed to get it ashore well Gilligan we can't waste all day where is this mine oh whatever Roxy Gilligan you cheated me that's no mine it's an overgrown pin cushion it's a world war two mine I told you I told you oh it's been a long time since I've seen one of those babies why I remember Shh it's ticking ticking well it means it's had it's activated let's get out of here side we'll blow up [Music] got any suggestions [Music] mr. Howell I'm afraid open my eyes are we still alive we better be there's someone I want to cut out of my will who you can we can get away from that mine and that's an order I can't it will let go of me the middle bear wearing has them glued to it boost I'll try forcing yourself loose gently gently I can't faster listen confirm that's my heart good luck charm is made out of steel mr. Howells watch an identification bracelet they're probably made out of steel too I beg your pardon gift for my board of directors they couldn't be anything less than gold or platinum I'm sorry mr. Howell but that watch an identification bracelet or just gold-plated remind me to drop their options and change the lock on the executive washroom listen Gilligan you're the only one that's skinny enough to can crawl into this mine and loosen that fitting with this brass ranch it's non-magnetic but skipper Gilligan Gilligan you must be careful because this mine is sensitive it's very very sensitive say is it against the law to tinker with Navy property but if they can play and I'll buy them a new battleship Gilligan will you stop that now work fast and gotta work on this and loosen that fitting before it stops ticking don't worry skipper it stops ticking we can rewind it huh get under there Gilligan ow [Music] hey I found the fitting okay turn it head use your head [Music] mind is alive that mind may blow up any minute there's only one thing left to do and that's to use the raft to tow the mine out to sea far enough out where an explosion won't cause any damage professor so tricky i meanit's have to blow up any minute [Music] would you get out of here well it's dangerous but it has to be done and it has to be done now all right let's eliminate mr. Howell he's a married man well Gilligan I don't want my little buddy doing anything so dangerous it's up to me no professor you're too smart they need your brain no no no skipper you're the leader I'm expendable there's only one way to do this quick and fairly we'll cut the cards I did it I saved us skipper no more mine there's a metal runner on the raft it'll attract the mind like a magnet [Music] and now Gilligan with the mind safely towed out to sea why don't you catch something really big for dinner you bet skipper I'll go get them come on [Music] hey skipper I finally caught something big for dinner
Channel: Ricki Stromm
Views: 204,853
Rating: 4.8170877 out of 5
Keywords: Gilligan's Island
Id: Q_vwqqEZ4bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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