Gilligan's Island!--Facts You Probably DID NOT Know about the Cast!

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hey what's up guys and gals my name is Rick 9ji thank you so much for joining me in this video we're gonna be taking a look at Gilligan's Island thank you so much to all the new subscribers and everyone who has supported me in this video we're gonna be taking a look at pretty fun and amazing facts about the show Gilligan's Island we're gonna focus on a few they have to do with the show in its entirety the show as a whole and then others that will focus individually on the castaways themselves before we start I do want to let you know in the description there are tons of links to playlists more videos of Gilligan's Island I Love Lucy and other shows so go ahead and take a look let's get started let's begin with the first episode in fact before that the pilot episode now this was filmed in black-and-white and what's really interesting is the time in which it was actually filmed now some of you may recognize a date Friday November 22nd 1963 again it was the last day of filming on the beach and it was late in the morning when someone came running down to the company and said that they had just heard on the radio the President Kennedy had been shot this of course stopped filming for a bit of course this was a national tragedy in the United States which made sure that all flags that were flying the American flag were at half-staff you can even see in the intro the flag at half-staff and throughout the course of the introduction now you may think you know the original cast of Gilligan's Island but you may not know these names they are Nancy McCarthy John Gabriel and KITT Smith now you may say who are these individuals well let's start with John Gabriel he was the original choice for the professor then we have Kit Smyth in Nancy McCarthy they were the choices for ginger and Mary Ann however after filming the pilot they felt that this wasn't the correct fit so they recast all three roles and replaced them of course with Russell Johnson Don wells and Tina Louise now because of copyright I can't put the entire song down but you may be able to hear in the background very lightly the original original theme song of Gilligan's Island for the pilot interestingly enough it was composed by Johnny will you may not know who that is but you may have heard of John Williams a famous composer who of course composed music for Star Wars and other hit blockbusters but back then he was simply known as Johnny Williams I want to begin with the first castaway that is the skipper his real name was Jonas grumpy that's the character and he was played of course by Allen Hill jr. now of course there's an Alan Hale senior he was pretty famous and he made a lot of movies in his days however Alan Jr regretted not being able to work with his father in the craft that they shared they were supposed to do a movie together for RKO Pictures it was called at swords point however Alan's father died just before the production began in 1950 he had a great love and respect for his father and always wore something that reminded him of his dad if you look closely you'll notice that reminder in every episode of Gilligan's Island it's an emerald and diamond pinkie ring that had belonged to his father so take a look at any episode and take a look at his hand and you will see that ring on his finger moving on to Bob Denver whom of course played Gilligan my favorite character of the show he was completely different from the character of Gilligan he was an amazing actor he was neither bumbling and eped or stupid as many people believe he interestingly enough went to Loyola University now called Loyola Marymount University which is the school and college I went to so it was great to know that I walked the same halls that Bob Denver did it was a great pleasure knowing that he got a poli-sci degree and he was a grade school teacher while studying law but he found out that I really wanted to act so he went into acting I bet you guys didn't know that he taught little kids in school now what can we say about jim backus aka mr. Magoo yes he was a voice of mr. Magoo now a lot in the cast said that he was amazing and add living a lot of his lines he would add things before add things after and a lot of them they would have to edit out because they would either not pass censors or they would not be agreeable with the director everyone compared him afterwards of course to a Robin Williams type personality that is on set before the cameras are rolling however he was a little less hyper but he was jokester all the way around and many people say that he was such a pleasure to be with now he was married to Henny Bacchus the first episode in season 2 Gilligan's mother-in-law we see a native mother-in-law and this woman was played by Jim Backus his wife Henny Bacchus very cool to see her make a little cameo in the show out of all these facts that I'm presenting to I don't know why but the most interesting come from natalie schafer of course in my opinion now she was once married in the 1930s but she later got divorced she was married to Lois Callahan now what's a funny story about his last wish when he was dying on his deathbed he pleaded with Nana Lee to finally reveal her age to him she had never revealed her age to pretty much anyone in her life including her husband she looked him in the eye and said never it was tore dying breath herself where she never revealed to anyone her real and true age later of course it was found out how old she really was when she was on the show she was 64 and that was very surprising to many people there was a clause in her contract that said that she allowed no close-ups to her face so that you couldn't see even one wrinkle with all the makeup she had and so forth there were some close-ups but then again they were very strict and making sure they didn't get these close-ups she would regularly struggle with the script which is what the other castaways would say she wasn't a quick learn but she loved her dog she had one of them which was incidentally named lovey the same name as her character and you will not believe she had a very very close relationship with another castaway which I'll get to in just a little bit now Russell Johnson was a very interesting person early on in grade school and in high school he admits that he was not a great student in fact he flunked a few subjects which is something we don't really think about when we think about the professor now Russell Johnson said that in the beginning he used to be upset that it was typecast as a professor but as years went by he gave in to it he accepted the fact that he was the professor he says it was a great show that still reruns there were no murders no car crashes just good plain silly fun it brought joy to so many people and that's not a bad legacy and that's a legacy that he embraced throughout the course of his life now this is very much in contrast with Tina Louise who still to this day is not that fond of her character ginger grant she was largely unhappy with the role of ginger and wanted to be the star of the show she understood before signing her contract that she would be the star which is kind of interesting since the show itself was called Gilligan's Island who ever according to Russell Johnson she was ginger grant she was a fantastic actress and embodied the character pretty much to a tee however they said they never knew who to expect when Tina was on set which should be Eva Grubb which was kind of our alter ego character - ginger grant she starred in in a particular episode or would she show up as ginger and according to them you never knew which actor received the most fan mail may think Gilligan may be ginger but no in fact it was Mary Ann that is dawn Wells received the most fan mail out of everyone on the entire cast remember I told you back when I was talking about Natalie the natalie schafer had a very close relationship with another actor on the show well that person was Don wells it's truly interesting to think that these two women became so close later on in their life and during the course of the show itself they were almost like a mother-daughter relationship oftentimes Don wells would tell Natalie about her love life and so on they even lived together at a point when Natalie Schafer was older and she was very sick with the cancer that infested her body Don wells was generous enough to take care of her almost second mother natalie schafer when she was ailing so not only was Mary Ann that is Don wells a great woman she was also very compassionate caring and a woman to service well that's it for this video guys and gals which of these facts were very interesting to you and which ones did you not know I would love to hear them down in the comments below don't forget to leave a thumbs up and to subscribe does help at my channel we'll see you all next time hopefully you are staying positive always bettering yourself and most importantly no matter what be hopeful [Music] you
Channel: rick nineg
Views: 570,517
Rating: 4.8322368 out of 5
Keywords: Gilligan's Island, Classic TV, I Love Lucy, Three Stooges, Bob Denver, Tina Louise, Dawn Wells, Mary Ann, Ginger Grant, Alan Hale Jr., Jim Backus, CBS, Television, Studios, Comedy, Funny, Bloopers, Countdown, Best Moments, Behind the Scenes, Professor, Mr. Howell, Mrs. Howell, Hilarious, Full episodes, episodes, Lucille Ball, Gilligan, 1960's, Shipwrecked, Island, Deserted, Sherwood Schwartz, Brady Bunch, Secret, Mistakes, Moments You Did Not Know, Cast, Facts, Natalie Schafer, RKO
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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