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ladies and gentlemen we are we might be in the position of unfortunate events to have to bomb a church [Music] it might happen like that okay good news we can bomb to the left of it i'm out direct home give me two [Music] ladies and gentlemen the heinkel has been fully upgraded to acquire this you see that that's not a part of the aircraft that's a bomb that is the second biggest bomb in the game 2500 kilograms of bomb now yes it is smaller in weight compared to the il-28 this one carries an internal 3 000 kilogram bomb but it only has tnt so 1400 kilograms does a great job but you can see the mass and then the explosive mass kilogram is not that close together 46 meters very well done it's a great bomb however the germans decided to stuff it full of not tnt but trilene trial in 105 the ex oh my god the explosive mass of the trial is 1700 kilograms the tnt equivalent is 2720 kilograms making the the tnt explosiveness bigger than the bomb [Music] are you guys are you guys following me here and so this makes it the second biggest bomb in the game the biggest bomb in the game is the pe-8 which is stuffed full of not tnt but tga 16. however this tnt equivalent is smaller than the bomb so ladies and gentlemen the heinkel one one one has a bomb that explodes bigger than the bomb his weight you guys you guys with me this thing's insane for 3.0 i think this thing's great to bring out up until 6.7 this thing has the strike ability to go in there drop in the vicinity of enemies and pretty much always get a kill if not some nice juicy multis this has 84 meters destruction of vehicles that's twice of the 3000 not twice it's almost there 84 meters that's a big area and we're going to be testing it out at 3.3 today to see um just to see what happens but this thing at 6.7 is just perfect imagine bringing down extremely heavy armor a 3.0 heinkel triple one that's the spiel here's the video hope y'all enjoy it she's gonna be costing us 712 spawn points this is this i would agree this thing should cost a little bit extra even though it's not extra it's just bomb tailored but i i think some of these weapons should cost a little bit more than just having all the bombers the same you know why would you stop there you are so ballsy oh nice ammunition oh my gosh this guy's fast that guy's super quick that was a bt another bt oh that guy got away nicely done unfortunately that comment ooh they are what is this oh smk does he want to fight okay he's gone too wow the oh my god a bt5 just took him out from where i'm not afraid of you sir yeah not afraid where is this what there's a bt flanking or something why did you guys maybe maybe that guy oh wait isn't there a bt in here i have no idea how those guys just got ripped how much do i have 660. i'm gonna go down a little bit lower than they were oh yes oh swinging a miss nice thank you for the assist oh we already got it don that assist gives you a lot okay we'll run over here maybe get one more kill hop into it oh it's a big game this is a quality shooting position here got a tisma let's you know what i'm actually gonna get ready for this tysma no this isn't this is it uh it's not a tissue well those are some great tutu bombs that's peska oh thank gosh for that i almost got destroyed by him okay let's look forward are wait okay give me up that's a friendly we got su 57 gotta wait for that bouncy suspension and we're in no bomb delay no bomb delay we'll just low altitude drop this and get out of there that'd be you know we actually might try to put it on like a five second delay but let's actually just get up high here and just test out the might of this i got a feeling a lot of the enemies are still left a we saw about five or six of them go over there i think i think like three or four of them died so hopefully it might be a triple kill here it's like one-eighth the plane maybe one-fifth they are caps renee i cannot capture a i cannot bomb on a wow our team is having a nice push we're going to pull off here engines are about to melt we're just going to kind of wait for our time to shine i want to group together alpha's being captured there's someone else going to alpha right now and we're going to turn it in bomb come on flaps flaps there we go thank you thank you thank you more and more more more more i think we'll try to settle for a two-piece here i'm gonna put it like right here okay we're out ladies and gentlemen that is 2 500 pound bomb on one individual i'ma land you dirty he triple one she likes it i just love how there's still no penalty for this really oh we need to put more pressure okay maybe mate we might be good here i don't know hang on let's let's try this let's try this bombing again here i saw a lot of little little little little things go okay bombs out okay now now you guys you guys need to enjoy that one give me my multis oh there we go i gotta say what i gotta say it is surprisingly strange to feel powerful in a heinkel triple one and matter of fact i think that was the most successful bombing sortie i've ever had in the heinkel with very little effort at all long live the heinkel triple one extremely strange oh lord okay we're going to sit here and look pretty just for a little bit massive heim t-34 might have dipped into the town we might be hiding behind that yeah oh dude this guy means absolute business someone's right here sherman yeah no grant a little m22s in here how adorable what i thought he for sure saw me okay can confirm we have alpha attention or at least map control over alpha another one okay that's good charles charlie's gonna need our help wow that was actually quite expensive we are down tiered right now bravo two charlie okay let's see how many players are near charlie okay yeah charlie's definitely gonna get our help first we knocked out five tanks at a so i think they'll be okay bomb gone quick bomb gone quick let's make those wings flap more yes this is how planes fly okay i'm not really seeing any resistance at charlie could be behind the buildings no planes up we're going to climb to the left come back in okay we've got two maybe three here again we are no enemy planes and we're into attack alpha oh this is going to be i gotta delay it hang on we gotta go around ladies and gentlemen we are we might be in the position of unfortunate events to have to bomb a church it might happen like that okay good news we can bomb to the left of it bomb out direct home give me two oh i'll take three i'll take three alpha is neutralized let's go ahead and pitch down here no no no no no no there we go good survivability and our team's capturing c good this is perfect this plane really has the ability at lowest tier to uh change the pace of it three kills with one bomb is a lot of sp gone and they're in place but the really nice thing having the 2500 is that you're you're one and done there's no reason for you to hang out at all by the way this camo looks perfect on this map i look like shrubbery on the ground oh yeah and the new cockpit that we really didn't cover last patch of the patch before let's have a historical landing um in the cockpit with the triple one here okay we're on a modified base to final here turning in reducing power we're going a little flat a little fast so we're going to slow down here gear stays up because that's not how you land quick attention to the designated good and then we also damage the uh we break the props of the engine so anyone who's servicing the plane after we land cannot get hurt man we're going to go back and get a again unfortunately we're not really going to have any good chevrons we do have a potential two potential three we're capturing bravo okay thank you oh there goes a fighter though that's not good let's turn in quick stay alive stay alive yes attention i am actually pretty surprised we got away from that hey someone is nailing me right now that is very very accurate one props going out crazy without um there's a little rudder input but with having one engine fully working the plane does not want to yaw at all okay we can make it back let's just go for a super emergency come on come on landing on push down pitch down pitch down pits down push down pitch down pitch down pitch down nice bravo bravo bravo it is bravo's looking extra meaty right now and f6f just bombed where'd he okay he's over there good he doesn't see me these guys are a little bit spread out do we have any one that just captured charlie i do see the enemy on charlie i'm gonna bomb charlie yes no yes i don't know what i should do here no i'm not gonna bomb charlie pray pray for me fine we're fine yep we're your pilot's still alive for sure um we survive that i don't know for how long but we survived that already an anti-air you know what here you take this oh my i thought we were dead oh my gosh hang in there hang in there do flaps do anything no flaps would rudder rudder's out okay i have a plan here we're just gonna circle around the to the whole wow oh there's my crater that thing's huge okay we're back on the ground we got one ground tail one ground kill two air kills almost three well that does not look good oh my gosh okay we're getting spawn camped here i wish i saw this earlier before i i feel like just oh did you get him oh nice lower glacis on him i feel like just as we got over the battlefield this spawn camp ish was developing i thought we were truly dead after that corsair came to me this is this is the resurgence i'm gonna help out this panzer too tree goes down for some cover for him never mind these these ones don't work anymore well maybe he actually got him no yeah he got him how much we need for another one 1400 okay we're like almost halfway there um oh my god is that a pe-8 oh my gosh guys i can't they're all dead they're all dead guys watch it come in he missed maybe he's just resetting for another approach oh i think he truly missed so what's going on right now is that every enemies are in their planes we're in our tanks we need to use this time to get to a nice side shooting position and just hold this man pajama down this you don't see too often at least i really don't get it on footage what's this tree just went down right here that was weird get the guns on oh big bomb big bomb that geez louise that is a big bomb oh got lucky there got spotted though okay bravo's clear again that was fast reaction by that m3 can i make one more jet across something saw me i don't think this guy can pen me reliably yeah there we go oh scheisse um i'm just gonna run out of my shot it's out it's gonna be over me though i think he's gonna try to bomb bravo he might get one oh my oh my gosh i'm gone that looked like it was way over me fourth time there's a horror game i really should have taken okay this guy is in a perfect position we gotta have a bravo assault though i took the l from the pe-8 but really i probably didn't need to yeah get him dude nice well done i just want to reiterate my heinkel like triple one took down like at least two thousand and uh not two thousand maybe like fifteen hundred and sp we took down a corsair a itp and pretty much neutralized a m39 and then got an anti-air all right we got two caps we're on our way it's close game though they can easily come back eight kills three desks not too shabby i just love how in some maps tanks can do this on some maps tanks can't like go up a small hill beautiful this guy saved the game i'm pretty sure yeah he's got he's ten and three look how long these points go i feel like when you're playing they go by so slow but when you're in it you're in it i didn't hear that guy until until i saw him maneuvering this guy's proper spot ladies and gentlemen that is going to be a nice comeback for our team right there many thanks to do or whatever his name was fantastic hold and i hope you guys have enjoyed this video as well with the heinkel trip one it was it is a very nice addition to 3.3 and even like 5.7 like that's where it might be most useful at especially with all the armor up there maybe 5.3 it'd be a great addition to like a tiger panther lineup holy cow we just played it at its almost proper battle rating and that's how it felt have fun with it guys it's 3.0 you can get it in a day or a little bit longer if you don't if you have a life like i do or i don't i don't have a life um my life is y'all and we'll see you tomorrow peace out [Music] everybody [Music]
Channel: PhlyDaily
Views: 243,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CZO6WBPtyk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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