GIGANTIC HOG! BIGGEST hog I have EVER taken with A BOW!! 347LBS!!!

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i'm ryan boyd me and my wife glorianne are avid hunters and outdoorsmen we also own a nuisance wildlife removal company we have a deep respect for all wildlife and are passionate about conservation and helping people get out of the house or office and reconnect with our wild roots which is how we believe god created us to live we always have our hands full dealing with some kind of critter so please join us and get ready it's a wild life [Music] what's up guys so tonight it should be exciting we're gonna be sitting a feeder where i've got a giant hog and this is not a this is not a pig this is a hog officially this thing is massive it looks like a it was losing a black bear um she's been showing up to my feeder i've got her on camera a few game camera pictures over and she's been coming right before dark but she is just completely massive we're walking in here right now we're going to slip into this double bull blind get in here nice and early i've got some stuff that we use to attract hogs i'm going to put some of that out of bed put some of that out of this feeder and uh and she's massive this hog is it'll probably be the biggest hog that i've ever shot if i can get a shot on her everything's gonna have to be perfect i think it's the south it's either a south or a giant bar hog that's been cut and castrated because wild hogs don't typically get this big so we're gonna slip in here getting close to the blind shut the camera off and uh i'll see you in the blind i just saw her she is chatting on this she came about 60 yards to the left of my blind like she was gonna come in and then she just kind of played in the water a little bit messed around in the water like she was feeding on something and then she walked around kind of away from me uh just hope she didn't smell me the wind sat up north northeast and she was east of me so she should not have smelled me i hope she comes in and she is huge [Music] so [Music] perfection wow oh my gosh she's gonna go down right here she's down she's down oh my gosh what a beast and a beast of hog good lord [Music] oh my gosh i don't even know what to say that all cause like a black bear that is the fattest biggest sow that i've ever seen in my life wild sale guys i don't think you realize how big that hog this is unbelievable i had to sit there for about 10 minutes and wait for her to turn slightly quartering away that leg forward any other shot would have only barely injured that hog hogs wild hogs are the toughest animal in north america especially to kill with a bow there's no tougher animal that lives in north america that is tougher than a big wild hog like that perfect shot she went 30 yards and she's down she's done let's go take a look at her [Music] so she was right here when i shot [Applause] i've got blood there i'm still filming today i don't have lorien is too pregnant to do anything i got good blood and she's pouring blood there's my arrow broken off but just pouring blood in the blood that's why the shot had to be perfect i knew i would not get much penetration with this hawk and there she is oh my gosh oh wow she's bigger than i thought she gets bigger than i thought she was guys i don't know if the camera can do justice look at this monster oh my lord she may be she may be upper 300 closer to 400 pounds just a monster oh my gosh i can't even lift the head up absolute monster she's gotta be oh my gosh she's gotta be 350 350 to 380 pounds is my guess monster grim reaper inch and 3 8 expandable and this is by far this is by far the biggest hog that i've ever shot with my bow and i just can't even lift the head i can't do anything shot her on the other side i had to wait for that leg to be forward and put it right in that armpit quartering away and she went i could see the feeder 30 yards she went 30 yards this is the biggest hog that i've ever shot with my bow probably by 75 pounds or so like anyway grab my holes [Music] i mean just the giant this hog is so big she's not pretty but this is an amazing animal i mean just look built like a bowl get that suede back just an incredible incredible animal gosh almighty i don't know how i'm gonna get her out of here i it was everything that i had to roll her up on her stomach these are probably my last few arrows for a while gloriane is let's see she was 33 weeks pregnant with the triplets uh on friday today so 33 weeks pregnant with triplets today she's about ready to pop we're surrounded by farm if it's all farmland around here and that's the only explanation for why this hog is so big obviously this hog has to have some some domestic in the bloodline wild hogs just typically don't get this big they they grow corn beans potatoes and this hog has probably been eaten at her whole life i mean she's a monster i'd love to know how old this hog is just an absolute monster this is the biggest hog of my bow hunting career monster just a monster incredible matthews vxr uh grim reaper i ended up getting let's see about that much penetration so i got i got about 10 inches of penetration 10 to 10 to 12 inches about 10 inches of penetration and uh the arrow fell out pretty quick broke off but she's an absolute giant and i am i don't even i honestly don't know what i'm going to do now i don't know what the next step is logistically on how to get this thing out of here and we are going to get her on the scale that's for sure all right we're pulling up to the house gloriane and her mom have not seen this hog yet so let me call her and let her know well hey how'd it go hey um y'all want to come out and take a look at this hog oh you're already here sure yeah she got it cool yeah we'll be right out yeah we got it all right we got her hauled out well how awesome yep we'll be right out we'll take a look at her okay i'm i just pulled up cool okay awesome you can already see it i throw up my word ryan holy mackerel oh my goodness how did you even [Applause] oh these are detroit our woods like that's terrifying that's a that's a farm pig been feeding them potatoes and corn and beans i have never seen a hog that big can you believe that how did you get them in your truck um a lot of work oh my goodness look at this a lot of teamwork wow all right so we're gonna throw this sal on the scale and uh see what she weighs i mean i when it when it gets past a certain point it's like there's no way to gauge an accurate weight it's like how do you weigh a tyrannosaurus rex you know like it might as well weigh a jillion pounds so we're gonna throw it on the scale and see see what it ends up weighing oh i can't take my eyes off of it it's almost as fat as a bear yeah that's it looked like a bear when it came out it's like here comes a bear that's that's the feeling that i got when it came out yeah it's a giant cell sausage then wow yep lots of good sausage she was a true giant you could eat our family yeah yeah well let's throw it on the scale and see what she weighs um this is going to take some work so what i'm going to do is pull the truck up i'm going to hook the chain to the tractor and then just get her all hooked up and just lift her out of the truck with the tractor so see what she weighs yeah all right looks like that was right she's genomics uh 300 and 43 343 no that's that's two two pound increments so 340 42 44 46 346 pounds 346 pounds that's i'm pretty confident that's the biggest heart over the she's just so man i can't believe how she's built she just felt like a full compact rock solid super cool big girl that's going to be a lot of sausage we're excited about that her look at the size of her feet i mean that's a if you can ball your fist up and have that that hoof that side you know you're dealing with a giant hog and i've seen some of her tracks as soon as i saw her track it actually stopped me in my track so i was like whoa what is that when i saw her tracks i saw her tracks before i saw her own game camera so yep this is a farm pick she's been eating potatoes and corn and beans and pretty much everything that the farmers plant and these farmers have been having problems with hogs around here obviously want them out of here because they cause so much damage so man i'm excited about how many crops are going to be saved from taking this animal out that's awesome guys thanks for joining us if you enjoyed the episode hit that like button it really does help us out and don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell so you don't miss a single episode we really do appreciate each and every one of you guys god bless and until next time stay wild [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 828,161
Rating: 4.7638607 out of 5
Keywords: giant, boar, hog, hunting, bow, arrow, biggest, huge, bowhunting, florida
Id: ssUAtM_E6aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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