Gift from Ubeesize and SFD Update

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hey everybody joy here it's saturday again saturday again oh my goodness august 29 2020 good afternoon it's one minute after 12 already i've had some sleep sleepless nights lately we're trying to figure out why there are certain foods that set my allergies off and we've decided no cheese we've decided no milk we've decided no tea and still i'm having these nights so i'm like jerry can i go can i have some milk and some cheese and some tea now they better not tell me it's coffee um they better not tell me it's coffee all righty let me take a sip of my coconut mocha that i can only have up here one time a day i'll put that over there so i don't knock it down the craziest funnest newest surprise thing happened maybe this happens to you guys all the time but it's never happened to me and yes i'm wearing surface designs it's got princess seams and it has double buttons remember i showed you double buttons the other day this one is not 100 quilting cotton type fabric it might be cotton but it's more it's softer and slinkier i don't really know what it is or where i got it so anyway that's not the point the point is i was sitting down in my new little joy room um having my first cup of the jerry makes me which is no caffeine and i got on my computer yesterday morning or was it no it was a couple days ago because it took a while for this to get here so it was three or four days ago and i noticed this email from this company and i had ordered stuff from them before in fact let me show you something i had ordered these little tripods i ordered one and i really really liked it but i left it in edmond and i was down here so i thought i'll just order another one it wasn't very expensive and so it was to hold a cell phone y'all remember when i was showing you a little tripod that would hold my cell phone never had one like that before well the thing i loved about it is it came with this little remote control clicker thing well the little remote control clicker thing is wonderful but it only works two or three times and then it dies i went to lowe's or somewhere and got batteries for it put new batteries in it's still dead it still doesn't work so i wrote them a letter and i guess it's china or japan or somewhere and um they sent me these strange mails that like the words were weird and i thought these people don't speak english so anyway they told me they would send me two more remotes well they never did i never got them so those tripods are just worthless i was quite upset with them and i thought well that was just a waste of money so i still have the two little remotes and the two little remotes are still broken and the two little tripods are in the attic so i looked at my email and the company is a real weird name so i recognized it its name is ub size a u b e e c i s e or s i s e u b size really strange name so i thought well all right maybe they're finally going to send me my remotes so i clicked on it and what it said was we have a new invention and we want you to try it out we want to send it to you for free if you'll do a review on it i'm like say what you'll send me something free i mean they didn't even send me my remotes and i thought oh this this is a farce this is but you know with the name like ub size and then it coming up you besides i just thought maybe it's for real and so they gave me this um link to click on well the last time i clicked on a link it was from a subs i don't know if they subscribed to me i hope they don't subscribe to me but somebody that leaves a comment under my videos and she left a link and i clicked on it and it was filthy naked picture and i immediately turned it off and i immediately removed that person so i'm i'm a little nervous about clicking on links so but i went ahead and i clicked on it and it said here is a coupon you can use amazon and you can get this item totally free and i thought that's really strange why why would they do that and why would they do that for me that's just really weird but anyway i thought well freeze free so try it out so i clicked on the link it took me to amazon it was for this tripod right here which may be like the other tripod i got from i don't know this one can go up really really tall it looks like i haven't opened it yet i'm opening this in front of y'all okay so i don't know what it is or what it does i mean i knew it was a tripod but look at that it goes up way high the other ones were just little short ones that you had to put like on a desk so this is fun this is way fun oh my gosh look at that oh my gosh it goes almost to the ceiling and then i really love this little thing their other one had this kind of a thing too well i say i love it okay so it's like you can change the footprint of it so it can stand on a table or stand on the floor or whatever okay so this is part of it now this was like 33 dollars plus sales tax all right but their coupon covered the whole thing i mean it's just really really cool okay so let's put this back down where we can see it since we don't know what this is yet there's a little screw here this little thing goes up and down so i'm assuming you just attached your cell phone here or your camera there i think this is supposed to be for a cell phone let's see what's in this box oh boy how do you open this box oh look oh look it's another one of these little things let's hope that one works and it's got a hoosie for your watch it uh one of these little things that you plug in your camera you plug it in your camera why would you plug that in your camera you can't plug it in here it can't plug in there it can't plug in i don't know what that's for it has you want to see the manual here's the manual hey roderick postage stamp oh my lord pairing turn the remote on with the power switch located at the side oh this okay this has the little thing on the side the blue led light will flicker turn on your phone's bluetooth setting and connect to ub size u b e e s i z e that is the weirdest thing and this is called a bluetooth remote shutter using open your phone's camera app press the button associated with your phone's operating system well you lost me there if your camera does not respond it may not be compatible in this case download the free app camera 360 and use this camera app with remote cool filming videos okay so it's for filming videos duh with your cell phone switch your phone's camera into video note for samsung well i don't have a samsung and then specs that's it that's all the directions you guys my first remote may say oh gotta have some more directions okay okay so here is the little thingy that holds your cell phone what happened to my trash can there it is here's the little thingy that holds your cell phone and so you can make the cell phone cart bigger or littler and you can turn this and i'm sure this is so you can um hold your cell phone up straight up and down or turn it and hold it sideways really cool and so then you probably screw this to here this is kind of like the other one that i bought oh that doesn't turn so i guess you turn this thingy is what you turn all right so now that's in there but what's this for up here that doesn't make sense hmm maybe i'll have it screwed into the wrong hole because there's another hole right there god i wish they'd show pictures let's open this other box hey there's a there's a plant and here's a cute little box this is a cute little box i could send somebody a surprise in that i'm liable to get lost in the mail though still haven't gotten our money for my honda you guys still haven't gotten it the lady's very upset with us and the shower is still not done i finally picked up all the drop cloths picked up all the plastic that was taped to the carpet pulled down all the papers from the wall and the shower is just there no shower head no faucet and not done yet okay look here what it has it has a ring thing look at this it has a ring thing it has another itty bitty manual and this one has pictures on it so that's helpful i don't really understand the pictures okay here's the deal neil this is supposed to be straight up and down and that little screws on the top okay so that looks good and then this this just flops around that just flops around i'm supposed to do a review on this could the people who invented this please come to my house right away because i don't know what i'm doing oh my all right let me see i think this has to screw onto here let's see if that's it i promise you guys i'm better at the sure-fit designs but i am doing the sure-fit designs i have spent 10-12 hours on it so far and i always want to start over and do it again but i just don't have the time for it you guys i really don't i don't have the time to start over and do it better because every time i do it i think oh i should have done this and i should have done that and i should have told him this and i should have told him that and oh oh oh oh but i don't have the time to start over it takes hours and hours and hours to edit it as you know and i'm thrilled to do it i promise you i am i enjoy it i love it i'm happy to do it but i don't want to start over one of the videos is already done it's over an hour long it's like an hour and eight minutes it's already on youtube i just haven't made it public yet because it's showing you how to draw the top of the surefit designs blouse just the front just the front of it and so i'm thinking well they're going to get through this and have their front done and then they're going to want to know well hey where's the back so i did the back yesterday but there's 12 video clips that i've got to edit for it so i've got to do that today and um then after that um i'm going to cut it out of fabric and sew it together and i'll do that on another video so part one will be the front part two will be the back and the sleeve and part three will be me sewing mine together okay like i did on the lasso along with the um that new look 6217 i think its name was okay have you seen it i'll put the link up here or here to six two one seven you can watch it while you're waiting for me to get these other videos ready on the surefit designs okay so what is this anyway all right it shows it shows attach the foam clamp by the standard screw interface on the ring light the screw clamp the screw clamp i think that's right okay foam clamp can be adjusted 360 degrees yes yes yes okay so then i i don't see how you can turn that maybe that comes yeah it can be it doesn't turn oh maybe if you loosen that joy hello earth to joy oh it can go like this see that's the deal it can go like that all right so what's this ring about what's the ring about this this this is something hello hello wouldn't it be wonderful if this light can shine on me and not make me so hot that there's sweat all over my lip operating instructions locking knob anti-slip rubber aluminum alloy tube open the tripod extend the stick attach the ring light to the tripod head the tripod head attach the ring light to the tripod head okay so i think this goes to this all right let's start over now i think you'd agree with me this has to be the tripod head since this is the tripod and the top would be the head so let's pray i don't draw oh here's another screwy thing for your camera i see i see and so you have to screw the thing oh and i see where you plug in that other thing now the light has to have power oh yes oh look at that is that fun okay so now you attach this and nothing turns so you have to turn the thingy okay so that goes there like that and then you can put how do you turn that that doesn't look like it's the right way this is confusing they should ask somebody else to review this that's smart enough i'm just not that smart all right here we are here's the ring here's the camera holder but it's facing the wrong way so you want that like that it seems like this should turn you know what it really does it seems like that little doohickey there ought to turn ah i don't want to break it now you can't have it facing this way because there wouldn't be any light on me so i don't know hmm you're saying this is how you do it you're doing it wrong do it like this do it like that put your chin up here like at the eye doctor okay well all right attach the ring light to the tripod head you can adjust the shooting direction with no need of moving the tripod oh really oh by this you can adjust that but you can't adjust this screw in here so i guess oh let me see you want the light to look at you yeah you want the light to look at you i presume and so then you stick your camera in here sideways and then you turn the light on hey this isn't that hard god girls can do stuff if my husband could hear me and see me he would so take this away from me joy you're doing everything wrong all right so this goes here and then this has to plug into some electricity let's turn the light on and see what happens of course i don't have any electricity let's see how far this goes let's see if we can get some electricity you have to have some electricity in this life oh you people in the hurricane i have not i don't watch the news the news upsets me so much i just can't hardly get through the day after i watch it so i try not to watch it let me see let me see if i can plug this in somewhere guys without causing too much trouble all right it's plugged in it's plugged in let's see what happens off look look can you see that can you see my face real good let me get this off of here let's see how good my face looks i'll probably say there's no way you're putting this video lip joy you look horrible what do you think what do you think huh can you see the whiskers on my chin can you see the red on my eyelids were up here where i plucked my eyebrows this morning and left red spots oh my gosh this is way fun you want to see the other side that's what it looks like i think ben was talking about her daughter was going to get her one of these oh my gosh maybe you can get one free bib if you do a review this is really fun it's really fun i love it hello joy here okay i gotta get back to finishing that surefoot designs so long let's turn this off put it over here i don't make videos with my cell phone i make videos with video cameras and so actually my video camera can plug into that yeah my video camera can can screw too so we'll see we'll see i'll see if i can set it up for my video camera and then we'll have even more light than before won't that be wonderful i like you all i love you i'm putting the rest of the sure-fit designs blouse so long together for you guys today and i'll get it up i'll try to have it up by monday morning okay let's shoot for monday morning but if i don't get it up by monday morning i'll get it up by tuesday or wednesday alright bye for now
Channel: Joy Bernhardt
Views: 5,145
Rating: 4.8833332 out of 5
Keywords: Ubeesize, Ring Light with Tripod, 10, Ring, Light, with, Tripod, Ring Light, Joy Bernhardt, Surefit Designs, Surefit Designs Dress Kit Blouse, Blouse from Dress Kit, Cotton Blouse Sew-Along, SFD Sew Along
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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