Gift Cards for WooCommerce in under 10 minutes!

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good morning joseline mo sac here with mosaic design I just want to hop on today and show you how easy it is to set up a gift card an online gift card that is for WooCommerce using a free plugin so I'm going to share my screen here and show you how it's done first thing you're going to want to do is log in to the dashboard of your WordPress website and WooCommerce should already be set up from there go to plugins add new and you're going to search for the word gift first one that comes up is the one we want it's the PW WooCommerce gift cards I'm going to go ahead and install it and once installed activate once activate I'm going to come over to WooCommerce on the left hand side here and look for PW gift cards what I love about this plug-in is that instead of like most of them where you have to follow a tutorial on how to set up a gift card product you click this button and it does it for you somebody was thinking about the user when they designed this I'll also let you know that this plug-in like any good free plug-in has paid upgrades for 50 dollars you get quite a few additional add-ons but you can get you know on first base and start selling online gift cards with simply the free version so now that it's gone and set up our product we can go over to WooCommerce look at our products and we should see our gift card here we are to edit it we simply click on it now there's two things you may want to change about your gift card to start one is the values that are offered and the other is the product image that goes with it let's start with the amounts by default it goes and gives you ten dollars 25 50 and 100 let's say I want to get rid of ten but I want to add 200 that's all I need to do in fact I can even after the fact add 150 and although it's out of order down here it will automatically display them in numeric order from the cheapest to the highest and so there's no problem there they're already showcasing for you with the pro ones offer which makes sense it allows you multiple designs beyond having the single gift card sort of standard product image it allows you to have people enter the amount they want versus your predetermined values it allows them to schedule when it's gonna get delivered versus being sent in to instantly and a few other bells and whistles which are pretty good and I would argue are worth the fifty dollars but again I'm showing you that even if you don't spend anything you are already so much further along to change this image you simply click on it and if you notice I had already uploaded an image to upload you would upload and grab a jpg off or a PNG some sort of photo file from your computer if you already have one in your computer website dashboard you can simply click on it set the product image and this will update the product to now show the gift card of your choice you can brown that if you want but again we're looking at getting on first base and first base means having a gift card is better than having the perfect gift card I'm going to go ahead and click up at date and then view my product to see how my gift cards looking and it's removed something from my cart don't worry about that I was busy testing before I came live so you can see we have a mouse going anywhere from 25 if you recall I remove the 10 all the way up to 200 because I added 150 and 200 so I'm going to go ahead and buy a gift card you gotta send it to myself and I can add a message go ahead and add it to cart and let's go to the cart now for simplicity on my side I added a magical code called free so I don't actually have to pay for and then refund myself the cost of this gift card you obviously won't have this on yours because we don't want them getting the gift card for free and we'll go ahead and proceed to checkout so I can buy this gift card now this is a great example of one of the things they do with the pro version so with the free version if you have other coupons you need to manually go into those other coupons and exclude the gift card from that coupon if you don't want someone to use a coupon against a gift cart in the pro version they automatically do that for you so these are the little enhancements that come with the paid version but again for the free version you can get yourself gift cards if you can note it if you notice already working it's already asking me if I have one I'm gonna place my order and once I purchase a gift card three things should happen I'm going to go over to my inbox because there are three emails that will go out one email is to the store owner letting them know that a gift card has been purchased the next one is to the gift card buyer letting know that a gift card they purchased a gift card and the final one is going to go to the gift card recipient saying congratulations you have a gift card give my gmail a moment to catch up and here we go so the first one here let's see which one came into my inbox first as it loads so the first one here is telling me that there's a new order so I know that there was an order on my website there the next one is letting me know that I have been sent a gift card and the final one should be coming in in a moment but for now I want to show you how to use the gift card so the nonce you have a gift card how do you redeem it well it's pretty easy now I've allowed my I have it set up to allow that you can buy a gift card with a gift card that's an option in the settings that you can disable I'll show you where you can do that because I suspect you want to but I left it live just so I could show you this so now let's pretend I'm gonna buy another gift card I'll send it to the same person and I'm actually gonna steal their gift card and use it not a nice thing to do huh um I'm gonna go ahead and go to the shopping cart and I'm buying a $25 gift card this time I'm not going to bother with a coupon because I'm going to use my gift card to take care of the cost it should ask me somewhere around here here we go so I'm going to apply the gift card that I purchased for $100 oops ah I had the settings that you can't do that let me show you where the settings are so if you go into your dashboard and you go back to WooCommerce and specifically go to the gift card software a couple of things you can do so these are past ones I've done when I was testing the product for you before I came live with it but you can change the design of this email I would say please get rid of this yellow background I'm not a fan and you can at least make your button be your brand colors now the pro lets you do even more but again we are talking about first base and first base is purchasing and delivering a gift card with the pro version you can also create gift cards manually if you need to and you can do some settings so for example I'm gonna allow buying a gift card with a gift card I'm also you can also control the formatting you can control what pages whether the gift card redemption shows up on both your cart and checkout I decided to just have it be on checkout go save my settings and now I'm gonna go back to this page and reload hopefully this time it will let me buy a gift card with a gift card at least the Backman apply and now you can see that I was able to use my gift card to buy something I'm not being charged because the $25 was covered and I have $75 left so I can go ahead and place my order now again I've got a little bit of a gift card vicious cycle going here but that's alright for these purposes it's working if I go back to my dashboard where I am looking at my gift card settings and I look at balances let me go ahead and reload this I have this new $25 gift card but this one if you notice before I reloaded this was my hundred dollar one that I then used to buy my $25 one let me see if I can make this smaller so you can see there's a running sort of total and you even know which order ID that gift card was applied to so you've got a bit of a record how your gift cards are being used the other thing you might want to do with your gift card is make it easily accessible so to do that you may want to go over to your menus and add the gift card to your navigation now to do so you're going to want to make sure you have products as one of your things because a gift card is a product if you don't see products in your menu items go to screen options and make sure the word products is checked if I uncheck it it went away if I check it it reappears you can look right here to see it come and go the other thing is if you're a web developer and you might want to style up your gift card using CSS you can add the CSS classes and I'll show you quickly how that's done so I'm going to check my gift card and I'm going to add it to menu and now it's there I can drag and drop wherever I want it and this is where I can add the CSS class so if I want to add the class gift card button or you know gift button now when I'm in my CSS editor if I use dot gif button I can now set maybe the background to be blue the text to be white I can make it pop and this is what we want but for now I'm just gonna since you know everyone's level of CSS skill on this training is different assume you don't have any and I'm just simply gonna save the menu as is so now when you go to my website for the next ten minutes or so oops what I saved it maybe I didn't save it hmm give me a second here I did this might just be something funny I have going on with my web my own stuff okay that should be fine save menu let me double check this here we are giftcard must have been off the stream because I had this zoomed in so it looks big for you guys so now when I click on gift card voila and so that's really all there is to it there's as I said there is the ability to upgrade for $50 and get some additional things but really the free version is going to get you doing what you need to do which is accepting and creating gift cards for a couple bit of her patrons that want to support your business through the use of gift cards so I hope you found this really helpful this is Jocelyn mosaic signing off with mosaic design if you have any questions please feel free to ping me at mosaic design comm leave a comment whatever you need I'm here to support but again just wanted to get you up and running and show you just how easy this was have a fabulous day
Channel: Mozak Design - WordPress Website Design
Views: 9,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress, woocommerce, woo commerece, eCommerce, giftcard, gift card, plugin
Id: ZAOWynuhsqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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