Gibraltar Tour - Town, Marina, Beach & Rock TOUR

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel today i've come to britain in the sun it's a few miles away from britain i'm in gibraltar on the rock to see what gibraltar is all about you may have heard about it you may have seen pictures of it by the way that's it behind me but what does gibraltar have to offer actually it has to offer quite a lot not only is there walking and adventure tours there's also beaches a really lovely town in fact there's also a few british shops here and british road signs and post boxes so let's do the tour can hear that absolute silence it is crazy i am walking on a runway [Music] your mind morning just started with a coffee in casement square um we're actually going to go for a bit of a walk through the town because there are so many british shops here like there's a matalan a marks and spencers there's even a morrisons in fact it's one of the biggest morrisons outside of the uk mind you that isn't hard when it is the only one outside of the uk there's british telephone boxes there's british post boxes and there's also british police and road signs and traffic lights we'll go and check it all out i'm just going to finish his coffee and then we'll get going so one thing you'll notice about this main square is the military feel to it look at these big doors incredible so going back a couple of thousand years and this was once a beach it started off there's actually sand underneath here it's also been the site of military hangings going back a good few hundred years but now it's a sociable area where people come eat and drink but we're gonna walk straight ahead because straight ahead is main street and this is where you do most of your shopping in gibraltar and you see glimpses of england everywhere like you see these big black plant holders which you'll probably see around london the bins i still find it fascinating you know all the british signs which wouldn't look out of place in a city in the uk of course the telephone boxes and the post box and interestingly gibraltar has a uk postcode what i love about main street is that you get a feel of britishness but also spanish as well so let's have a look at some of the british shops that are here this must be the smallest matalan i have ever seen [Music] this top shop has been here in gibraltar for at least 30 years but they've actually closed now but how many top shops look like this beautiful [Music] your mind [Music] sunflower so right now it does feel like a british high street with marks and spencers here and i can see next just further up there wow look at these looks so beautiful you wouldn't find flowers blooming like this in the uk it does mess with your head a little bit the brickwork here looks very british indeed and then you literally just look there and it's very spanish so you'll see these maps everywhere in gibraltar you can't get lost although sometimes when you're walking around the town it can get a little bit confusing especially if you walk around some of the back streets like i did the other night and completely got lost but anyway you always managed to find your way back to the main area so we're here right now and we've literally just come down main street what we're going to do now is we're going to head to ocean village which is uh which is brand new and uh it's just over here we're going to check that out and um yeah it's all pretty much compact so the airport is literally just there and you've got gibraltar stretching out okay so if you've never been to gibraltar before and you don't know what to expect so i'll kind of try and explain it to you it feels british it feels spanish and there's also obviously because of the uh the military past this military feel about it as well but i can't get my head around just how beautiful parts of gibraltar actually are and right now i'm going to head to the new kind of gibraltar which is a development opened up a few years ago right on the water's edge with casinos hotels apartments and restaurants called ocean village one of my favorite bars here is the the ivy and at night you get an amazing sunset here as well but i'm quickly going to show you just over there the casino which is also the sunborne it looks like a boat but it's a hotel this is the yacht hotel it's a five-star hotel here in gibraltar it's also got a casino as well and it is pretty epic especially when you look from the back it is actually a boat i thought it was a hotel that was themed to look like a boat but no it's an actual boat these caves under gibraltar rock are absolutely incredible now obviously there's caves that you can do tours of like the world war ii tunnels there's also tunnels like this which are basically well a road there's also a very special cave here in gibraltar that you have to see and it's quite wet down here as well because all these stalag is it microstag tights i'm sure someone tell me in the description with the water and bits of minerals that have been seeping through the rocks for years look at that the romans believed that this was a bottomless cave and like i say now it's used for um concerts just look at that absolutely amazing so if you're feeling adventurous you could actually discover the lower some michael's cave with ponds in there and it's pretty amazing stuff it's a little bit wet underfoot so make sure you bring appropriate footwear put some michael's cave definitely worth a look [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i'm going to try and experience all the different things you can do up the rock the first is going to be the suspension bridge which is as by name a suspension bridge and apparently it's supposed to be pretty amazing um obviously i'm on my bike and i've got quite the view trying to do this one-handed whilst going downhill quite fast is uh is a bit of a skill i'll tell you what though the best thing about an electric bike is not only is it easy to go up a hill it's just as fun to go down i think i must be here it doesn't seem to be anyone else here right now which is good so first it's windsor bridge we have to go down these steps i can just see it actually just up there so these steps are uh very steep indeed and for once i'm not actually wearing flip-flops i've got some decent shoes on which is um what is required especially today and i'm kind of glad the sun's not out fully right now because uh i'm already sweating as it is and this is quite the walk here it is the windsor suspension bridge i'm gonna do is just take the camera up on my pole just to show you what it's like walking even higher thankfully i'm not looking down i'm just looking straight ahead yikes that's high so if you don't like heights maybe give it a miss but to be honest um because you don't see through the bottom you don't really notice how high it is until you see it from that side it's not that high unless you look down so this is apes den and literally you walk all the way up the stairs and there are a lot of them all the way to the top i'm gonna go and do it well i'm definitely working my card muscles today so i'm actually now walking right up to the top in a place where monkeys are normally everywhere they'll probably be right at the top though to be honest and uh i'm gonna do something called the skywalk which is a walkway with a glass floor so that's going to be interesting and i just saw a little snake and i'm freaked out now but the reason why i did this was because of the view wow it tells me here to be careful because they might react aggressively if confined along these steps even though there's nowhere else to go as yet i've only seen three of them to be honest almost to the top i can't breathe and i've still gotta go all the way up there and pass these monkeys i'll jump up the stairs don't no don't upstairs oh great that's it so he's just decided to sit there and i'm scared to go past him to be honest it'd be right if there was someone else here to walk past me to go first but there isn't and it's just me isn't it typical i should have just gone when i did look no no there's nothing there's no food in there no get your mitts out of it it's randomly on the car they're not scared at all are they i've got a sweat on coming up here these monkeys on the other hand they're just taking it easy nice and cool in the shade so this is the skywalk and uh those people that are scared of heights it's not worth coming up here but uh if you like the thrill and uh you like heights this is definitely worth it omg it's not too bad to be honest i thought it would be worse than this great view here look of both sides of the rock down to the beach so if you are coming up the rock and exploring make sure you bring lots of water you literally see the little monkeys everywhere it's just chilling underneath the tree so if you did do the mediterranean steps it would take you around about an hour to come all the way up here and probably another hour to come back down but this is the views that you get absolutely amazing i'm now going to go to the highest point on the rock let's go wish me luck it's actually really difficult to start when you're midway up a hill and hold a camera at the same time we can do this whoa ah i'm sorry if it looks like i've got a little bit of a uh a sweat on that's because i'm biking up this very steep hill i mean just look at it you won't be able to do this on a normal bike it is electric bike thankfully i know i'll make it look easy didn't i there's little baby monkeys as well that looks so cute is he gonna move you gonna move don't get me the scariest thing is is these will jump on your bags and your bikes and everything the game look it's so tiny i just can't believe that i've actually managed to cycle all the way up here i'm still not yet at the top and here we are at the most highest point on the rock o'hara's battery cool you don't think they're going to do much so we're now at 1383 feet in the air and at the highest point of gibraltar looking over the mediterranean wow look at that and right on the top you've got this massive gun is still here obviously it's not an operation but you can have a look at the structure which has been placed up here it's absolutely massive pointing right out towards that is incredible so his point of reference you can see the lighthouse there just on the southernmost tip of gibraltar africa over there the southernmost tip of spain and the opening to the mediterranean which you can imagine if you had been here thousands or millions of years ago when the mediterranean flooded this would have been an awesome sight to have stood here to have watched the water rush in from the atlantic into this massive bay it would have been and as you follow the coast just past gibraltar and the rock of course you've got um mainland spain you can even go underneath this gun as well and check out all the um engineering bits all the bullets as well and frank who used to literally get the shells and load it in so there's definitely a lot to see up the rock in gibraltar but did you know that gibraltar has six beaches four of them are beautiful and i'm here at little bay sandy bay to check out the first beach on my beach tour of gibraltar let's go [Music] [Music] pebbly beach it's still a beautiful water i believe they have been doing some work on this but there is a little bit of sand on this part of the beach so easy access into the water so i've just come from little bay and just came across a beautiful natural wonder just randomly here coming out of the uh the rock is this beautiful waterfall look at that and that is the next beach we are heading to sandy bay [Music] so let's head down towards sandy bay so all the sand that you see here has been shipped in from the sahara and it's very fine it's really nice hence the name sandy beach and they put the groins in to stop the water from taking the sand away but um it is a beautiful beach i'll never think about gibraltar and beaches in the same light again got the wrong shoes on though so i can't go in the water so no flip flops off but yeah beautiful so that's sandy beach let's move on to our next one so i've got my flip-flops off because i've definitely got to check out this beach because i think by far in gibraltar this has got to be one of my favorite beaches anywhere you go around the med you'll always see like a spanish flag but here you see that british flag pretty much everywhere but this beach look at it views of the rock these really lovely colored little houses they're doing up at the moment and that really nice hotel just over there but the water's gorgeous and just at the southern end of the rock actually near the runway is uh eastern beach which has a nice place to come and have a drink and again the sand actually is really nice let's take a look wow it's a lot of building work going on at the moment as well so either going to be uh hotels or apartments i'm not quite sure what they're doing there but look at this beach this is beautiful so my main aim for this evening is to get up to the rock before sunset and i've kind of got to go through the rock in order to get up the rock call this bike can go feel the burn i'm going 20 miles an hour right now slow well i've got no problems with that i see lights well thankfully my brakes work and it's a beautiful time to come up and see the lighthouse on the end there it's so quiet around here this evening and i just thought i might as well take a quick trip to the famous lighthouse here in gibraltar people having their photos taken i tell you what i love electric bikes they're just so easy like i've got a massive hill coming up and i'm not worried at all i don't know if you can hear it working come on you can do it i'm gonna be sick in a minute see going uphill is easy but you still have to move your legs a lot and we're gonna get to the top just as it hits sunset i'm going uphill and i'm doing 14 miles an hour just come across this little seating area wow look at that absolutely incredible [Music] just look how beautiful this spot is at sunset in gibraltar [Music] it's gorgeous sunset is probably one of my most favorite times of the day especially when the sky starts to go all orange and the rock looks even more special at night as the whole thing gets lit up but it makes you think what kind of lights do they use to light up the rock and the answer some powerful ones those ones will do it so i'm on my way home now and uh leaving gibraltar behind but also walking to the airport because it's actually so close and one of the most unique things about gibraltar is the airport some say it's the world's most dangerous airport because of the wind shear from the rock and also there's a road going all the way through it which is what i'm walking on right now it is crazy i am walking on a runway there's cars there's people there's people on scooters walking across a runway which is absolutely mental i'm now pretty much in the center of the runway how many times do you get to see that anyway i hope you enjoyed my tour of gibraltar thank you so much for watching please make sure you give the video a thumbs up if you haven't already please make sure you hit that subscribe button click the notification bell so you know when i upload a new video from gibraltar i'll see you next time you
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 189,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gibraltar, uk, england, rock of gibraltar, spain, military heritage centre and great siege tunnels, st. michaels cave, casemates square, ibrahim-al-ibrahim mosque, moorish castle, europa point lighthouse, cathedral of the holy trinity, irish town gibraltar, gibraltar casemates square restaurants, grand casemates square, casemates, gibraltar town centre, ocean village, ocean village gibraltar, gibraltar ocean village, marina bay, gibraltar 4k, things to do in gibraltar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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