GIANT Shark Tows our Boat Backwards

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I'm just driving around the edge right now looking for fish market on the screen right here and once you find them I'm gonna drop down a vertical jig and that's the way we're gonna get the big bonitas there down deep and I mean jigging them is so much fun and it's extremely efficient because you can get down to the bottom very fast and work the entire water column and find the fish marking fish here we go oh yeah yeah yeah they are that's a Bonita oh yeah here we go Bonita on yes yes that's not a trophy but it's a start it's good and that's so nice Marlin bait right there he is gonna be put on the stringer because we need to eat the fish jumped up so right right there get this ocean going I just thought I saw me oh my god the monster quick no come up come up gotta come up all this is a monster no no no come on what are you doing buddy Oh bad bad bad Bonita come back over here yes look at that guys we're getting better here shut up our fiery Pope we're gonna name him Billy Billy we're gonna keep you because we need you I would love to release you but unfortunately we need some chump this got really exciting now here we got a lot of sharks on the boat there's a lot of fish we got rainbow runners or Moroz you got some bonitas of course boys come on can i play I need it on it's a big dog oh boy he's in trouble come on come on buddy get in and turn buddy can't help you you don't want turn chased by sharks that's a big dog right there my gosh he's got shark so many times let me should let him go he's laughs he's gonna let her do you're gonna let him go see you buddy you know what he deserved to be like oh I don't know me let them go they're great shark bait but he fought so well he almost got eaten by 30 sharks so he deserved it little piece of Bonita on a circle hook I'm gonna drop it down and probably in three seconds we'll catch fish 1 2 3 instant blue runner blue runner see Oh giant dinner whoo gotta watch these sharks I hear you like to do sneak attacks nope nope nope bad boy back hurry back hurry back back bad go away it's attacking the engine right now do this on a noise tank I got them that's called the shock rodeo an exact shark with the tag someone's gonna eat that don't do that what I just did that's not a good idea don't do that and that could have been really bad it's been a pretty exciting day so far we it started off really slow like I mean like almost went into crisis mode cuz there was no fish being caught then we finally found the bonitas found the sharks found everything got a bunch of rainbow runners we caught some blue runners and got to play with the truck now I'm not gonna lie I've ever gone that crazy grabbing shark before up of that it was fun but I gotta say it's one more time please do not try that that is so dangerous I've got a lot of experience these animals and when I say experience I mean there's never enough experience you just got to really watch yourself because there was only one shark there there were multiple sharks I would never even think about doing that that would be way too dangerous but had some fun we just set up our new trip here and see what happens the red fins one two let's just put a whole one other Oh big dusky Oh big silky shark cuz I still keep her here it's a soak look at that look at that look at that whoa it's a beautiful shark big Vinny is ready to watch the splash is ready we need on come on get up get that you have to get up dude somebody gotta get up or you can you make a recovery here can we we did unbelievable big Bonita oh there he is mr. Bonita love these fish always eating do that so dusky right there that's a silky you're just lucky with it oh my gosh distractor there's just so much life out here I don't know what it is man there's just like a sea of sharks oh my gosh freak out but tonight's Benina you know what he's fought good there's that silky oh look at him you know I was gonna let him go but I think we're gonna use him for bait should we catch a shark hey we should pick a shark there's a really big silky shark down there I mean that thing's huge it's absolutely free and catching that's a good handle Wow that's freaking massive we got the black tip h-monster shock rig right here there it is a little beat up from the chumming but we're gonna drop that down there and thank you long probably take about I'd say a minute for that so keister Bonita these rigs are available on Amazon we have a link in the description we also have them on our website black tip h calm we got a store there so check that out you guys want to buy some monster shark Ruiz and come out here and catch some big sharks now right now we're just gonna we're gonna butterflies Vanita you get the Sharks really going I'd say my that's him I'd say my that he's turned he's turning turning turning turning here he comes oh you need it you need it who he know you didn't eat it eat it eat it eat it boy the big one got it the one we wanted trouble that's a big shark Anthony already three two thank you he's running he's Ronnie's on the boat backwards oh my gosh look at that he's pulling the boat backwards guys he's towing the Pope record there he goes you guys didn't see this we're being pulled backwards how to put a harness on when you're fighting a big shark by yourself while Davis domes this is gonna do it clips in clips in okay go the microphone cable talking the guys bought laughing this he's pulling our boat backwards there's almost full drag on this fish okay got it okay readjust the harness for my waist size the pliers good we did it the shark toed the boat backwards for a solid five minutes I mean I pulled probably 300 yards of line and we had full drag alright just riffing do almost a hundred pounds of drag so that's pretty intense and then we had some serious pressure on you is just going I think it's a big dusky I don't think the silky it looked too big for a silky shark but find out oh no no no he won huh it's hard to do this with only two people there he goes big I mean toad the boat backwards he's 3,500 pounds all right gloves are going on yeah he's big he's big time I got no help I don't have a leader man I got a lead to the shark over myself I'm the leader I'm disconnecting the rod make sure the tips not wrapped properly go it's not wrapped clicker on come on okay here we go duskie in order to safely release the shark David's gonna have to put down the camera in he'll be cutting the hook of the bullfighters there's no way I can do it all by myself so thank him for one second guys I'm not gonna lie audio probably sound stiff right now our camera took a huge splash that shark got it strip off the equipment and put on the simple microphone so Bobby sounds a little different now but we got the shark he got released huge like pounded right there guys that was that was not easy doing that all by herself something we usually have a third person to help out a leader man so that was pretty crazy this has been actually a pretty fun day we we didn't get what we expected but that's fine we still had a lot of fun we caught a lot of nice fish to cut food we got rainbow runners on ice we got benitez we got blue learners we caught a big shark a pretty good day hope you guys enjoyed watching this video make sure you like the video subscribe and we'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: BlacktipH
Views: 1,571,419
Rating: 4.8557301 out of 5
Keywords: Shark, Giant, Boat, Tow, Backwards, Tows, Fishing, Offshore, Ocean, Fish, Monster, Shark Fishing, Dusky, Florida, Rod, Reel, Line, Towing, Fishing Video, Fishing Trip, BlacktipH, 4K, Jigging
Id: si6Wd31Y4lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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