Giant Fabric Painting with Dye Na Flow

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hi this project is for teachers looking for a large art project to do with the entire school that doesn't cost an arm and a leg how about 50 feet of fabric for banners backdrops wall displays curtains silk scarf painting this goes on and on we did 50 feet for under 200 dollars in less than five hours but this project could also stretch out over several days so let me show you how our fabric banner was done join me we carry a wide range of fabric and textile paints in our store many of them buy jacquard art products the product we used for our banners was Dynaflow this is a liquid color for fabric I'm going to show you how it pours out very fluid like intense colors they're pigmented not going to fade to quickly you heat something with an iron or in your clothes dryer I love about the most is their transparency so when the light comes through your fabric it glows it also is thin enough to have even the most delicate see-through fabric and all of the texture on the fabric to come through the color so you can buy more interesting fabrics another great part is once it's dry it leaves no tactile feel on the fabric so very wearable for silk scarves or other fabrics or quilting anything you want to be very touchable Dynaflow is the perfect paint for that here we have five colors that we use for our fabric we chose eight ounce containers but honestly we hardly used half of each color so I have lots of the color leftover so here we have Sun yellow hot fuchsia magenta midnight and turquoise all of these colors mixed beautiful jewel-tone colors and similar to what you see on the fabric beside me so the midnight gave us our rich tones and the hot fuchsia and the yellow made the bright oranges really a glowing color combination when we were dispensing the paint we just used plastic cups that way people could dip and reach over the fabric easily it prevented a lot of spills you if you're trying to carry out a pallet or something it's a little bit awkward so having the little things in jars was good Dynaflow also comes in markers so you can get that bingo Stoppers and medium and fine markers so when the fabric is dry when it's full of color people can go back in and draw in details or add their name or add poetry and words other tools of course the spritzer bottle is a handy sponges are good and then good brushes you need a sponge brush this is for large areas and a wedding doesn't give you a lot of control so an inexpensive synthetic brush will give you your small marks and your dry brushes and then something in a natural hair either a squirrel hair or a synthetic squirrel we chose the Neptune brushes by Princeton for ours although da Vinci's silk star is beautiful two brushes that hold a lot of water and can let it flow across the fabric will make your paintings seem effortless beginners may find it a little difficult because it is so flowing like watercolor I'm going to show you a techniques that we used in our banner project you isn't it fun to watch paint flow across the fabric surface in all its serendipitous little paint mixes in blends it's one of my favorite parts of textile painting you'll notice that I did suspend my fabric on a frame so it stayed off the surface if it was touching the table or the plastic tablecloth then the paint would fall through pool on the table and travel wherever it wanted to next thing you know the tables painting not you so it is important just with pushpins tight enough to make a little finger trampoline or a little you know tight as a drum is good enough I let the paint get quite dry before I take a hairdryer to it if you blow dry too soon the air from the hairdryer can push your paint and start sending it at a different directions so I really let it dry and set as long as possible so now that it's dry again you can see what I was talking about with the transparency that you can get with Dynaflow also the little metallic threads in this fabric you can see really clearly it's not cooped up with heavy acrylic it's open just going to do little grid you can see it's it's still quite controllable paint on paint it's not going to go anywhere as long as my brush is not too wet there we go and add a bit of a geometric background to contrast to my organic shaped leaf so as long as you keep it quite dry it's going to stay where you put it and my experience is a painted surface once it's dry will contain color more than the open fabric did so you have quite a bit of control just one layer of paint watch how the dry pink will influence the wet yellow being placed over top of it do you see that glowing orange this is called a glazing technique when we do dark green on yellow the yellow is going to lighten and warm the green and you can see the result in color it's important to be watchful for opportunities to let that under painting show through here we're taking midnight and we're painting it over white and the dry brush effect maybe it looks a little bit like we've unfinished the painting we're going to cover it up but take that same midnight and float it over blue and now in the brush dries out a little bit we get that broken effect and that purple is going to glow through oh gosh let's keep that because that's much more interesting layering is a technique using many glazes watch how we are deepening the background while highlighting the leaves to bring them forward by using many different layers of glazes you expose your fabric to bright sunlight the brighter the Sun and the faster it dries the more exciting the result when the fabrics dry and you lift away your stencil you see what was ever in shadow when white is not amazing I used store-bought samples but you could do a hand cut paper found objects like feathers and coins and paper clips and rice all of those would work anything that provides a shadow will give you a great technique the closer it is to the surface you're going to get a crisp area if it's off the surface a little bit like a shadow you're going to get a softer transition from the light to dark so have fun with that technique I love when one paint can do so many things the truth we have through painting a really large piece is our wooden frame was 4 foot by 8 foot so we had large working area that provided a big almost a table area for many artists to gather around and paint at the same time so here's the basic setup you take a wood frame and you attach your fabric to it attach a nice and tight it is a two-person job for something this size so you pin it here stretch it pin it across stretch the end pin it across and then work your way to the edges so it's best to keep it while suspended about the fabric do your painting it also makes the painting dry faster this one here is only 3 feet by 4 feet a little bit more manageable and you can still do a large area let it dry and then pull it across pin it down again let it dry at this end you're collecting your painted fabric in a lace basket so the dry fabric is gathering there and your unpainted fabric is coming in from the other end so you just keep transferring the arch across as you do it and 50 feet we'll be done in no time so there you have it eight different ways of using Dynaflow on fabric if you want to know where to get these materials well here's a hint paint spot we stock all the materials shown in these videos I also want to point out you can print out instructions for either the solar printing or the silk painting you can just go to our website paint spot see a click on the how-to section and there's advice library and project ideas in PDF form you can print when you want so we hope to see you soon if you want to know more about say the painting behind me and how we got those beautiful outlines that's called resist and resist on fabrics that's a whole other topic so please subscribe to the little button on the bottom of this video and stay tuned to more ideas we have straight from the pink spot
Channel: The Paint Spot
Views: 29,478
Rating: 4.9105692 out of 5
Keywords: Painting, textile art, fabric painting, Abstract Art, Sun Printing, solar printing, Salt Technique, Mural, Dye Na Flow, Textile (Visual Art Medium), Artist, Fine Art (Industry), Big, Speed, Dye Painting, art techniques, How to Fabric Paint, Paint on Fabric, The Paint Spot, Jacquard Art Products, Edmonton, Canada, How-to (Website Category)
Id: e5J-IDC5YDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2015
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