Giant Anacondas Overrun the Everglades | Swamp People: Serpent Invasion | Full Episode | History

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- After weeks of fighting monster serpents... ...the hunters have a terrifying realization. - Whoa! That's panther tracks. - The invasion is bigger than they thought. - Oh, God! - Holy hell. - And pythons are not the only enemy. - Aah! What is it? - Grab it, grab it! - What the hell is that, dude? - Outnumbered in unfamiliar territory... - We're so screwed. - they turn to methods ancient... - Man, this is a lot better carrying it this way. - and modern... - Signal's getting stronger. - to stay one step ahead... - Oh, yeah. They're all over the place. - ...and take back the Everglades. - This is a bad situation. - Aah! - Oh, my--! Aah! - It's week three into the hunt for the invasive Burmese pythons, and the vicious serpents continue to spread. Determined to cover the far corners of the Glades and beyond, the hunters split up. In the Florida Keys... - If this spot don't look good for a snake, ain't nothin' does, huh? - Chase and Troy pursue a tip from Bill to hunt pythons by following a major source of food: iguanas. - Big Bill told us that there was a major explosion in the population of iguanas down here in the Keys, so Dad and I are down here trying to catch up any pythons that we may come across. - Swarming seawalls, parks and bridges by the thousands, iguanas, a native of Mexico and Central America, were first reported in the Florida Keys during the 1960s. The prehistoric lizards are causing extensive damage to the environment and haven't had any natural enemies until the pythons closed in on them. - Them pythons are eating so much. They eating themselves out of house and home. They not only wiping out the domestic animals, but the iguanas, that's their food source. So they gonna follow the iguanas wherever they go. It's unreal. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, my God. He killed that iguana. Get him, get him. - Aah! - Watch him, Chase. This is a big-ass snake, dude. Aah! Get him. - Aah! Get him, get him! - Look, he's looking at me. I gotta get his head turned away from me. - There you go. Distract him. - Look, I got your dinner. I got what you-- Aah-yah-yah-yah! Make him look at you, make him look at you. Then I can catch him. Hold him right there. Hold him! Aah! - There's your chance. - Whoo-hoo-hoo! - This ravenous 12-footer will net them over $400. - Whew. He wore me out. - Meanwhile... 100 miles north, Veteran swamper Bruce Mitchell and his partner Zak are taking a buggy into a cypress swamp rumored to be home to the largest snakes in the world. - Bill said if we get three to four miles back, we're gonna see some good snakes. - There have been recent reports of a rare and terrifying monster in the area: the Green Anaconda. - Anacondas are twice as thick, three times as strong. - Really? - I'm telling you, a six-foot anaconda's stronger than 12-foot python. - The Green Anaconda is the largest snake on earth. A native of South America, the ambush predator can grow up to a massive 30 feet and 550 pounds. Bruce and Zak's goal: catch this serpent before it breeds. - If we see this thing, I don't what we're gonna do with it. - We gonna catch it. - You do not come across anacondas very often. Honestly, if we get something like this, this anaconda, it's worth my time. - And I'll do good until he bites me. If he bites me, he's getting bit back. - Over in the Florida Keys, after capturing their second python of the day... - Boy, wait till big Bill sees that, huh? - Troy and Chase move to a different area of the island to find more snakes. - Let's get a move on. Let's roll. [cell phone rings] - Hey. - Hey, Troy, it's Bill. Hey, listen, uh, we got a change of plans. - Okay. - You guys need to meet me at the marina. We gotta get back to the Glades as soon as possible. - Are you serious? Bill wants to pull us out of here. He found a jackpot. He said he found a honey hole. It's very important for us to get there in a hurry before other hunters get there, because time is money. - What we gotta do now? - We gotta meet him at the dock. - Okay, let's go. - Come on, let's go, guys. My buddy Gary's right here. I got a phone call from a buddy of mine, and he's been tracking Judas snakes. And he said that they've located a couple of them that have come together. - Judas snakes are male pythons implanted with transmitters during mating season. This device allows hunters to track their location. - The idea is to get the males that are tracking females for breeding purposes. And usually when they come together, there's a bunch of them. - Two Judas snakes are on the move in a distant swamp, so Bill wants to get there as fast as possible. In south Florida, that means one thing: a cigarette boat. - There it is. - That's your buddy? - Yup. - Whoo! Look at this thing, huh? - [laughs] Now we riding in style, baby. - Gary. What's up, buddy? - Hey, man, how's it going? If we gotta get back to the Everglades in a hurry, we take the fastest way back. - How fast this thing go, Gary? - Well over 100. - Oh, Lord. - All right, guys, let's fire it up. [engine roars] - Gol! [all laugh] - It's a souped-up, four-passenger Ferrari on the water. - How many horsepower has this thing got? - 740 apiece. - Damn! - Damn! - All right, y'all ready? - Yeah, baby. - We ready, baby! - Let's roll! - Whoo! Go, baby! Whoo! - Crossing the water in a straight line at close to 100 miles per hour will get them to their destination in less than a third of the time. Back in the Everglades, Bruce and Zak rely on their buggy to safely scope the terrain for the Green Anaconda. [clunking, engine sputters] - This thing don't sound right. Something ain't right, man. I don't know what, but something ain't right. - Give it some extra gas. Give it some extra gas. - It's not going. It's not going. - Give it some extra gas. - Crap. Nothing. - You kidding me? Come on. - Nothing? Oh, man. Come on now. Maybe it's in gear. Try it again. [clicking] - I hear it going a little bit. - Don't tell me that starter went out. - No, no, no, no, no. This is not happening right now. - After hearing them noises, I don't know. This thing just, chwww, quit. Let's go look-see. I think it's the starter. I'm not sure. - Are you kidding me right now? Dude, there's stuff like falling off of it. If Brucie and I can't get this buggy fixed, we're gonna be out here either all night or we have the longest, muddiest walk home. - Man, I don't know. The distributor's hanging on. They got wires all over the place back here. - Look at all the wires going into that. That have something to do with it? What is that big rusty-- that's the steering wheel? - This? - Yeah. It's bouncy out here. I don't know if it shook a wire loose or what's happening. Man. We gonna play with it a little bit longer, Zak. If we can't get it going, we got to walk out of here. Ain't nobody but Bill and Troy knows where we at, and they down in the Keys, so they ain't worried about us. They sipping them little drinks with the umbrellas probably. - You cannot see anything in any direction. Dude, we're so screwed. - After their quick trip from the Keys... - I might put that boat on my Christmas list. - If that don't get your blood pumping, there ain't nothin' will. - Bill, Troy and Chase arrive in the area where the Judas snakes have been tracked. [beeping] - What that thing does? - The snake's got a transmitter in it, and it relays it back to this, and it lets you know that you're getting close. - Okay. - To receive the signal from the implanted pythons, Bill uses a radio antenna connected to a receiver. The receiver turns this signal into beeps which get louder as the hunters get closer to the snakes. - You know, we can go track these things into a half-square mile area, but that'll only take you so far. We gotta try and locate a needle in a haystack. - Think we getting close? - We're on the right track. We're heading towards it. - To make sure they find their Judas snakes, Bill has a Plan B. - I got a couple friends that run a thermal drone business, and it's pretty successful catching pythons at night. With a drone, you know how that works. I mean, you put that drone up there and they can pinpoint right where they're at. - Okay. - Said they'd be here before the sun went down, so... - Okay. Oh, oh, look right there! Look right there! Right there! [laughs] - That's a big one. - Dude, look at the size of this thing. - Oh, he's ready to strike. Ay-yi-yi-yi! - Here, I'll get him over this way. I got him distracted. - Hold on, Bill, hold on. - You got it. - Okay. Grab him, Bill, grab him. - Get him. - Oh! - Catch him, Chase. - Aah! - He's coming towards me! Watch him! Aah! - All right, now we gotta get the tail again. - Hold on. Okay, I got him. - Watch him. He's coming after me. - I hope he keeps eyeballing you, Bill. One of y'all grab him. - Get him! - Oh! - Good job. Good job, big Bill. Good job. - Good job, Bill. Good job. Dude, that's a big snake, huh? - Yeah. I don't think this is the one with the transmitter in it though. - Why? - It's picking up out there farther. - Oh, you don't think this is the right one? - No, but we're on the right track. - This 11-foot, 90-pound predator is a promising sign they're close to Bill's honey hole. - Let me get my transmitter and let's find more. [beep] - Meanwhile, with their vehicle out of commission, Bruce and Zak have aborted their mission to search for the Green Anaconda. Miles from the nearest road, their long haul out of the swamp could take them into the night. - Oh, boy. - With no vessel for protection, they're at risk of attack from a long list of predators that call the Everglades home: bears, panthers, gators and venomous snakes. - Getting thick back here, isn't it? - Yeah. - We can't lose this trail or we ain't never gonna get out of here. Whoo. - Oh, my God. - You all right, Zak? - I don't know. - Snake, snake! - Where? - Over here, come on. - Where? - Right here. Watch him. Watch him. - I think it's a Burmese. - Look, there's the tail right here. - Oh! - Whoo! He almost bit me, man! Watch him, watch him. He's after you. Let me get around this tree. - Let him stretch out. - Okay, ready? - Oh! - Oh, he bit himself, he bit himself. Look! - I'd much rather he bite himself than me. - Watch out, watch out, Bruce. Let him stretch out. Let him stretch out. - He's trying to bite me. - Stretch him out! - Oh! - Oh, yeah. - Oh! - Oh, dude, he's right on you. - Over this way. - You got him right there. - I got him what? He got me! Whoa! - Here we go, here we go, baby. Got him? Ready? He sees me. Oh, he sees me. Go ahead. That's all you. - I got him. Whoo! - Yeah. [laughs] - Catch, spot, everything. Brucie, let's go. - Bagging this 9 1/2-foot, 80-pound reptile will bring them $250. It's welcomed cash for a day that looked to be a total wash. - We did break down back here, but at least on the way out, we caught a snake. So at least we gonna make some money. But we still got a long way to go to get out of here. - We get a couple more of those, we're gonna have to figure something out. - Yup. - We can take turns, though. Way to go, Brucie. [laughs] - You got it, bro. Whew! - 20 miles west... [beeping] - We getting close, Bill? - Yeah, right over that way. Right over there. - While the hunters continue tracking a pair of implanted pythons, Bill warns of another monster in the area. - I hear you correctly saying something about some type of lizard? - Oh, yeah. The Nile Monitor. You don't know about that? - No. - They're another invasive species that we gotta deal with. - What we gonna do if we see one of them lizards? - Well, we gotta catch it. We just gotta get 'em out of the ecosystem. - They don't belong here. - Oh, they're bad. They are nasty. - The Nile Monitor lizard is an aggressive carnivorous species native to Sub-Saharan Africa. It's extremely fast, grows up to six feet, and it's armed with sharp claws, teeth that can crush bones, and venom that causes a dangerous drop in blood pressure. - I've never seen a Nile Monitor lizard before, and I hope I don't see one at all. To be honest with you, really and truly, I'd be happy with alligators back in south Louisiana. - Let's just focus on these Judas snakes. - Yeah. [beep] - Meanwhile... - I'm starting to feel lost, dude. - I'm turned around myself. - Zak is worried that he and Bruce are heading in the wrong direction. - I think I'm actually gonna go try to climb a tree here. - You what? - I'm gonna try to climb one. - Man, I wouldn't. - We have no other choice, dude. - We've been walking for like three hours, and Zak's wanting to climb a tree to see where we at. But I don't know if it's gonna do any good. We so far back, I don't think he's gonna see nothin'. - This one. Look. - Yeah, I don't know about that, man. You'll fall and get hurt. - Look at all those limbs. - I ain't carrying you out. You're too tall. - That's just a risk we're gonna have to take. Otherwise, we're gonna be here walking in circles for days. - I really don't like him climbing this tree because anything can happen, you know. You could fall, break your arm or leg. Then what you gonna do? - You might have to help me get up. - Put your foot in my hand right here. - All right. Ready? - Go ahead. You got it, man? - I just don't have much to grab. - See anything? - Not yet. I can see something. - What you see, man? - I see the trail out there. I can barely see it. I can make it out though. I can see all the downed trees and stuff. That's where we came in through the buggy. Maybe half a mile away that way. - Come on down. Just be careful. I don't want you to fall. You got it. Come on now. - Need to go back around this way. About half a mile that way, we have some type of trail. I think it's where we came in from. - All right, bro. I'm with you. - Told you it was worth it. - Hours into searching for the Judas snakes, the swampers are met with an unwelcome distraction. - Boys, over here! Hurry up, hurry up! Hurry! - What is it? - Whoo, Lord! - What the hell is that, dude? - That's a Nile Monitor. Look at it. - Hurry up, Bill! Grab him, grab him. Get the head! Watch him, Bill, watch him. - Can I put the sack over him? - No, he'll bite the hell out of you. Get him. I'm gonna distract him. - He's under the thing. I can't get the head good. - Get him. I'll distract him. Hold on, get ready. - He's ready to bite somebody. - Watch him, Bill. Watch him. - Whoa, Bill! Watch him! - Bill, watch the antenna! - I got him, I got him, I got him. - I'll get the sack. - Watch him. - Let's get him out of here. - Here, I got him. You grab him. - You saw how fast that thing was? I thought that was an iguana. That's not an iguana? - No, that's a Nile Monitor right there. They bite. You gonna get his head, Chase? - Watch out. - Get him out of them vines so I can grab him. I'm gonna get a hold of him, and that way, ain't gonna have nothing to mess this up. - Whew. Grab him, brother. All right, good job. Whew! Lord have mercy. - Watch him, he'll roll on you. - Dude, look at this thing. - Here we go, here we go. - Dude, look at this thing. - I thought it was an iguana. - An iguana on steroids. - Look at those claws on that thing. - Removing this fierce Monitor Lizard will help preserve the native ecosystem. - And they got teeth, huh? Look at that. Aah! - But the time they've spent capturing it has eaten into the remaining hours of daylight. - This is something that's real invasive. We don't want this in the Everglades, and we gotta get it out of here. - You ready, bud? - Good job, guys. We didn't expect that. - To me it looked like a damn Komodo dragon. He's got a pretty mean bite on him. They're super aggressive. I didn't want no part of him, I'll be honest with you. - So no bounty on these? - No, we just want them out of here. They don't belong here. - 20 miles east... - Man, this looks like a good spot for moccasins. - It is. - Bruce and Zak are racing against the clock to get out of the swamp before dark. - Be careful. I'm sinking in these holes with every footstep. - The sun going down, too. Going fast. Main thing I'm worried about, it's starting to get dark. Once we hit the road, we still got several miles to go before we get help. - The shadows are getting longer and longer, buddy. Dude, another one! Come on! - I'm coming, I'm coming. - He's right here, right here! Here, take this from me. Bruce, Bruce, Bruce. - Whoa! Get out my way, man. - Dude, I'm trying. - Whoa! Golly. - Be careful, Brucie. - Be careful? You should've said that before he struck at me. - I'll distract him. Come on, stretch him out. Stretch him out. I'm not trying to get bit. Oh, yeah! - Whoa! - Dude, he came after you. He tried to juke us. - Come on... - He's gonna strike. - We ain't got time for this now. - You're money today. You're money today. - Whew. - You are money, dude. - This python is their second catch of the day and makes up for their aborted mission to capture the Green Anaconda. - I'm so proud of you. You belong in Florida. You gotta move in with me. - I think he's eating in the bag and gaining weight. He getting heavy. - You might be right. - Without a vehicle, the weight of these two captured serpents bring their pace to a crawl at dusk... a time when many predators come out to feed. - Dude, look at this! - What? - That's panther tracks. Ain't no doubt in my mind. - Look how big they are, man. - That's a big cat. - The Florida Panther is an ambush predator that lives in the cypress swamps, an ideal environment for stalking prey. - And look which way the panther's going. Same way we going. - The same way we're going. - I don't like this at all. When you're out here in the open, it's spooky out here. Anything can jump on you. A snake can grab you, a panther can get you, a gator could grab you. Things ain't bad enough, now we gotta worry about panthers. This thing getting too heavy, dude. - Want me to help you out? - I got it, man. - All right. - Go ahead. - Is that another one? Oh, my God! Bruce, there's another one right here! - Get him, get him, get him! Hang on. Let me hang this snake up. - Be careful. He's right by you. He's long. - Whoa! Wow, that's a big snake. - Can you take the snake out of my hand? - I got it. - And the flashlight, too? - Aah! - He got you? - Dude, he almost got me. - Bruce and Zak are trying to bag one more invasive python. - Give me his tail. - Tail for you, baby. - Got it. - Oh, he's pissed. Look at that thing. - He could nail you. - Oh, yeah, he's coming. Come on, here we go. - Grab him, grab him, grab him. Come on, man. Get him, get him! get him, Zak! Yo got it. You got it, Zak. Way to go, brother. - Got him all day, baby. Got him all day. Look at those teeth. - Hard to hold onto. - This 10-foot, 95-pound beast will net them another $375... - All right. Ready? - One, two, three, go! - But the extra cargo will slow them down even more. - So we got three snakes now, Brucie. What you wanna do? Wanna rock, paper, scissors to see who carries them? - I got an idea. That might be good. When I was little, we used to cut limbs or trees or find a board or something like that. Tie pigs on them or deer we was carrying out of the swamp. You rest one pole on your shoulder and one on Zak's shoulder. - That's not bad. - And I think we could just walk out like that. - All right, bro. Walk that way. Take the weight off of both of us. Man, this is a lot better carrying it this way. - Yeah, this was a great idea, bud. - Only thing that'd be better is somebody else here carrying 'em for me. - [laughs] - Meanwhile... - We getting close? - We're getting closer. - Troy, Chase and Bill are struggling to find the snake pit before nightfall. - Damn, Bill, you've been saying that for a half hour, for half a mile. - Hey, you just don't know. You gotta get out here and find them. - Even with Bill's little waffle maker, it sends you in the right direction, but you don't know how far away they are. We been walking all afternoon for them snakes, and we still ain't got to them. - We just gotta watch that sun's going down pretty quick on us. - I think them snakes hear us and they moving as we going for them. I think they moving ahead of us. - With darkness looming, Bill calls in reinforcements. - The drone's coming in, and they've got the capability of going out there and covering a large area at night and pinpoint at these snakes. - What time they said they would be here? - They said they'd be here before the sun went down, so... - All right. Bill, what direction? [beep] - Go back this way. - The hunters proceed to a clearing in the swamp to meet the drone team. 17 miles east, Bruce and Zak continue their grueling trek towards civilization. - Oh, my God. - I'm hungry. - I lost feeling in my left shoulder about a mile back. Whoa. We're almost out of here. Just keep it moving. - Look, man. Look, look, look! - What? What? Are you okay? - Got a big one over there. A big one. I'm talking about big. It's huge, man. I'm not kidding. Big. - Not seeing a whole lot. - I know it's right here, man. It's right here somewhere. By the time we sat our snakes down, you don't see nothin'. - I don't see anything. It's like Houdini. He just disappeared. It was gone. - Are you sure you saw it? - This was the anaconda. I know it. Look at that trail. I only seen about three foot of his tail. Look at that trail. But I know what it was. - Look how thick this brush is. Could be right under this grass. You could step right over it and not even know. - I know he's close. It's got to be right here. He couldn't just disappear like that. I'm not kidding, man. That thing was big. Huge. We gonna have to do what we got to do. We gonna have to catch this snake in the dark. He got to be here somewhere. - As the sun sets in the Everglades, Troy, Bill and Chase meet the thermal drone crew for help tracking the pythons in the dark. - All right. Good to see you. Good to see you, Bill. - Man, what y'all got there? - This is an industrial drone. - Oh, man, look at that. This is the biggest drone I've ever seen. I think this thing could carry me around in the woods it's so big. - It has a special thermal camera. The entire picture is radiometric, which means I can see every little temperature everywhere. - Crazy, huh? - Yeah. - Thermal cameras detect differences in temperature by measuring levels of infrared radiation. They produce an image that would otherwise be invisible to the human eye. - How far out it can go? - Anywhere within a 24-mile area. - Jeez. - That's awesome, man. - We'll find it in the air. You find it on land. Bingo-bango, we'll capture some snakes. - All right, get ready. That drone was pure bad you know what. Okay? That thing was bad to the bone. - Okay, stay clear. Watch out there, Bill. Let's find some snakes. Looking good. We have some high trees, so we can't get real close. - The only problem we having in this area, unlike other parts of the Glades, there's a lot of trees in this area, a lot of cypress trees. But, hopefully, he can still find them and lead us right to the jackpot. - That's the jungle right there. - What the hell is that? That's one. It's gotta be, Bill. - Let me get a bearing on this thing here. No. Unfortunately, it's not a python. It's a snake, but the thermal signal is not one of a python. - Damn. - Body temperature can vary across snake species. The difference appears on the thermal image as a nuance in color. - Bring it down a little bit lower if you could, Dirk. - Okay. - Gotta keep that field of view in the swamp. - Do you wanna keep looking or what do you guys wanna do? - Hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, Dirk. Back up a little bit. Yeah, that's it. Oh, yeah. Right there. - Yup, yup. Right there. Look, look. Yeah, that look like a big one, huh? - That almost looks like one right there, too, on the side. - Oh, my God. - Look back here. Look, look, look. - Bring it a little bit further. Whoa, right in a circle. - Yeah, there's one, two, three. - That's three all in a pile right there within probably what, 50 yards of each other? - That's your honey hole, Bill. - Whoa! There's another one here. - That's right where we were headed. - We was close to them, Bill. - Yeah. They launched the drone, they weren't up about 10 minutes... - They're all over the place in here. - You know, we hit the jackpot. - Looks like we're ready to send the dogs out, boys. - Let's go get 'em. Send us on our way. - This drone is already finding more snakes in 15, 20 minutes than we found in three or four hours of walking. So we going. We going in after them right now. Where's the drone? - It's right up above us. - [indistinct transmission] You're getting close. You're getting right on it. Stay on it, boys. - Right here somewheres, huh? Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! Right here! Watch him, Chase. Watch him, watch him, watch him. Watch him. - Got him now. He got away from me. - Getting away. - He got away. Got away from me. This is a runner. He's mixed with a rattlesnake. A blue runner. - Got it? - Aah! Might be able to catch him like that. - No, no, you let him go. - Watch him, watch him, watch him. Whoo! Dude, see how fast that rascal is? Jeez! One distract, the other one grab. - Whoa! [laughs] - Watch him, Bill. - That was close. - Whoo! - Oh, he's pissed. - Oh, dude, is he pissed. All right, Bill, that's your chance. You and Chase. I got the tail. - You got it? - For now. There you go. [laughs] Whoo! - That's a Judas snake. - Where's the transmitter at, Bill? - You know, they put the transmitter right in here, they bob that tail. - This 12-foot, 100-pound beast is the first of the two implanted snakes they've been following. - Ready? - One, two, three. - Aah! [bleep] - Did he get you? - Bit you? - Ooh, what? He sliced my thumb wide open. - No joke? - Ay-yi-yi. - He got you? - Oh, yeah. Right as I let him go to drop him into the sack, somehow or another he twisted around and caught me on my thumb. Sliced me wide open. - Hey, Bart, we got one. Get that drone right over the top of that next one. - Start going in the direction that you were going before, except at about a 20-degree angle. - Farther east, Bruce and Zak are closing in on what they believe is a Green Anaconda. - Dude, dude, dude, dude. He's right there. He is right there, dude. Oh, God! - Holy hell. - What do we do? - Dude, I have no idea. - Grab him. - You grab him! I'm not grabbing this thing. This is an anaconda, dude. - This is it. - Yeah. - This thing is like 15, 16-foot long. - This is really an anaconda. This is what people imagine that constricts you, takes you down under water. This is what does it. And this is not even as big as they get. This is about half the size of a full-grown adult anaconda, and this is just immense. - He's not mad at all. Look. - Are you sure? - He don't even jump or nothin' when you touch him. Look. Why is it not attacking us, man? - It's gotta be like someone's pet or something. - When I first seen this thing, I didn't know whether to grab him, pick him up. But then I started noticing I kind of touched him and he didn't try to leave. Like, the pythons, they souped up. They'll fly around and try to bite you, but this one didn't try to do that. So that's telling me this got to be somebody's pet. We just need to get it out of here. Okay, I'm gonna try to pick him up. - All right, go ahead. All right. You got his head for real? - I got something. I don't know what the hell I got. - Try to put him on your shoulders. - Man, ain't no way I can carry this out. Can you lift it over your shoulder? - Nope. This thing's turning on me, y'all. I'm dropping him now. - The anaconda constricts with a force of more than 80 pounds per square inch, 10 times stronger than a Burmese python. - Dude, that thing is so big. - I tried a couple of times to get him up, but he's so powerful. Every time I'd go to pick him up, he would twist and it's nothing but a muscle. And I really didn't want him on my shoulder. I was scared he'd wrap around my neck, and once he wraps, that's it. You gonna be snake bait. - How are we gonna carry this thing out? - I don't know, dude. Only way I know is we're gonna have to leave them and come back and get 'em. - Okay. - Bruce and I decided to leave the snakes, marked up along a pretty decent trail so we'll be able to find it. - That could eat my dogs and cats and everything. - That could eat you. We're gonna come back in the morning, get the buggy, and then get the snakes, head on back and cash them in. Pet or no pet, though, they come out here nice like this. One little nest, every single one of those babies are all wild. - If it were to meet up with another snake and lay eggs, this whole swamp would be taken over. And that's what you don't want, another invasive species down here. - Unlike pythons, anacondas are live-born. A female could give birth to between 2 and 12 live snakes at once, averaging two feet in length. - All I know is that Bill's probably gonna know what to do with this, man. - I hope so. Come on. - While there's no bounty on anacondas, removing this apex predator before it breeds is crucial for saving the Everglades. On the other side of the Glades, guided by the drone, the swampers catch python after python. - Ha! Making money now. - With five monsters bagged, the roundup has already brought in over $2,000. But the second Judas snake is still on the loose. - Bill radioed his buddy to make sure he kept the drone right on top of the snake. So then all we had to do after that was look for the drone. Then it made it a lot easier. - 59% battery. Probably eight solid minutes flight time. - Hurry up, Chase. - There's the drone right there. - At the next tree you come up to, slightly go off to the left. There you are. You're in. You're in the honey hole right there. - Ho, ho, ho! - There he is. - Whoa, look-a here, baby. - Whoo! - Yup, that's another male. Look how fast he is. - Golly. That's the one we were tracking. - Think it's 'cause he's young, Bill? - He's heated up, he's warmed up. - Watch him. Aah! Damn. He's protecting his tail. He knows his tail is the most vulnerable part. - Watch him. - Watch him. - He's fast. - Grab him right there. - Aah! - Come on, Bill. Help it out, big Bill. One of y'all distract him. Watch him, Bill, watch him. Got you, Bill. - Yeah, he got me. - Damn, you all right? Ooh! - Ooh, he's fast. - That sucker is fast. There's your chance, Bill. There's your chance. Go for it, Bill, go. Good job, Bill. Who got the sack? Chase? That's what I'm talking about, huh? - Sucker got you quick. - Yeah, he got me. - He bit you, brother? - Yeah. - Look at that. I mean, he bit you. - No, they slice you. - Look like you still got teeth in your fingers. See them poking up? - Yeah, I was pulling away as he struck me. Yeah, you know, you play with fire, and you're gonna get bit. Those little eight, nine-foot male snakes are just lightning fast, and I got caught on the finger. So we paid the price for these ones. - Okay, on three. - Their final capture for the night is the second breeder they were tracking. - One, two, three. [all laugh] Ahh. You all right, buddy? - Yeah. Thank God for that drone. - Make all the difference in the world. - We got more than we can carry. - 16 miles east... - All the way to the truck. Don't stop. - Bruce and Zak finally emerge from an eight-hour slog through the Everglades with a massive Green Anaconda. - Come on, just get him in there. Get him up. Oh, my God, please don't bite us. What is he grabbing on to? - He done wrapped that bumper. - Go ahead. Go ahead. Ready? Oh, my God. Put it down. [bleep]. - Watch his tail. - His tail's good. Okay. Whoo! Okay. Oh, my God! - Dude. - We did it. You all right? - That thing is heavy. Look, it fills up the whole truck bed. We had like the worst day ever, and it turned out to be one of the best snake captures of anyone's lifetime. This is absolutely amazing. - Let's get out of here. We got the other snakes back in the swamp in sacks tied up. They can't get out. So tomorrow morning, we'll go back and pick them up. I can't wait for Bill and Troy and Chase to see this. - We did it, buddy. - At the edge of the cypress forest... ...the Landrys and Bill return from the snake nest with an impressive haul. - Oh, yeah, baby. - Oh, ding-dong, baby. - We hit the jackpot. - Big success. Big night. Big payday. We've been successful, but nothing like with this drone. You oughta see the size of this thing, dude. - We got everything y'all spotted. All in all total tonight, we had six bags with snakes in them. I think we did really good. I know that, for the most part, it's due to the thermal-imaging drone that we had. - Couple of smaller ones were the most aggressive ones, Bill. - Yeah. - Chase got bit, Bill got bit. I'm the only one that didn't get bit. I'm the youngest one and the fastest one. I almost got bit, though. We had fun. I enjoyed it. I'm so happy Bill called them to come. It made all the difference. - Thanks, guys. You just don't expect to catch that many snakes in such a short time. It's just probably one of the best hunts we've had. Too bad Bruce and Zak weren't here, you know. - Yeah. I wish Bruce and Zak could've been here with us. - They missed out. - You know, if I had to guess, Zak and Mr. Bruce right now are probably back at the hotel. They in the hot tub drinking a little champagne together. - With six monsters captured tonight, the crew will take in almost $2,500 from Bill's honey hole alone. But the impact of removing breeding males is a win for the Glades. - Just think how much money we got here. - Oh, we made some money, baby. - Cha-ching.
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 653,213
Rating: 4.8099809 out of 5
Keywords: Giant Anacondas Overrun the Everglades, Swamp People, Serpent Invasion, Full Episode, History, Everglades, anaconda, snake, serpent, invasion, swamp, people, Florida, Swamp People season 1, Swamp People full episode, Swamp People episodes, history, history channel, history shows, swamp people, history swamp people, swamp people show, swamp people full episodes, swamp people clips, full episodes, gator hunting, Swamp People Episodes, Season 1, Episode 3, Taking Back the Glades, show
Id: msDu6Apk2ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 47sec (2507 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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