Gianni Russo on Sleeping with Marilyn Monroe when He was 16, She Was 28 (Part 4)

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okay so then in 1958 you decided to go to beauty school i didn't decide a true officer decided he caught me i was on my way to twitch shore in fact frank just sent me over to the wyndham hotel where they kept the top floor on 58th street and that was their bank when they dropped all the receipts and all that so he wanted me to pick up 55 000 to bring it over to shaw who owned the ball and so i went over there and i was on my way there and the tune officer said to me because he had a brown uniform on it he knew he wasn't a cop he says what are you doing out of school that's what you're talking about he's how old are you i some he said why aren't you at school i said i don't go to school i had like 10 000 in my pocket he said and he says well i need your address i got to give you a ticket so i gave my grandmother's address he writes me a ticket so i don't know what it's about i have the ticket in my hand and i walk into shore and frank notices the ticket he's how'd you get a ticket are you walking too fast i said i don't know this guy gave it to me he looked at it and it was a true officer slip and he says how old are you i saw him 15 15 and a half he's how long have you been with me that's about three years now he says what okay i'll strain it out so the next day i meet him you say took care of that ticker for you i said i said great he says before you come here every day go to wilford academy on 52nd street it's on top of lindy's it's a beauty school so i don't want to become a beautician forget about it he said no no no just go there till you're 16 then you don't go no more you have no problems so i did that so next morning i go there i couldn't believe when i got there the ladies only it's all taken care of just come sign in stay as long as you want then she gives me a tour to school there was 15 20 great-looking little girls there i went there every morning i'd have to meet him until 11 and then one morning as luck would have it mark sinclair from clairol and kenneth they were partners and kenneth was jackie you know jackie kennedy's hairdresser and they were looking for shampoo boys and the teacher told me if they pick you those hours would count like you're going to school but you can make tips so i was in for that so i went there and then i told costello i got to go do this for a couple hours a day so don't worry about it so i did that and the fourth had a hair was milder monroe i couldn't believe mountain pedro was there and i just saw something like it hot maybe a hundred times because when costello went home i used to go to broadway a lot and that's when i was open 24 hour theaters so i saw something like it hot in the balcony i know how many times and now there she is but i had a shampoo basin looking up at the ceiling and finally she said is there someone in the room i said i'm sorry yeah i'm here and i had the card you know they tell you what rinse and the warm temperature of the water you have to put it on her inside her wrist and she approves it then i start giving her a shampoo she liked a hard firm shampoo and i'm giving her this and she's moaning and i'm a 15 year old kid i'm thinking like i'm having sex and i get an erection it must have been poking her in the ear and now i have to towel dry her hair and walk it to the the station in the middle of the casino in the middle of the salon and i'm walking behind and trying to cover myself and all of them are laughing at me and then she started requesting me fortunately and uh about a month or two goes by and costello says we have somebody staying up in the suite which he always had somebody there he's looking on him i'm going to go fishing he went to chicago he used to fish with uh tony ocado and so that morning i go up there at 12 o'clock like you said and she opens the door he says johnny what are you doing here i said well mr c told me to look in on you so i just ordered room service come on in and i didn't know what room service was she had all these carts of food and all of that i said you know i better go downstairs i said if you need anything i'm downstairs just ask for the kid he never told anybody my name because he didn't want me to you know on a wiretap a guy always protected me through the world i was known as the kid until i think i did the godfather and people started to know my name but uh she said come man don't worry about it i'm not going to tell them so i sat down for a minute she's have a glass of champagne i said i can't drink i'm only 15 16 years old and she gave me this champagne and never had a drink well i got a little buzz it was amazing he said i'm going to take a bath i said okay i'm going to go downstairs she just woke me in there so she walks in turns the water on and she's comb out my hair which i've done a hundred times at the salon so she lowers her robe and i'm saying to myself who's gonna believe i'm over here with marlon then she shuts off the bath water and she says get in the tub with me said you're gonna get me killed and with that she drops a rope this is milo monroe i can't believe it she gets into the tub and she convinced me to get into the tub so i'm a gentleman that was saturday afternoon i left monday morning and you were how old i was just gonna be 16 that december this was like september october of what year uh what would that be uh 53 i think it is 54. yeah i was 18. i was 18 and about 60. so yeah i had to be then whatever okay so at 16 years old you slept with a 28 year old marilyn monroe yeah okay but i stayed with for the next four years what did you say to that i was with her the next four years
Channel: djvlad
Views: 2,215,286
Rating: 4.8855014 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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