Giacometti (1967)

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often the heads have a look that has something of the sharply attentive look of the blind who because of the indifference of their eyes seem to be seeing us more than we see them looking straight back they head out their mirrors and magnifies the artists look ahead like a blade seems to slice its way through space as if aimed at the eyes facing its eyes the heads from life were usually done from his brother who sat to him almost every day modeling heads from memory he naturally had his brother's head in mind only sometimes he would end up without knowing it with a head more like his own an image in which the artists look Karen sides with its reflection he came from a mountainous village in Italian Switzerland most of his life was spent in Paris there he went on working in the same very small studio for nearly 40 years Comfort would have been a distraction from the endless questioning as to how to make a head in clay that would look like a living head with no hope of course of succeeding he knew that he wanted the impossible there is common now sikozu say sikozu Caesar would refer on a console one discovers a menacing samurai she says Amira SIA escutia Tatiana premium common skill to you Piscotty Volga diem fast in Nepali tilman bombay el aeropuerto de zon de forma Rosie Avila Rosie C bowlegged I am fulfilled ill Alera prescript ransom span hello see the sauce contradict wash complain ma he really tastes Bella bein a lush he went to a mental low come on Willy who fail in sauce mmm time so I won't it won't you probably me please come son no if I sample I'm fast memory she was heavy on quark asiana della Terra is Oh a god damn Baldomir GD wepa fella Kubler I am oblique of sarawak the sam sam polazo supreme a perp impossible the mountain air pasa pasa la Poma med pour toujours a potent all his figures of women are standing figures immobile they are there only to be looked at and to return that look the figures he made of men always figures in motion figures condemned like himself to be active out of this agitated squeezing and stretching and mauling the clay in his hands he made unmoving figures of women who seemed untouchable they are unsubstantial fragile their surface looks as if it might have been corroded merely by exposure to the light and they are indestructible as volcanic rock and they have the SAP on the spring of trees they are like dancers in a moment of stillness and they are like the dead their heads in drawn and drier skulls limbs bound as though bandaged for the grave cerca de sexy caboose khouzam a prolific Lisa go see me PO quasi say Polanco vascular Dania busca de Santander fail significant leave a a la tell mango cousin pisanka Sakura dooblidoo the purser donphan Havana Navy and vnav yellow la espada - lon salami para priests say Pascal second salamat mmm Devon even Elysium you the images speak of endurance and the routine of his life was unchanging and he went on repeating the same themes indefatigably and each repetition was a series of repetitions prolonged for weeks or months but his rhythm of working was quick and impatient continuous rapid building demolishing building again demolishing building again nervous manic ceaseless action the traces of an uneasy compulsive activity shape the image of a separate presence
Channel: BFI
Views: 290,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bfi, british film institute, Alberto Giacometti, art, artists, swiss art, paris, france, 1960s, 1960s art, arts council, england, documentary, sculpture
Id: vRsejf8xdC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2016
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