Ghillie Sniper DESTROYED by Airsoft Grenade
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: kickingmustang
Views: 313,904
Rating: 4.8195186 out of 5
Keywords: airsoft, sniper, ghilliesuit, ssg24, airsoft zoom cam, aeg, tokyo marui, marui, ghillie, mk23, aimcam, cqb, tokyo marui mk23, milsim, ghillie suit, kickingmustang, kicking mustang, silverback srs a1, mk23 marui, silverback srs, airsoft grenade, airsoft sniper, covert, mk23 tokyo marui, srs, mark 23, mk23 socom, ghillie suit sniper, paintball, leafsuit
Id: jGBcEsju0EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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