Ghillie Sniper DESTROYED by Airsoft Grenade

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[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back guys you join me as I travel to a forest in Belgium and an abandoned castle I'm teamed up with a British Army veteran his name is Nico speciality gets close to quarter combat together we form what is possibly a perfect team with my long-range stealth ability and Nico's close up in close-quarter fighting skills our mission is to capture and hold a red building called the chambers but first we need to break through the enemy lines there's snipers still no he's still looking low down too many of them too many oh no no with a large enemy force now moving in on the chambers Nikko and I decide to head across open ground as Nikko heads into the tunnel system and breaches the inside of the chamber I set up a high position on the outside to protect him from the advancing enemy troops red red red [Music] yes 0 comes charm sneaking [Music] [Music] you can come inside the building that's building clear that's negative my it's I've got too many targets here over I'm by the red building in under the bush and I'm shelling peas as they're pushing up over with enemy forces moving around the outside of that building I need to reposition myself to get a better angle of shot enemies are on the left-hand side of the big building opposite understood my I'm still in front of the chambers red building over now with enemy forces advancing on both sides of the chamber and using the ravine at the back of the fortress to advance on to Nicko's position I make the decision to enter the building and support him from the inside we come on the stairs [Music] [Music] with clean shot joining myself and Nico we head to the upper levels of the chambers and from this elevated position we believe it will give us a strategic advantage over the attacking waves of enemy troops come here clean shot please clear first part of the mission complete the chambers is under our control but we have lost Nikko and I'm left with just clean shot for support and he's setting up a landmine here to try and protect our rear and we head to the corner building which is for excellent visibility and we hope that we can hold off until Nikko respawns and rejoins us Shh Mike Mike Mike white button wash are these blue or red yeah how many these guys have read all night it's quite here's a riddle blue you know in red or blue they show me that's a great day [Music] it's down between them I don't have a line of sight of them yet okay there were 33 in the ditch in the ravine they got violent [Music] with the enemy forces using a ravine to move up Nico and I decide that we're going to cut them off to prevent us becoming Serrano Ronna he's behind a tree okay you covered Nico got him got him so I saw Nico he's down Nico he's down I can't see my I can't see I'm looking from the church area or it might look in I'm looking I can make them coming with the chambers secure I head down into the ravine and with a plan to take the fight to the enemy momentarily stunned it's a reminder that when you start airsoft first piece of safety equipment you need is a good sturdy belt as I advance up the ravine I use the power of my new km CS ghillie suit that I'm wearing here it allows me to blend in perfectly to the forest floor and remain undetected as I approached the enemy's positions [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] hey guys well played good airsoft oh we got each other see you soon and that brings us to the end of this gameplay video I hope you enjoyed the team up with Niko he's a fellow UK youtuber the link to his YouTube channel is in the description go give him a follow he puts out some really cool vlogs reaction videos and CQB action hopefully I'll be teaming up with him future also if you haven't noticed I'm wearing a new ghillie suit this is the km CS the kicking Mustang concealment system ghillie suit and it's due for release around April time and if you want to follow the developments of this and find out about more about the release don't forget to give me a follow on my Instagram I'm always doing stories and updates of what's going on with the km CS system yeah that's it guys thanks very much for watching and I will see you next time
Channel: kickingmustang
Views: 313,904
Rating: 4.8195186 out of 5
Keywords: airsoft, sniper, ghilliesuit, ssg24, airsoft zoom cam, aeg, tokyo marui, marui, ghillie, mk23, aimcam, cqb, tokyo marui mk23, milsim, ghillie suit, kickingmustang, kicking mustang, silverback srs a1, mk23 marui, silverback srs, airsoft grenade, airsoft sniper, covert, mk23 tokyo marui, srs, mark 23, mk23 socom, ghillie suit sniper, paintball, leafsuit
Id: jGBcEsju0EA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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