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it's teasing [Music] how it is [Music] hey guys so we are currently on the flight to the so what are we going to do what's the plan when we get to ghana now i'm going to pick some movies to watch as you can see they've got happy bees i'm sorry for kids no but if you've got kids like they've got a nice like range of kids films is 20 minutes to land it ladies and gentlemen the captain has now switched on the fasten seatbelt signs as he will surely be landing into a accra so we've landed in ghana guys after a six hour like i'm so excited it's like night time so you can't really see much but um we're excited we landed i'm excited i'm excited guys so guys we just landed and we finally got settled into our apartment and we're just really really loving it because it's just so nice we're actually really shocked ah so as you can see it's my favorite color gray and it's gray gloss and as you can see shanna's open in the fridge our fridge is already stacked up like look at all the waters look at all the food we're just patterned you know you know what i mean so as we go towards the living slash dining room we've got like a dining table where we'll eat our meals yep and yeah and then we've got the front room area which is really nice spotlights hey babe yeah big up to my babe he made all of this happen so bear in mind this girl is 10 years old and look at the room she's getting like we're only here for two weeks and she's got so much space that's the tv that's her big bed i think she also got a balcony as well out here yeah and then it's like really really modern apartments walk-in shower mirror everything she needs so she does not need to come out from nothing do you only for food okay [Music] so he's going to show us around where are you taking us today then i'm frankie's first and she's going to be heading to to me yeah yeah yeah get some ice cream we're going to get some ice cream because it's hot it's really hot in ghana so we're going to get something nice we're gonna meet some people so yeah stay tuned for that wow so now you're gonna get again america he's not going to slap you now [Applause] this is the menu it's quite english you know you've got your chicken wings you've got your salads pizzas pastas meats kebabs everything what about you still undecided oh okay babies what are you gonna get chicken wings everybody seem to be sweating into the chicken wings cool [Music] is [Music] so our food finally came it tastes really good and then draining the drain so guys today we came i am vlogging quite late um we've actually like sat at the poolside we've had some food it's so well known let me put my glasses because i'm actually feeling quite i'm feeling myself a bit so don't put my glasses so yeah like people go on about these kind of hotels here and yeah it's just amazing it's beautiful it's got vibrant colors as well can you see like the their outfits as well there it's gorgeous like we've got like the seating area and then around here it's like this big lobby space and it's just beautiful i love the colors that are going on right now it's just really nice so guys we are in a ghanaian supermarket it's proper vine and dummy in dummy because we want noodles but yeah it's so cool it's like a normal supermarket sometime isn't it babe yeah yeah so we're gonna get these oh yeah i thought that would probably yeah we're not allowed to record okay sorry we're doing [Music] so we're currently at amina castle do you want to say something though learn a bit of history yeah this is where like all the slaves were bought here okay as you can see we're just waiting for our tour guide to come and show us down and give us a bit of information [Music] now so this is where that was kept here yeah [Music] at this point for three months what we have here is a well a system which they use to store water okay at the moment we are not using it we want to see so whenever or whoever and then after he was sent through this room yeah it's very interesting all right [Music] their spirits but before i take you to the top of number 10 there's something i'd like to show you [Music] elmina castle i know it's been crazy it's been so crazy they kept them in horrible conditions it's actually quite sad i actually made my bad boy just what they did to them and i couldn't imagine like being born into this you know what touching when he said but the woman that resisted like they just put them in the sand and chained them to a big group i'm sweating right now like i'm so hot and i can't just imagine and they've got people that were just there literally just there no water no nothing no trees just because they're objecting to it i couldn't imagine them being there so hot i can't even i'm dripping and imagine slaves just being in this heat just wow is someone saying hi [Music] ain't nothing to be scared she was scared but she wanted to end up riding this thing [Music] hey mommy [Music] what's going on people so right now we're in hebrew which is like on the mountains and that and um everyone thinks it's like a most place to come to now they've got like a few new resorts here and what hillary at the moment which is like a really kind of cool hotel which is it's quite like a really good view which you're going to see anyway but yeah like we'll come going on for two weeks and we're doing cape coast and we're doing a few different places like every one of their go to places so are you ready to check it out [Music] just come here chill have a nice meal you liking it a lot of people say for that scenery this is this guy like this is one of ghana's most beautiful places it was on our way to safari valley brazil and uh it decided to rain on our slab i know so we had to turn back because i was really scared i didn't want to go down these what roads were there are muddy roads and it's quite hilly as well so i just didn't want to go so we turn back we are back in hillary and we're just gonna have some dinner we're in this like really hot like really cool hot thing which is really cool and it's just like a rainforest it's like got that vibe it's really nice i like it we might as well go to every garden hey guys so we're at move-in pick i'm gonna go in the pool guys and it's just so beautiful like it's just it's a bit bigger than the one we went to went to kampinsky the other day as you saw um it's a bit bigger it's a lot more space the pool is a little way bigger and if you can see it's just beautiful like you've got greenery we're gonna do everything and we're gonna go in the pool well i'm not gonna play bloody hot it's really beautiful yeah it's nice like service is good view is good everything's good the web is good so yeah it's really good oh she's running to the pool right now like i would say a family spot she's just very thirsty [Music] hey guys so we are currently at a1 raceway go-karting in tamar and let me tell you i'm so excited to try this because i actually haven't been go-karting before um i don't think my daughter has so we are so excited to just get on that racetrack and see how it is i'm actually quite scared but yeah guys so the staff are just taking us through the race track and what to expect when to slow down and just safety precautions they're also showing um telling us the different controls on the actual go-karts and literally that's it can we monitor our speed like can we control our speed we control our speed okay yeah a1 raceway [Music] [Music] wow [Music] yeah where are you basically um and we're in living room here all right we tried to bush canteen which was i liked it i needed something to really um well i heard living rooms wicked so about to go look at their menus for ages but um we're gonna look at the menu shannon what are you feeling for you feeling full like rice i know you don't eat the food you don't you don't deal with that no she doesn't maybe in a couple of years maybe i don't even do it at night yeah we're going to check the money and then we'll be back [Music] we're looking forward to eating okay [Music] so what mall is this what's it called this one okay [Music] and tamar this is kotemar and it's such a beautiful area if you can see like a little bit of the road it's like everybody kind of like builds their own houses and you can see that they're different colors and everything like that so then you have the palm tree it's just so nice like to the back and and then we've got welcome to my garden and then when you come through it's like really nice palm trees let's see so this is one of the seven is that her favorite oh this is so cute hello yeah this one is so cute can i hold i want to hold this where's [Music] [Music] around when did they open the eyes i think in the week after week beautiful ghana after a week okay got me some jollifies oh my god she think they did my puppies back baby puppy's back [Music] [Applause] oh my a city there god she's there she's look at her i guess you could come in a picture doesn't want this one right lacey look i've got one no it's not interesting that's not nice baby shanna how was your holiday [Music] how was your trip to ghana it was good yeah it was really good we actually stayed longer than expected we stayed for a month you were supposed to be going for two weeks two weeks we stayed one month so we're right now we're at the lounge chilling is it you're lying it's 300. we don't know it works so basically you pay a certain amount and like you can eat as much as you like you could do as much as we really stacked up our bloody fruits because these bangs like we got all of these fruits we've got wow the food was good man the food is really good as well we've got some rice we've got some fruit in the bag there and yeah
Channel: R'N'S Lifestyle
Views: 33,597
Rating: 4.9601741 out of 5
Id: IXp_dCbKH1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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