GF Is In Tears Because I Spent $8 More Than The Budget For Groceries

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significant other 29 female is frugal to the point where i 30 male cannot handle it anymore i did groceries alone today and she is in tears because i spent eight dollars more than her budget we have been dating for around three years now and moved in together a year and a half ago back then she was somewhat of a penny pincher and always insisted on instead of eating out we would buy or make something which i was okay with because we both love to cook lately with kovic she has gone from bearable to completely and utterly pinch every penny we both work in tech and we make great money to give some context we live in new york city and her monthly budget is less than 600 including rent utilities etc the rest of the money goes somewhere i'm not privy to her finances however we both have no real debt at this point right now we live in a tiny and i mean tiny bachelors originally i moved in with her and we had plans to get a proper apartment when her lease was up rather than me signing another new lease however that plans have gone on hold due to covert and her paranoia about job security she works for a very stable company lately she has become one of those extreme couponers even if it is just saving a few dollars here and there today the grocery store was extremely busy and i didn't want to fiddle with the coupons that she gave me so i just said screw it the result was the cost going about eight dollars over our weekly budget i didn't care at all since i was paying for the groceries when i got home she immediately took the receipt and started to get very upset about how i overspent etc i said i paid for groceries and she started to get very upset i tried this afternoon to sit down with her and ask her to explain why she is being so extremely frugal and she responds that she isn't sure if the future for her career and needs to pinch every penny the thing is by my math she has saved a ton of money up i know she sold her stock options last year for a fairly large amount i just cannot understand how she considers herself so poor the other thing that is bothering me is that she didn't grow up in a poor family or anything her family is extremely well off from what i have seen she doesn't seem to want to discuss her financial situation and i'm struggling to understand where this is coming from what can i do edit i showed her my finances and asked her to share hers because i said her behavior is not healthy she refused to show me anything she says she doesn't have any sort of debt and asked me to trust her about it it doesn't make me feel happy update significant other 29 female is frugal to the point where i 30 male cannot handle it anymore i did groceries alone today and she is in tears because i spent eight dollars more than her budget she has been bankrolling her parents way of life i have only met her parents a few times and i'm an idiot for not seeing it earlier her dad isn't a doctor he is a dentist and his practice has not been profitable for a long time according to her so she has been giving almost all of her paycheck to her family to cover this deficit in general i think her parents are total pieces of crap since last time i was there they were very well off big house multiple cars etc she showed me her finances after i gave her an ultimatum that she needed to go to therapy for her penny pinching or i didn't see this relationship working out she is more or less completely broke she has no savings no nothing all the money goes to her parents i told her how wrong this is and i told her how wrong it is for her to project this unhealthy behavior onto how i spend my own money i also fully told her i'm going to move out when her lease is up into an apartment that is suitable for two adults constantly working from home and i told her we can move out together but i'm not going to be forcing myself to her extreme frugal behavior her reasoning behind all this is she has this huge feeling of debt to her parents and she doesn't need nice things to be happy i don't really know what is going to happen but today we ordered fancy delivery food something we haven't done in ages and i paid for it without her making a fuss she has also agreed to see a therapist but she isn't fully set on at least reducing the fact she is giving 90 of her paycheck to her parents i don't know i don't get it and i probably went about this the wrong way but it is something my boyfriend 35 male drugged me 26 female with banner drill because we got into an argument before our road trip and he wanted me to sleep the whole time monday we decided to make the 80 shower drive back to our home state and quarantine there instead for a few months right before leaving we got into a big fight because i wanted to stay at my mother's house for a while he doesn't want me to among other things i won't get into well before leaving we decided to eat dinner so we didn't have to stop anywhere fast forward to our drive and not long after hitting the road i passed out don't even really remember falling asleep woke up one time for a while drank some gatorade which he gave me and then i fell asleep again i thought this was extremely weird because i wasn't tired hardly at all and we didn't even leave super early i kept commenting on how weird it was that i was tired the whole drive and slept 90 of it yesterday the tension eased a bit and he made the offended comment that he wishes he could drug me more when i act out and argue with him i ask him what he's talking about proceeds to tell me he put benadryl in my drink and that's why i slept so he didn't have to deal with me he said this as though it wasn't that big of a deal i'm still reeling from the conversation and completely flawed i don't know if i'm overreacting or not but something tells me i'm not and it's extremely messed up to put medicine in drinks i don't know what to do update my boyfriend 35 male drugged me 26 female with banner drill because we got into an argument before our road trip and he wanted me to sleep the whole time i ended up calling my brother and telling him about it and asking him how i should handle it and he got in his car to come to get me before i even finished telling him what all had happened he's freaking out more than anything else which made me realize that i wasn't overreacting i didn't tell my boyfriend i was leaving until my brother was parked on the street and i just walked out with a few things so now i'm in a messy breakup situation where he's already tried to come by my mum's house even though i told him i didn't want to see him and that i'd get my stuff eventually both from his parents house where he's currently at and his actual house things are gonna be weird to figure out but i just wanted to let you guys know that i'm okay thank you i 30 male just found out that my fiance 29 female cheated on me less than a week after our proposal i know how the title looks here is the story i've been with my now fiance for four years in the previous two long-term relationships that she had before me they didn't go very well from what i know her past relationships were based on false expectations of her where her controlling type boyfriends tried to change her from the beginning i told her to be herself and our relationship flourished from there we have been engaged for about a month we were waiting until coronavirus conditions improved before booking any wedding plans two nights ago we were having a conversation about our future together and it all came out less than a week after she accepted our proposal she cheated on me with a friend of a friend she told me that she didn't know if she could see herself as a wife at first so that's why she stepped out there was no way to make a connection between the nature of her past relationships and her cheating it was not a red flag at the time nor did i think that it would lead to further commitment issues i have moved out of our house and back to my parents until i can think of a sound solution i just don't know what that solution is i know that this was a one-time affair she's been begging me to take her back i just don't know if i can justify the one time factor as a basis for accepting her back or thousand positive affirmations can be erased with one bad mistake update i 30 male just found out that my fiance 29 female cheated on me less than a week after our proposal thanks for all of the advice i know how to proceed from here i've always thought of ways to turn a negative situation into a positive situation and most importantly to not act or feed off of negative emotions it was difficult to see how to do that for the past few days for the majority of those who are telling me to end the relationship i believe that it is the best course of action it is true that cheating would have been a constant topic on my mind we are not bound to each other through property or finances as i don't believe in doing so officially before marriage my family and friends believe that the relationship should end as well i have returned to my home and will tell her to move out some users say that i have ended the relationship too soon without room for negotiation that may be true under most circumstances however the timing of the affair said more than the affair itself therefore i believe i made the right choice thanks husband 32 male told me 29 female to meet him at the pub after he was finished with dinner with his colleagues this weekend the bars slash pub slash clubs opened up my husband was going to eat dinner with his colleagues after work and asked if i wanted to meet him at the pub beers fake name at 11 pm i said okay it's been a while since we had a date so i was excited so i took a shower and got ready i went to the pub and was there at 11 pm i texted my husband asking him where are you he told me dinner isn't over until 11 30 p.m they started eating at 7 p.m i said okay well i'm here so i'll see you in 30 minutes he didn't reply at all he just read the message i didn't think much about it then the clock hits 1am i text my husband again hey what happened no reply 30 more minutes with waiting and he texts me we are at pub mimosa i asked him why he didn't inform me so i could go there he told me to keep waiting at the pub beers now it's 3am the bartender asked me if i was waiting for someone as i was hogging a table i told him i was waiting for my husband the bartender said all right i asked my husband again where he was same reply i'm at pub mimosa i got a bit annoyed and told him that he hurt me by making me wait all alone at the bar when he wasn't even coming i went home and i felt so bad the day after i asked him why i couldn't go to the pub mimosa he told me he was planning to come but he had to finish his beer i'm still hurt and he told me i was overreacting and doesn't think that he has done anything wrong should i just accept this what should i remember to next time update husband 32 mail told me 29 female to meet him at the pub after he was finished with dinner with his colleagues i just want to get some things clear i got a lot of hate for us going out to the pubs in times like this we still practice social distancing by keeping two meters between all people our country isn't in lockdown anymore every public place offers unt back if people don't respect the rules our government has set they will be asked to politely leave we are generally careful i decided to talk ho him about it again he wasn't with another woman or in the house i asked if his colleagues knew about me waiting on him he said no i asked him why he didn't mention me he said i don't know i then asked why he didn't want me to go to the pub they were at he told me that he didn't know if the others would be happy if i came along so i asked why didn't you ask he said i don't know i told him that i was hurt and angry i told him that i wouldn't wait any longer than 10 minutes in the future as usual he was pretty quiet about it and i still feel hurt i asked him again let's go to couples therapy and he shouted we don't need it if we go the therapist will most likely be female and only be on your side and i said that's now how it is it's nice to have a third party to help us talk if you don't want to go please talk to me instead of just being quiet i need to be able to talk about how i feel with the response from you i asked him if he didn't care about my safety i was after all alone in a pub surrounded by drunk guys for several hours he told me of course i care but i didn't want to leave my colleagues i kept trying to get some answers from him but i was just greeted by him being quiet and me looking like an idiot my mother-in-law told me when i came home that night without my husband that's just how men are let him have his boys night our relationship is pretty good otherwise we just have things like this happening and i want to fight for this to work out but i feel like i'm the only one trying right now i feel like he wants to be married to his colleagues instead he tells me because i like my job but that doesn't make it up for me i shouldn't have waited for so long to be stood up i wished i went home after 30 minutes waiting i will be trying to make some new friends in this town but as i'm quite a shy person i think it will be difficult i'm looking for mom groups thanks for watching if you liked this video hit like get subscribed and give the op any advice you have in the comment section and support the original writers with upvotes links in the description box
Channel: Beast Stroke
Views: 17,831
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Keywords: Beast, Stroke, Beast Stroke, best of reddit, reddit, tts, funny, serious, top, posts, stories, story, reddit and chill, r/, r slash, cringe, reddit funny, reddit serious, reddit best, reddit top post, reddit stories, top posts of all time, best reddit posts, subreddit, askreddit reading, wife is in tears because i spent 8 dollars more then her budget, girlfriend is in tears because i spent 8 dollars more then her budget, girlfriend was crying because i spent more than her budget for groceries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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