Getting .stc files into SAS Studio

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okay now we're going to see step by step how to get data into South Andaman so let's start over here because I hate it when people start in the middle of something with Ric inner University Consortium for political and social research icpsr I got org okay we're going to go there we're going to search on high Indian Human Development survey some search on that and here we see the Indian human developing surveys one more result I went to 2012 and click on that okay I found what I wanted you might have to spend a little more time searching for it now I'm going to click I don't want to download all files in this case I want the eligible women one so I'm going to click to download SAS sign in hi are you having to promise not to do anything bad with it and then my files download its downloading as a zip file I open up that file and there's okay now go in here and finds if this is that STC that's a SAS transport all right so I have already I've already done this but I'm gonna show you how to do it I've already logged in to South under band I guess it's now called SAS studio files and folders I click where I want it data analysis examples this is India study so I open it up and I would click upload that's where I want it choose files go over here to the file I want click on that and click open and it would upload I'm really going to do that cuz already did so now the next thing I need to do is that I have a file here I need to read it into SAS studio so that it can be accessed for all the analysis you want to do first thing I need is a lip name statement starts with a live name has any appropriate fast word here I used my data you can use whatever you want as long as it doesn't have unlocked characters this is the directory for my course if you can course for me it's a Pepperdine University this is what you would use options no format error include that in case there's formats in the data set you're reading in that do not exist put that in their file name read it again this could be any acceptable SAS word it's just pretty appropriate and then here how do I find this path well I just uploaded this right I upload it just by clicking on this and putting upload and picking the thing I wanted so now I'm going to go here I'm going to right click on it cut into it just properties and lo and behold it gives you the location so you could just copy that thing and paste it as I did right here so I finally read it here's where that file is now I'm going to use the import procedure proxy import and file equals we get security and library equals work is file utf-8 equals true I go to say to the utf-8 format if it's not nothing terrible will happen here so when I run this I'm just going to show you let's pretend also this stuff isn't here for now I'm going to put it back I'll run this everything good will happen it shows me there's the data set now I'm going to go to my so this shows the data here's my log so as all these files formats have been output you don't see any results because I didn't request any printed output it's kind of my libraries and here's my work library now notice in my Co here I didn't give it a name I said library equals work so it's going to output this to the working directory library and there's my work file so this is a temporary workspace well now that I've looked at it so it is exactly where I want all this stuff so I'd like this to be a permanent data set so that's what so this stuff here does so I'm going to have this word data because I'm creating a day set my data that India just calling it that this is going to be a file named India then because it's giving it it's going to be saved in this directory and this is the file name that it was originally in the working directory so this is going to save this temporary file as a permanent thing now I'd like contents of it and the means of every numeric variable in there so if I just highlight and run this now I'm going to get output and so this gives me the current is it tells me there's five hundred and eighty variables in there people are their observations is 39523 and then this gives me for each of the five hundred eighty variables the name of the type the length the format and then a variable description at the end of all this I also see for those same 580 variables the mean so some of these things you know state code mean doesn't make any sense but there's a whole bunch of others decide to cook at a daily basis the husband what what to cook on a daily basis the husband of the wife decides the number of children you have and on and on so that is the output from the content and means procedures and don't forget to always check your log now if I love there should be no area see it's all lovely blue and black there's no red thing saying you have errors there's no warnings so this this code is how you get something from icpsr or other open data source if it's about STC data set into data that you can then analyze assess so that is the end of our first video
Channel: Annmaria DeMars
Views: 1,259
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: SAS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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