Getting Started: Yubikey 5c Updated:2020

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it's 20/20 and you know you need to do better at protecting your personal data and social media accounts well I'm gonna show you how and we're starting right now hello and welcome to the year 2020 the response to my previous videos on this subject were fantastic and you guys have a lot of great questions and I've incorporated the answers to those questions in this series of updated videos now don't worry you don't have to do everything in this series of videos but if you do one or two it's gonna dramatically decrease the chances of a successful cyber attack against you according to the website car assurance between 2016 and 2018 there were over 230,000 police reports filed where somebody reported having something taken from their car or had their car stolen and in those two hundred and thirty-seven thousand cases almost all of them admitted to leaving their car unlocked they gambled on the fact that they didn't think that somebody would just be walking down the street trying car doors and unfortunately they lost that bet how many of you right now are making a similar gamble that they won't get into your accounts most attacks are automated so they do the equivalent of trying your car door if the door is locked they just move on to the next car or in this case victim so the first and easiest thing that you can do is add a security key to your account now there are a number of companies that are producing security keys I prefer you be Co not because I work for you because not because they give me anything I prefer yubico because I think they have the widest set of features and I think they're just better at it I do have some links below where you can purchase you B keys and I do get a small Commission for those and if you're gonna get one anyways why not help out the channel there's two types of keys there's one Kuip of key that is what we call fight oh no not that fight o fight outstanding for fast identity online most of your larger websites at this point support fight oh so facebook its Twitter Google office 365 those all support phyto right out of the box and by right out of the box I mean you actually register your key with their account a lot of websites aren't up to using Fido at this point so they're using things like one-time passwords or OTP and those are those websites that you go to and they send your code via text message or an email or perhaps they have some separate app that generates a six digit code I'm not a real big fan of those I'll put a link up above for the video where I talk about that and actually the worst one is when they text you the code because it's very very easy for them to intercept that you can just ask the head of Twitter because that's how they got into his account and just after that he decided that Twitter would now support Fido and security keys Yubikey makes two types of keys one is Fido only pretty much and one covers a bunch of different things if you're a person that only uses you know you say hey I only go on Gmail I go on Facebook I go on Instagram then the entry level the less expensive key is gonna work just fine for you if you have a large amount of websites that you want to interact with and you actually want to be able to do some other really cool things this is the key I suggest that you go with because this is going to cover all of the phyto stuff but it's also gonna cover a bunch of other things now on the entry level key they have one that does Fido and NFC and one that just does fight them I don't know why they do that because for seven dollars more get the one that also has NFC because that's gonna allow you to enter website simply by tapping the key to the back of the phone if you don't have one with NFC that means you're gonna have to get a little you're trying to go in a website on your phone you're gonna have to get a little dongle and plug that in so we have our key let's go ahead and add it to an account and you'll see security we're gonna go ahead and click on that but we have two factor authentication which is currently off so we're going to go ahead turn that on go ahead and click get started so we're gonna go down and click on choose another option so it gives us two options one is to use a security key which is what we're going to use the other one is to get a prompt on our phone I'm not really thrilled with that because if someone has my phone then they can actually get in I'm gonna go ahead and click on security key so it's just confirming that we're going to be using a security key so it says go ahead and touch the gold section on your security key which I will do now as you can see it says hey I just want to make sure you're about to add a security key so I'll say allow and it says ok your security key is now registered so now it asks us to name the key which is a good idea because we're going to be using multiple keys so the first one I'm going to call the USBC because that is the Nano key that we're going to leave in the Chromebook for the rest of this tutorial do I need to have more than one key the answer is yeah you have more than one key for your house if you have more than one key for your car you wouldn't have just one key I'm going to add a second key this will be a key that's also usable and this is going to be the one that I keep on my dog tag around my neck so I'm gonna go ahead and take that off plug that in and I'm gonna go down to add security key again it says touch the gold section on the key which I will again it says is it ok to add the security key I say it's ok and now it asks me to give this one a name and I will call that UB dog tag so X most common question I get is so if I lose a key what do I do there's no identifying mark on the key so they won't even know whose key it is should I lose one of these keys I will know which one it is and I will be able to just delete it from just adding this to your account is going to improve your chances of not getting hacked because they'll need your password and they'll need this key if you want more detail about some of the things that covered in this video go ahead and check out the video list above in the next video I'm going to talk about what to do with a website that does not support a key natively thank you for watching and until the next time this is Orman Beckles the high-tech nomad signing out
Channel: TheHiTechNomad
Views: 26,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Hi Tech Nomad, thehitechnomad, Orman Beckles, yubikey, yubikey 5c, yubikey 5 nfc, yubikey 5ci, yubikey 5, yubikey 5 nfc iphone, yubikey iphone, yubico, yubico authenticator, yubico security key, yubikey manager, yubikey nfc, yubikey5c, dashlane review, fido2, nfc iphone x, nfc security key, u2f
Id: pdiC5AZu5xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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