Getting Started With The HackRF, Hak5 1707

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this episode of hack 5 is brought to you by hello welcome back 5 my name is Gerren kitchen my name is Shannon Morse let's stick that at me daily week that you're look at my amazing antenna hey the AMT 500 is pretty badass yeah like it I agree it's pretty cool I can alright I want to make it do all the things yes I hear that you are getting down with the kitchen sink I'm just pretty much yeah I'm getting down with sinks audio sinks I'm getting down with some WX f of T sliders you just go to these letters and just is so through they make sense okay they make yeah I am - I'm I really want to get my ham license is they replacing the Bay Area's already and this didn't make the cut in last week's episode when we've non it but I know was it episode it was fun it was fun we went out flying and one of the things that didn't make the cut is we were kind of chopping it up was I went into talking about how what was it that first person view flying but the quadcopter is you know I do it actually is been the number one biggest thing that's really pushing me to get my ham license as well just because then you can use the 1.3 gigahertz frequency which travels a lot better than the 5.8 gigahertz frequency that I use for my video transmission now and the only way to legally is it is with ham license and so it's like as much as I have qualms with the whole public database thing and the restrictions on what you can't say and stuff like that I think it might be the thing that pushes me over the edge so I just want to get the ham radio license in case like the apocalypse comes and there's an EMP and you know and then I'll have a way to contact people on the outside world or you know what you're right and most of my concerns regarding the content restrictions and things of that nature the things where you can't use encryption over packet radio and stuff are kind of one of those things where you know if there were to be a revolution things like that would be important but at which point I guess they wouldn't really apply also I Love You FCC he does and I love you FAA so I'm having lots of fun with the hacker ruff today awesome super fun times mike has been doing a fantastic series as well we should probably point that out Mike Osman does a terrific job with the great sky gadget stuff too over tooth one the hack RF one you have seen his gear and we want to promote his amazing series on SDR absolutely it is way more in-depth than we could ever yeah he's an expert I've taken his course in person the lady I took the three-day course at torque on two years ago it was amazing I've been doing I've been watching his tutorials on his web site and this is pretty much where I got the idea for this for this segment but he goes so far into depth like stuff we don't have time for here but so great really really really good stuff um ooh there was something else related to that oh oh yes but I have lost my train of thought the thought train has lost I left the station well pick it up at the end of the show how about that all right with that see you on the other side I am so excited because we finally got these hack RFS and of course this one is just a like the prototype model I think this one was Darren's from the Kickstarter project but the hacker f is on sale now it's like 300 bucks in the hack shop and there's a few other sites that you can get it from as well some of our good friends too so definitely check it out if you're interested the hacker f it is basically a radio that you can plug into your computer very similar to the little twenty dollar one that we've been selling for like ever the little rtl-sdr dongle but this one has the ability to transmit as well as receive and you can also pick up several different frequencies at once and it has a much much wider frequency that it can handle to up to like six gigahertz and way down to I think it's like a hundred megahertz or something anyway it can pick up lots and lots of signals as compared to the teeny tiny one that we used to play with a lot so I'm hoping that I can get a whole bunch of segments out of the hacker F but just to get started I went ahead and followed Mike Osmonds tutorials over on his website Great Scott gadgets comm he has a lot of really good tutorials over there and he started out with showing one about GNU radio so I wanted to break it down a little and basically give you guys an overview if you've already purchased one of your error if you're interested in one just to give you an idea of one of the many possibilities that you can do with it so for this example I'm using the hacker f obviously and just the simple antenna that comes with it and it's really big but you can also just use it like so if you don't want to stretch it out all the way it works easily either way I'm also using a program a distro of Linux called pen to sew pen to is basically the hacker of Linux distro it's it already has full support for the hacker F and GNU radio companion which we're also going to be using today so if you would never use pen two before it works pretty similar to any other ISO file you just download it from pen to CH slash download I got the version that's I think it's a 14-point O 3 or the some version like that anyway and you just use unetbootin to install the ISO onto a little USB flash drive so I've got my handy little USB flash drive right here and you boot off of it yay so nothing new there when you first start up pen 2 you're going to want to type in start X in the terminal that'll go ahead and start it into the regular desktop environment and you'll get a couple of choices as far as what kind of config you want to use just use the default config and it works just fine so after that you want to open a terminal window so let's go ahead and jump onto my computer over here so now I have pen 2 running I have my terminal open there's a specific bug in 2014 dot o /r c 3 version of pen 2 linux which requires you to type in this command e select la pact set 1 before you want run gnu radio companion this basically just fix a teeny tiny little bug so now that I have that I'm going to type in GNU radio companion hit enter and that's going to go ahead and open up GNU radio companion ok now now that we have this open I'll go ahead and move it on to the screen so you all can see it better y'all and I'm going to up another terminal window just to make sure that my hacker f is being seen by the program so to do this I type in hack RF underscore info alright so we see it so it's going to say found hacker F board it'll give you the ID number and then I'll say whatever kind of hacker f you have what version of your firmware so I'm running 2014 Giro 4.1 and then down here some serial numbers you'll also notice on your hacker F there's four different LEDs up here and each of those are labeled USB RF one v8 and 3 V 3 so 3 V 3 should be green 1 v8 should be orange RF is red and USB is green so that basically means it's working so we're ready to go yes so from my example I'm basically going to use GNU radio companion to create a whole script that's going to make the hacker F pick up two different FM radio stations at once and hopefully it works correctly and we will know that our hacker F is working awesomely as it should yay ok so I'm going to go ahead and go into GNU radio Companion now since I've already done this before just to test it out I'm going to open up the specific dock that I need this is called LS 1 GRC now so probably look familiar if you've gone through Michael Osmonds tutorial Dada it's huge by the way it's very very large so I'm going to go ahead and make this a little bigger on here so I can show you everything that's going on alright so what's going on here well there's two different parts to this entire map you'll see all this going on up at the top and then down at the bottom you see a second section so each of the sections looks very familiar up on the top half we have a signal source low-pass filter going into a rational resampler this goes over to WB FM receives or receiving FM multiplied constant ad into an audio sync and then we have down at the bottom pretty much the same thing we have the signal source multiplied low pass filter rational ample wbf em receive multiply constant add to the sink at the very end and then over at the side we have a bunch of different variables so the variables are basically going to give you options to change throughout the entire mapping so instead of going through and changing a certain segment in each and every different graph that I have on here I can just create a variable that can change automatically throughout the graph so for example under variable this is going to be the sample rate you see mine is pretty low I'm going to actually change that to 10 so you can see what happens so 10 million is what that stands for I hit enter so that means that it's picking up 10 million samples every time that it's receiving some kind of feedback through the hacker F into my computer so that's a lot of samples and my specific CPU might not be able to receive all of those samples without pretty much blowing up so I might have to change that a little bit lower if I'm using a whole bunch of different frequencies at once for example to FM frequencies when I change that sample rate since its ID is si MP underscore rate if I go into something like this and I have this set to si MP underscore rate as well that means that any time I change samp rate to 10 million or 4 million or whatever it might be this is also going to change to 10 million or 4 million or whatever it might be so under the actual graph right here we see 10m instead of 4m so if I change this variable now to let's do 6m then you'll notice this also changes to 6m and you'll notice several other little pieces like that as well now another really cool thing about GNU radio companion that I learned from my Cosman is that you can add in different pieces to the actual GUI that you'll receive when you run this script so what I mean is say you want to create a channel slider for your actual frequency so instead of just being stuck on one frequency you can move it from one channel to another so if I want to skip four like 96.2 Rock FM or whatever it might be to 102.5 I could just use this slider in the GUI instead of having to change it in the actual script that I created in GNU radio companion so for this I created channel frequency 2 and I have it set to a default value of 98.5 but I can obviously change this to be anything between 87.9 and 107.9 so the bottom of the FM frequency scale in the very highest top part hit OK and you can go back to you here and I also have this one for audio gain so this is a really cool one this is basically just going to let you change your audio from being 0 all the way to the top so you can totally blow out your speaker's yeah so I just hit OK for that now if I run this entire graph up here this is the little execute button we'll probably hear a whole bunch of noise oh yeah ok so I'm going to turn that down a little bit so you'll notice up here that I have two sliders so I have channel frequency 2 starting at 98.5 and I have channel frequency 1 96.5 so I could change the top one to be like 102 I think there's a 102.5 around here and then the bottom one I can keep the same so now if I turn that all the way down we hear nothing I'll turn up audio game 2 so this is for my second channel frequency so this but should be 102.5 I don't even know if there's anything on there oh there is hey it works and then I can set up the second one are they playing the same song I think are they playing the same song this one change it to it's a good one let's see ninety-nine point seven so that's four one no there we go that sounds horrible but we pick up two frequencies I don't know why you would do that unless you decided to be a DJ and start creating your own mixes off of the FM radio stations but I could think of one way you could do this so say you want to create a frequency or use the hacker have to create a GNU radio companion chart where you're picking up two different trucker stations so you can listen to two different truckers talking back and forth to each other or this could be good for radio stations but of course I think you would have to turn off squelch or turn it on when it one or the other remind me guys what which one it is offer on so that you wouldn't hear all these static in between there talking okay so you just hit the X to go ahead and close out of it whenever you're actually executing the file so what I thought this was really cool I was really happy that I feel an Osmonds tutorial about how to use the hacker F with G and your radio companion inside of pen 2 because it's a really fun way to first test out your hacker F and kind of get used to working inside of GNU radio companion because it's really easy to break pretty much anything inside the map once you create it so you got to go through and make sure that all your variables are set correctly and everything like that I think we can upload the file to hack 5 if you guys want to check out my own map but there's a pretty similar one over on Mike Osmund website as well and there was one last thing that I wanted to share with you so I'm going to go down here and I'm going to change this because I mentioned sample rates earlier and I thought those was kind of interesting it shows you a big difference in if your hardware is an i3 processor like mine is you might not be able to handle 10 million samples per second or whatever that might be so I'm going to hit OK for this change it to 10 million hit execute so I don't know if you hear that very well but there's a huge jump in between all the data coming through so you can't really hear this FM frequency really well and also down here you notice all these O's news and A's so it's having trouble picking up all the data that's coming through the hacker up so to fix this I would go down here to sample rate and then change it down to I'll put it at 4 million instead hit execute again and we shouldn't see any of those zeros down here ok so we saw a little a you but now it's it's perfectly fine pretty cool hey it works yay the other thing I wanted to show you as well was a very simple little map if I hit execute on this one quite simply just shows one large feed right there so not very much going on there kind of boring I can execute and close that it's basically just taking a signal source throttling it at the same some sample rate and then executing it at the same sample rate kind of boring but it's one of the many things that you can do inside of GNU radio companion to make sure that you're figuring out how to use it correctly anyway let me know if you guys have created any map maps and if you want to share them with me I would love to see what you guys have created so that I can learn more about GNU radio companion as I test out my hacker ruff because it's super fun and hopefully I can figure out some other really cool segments that we can do with this guy as I get more educated on how to use one of these amazing little radios yay I love SDR and I hope you guys do too because I want to continue doing this and hopefully get my ham radio license soon email me over at feedback at hack 5 org with your thoughts and coming up next one more fun bye I was thinking the other day of a clothespin say this blue clothespin here was like I got a great idea for something on the Internet well then the white clothespin would come by and say well then you need to grab it on many more moving fast and then the blue one be will be right tell me more about the wobble change the my name's fast and then it's a like picture premier name Adam and calm because domain discovery system I need to check out process so have your website up and running in no time and then they'd be both like yeah and it's it's the truth I mean I like feel the way that these clothespins feel right now because I'm huge fans of because they've got reliable affordable easy to use domain discovery system simple checkout process they're huge fans of hak5 they're fun to do business with you can tweet them at and tell them how much you love the clothes pins and find out that it's really just fun place to do business like a great customer support and they want to hook you up that's right if you go to and use the coupon code hak5 at checkout you'll get an extra 15% off so when you think domain names think it's time for the trivia question of the week last week's trivia question was what quick spreading virus found to have begun around May 2000 relied on recipients curiosity or propagate and the answer is I love you I remember that one from way back when I was in like seventh grade this week's question is the element first discovered and recorded by modern science was what you can answer that question at hak5 org slash trivia for your chance to win some awesome hack five goodies that just about wraps up this week's episode of hack five and sadly I have sadness to report what we're not right now you know where we aren't we're Louisville Kentucky oh I know guys just so depressing I know we're in the middle of the move to the warehouse and so we weren't made able to make it out - in fact this may be 101 I'm sure everybody had an awesome during dr. V Connor yeah so sorry we didn't make it out we're sending our hacker hugs as it were thank you for the yang Ling that we didn't get oh yeah yeah I know mr. protocol brought it next year right next year to receive so sorry about that I know we we strive for excellence here and and we failed you we held you on the derbycon coverage but you know what I think does an awesome job with the videoing of that stuff and he's pretty quick to get a lot of those talks up on your site so check out iron geeks site for that stuff and and we love you derbycon peeps see you next year so as usual you can find us over at feedback at hack 5 org that's where you can send us all the things yes and you can also support the show directly you can grab yourself a hack RF for a pineapple or things of that nature over H a K shop comm and that's how you continue to make this happen so thank you and hack v dorg slash follow to tweet us at all of the places where we tweet as I tweet on the bus at slash plus Darren kitchen and I tweet and she tweets on facebook at slashed shana morcerf's nubs I don't even know okay one of those I'm Shannon Morse I'm here good [ __ ] crush your Tecna list what she's seven that's just very uh Priscilla to do it up up up up can you tweet me on the email hi Alexis
Channel: Hak5
Views: 270,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hackrf, transmission, gnuradio, enetbootin, pentoo, terminal, gnu radio, usb, companion, shannon morse, radio, sdr, rfcat, python, toorcon, mike ossmann, dongle
Id: yHoxOMXK_fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 01 2014
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