Getting Started With SimHub | Updated For 2022

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hey guys adam here with an updated getting started with simhub video for 2022. the first video i posted last year which i think was like my first video ever on this channel is crazy long it's more than 30 minutes and since then i've posted a number of videos that break a lot of that down into smaller more detailed topics so there have been some changes though to the core user interface of sim hub since i posted that video and i want to do a very brief update if you're brand new to sim racing and to sim hub lots of videos on my channel and all of what you can do with simhub what it can do and how to create your own dashboards and overlays and all that stuff so i'm not going to get into any of that today today i'm just going to show you real quick how to download simhub what you need to do what i recommend that you do and then get you on your way and then you can hopefully go back if you have time or questions and watch some of my other videos that will get you through any issues that may arise so let's just go ahead and jump right in we are at link is in the description below just go ahead and click that it's going to take you here to the website you want to click download simhub now you'll get this big blue button right here that's what you need to click if you want to go through the revision history by all means you can do that um not necessary though just go ahead and download it you're going to get a zipped file to wherever you have your browser directed to save your downloads to go ahead and extract that file click the exe and it will install sim hub for you with the last question being do you want to launch some hub i don't recommend you do that right away though if this is your first time just go ahead and close out the installation wizard window and come back to here once you've done that so the next thing i highly recommend you do get a license you can pick your donation price go ahead click get a license whatever will email you a file it will have your license number in it you just copy and paste that into sim hub i'm not going to show you how to do that part though it's very very easy because i'm not going to give away my license code although interestingly enough i do somehow own three of them i don't know why or how but i believe i have purchased multiple sim hub licenses uh probably because i thought at one point you need to do that for multiple pcs but as it turns out one license is all you need so once you've done that it unlocks some things in simhub that you don't need to have unlocked uh the biggest thing that a lot of people are going to see is this first one right here you're going to be able to drive your displays and arduinos at 60 fps if you have a usb display i highly recommend just locking it at 20 fps usb d 480 especially when you go above 20 fps you start to get a lot of screen tearing and some weird glitches that can be avoided just simply by setting it down to 20. so do that 10fps can be a little it's a little low let's be honest but 20 is better 24 really is as fast as the human eye can see anyway so go ahead get the license i mean you can get it for as little as 10 us dollars if you want or you know whatever the exchange rate happens to be on the day that you click this button but i recommend please get the license support the developer he's doing an amazing job with simhub and it's a one-time fee versus something like caps or race labs or sdk where it's it's a subscription based system you can recreate everything that caps and sdk and race labs do all right here in simhub might not look as cool as race labs i still use race labs and i'm happy to pay for that subscription service because i love what he's doing um the his stuff looks a lot better than some of the things i've created in simhub and i do use those for overlays when i film my race videos which are pretty few and far between these days but that's besides the point just get the license please do it for me the other thing you want to do is if you have an external display or a wheel with a display or leds built into it you can go right here to the resource menu and get device driver installation all of the drivers you need linked to are going to be right here check with the manufacturer of whatever you've purchased um or if it's something that you diy'd you hopefully going to know which drivers you need to make that device work just go ahead download the correct driver that you need for your device and then once you've done that you can go ahead and get rid of your browser simhubs already installed so we're just going to go and search our start menu and boom there we go there's sim hubs we've got it up and running when you first launch sim hub you're gonna see a whole lot more games available to you than what i have right here so what i like to do is i do if i don't have the sim on my pc i don't want to see it here in this list so what i do is i always go down to the left hand settings menu you want to go to the games tab right here and then just uncheck all of the games that you don't have every time sim hub adds another sim that it supports you will see it pop up here automatically by default but in order to get that you do have to download the latest version of sim hub i highly recommend you keep that up to date it will tell you right down here in the lower left hand corner of simhub what version you have if your version is licensed you only need to buy a license once and then if there ever is an updated version of simhub you'll see update available right down here and you can click that update available it'll take you to the simhub homepage download the update takes a couple of minutes and then you're good and whatever does an amazing job of keeping things up to date especially every time there's an eye racing patch where something changes in the telemetry he's usually on top of it if it's something he missed there's an incredible simhub community in the official sim hub discord that will call it out and it gets fixed in the next update which is usually very quick and that's highly or that's why i highly recommend purchasing the license it's worth buying him a cup of coffee for the work that he does so please go do that if you haven't done so already okay so there we go so we've got simhub installed we've just plugged in our wheel or our display and right now we've just got kind of nothing but maybe the manufacturer's logo being displayed on on our digital display unit or our wheel or whatever if you don't have one i'll get to how to run your dashboards there in a minute so what we want to do is we want to go over to dash studio and in dash studio the first menu you're going to get to is dashboards and now you'll see a whole bunch of dashboards installed with simha by default there's a whole lot more available out there to you whether it is through the various discord communities uh race department i have posted a whole bunch here on youtube videos that you can go and download and play with i've got a video on how to import those but since we don't want to import one right now we're just going to take any one of these by default now if you don't have a wheel with a display or a dashboard click start menu you can run it windowed if you only have a single ultra wide monitor or if you just want to run it on one monitor if you click run windowed what will happen is the dashboard will pop up it's quite large but you can move it to wherever you want i can even move it off to one of my side displays click the x in the corner we're going to get rid of it if we want to run this on a specific monitor and make it full screen we can click specific monitor i'm going to select monitor 1 and hit ok and then boom this thing takes up the entire screen so if you've got a fourth monitor up here like i do uh i do run a leaderboard up there every so once in a while mostly for endurance events um but again just click the x close it out that's how you do it there now if you have a display or a wheel with a vocore or usb d480 you can click start and hit on vocore or usb display if you only have one display this is fine you can do it this way and simhub will see the one display hopefully and then it will just start it there but one of the biggest changes that came late in 2021 especially for usb d480 users simhub now supports up to four usbd 480 displays or up to four vocore displays or i believe it's up to really four of any display any combination of those but i think four is still the cap but what you want to do is you want to come over to this usbd 480 tab select a screen number any one of these will be fine click enable the screen enable display excuse me and then connect to a specific screen the second check box make sure it is checked open up this drop down now every single display that is connected to sim hub via usb at least every usb d480 display because that's the menu we're in will be shown here now you won't initially know up front if you have multiple displays connected and this is your first time launching simhub which number is which you do have to do a bit of trial and error but only takes a second i only have one connected right now so it's the only one that's available set your display refresh rate to 20 never touch it again just go with me on that you can flip it for portrait or if you've mounted your dash upside down somehow if it's a touch screen display this box enables touch screen my grid ddu is not so i don't need to check that and then we go to this drop down menu here and we can see all of our dashboards that are available to us we can pick whatever dashboard we want go ahead and just click on it and it will start on our display now i like to check this box next idle behavior so this is when the game game's not running if the dashboard that you have selected has an idle screen built into the dashboard that will display when you're not in a session then that's what will be displayed when you're not in the sim i don't like that so i check this box and then i hit power off is the next radio button i have selected because this way it turns off the display when i'm not in the sim and this way i can lock my pc walk away not worry about anything being displayed on there and i'm not burning out the display because it's not being used but if you want to have something else displayed when you're not in there you can click idle dashboard open this menu up and you will see again all of your dashboards available to you select which one you want to have displayed when you're not in the sim and there you go you can also adjust the brightness of your display right here with this slider and that does come in handy especially if you race at night in a dark room some of these displays can get awfully bright and this will help your eyes to turn it down so there we go so now we've got our dashboard it's up and running on our display for vocore you can do the same thing enable the display connect to the specific screen click your dashboard i don't have any vocore displays connected so you'll see this device not found try again and the same thing would go for this this or corsair nexus displays you have nexteon you want to come down here to this simhub supports up to five nexteon displays i don't have any um so this is not of use to me at the moment but i do have leds on my external ddu so i'm going to go to the arduino tab next when you're in the arduino section you want to go over to my hardware and you want to make sure that single arduino is highlighted right here if you have multiple displays or like i do i've got a wheel with a display and leds and i've got an external display with uh leds built in excuse me you'd want to check multiple arduinos but since i only have one connected right now we're going to leave it at single you'll see it right here and sim hub says it's connected if you open up this menu you can change the the serial speed and the lcd refresh speed of whatever the arduino is driving just you can leave that alone by default that's not really gonna you mean you might hurt something so just leave it be but then once you've done that come back over to the rgb leds tab hit profile manager select the profile that you want to run and then just hit load i've got a whole video on importing led profiles on creating led profiles on how to get leds to match car specific but i've also posted profiles that have already all of this work done for you in various discords um and in previous videos now iracing does add new cars and i will on occasion update some of those profiles but just know that they're not always perfect there are better versions available out there at times but that's it that is all you need to do so from here we have got our basic display our basic dashboard set you know we've gone right here we've clicked start on usb d480 if we only have one or we've done it here this is my preference i always prefer to do it here now in this new menu and then this way you know that's the one that's displayed on this specific screen i've got my rgb profile selected i can now minimize sim hub jump into eye racing and go knowing that i will have the dashboard i selected on the display the leds working hopefully as they should and i am good to go there's nothing else really you need to do from this point on you've got the basics up and running but what if you don't have an external display that's fine you can use all of these dashboards here if you don't start them windowed or you don't start them on monitors you can make them overlays if you want to do that just click more on the dashboard you want and then you want to hit convert to overlay i'm not going to do that here but we're gonna go into the overlays tab and here you'll see all of the overlays that are available to you i've got a bunch here that are more above more than the default that you get with simhub these are all from the gary swallow plug-in all of these rscs are from the romaine rob plugin which i highly recommend you go check out i'm definitely going to put a link to the description and uh link to that in the description below um he it is his work is beyond impressive go check it out there's a readme file when you download his package that walks you through how to set it all up please read the read me file because if you come to me with a question on getting remain rob's dashboards set up and his overlays and he didn't read the readme file uh i'm gonna tell you to go read it first and then come back and ask me your question because every question i have ever had on all of his work is already answered in that readme file so do it read the file um but if you want to run any of these as overlays so they're sitting on top of whatever sims similar to race labs caps sdk um you need to create an overlay layout now i did just post a video not two days ago on how to create overlay layouts i will put a link in the description below that's just a quick five minute video on how to do all of that and you can have everything set where you want it so every time you launch your sim you just launch the layout and you're good to go so that's it that's all i've got this is much shorter than the video i posted last time because everything else that you would want to know hopefully i've already got a video out there for it that's much shorter if there is something with simhub that you still want or need to know and i didn't answer it here or in any of my other videos please just post in the comments below and if it's a short answer i'll respond right there um if it's a longer answer i will get a video a walk through up as soon as i possibly can and yeah i mean i'm just here to help share this knowledge of simhub because it's an incredibly cool tool for all of us sim racers so that's it if this video helped you out please give it a thumbs up so the youtube algorithm can connect this video with more people looking for information on simhub because i'm just trying to help as many people as i can simhub is an amazing tool the official discord for simhub is a great community there's a lot of information out there but there's so much that you can do with simhub it is really hard to condense all of that information into a wiki or a discord or a forum whatever you have um so that's what these videos are for that i've been posting just trying to help people out and if there is anything else that i can help you with just please let me know so until then stay safe out there and we'll see you next time
Channel: AdamHeart
Views: 35,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Rd8F0fw7g0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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