Getting Started with Mapbox Studio

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my name is Chris Wong I'm the senior developer evangelist here at mapbox and I'm joined by Jonathan critchley who is a senior map designer we're going to do getting started on mapbox studio today if you're not familiar with mapbox's entire Suite of services I recommend you go check out our website a lot more than just maps and map design we also have like full uh you know full location based search navigation and a rich array of data products so please go take a look and see what else we have to offer and also let us know what else you'd love to hear us do a getting started webinar episode about um one more little plug uh this this slide didn't come out quite the way I planned and actually oh there it is okay so um we actually have a developers Discord Community now that is uh pretty busy with activity and we would love to have you join us so if you can follow this bitly link um that's a great place to you know get some help share what you're working on and also um we'd love to you know hear your ideas for Content uh for the documentation system for these kinds of webinars and basically everything that that you need to be equipped and inspired uh to build with mapbox um so we're going to be covering today um this uh this agenda for what is mapbox studio and how to use it uh so we're going to explore the interface we're going to work with data sets and tile sets uh we're going to work with core style templates we're going to learn about components and layers um and uh I'll just without further Ado turn it over to Jonathan critchley who's a senior map designer um he left his Twitter here if you want to make contact with him and I'll just throw in a quick personal anecdote that like uh Jonathan and I have been colleagues on Twitter in the mapping world for many years and it's an honor to be working with him now at mapbox but I think you know it's a wonderful place to um to share what you're working on and find a community there as well so don't hesitate to reach out so I'll stop sharing and without further Ado turn it over to Jonathan uh take it away sorry before I go um the way this will work uh I'll be monitoring chat and I will interrupt uh or interject with questions so go ahead and ask your questions in the chat as they come up and I'll do my best to kind of moderate that and and uh and ask Jonathan you know to stop and answer a question if there's one that um is if there's one ready to go so uh see you in the chat and take it away Jonathan thanks Chris just make sure yeah I'm unmuted so um yeah appreciate the intro and uh as Chris mentioned today we're just going to explore some of the things I feel are important getting started with mapbox Studio um I'm a senior map designer at mapbox and also based in Toronto Canada feel free to reach out on Twitter as Chris mentioned um boys sort of on the lookout for new and interesting things and a great place to share work so yeah I'm sort of primary question what is Matlock studio um it's a web-based design platform to create custom maps providing a complete Suite of tools that allows users to customize the Styles exactly to the brand needs and desired designs so with Studio you can modify your existing core style templates or create and style your own Maps importing you on data who's it for it's really for you know cartographers designers developers looking to create custom map Styles um studio is really focused on allowing you to create allowing you to customize your base Maps which is the default map style that you want to display in your map application it is worth keeping in mind uh interactions like clicking on a feature in your map or for example a map legend would need to be custom built using mapbox sdks and apis and they cannot be set up directly in studio so with Studio you're really designing the base map um static base map and then further sort of interactions and changes that you might want to make you would do that and on the client side using SDK and the apis so what I have on the screen right now is a Styles page and that's why you'll see when you first log into studio and this lists all the Styles you have in your account and as you start designing Styles this is where they'll live and this list will grow from here you have the option to organize existing Styles as create and create new ones and a really great recent addition that the studio team made was adding folders to this page um which just really helps with our organization it's I'm showing the relatively new account today but on my own personal accounts I have a lot of different experiments that can clutter up this list so creating a new folder um and then sort of storing your Styles in there just this is a really useful Edition and something else that is worth pointing out is that um we also added a trash um option here so if you accidentally delete any of your Styles you're able to just come in here and quickly restore them as long as you're in within 30 days of them having being deleted on the right hand side you have different links to pages so right now we're on the Styles page but we also have data sets and tell sets and I felt starting with data sets um is a great place just to sort of uh it's one concept of data in studio um generally if you're using a data set you'll be working with smaller files with few features and a specific distinction is ones that you want to modify using the studio interface they can be a great way to create your own data manually using the provided tools or you can so we have the option to create a new data set which would be a blank data set or upload out of these three formats to your Json Json and CSV however these the files you upload here would be limited to five megabytes insides um and one thing sort of just does a very quick getting started um I think in studio is that you might want to add you know you might not have a large comprehensive data set you might just want to add a single um Market or sort of store location marker so that's one use of data sets um so here we're just gonna create store location data set this will be a blank data set this interface allows you to draw a point draw a line or draw a polygon there's also a geocoder where you can search different points of interest or locations so I'm based in Toronto and around the corner for me is the St Lawrence Market and what this allows is just quickly go from that global view Zoom down into a City View and for example we might want to just place a marker this Market is made up of different stalls um so you know we do have all of this data available that we'll get into in a little bit in this map box tile set but we might want to for example just add a specific marker Point here um once you've created sort of clicked on the point icon you place it you have the ability to grab drag around and then start adding properties and these properties would be useful for styling your data but also in this example a little bit later I'll use it to add a name and we'll use this just to create a label Above This marker point and I'm not going to sort of go into you know if it's just a generic Market store location but once they've added that I can save it this dialog just explains sort of different modifications you've made to your map so right now we've just added one point um I can save it one distinction to make is if you're used to viewing and modifying your data in external GIS um you're less likely to need or use a data set these are really for you know quick edits quick modifications directly within studio one thing that is a requirement for loading data into a style is that you cannot just load these data sets directly they'd have to if they do have to be converted to a tile set so we'll get into what our tile sets next but I'm just going to quickly go and Export this to a style so that um just going to keep the same name I've given it and export hey Jonathan real quick David in the chat asks is there a way to duplicate a polygon or does this need to be done elsewhere he said in GIS but uh you know this has to be done outside of this tool um I actually do not believe that we have the ability in this tool to duplicate the feature um yeah let's uh it's not something that I've done yeah one thing you might be able to do is export it as geojson and then just copy and paste the the actual underlying go Json code um or like you said you can do it in other other external tools um and it's just worth sort of considering before you create too much of your own data one of the great features of using mapbox and studio is that there's a wealth of data for you to get started creating and designing your own map styles for free that covers the entire world um so before I even need to think about uploading your own data or creating it it's worth exploring what's available to use that is two easy ways to do this one is the course style templates which we'll explore in a minute but there's also these map box tile sets under the tile set section um and in this list we can find all the mapbox provided Vector tile sets that include geometries and metadata that are available for you to use in Styles some of these tile sets contain data related to specific features like country boundaries but we also have mapbox Street version 8 which is a larger collection and that includes things like roadways terrain administer more localized administrative boundaries building Footprints land use classifications and what you can do from here is just see a sort of Fairly overwhelming overview of what's contained inside this tile set um we just have this viewer that allows you to drill down navigate to a location you're familiar with and as you're hovering over the tile set you can see the different features that intersect with your mouse cursor so here we have a point of Interest label and a land use and we can drill down into that point of Interest label there's a theater well these this is all the metadata that's associated with it and then the land use layer um just need to move this slightly another great resource just to sort of explore these um data sets is the reference page for each of these tile sets and this provides a comprehensive overview of another quick view of what's inside the tile sets there's multiple different data sources for the Kyle sets um and that's you know a lot of it's based off of street map but it also based on location comes from other data sources um and one of the great things using these tile sets is that they receive regular data updates with new information as it becomes available and as existing information is improved so if you're creating your styles using this um you know it stays up to date and currents as mapbox regularly updates uh the data in the tile sets um so as I mentioned you know we've created a data set um in order to load this into a style it will need to be in the tile set format with like uh just converted that with the click of a button and here we have that single Market store location in a tile set so that's ready to use and import into a style um one thing that's nice with child sets especially using them in studio is that there is a larger file size limit so if we go to new tile sets we see the difference file formats that are supported and uploading here so we do have additional support for other formats but we also have just larger file sizes sort of that we support the the one the limitation with Studio is that um you have up to 300 megabytes there are options for larger tile sets using mapbox tile server service and the uploads API that's a bit outside of this webinar so we're just going to focus on UI options and it's a quick question for you um so is it possible this is what this one's actually just for me but is it possible right now to uh update the the data set that's behind this tile set and have it actually like Cascade into the tile set or do I have to do that manually in terms of the the star one that I created or yes like if I want to add you know a few more stores to it is that will that update automatically the tile set or you will have to go back to um this View and modify at the um the you know additional stores but what we can do is when you export to a test set we can just update that connected tile set so modify your data set and then directly update and that's a sort of yeah a great point that um if you have a tile set set up and you know you've you've added it to your style um you you know notice that there's some right now I just uploaded a geojson the city Awards in city of Toronto and I might notice that you know there's some data issues with the boundaries or even some of the attributes It's a larger data set that I would more likely work with an external GIS um but what you can do here is just click replace and from your external GIS re-upload and it will just overwrite the existing data in this tile set so there's no sort of adding having to add and remove it from your style it's just directly linked so that sort of gets into your question Chris around you are able to update the data in the tile sets awesome uh we have another question from the chat so Kevin asks is there a way to report inaccurate data that we might come across uh I'm going to paste a link to the contribute app in the chat um but if you I don't know if you want to feel that because you probably know more about how the data makes its way into the system yeah I know that uh contribute like there's a link is a great resource it allows us to sort of you know review and investigate um any issues and then um I'm not sure exactly the frequency of updates but um it once you've updated something it's another option is US updating uh directly on openstreetmap um because that typically will make its way or over a short period of time into the basement like outsets as well yeah I'll throw in you know openstream app is one of many sources that go into these tile sets so uh if you add you know if you if you flag something on the contribute app which I just shared um you know if it is an openstreetmap issue somebody on our team uh will end up going in to make that change after they investigate it a little bit um that if it's from another source you know there's there's different pipelines for how that gets updated but contribute is the best way to report stuff to us and this is just an example of when you upload your data um through that interface that's converted to a vector tile which is just a really useful and efficient um format to delivering that data to web and mobile applications so the vector tile consists of geographic data that you have and then it's divided into small uniform tiles which can be requested and rendered on the client application each of the tiles can contain a set of vector features including points lines and polygons but if you're just using the studio interface you're just going to be limited to the the data contained in the the file that you've uploaded but great thing about Vector tiles is that they are small and you only need to request the specific area you're interested in so you're not requesting entire data set the there's a lot of flexibility in how data is displayed um so we'll look at setting up static base Maps but on the client and it is possible to modify um The Styling on the Fly using the sdks and apis um so that you know it doesn't have to stay the same as the initial default view that you've set up and there's also the ability to filter and query data on the client side so um data that's you know is contained in the vector tiles that's don't have to um all being showed you are able to create filters just to show the subset so just jumping back to the Styles section um and yeah getting into actually creating a style um we have the new Styles button there's five uh different course Styles and two of these do have variations so you do have a sort of a wealth of different defaults templates to start working with if you've uh you know played around with the API and examples you're likely to have seen um these mentioned in the API documentation but they're typically referenced as streets version 12 Outdoors version 12 and you'll see them in the example documentation here um and what you might have sort of considered is that in this example you know it's using a different projection and that's being set directly in the code you might want to just modify it directly in studio um so those references that we just saw are exactly you know these templates um that we have here in the um viewer um so these core Styles have been designed by mapbox designers just to meet the broadest range of customer use cases and we did it completely redesigned some of them um in November and that happens from time to time just to meet Market needs and edit any data layers that we think you know is useful and um interesting for customers yeah and one of the biggest things in the update in November was setting the default projection to the globe projection so all of these you know as you jump through you can see previews in different locations in the world um trying to highlight sort of what we believe there are great showcases for the Styles but they are all using the globe projection um so this dialog just allows you to select whichever one you want to modify if you're interested in modifying streets it's be select it and then customize streets um then you know these templates are really great resource to get started fast uh they provide a wealth of already styled data from um this low Zoom all the way out at the Globe view to high zooms when you're really close down at street level um and it's likely you can find a similar setup in the core Styles it's a copy to look for similar styling in your own Styles so it will get into sort of layer view in a bit but um they're a great for myself um sort of over the years have been a great way just to understand how you know best practices for styling data different tips and tricks um for styling data so really great place for beginner starting out just to jump in have something already pre-built but that you can start modifying yourself and learn from each of the core Styles have different purposes so um you know some are more detailed and colorful than others and there's just different opportunities to customize for your own use this streets style is colorful palette and easy to view points of interest detailed layers are helpful for pedestrians and tourists just to navigate on familiar territories with a focus on roads and Transit Networks uh monochrome is another option and this is just really great for um data visualization or you need more need a simple canvas to style with maximum contrast against your own custom data we have uh I think probably easier from this view Outdoors which um general purpose map books on Wilderness locations and it's just really easy to distinguish paths trails and tracks and topology um as you zoom in we have um things like Peak mountain peak icons and also the contour lines for ability to just understand the um topology in an area our navigation Styles have two variants a night and a day and these are just sort of basic templates with the automotive Focus um and then satellite streets we it's a hybrid based map that combines satellite imagery with Vector data from Matlock streets so you have points of interest data but using the sort of colorful beautiful satellite imagery based map so getting into a style and modifying it the default view here is the components list and these components just provider defaults that the designers have set but there are quick and easy ways to modify those defaults um using drop downs sliders and toggles so administrative boundaries would be the country boundaries and the country that states and Province boundaries different grouping as the controls sort of modified different properties and different layers sometimes it requires a bit of experimentation but other times you know it's worth just reading the tooltips to understand um you can turn on and off a country boundary you could modify its width and as you sort of get closer zoom in and out you can see it just saves you time going through having to individually modify multiple layers because in this case with the admin boundary we actually have a few of the separate line layers the one that appears in front and then the mask that appears in the back um one sort of yeah interesting and fun thing to do is just toggle on 3D buildings so by default they are flat and 2D but we have just an easy toggle if you want 3D or 2D um and it yeah these controls sort of there's a wealth of different layers behind the scenes that are being modified but these components just try and make it a lot more accessible and quick to edit and at the bottom of this list we have colors and each of these colors do correspond to layer groupings so we have administrative boundaries where we have a single purple color but there are different um yeah colors actually being applied to the various layers in this component grouping so if we want to just modify this to something um yeah other than the default purple have something darker there's logic in here that is modifying um the the colors across the spectrum that are applied to each of those layers in the grouping so you are actually modifying several different layers um color using a single input and this is really sort of fun in the monochrome Styles um where we just have a single base um color and what you're able to do is come into here using the single base color um you're able to sort of just modify it on the Fly and behind the scenes there's logic that's applying different color Shades to every layer right here we don't have you know Broken Out by administrator boundary building everything else this is just one color to overall style the entire Style so behind this is sort of behind the scenes View and what we tried to sort of remove complexity from by creating components is layers and these layers we have this layer list and there's the individual layers ordered from top to bottom in the order that they're layered in the style so when you select an individual layer you'll see the paint properties that have been sets like color opacity fonts and size and there are you know a significant amount of different properties and options that you can modify here so it can be quite overwhelming and it really is just something that I've over time you become more familiar with as needs arise as you sort of decide okay I need to modify this separate from everything else I have a very specific color that I want to apply as these are the styles using components you have the option to go in here override modify that color and just experiment with that specific um color so this is our consonant labels um that you can style now individual of everything else and if you decide sort of the modifications you don't like um you can just click revert and it goes back to the the core default style um colors that our designers have come up with um quick question Jonathan from the chat uh Shin asks can we control the shading effect of the 3D buildings that you showed earlier um I can go back to that style so there is a is a single color um but there is also Lighting in the and go quickly building extrusions you can apply a pattern and um there is overall lighting that you can apply um and this this is a based on position of light source so this would adjust sort of the darkness that you see on each of the sides here it's yeah sort of this various different ways that you could modify it but the like the concept here really is that there's a it's a flat footprint that's just extruded to a height and they're sort of designed to be a simple representation of the built environment not the fully 3D uh you know detailed view of the the buildings although we do have uh some new Innovations in 3D coming out later this year so stay tuned for that it'll be very good um interesting like sort of yeah those are the templates that are um actually sorry just thinking so one of the things that I find really useful is just sort of looking at how designers have set up The Styling in these layers going back to the layers list we have things like categorical styling for our land cover layer and that layer is sort of you know what covers the entire Globe here distinction and uh wooded area to have a slightly different Green Snow areas to have a Bluer tint and then fall back or all of the other properties in this layer that just you know get this one fallback value so we can see that there's additional um attributes that we could style differently so scrub grass and crop would be styled using this fallback um but the sort of fun part here is that you can also explore expression View the not always the easiest thing to grasp for people getting started out but this is just what the underlying code looks like to Define what this style looks like so as you are sort of getting more familiar with designing your maps and further along with you know maybe you don't want a sort of a modification on the client side on the Fly you can just come in here and start to explore some of the Expressions that have been set up by designers we have yeah this is categorical data but there's also for Zoom ranges and you can just start to play around and explore how those are set up and what they could look like and this details panel just provides the paint property um so we know it's a paint property and the property name that you would want to use if you're interacting with the the API I I would love to just throw in a quick you know note that a lot of times when you when we show you know mapbox client-side tools uh the hello world just is a base map and you kind of gloss over that and start adding interactivity and adding your own data but we shouldn't gloss over it uh and I think you know a fun thing to do is just you know you can see how much complexity goes into all these base Maps or these Styles and as you said like exploring kind of decisions that were made for what to show at what zoom level and how things transition in and out is not only a great way to understand like what is possible with the with the styling um spec and like you know things that you could actually also build on your own uh but just to kind of get into the brains also of you and your team of like you know why did they make these decisions and like um you know you can there's a lot to learn there and you can see like many many thousands of like discrete customizations go into making these Maps so it's really awesome and all that is you know available with just a few lines of code uh to get you moving so it's pretty pretty great yeah and it was sort of worth you know mentioning that it's not they're not always set up purely for stylistic reasons there's a lot of thought that goes into performance as well um when to show different layers and features because you know if it's a very dense detailed layer if and you show it um you know when significant amount of features are on the screen it can affect the performance so there's a lot of testing and experimentation that goes into it on the design side just to ensure that it stylistically looks good but also is performant the other thing just to touch on is that we do have a blank um style and this really is just a blank canvas um but what I think is really cool is you know working with these components is that we can quickly just build out a map uh you can go to the course Styles and start reducing components that you and layers that you might not want but this is the alternative is just maybe I want a map that has some land and water we can just you know as you add this um multiple different layers are added and there are images associated with this for icons but we have a single color that you can start modifying what's been added um but we can go to manage colors water and this list of managed colors gets populated the more components you start adding to your map but in this example I want water to look different from everything else so adding a blue here for example we're just modifying um the base a little bit more likely to want an administrative boundaries um you can also add in Road Network um and this isn't sort of you are starting at a very different point from the core Styles but it just gives you this very quick way of starting to organize using existing data um and just you know quickly throw together a map just going to my intention here is that I want to add in the point of interest that I've created so um right now we have a distinction between water um in the blue and then everything else is still just being added to the base and yeah we can lighten that up we can make it darker and just programmatically in the back end the studios are trying to create different colors for all of those different layers that have been added in the components to sort of make them visible and legible um so yeah one of the things that we did do was we created that um data set we converted it to a tile set in order to add your own data um you're going through because it's just a very basic point of Interest the layer it's just layers and add a new layer and from here we have the source that we need to Define so I have store location um Market store that yeah some of my other examples that I created before this but leave just add that in um we're going to just want to represent as a circle as you can see here um yeah we have that point that I added previously in the components might not want things like house numbers so we can modify that really quickly through the components and when I added in this new layer it's been added to the top of the layered list so this will sort of render above every other layer that appears in this list um we can set a color I'm just using the a circle right now to represent this point um they're really sort of quick ways to get something on the map but you could represent this with a symbol as well um just set a stroke width so it's just stands out a bit more from the background and if we wanted to add a label to this um increase the size of it what whoops what we want to do is add a separate same data source so this is an active Source in the map but we want to select it again and this time we're going to use a symbol and this just allows us to add an icon or text label and in this case we want to use the name field that we'd added to the this so this is our Market store location we now have a name we can distinguish this by modifying that this is the label you can just sort of grab the color um and have a similar color we sort of added Halo and a width to that Halo um and this is really sort of yeah it gets more complicated but as you're sort of going through here you could apply an icon these icons are all loaded in because we've loaded in those separate components but um we because this is just text we just want to have an offset so um you know it can be offset above or below the point but we're just using a text offset so if um yeah you're looking at different pitches and Views it's just yeah correlation from that Center Point in data um let's just put it on the map now so like getting into you've made modifications to a style um once you're happy with the new style you can publish it the publish buttons in the top right location of your map and this is a blank style so current view before I make any modifications is blank but this is after we've added all the data and that um location and once it's published we have the option to um there's the option to share so you can just grab that link and share it with anyone something to consider with this is that any changes so from this link any changes you make to um your style here and publish again will be published to that shared link so there's no concept of versioning um of those links it really is just the latest published modifications you've made to your style here but what's also really useful from the share view is the style URL um and you know these styles are created um for mobile and web um Maps using the mobile sdks and the JavaScript API it's a single style that you can create and set across all of those different platforms you don't need to create something separate for mobile or something separate for web you can publish your changes directly in studio here and because you're using the style URL now to reference in your application it just uh you know will always receive the latest updates you published and yeah you really don't need to create something separate um and then just final um sort of interesting way of quickly getting started with Studio is that we do have this Gallery page and these are just sort of experiments um that the designers have sort of made over um you know time for different purposes but one of the recent things is 3D Globe Styles um when we were coming to the release of 3D Globe we just wanted some different proof of Concepts and what you can do with these is you can just preview them on this page um yeah very colorful very um yeah different from those course styles that you can add to your studio and by clicking on that button it brings it directly into your account and this is not a component based style it's a layer based style so and there's yeah just a few number of layers making up that style but also just a fun way of seeing how where what are the different properties and different things that have been added to the the style to sort of make it look like this um that is everything that I've prepared today and love if every anybody has any questions yeah so if you have questions uh so thank you Jonathan and um yeah if you have any questions just feel free to ask them in the chat um I'll start actually with one um because I yeah I'm just curious if you have you know a thought or response on like how or maybe you just talk a bit about how you know how people use studio in their workflow like if we take a step back and say we're building an application or a mobile app would you say this is something that is um you know mostly done by the designer and hand it off to Engineers you know once it's ready or is it like an ongoing thing like I don't know any any thoughts on how um how this gets used by some of our customers sure um I think that it really depends on the the end user um we have a number of customers that are you know frequently updating the Styles frequently making modifications as maybe their application evolves um but it is also a case that you can just kind of create set and forget so um the underlying data is updated because if you're using the mapbox tile sets but the the actual styling itself if it matches you know your requirements and your the style of your app it really does require much maintenance or any maintenance to create them and just yeah not really think about them and it's nice because you do you know we have all of these core styles that you can just reference directly with the Styles API um but you know there might be something that just clashes with any overlay or something that you really you know um the more you dig into the components there's things like Highway Shield density and it could just be a case that you know you find that there's too many Shields so you can just quickly modify it so you just instantly after publishing that have something that you know might just improve the the original um style how you intend to use it in your application sure and I'll I'll share from personal experience uh you know mostly building web applications uh most of the time I'm doing lots of other interactivity on the client and I'll I'll end up opening up Studio like later in the process when when things are more uh developed with the app itself and then those are I consider those to be like finishing touches um and as I interact with my app and I want to like make sure that you know these labels are too busy right now given whatever else I'm trying to show on the screen so I might remove some labels or remove all labels I also would share that like a lot of uh students of mine and like other people have interacted with um oftentimes they're using a core style and don't really want to change it but they do want to remove layers in the browser and sometimes I think that can cause a little like flash or the you know the thing you're seeing is there and then you immediately remove it um it's not noticeable by a lot of people but like you know this gives you the opportunity to just come in and like just make sure they're just not there at all and they never they never show up on the screen so um you know lots of different ways that this can interplay with your your client side uh you know interactions and and and your your application that you're building um it doesn't look like we have any more questions so um oh wait oh see here's one right when I say uh we're about to wrap okay so David says thank you for going through everything very informative uh actually that's is there uh yeah there he says is there any route for getting assistance and getting data into the map box system many thanks um so we do have support uh that you know paid support and then we also have our developer Discord um so you know I think uh if you know if you have a specific question um you can drop it into there you also have um you also have stack Overflow which a lot of people Monitor and can throw in with answers to um so we can't guarantee a response uh on on Discord but that's a great place to start and maybe uh others in the community can help out and you know if I see your question it's something I can help with I'll definitely help as well um another question was can we access the recording of this talk yes this will be on YouTube uh most likely tomorrow so check out our mapbox YouTube channel and you can also see the previous webinars in this series so we've done um we've done three episodes on getting started with mapbox gl.js and we just finished two episodes on getting started with the iOS the maps SDK for iOS and I think after this we're uh in maybe one or two weeks we're going to be starting with uh Maps SDK for Android uh one more question is is mapbox working properly only with USA maps um go ahead Jonathan if you want to field that one no no it is a I sort of just biased um to sort of North America at the moment but we do you know across the world there is um yeah whatever has data uh maybe some places a bit more uh complete than others but even localized um labels and countries if you do want to sort of just modify the land the default language that you display your labels um so it is an entire entire world if you're using those uh map blocks based tile sets excellent um so last question was are recordings from previous sessions accessible yes they're on YouTube so just go and go on YouTube and find the mapbox channel um and you'll be able to find all the previous recordings along with lots of other things so I think that'll uh wrap it up for today so I want to thank Jonathan for coming on the show and uh or the webinar and uh and sharing all this his insights um into Studio which he helps to design and build also um so really appreciate everyone tuning in and look forward to seeing and hearing about what you're building with mapbox so thanks so much thanks all right
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Id: Z28wa68n7Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 3sec (2943 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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