Getting Started with KM4ACK Build a Pi

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hey welcome back guys this is jason km4ack today we're going to walk you through every single step of getting a build-a-pie system up and running stick around and we'll get right to it so let me say right up front that i understand this is a very long video but it is targeted towards absolute beginners in trying to get their first raspberry pi up and running for ham radio i will leave chapters down in the description below so that if you just need to skip ahead to a certain step you'll be able to click on that and find the information specific to what you need in addition to that i'll also leave some other information down in the description below that will include links to websites that i mention uh as we go through this tutorial it will also include links to different products that i use and recommend for the raspberry pi that may include gps units micro sd cards and other accessories that you may want with your raspberry pi so let's go ahead and get this started okay so the first thing we need to do is we need to get the raspberry pi operating system onto a micro sd card and we're going to use a piece of software called the raspberry pi imager in order to get that done now this is available for mac os it's available for windows it's available for ubuntu and it's available for the raspberry pi itself so install this application on whichever machine you're going to be using to flash the micro sd card i will be running the raspberry pi imager on another raspberry pi today once you get that downloaded and installed you're going to open up that raspberry pi imager application and then make sure you plug in your micro sd card into the machine that you're using i've already done that here you may need something like a usb to micro usb adapter if so i'll leave a link to one of those down in the description below okay so the first thing you're going to want to do is click on choose the os and we're going to grab this one right here raspberry pi os 32-bit as of the time of this recording 64-bit is out and it's considered stable by the raspberry pi foundation however i don't have build-a-pie updated to completely support the 64-bit os so i am working on that in the background but for today's project we will be selecting uh the 32-bit os so you'll just go ahead and click on it you'll notice that this changes to raspberry pi os 32-bit now we need to select our storage medium that we're going to use so i just clicked on that and i'm going to be using this uh 32 gig card that i have installed speaking of that a 32 gig card will be plenty uh for 99 of the operators out there as far as running all of your ham radio related applications uh if you think you'll need more storage space than that maybe for documents and manuals and other things go ahead and jump up to something like a 64 gig card but for the vast majority of users 32 gigs will give you plenty of space to run your ham radio apps and probably about 10 gigs left for document storage uh so we'll go ahead and choose that now before we click on the right button we need to set a few parameters for this so i'm going to click the gear icon right here and i've got mine set to always to use right here or you can choose for this session only but we want to go through here and take care of a couple of things we definitely need to enable ssh and we want to use password authentication we'll scroll on down on this just a little bit and we can go ahead and set the username uh and the password for the pi now for buildipy to run correctly uh we do need to leave the username at pi and we can select whatever password we want here for right now i'm just going to leave this as the default password and i may change that later but for right now i'm just going to leave that at default which will be raspberry uh coming on down you can go ahead and configure your wi-fi if you want to so you can go ahead and tell it what your wi-fi ssid is and the password i'm not going to be using that option because i'm going to be plugging mine up to the network uh using a cat5 cable so i don't have to worry about wi-fi right out of the gate but if that's something you need go ahead and click this box and fill in the ssid and the password and you'll need to go ahead and set the wi-fi country as well in addition to that scrolling on down we've got uh some local settings so i'm in uh the central time zone so i'm going to pick chicago here and the keyboard layout is for the u.s set that appropriate for your needs i don't ever check this here for skipping the first run wizard i do want that to be presented to me when we boot up the raspberry pi and we've got a few other options right down here where we can play a sound when this is finished eject the media when it's finished so i definitely have that checked and enable telemetry so we'll go ahead and choose save once all of that information is there and next we need to choose write it's going to give us a warning telling us that it is going to erase all of the existing data on the sd card and do we want to continue yep that's exactly what i want to do so i'm going to go ahead and click yes and it will ask me for a password this is on the raspberry pi specifically so your system may not ask you for this password if you are running on a raspberry pi go ahead and click uh enter your password and then click ok and that's going to download the os and write it to the sd card so once this is finished up i'll be back with you guys okay so that took mine probably about 30 minutes to get the image downloaded from the internet and then go ahead and write it to the sd card once that's finished up you will get a write successful uh dialog box and at that point you can just click continue and go ahead and remove the micro sd card from this machine and plug it into the pi that we will be working on okay so if you're connecting up a monitor keyboard and mouse directly to the pi you can probably skip this step since i set up all of my raspberry pi's headless i need to go ahead and configure everything so that i can get a gui interface using vnc viewer into the raspberry pi that we're setting up so first thing you're going to need to know is the ip address that was assigned to your raspberry pi now there's a couple of things you can do you can actually either use the actual ip address we're going to make a attempt here at something else so on linux or a mac machine you can just open a terminal window so i want to interrupt here for a second i realized while i was editing this video that i didn't mention how to ssh into the raspberry pi from a windows machine you're going to need something like putty and i'll leave a link to this application down in the description below but putty will allow you to ssh into the raspberry pi to set things up much the way we do on linux or mac os and type ssh pi at raspberry.local and see if this will allow you access to the raspberry pi if not you can use the actual uh ip address so it would be pi at and then whatever that ip address is let's go ahead and see if this works for us today okay so that one didn't work uh in my particular case for today i might take a few minutes to populate so that it that the network realizes the raspberry pi is online but we'll just use the ip address instead so ssh pi at should be the address of my raspberry pi okay and here's another interesting thing that if you do this enough you're probably going to run into uh you'll get this warning about uh something is possibly uh happening with a man in the middle attack and you can get this warning on mac linux or windows i've seen it happen on all three of them but what you're looking to do is on linux you can use this ssh hyphen key keygen command so i'm just going to copy that and paste it here the same command i believe will work on mac on windows it may be something a bit different you'll have to do your research on that guys i don't run windows machines once i've ran that i'm going to rerun the ssh pi at command and it should ask me if i really want to connect to this box i'm going to tell it yes and i'm going to enter the password now remember i didn't change my password from default for this particular pie so it's raspberry now one thing to note right here if you're brand new to this especially from a linux terminal when you type your password in this window you do not see anything it's like you're not even typing so you don't get any stars or dots or anything like that to indicate that you're typing just go ahead and type in your password and press return now at this point you can see that i am into this new raspberry pi as indicated right here pi at raspberry pi so the next command we want to run is sudo space hyphen config go ahead and press return on that and you'll be presented with this new dialog box here now the mouse does not work in this box you're going to have to use your up down uh arrows on your keyboard you're going to have to use your tab key and you're going to have to use your enter key so i'm going to come down to interface options and press my enter key i'm going to come down to vnc press my enter key now at this point i'm going to have to press my tab key because it says would you like to enable the vnc server yes so i need to get yes highlighted and you do that with the tab key once you've got yes highlighted let's go ahead and press enter should take it a couple of seconds and it should say that the vnc server is enabled we're going to say okay and then we're going to use our tab key to highlight finished and we'll press return now reboot is not required at this particular point we are going to have to reboot in just a second but let's see now if we can use the vnc viewer to get logged into our new raspberry pi so i'll open up the vnc viewer window and i'm going to select this one here since i know that that is my test box and i'll get this warning you may or may not get this uh kind of depends on if you've used this ip address and this raspberry pi or multiple raspberry pi's with this ip address in the past if you do get this warning just click continue it's okay uh username is pi and again the password is raspberry okay hopefully at this point you can see your new desktop now the resolution is incorrect in my case so we're going to fix that i'm not going to worry about these dialogue dialog boxes that have popped up here i'm just going to hit cancel on that one and i'm going to hit the x on this one now there's something kind of funny that goes on with bullseye uh and your connection over vnc may be extremely slow as soon as we reset the resolution to what we need and reboot that lagginess should go away so i'm going to go up to the main pi menu come down to preferences and then come down to raspberry pi configuration once the configuration box opens up i want to choose the display tab here at the top and then right here where it says headless resolution i'm going to click the drop down box there and i'm going to choose 1920 by 1080 then click ok at this point you will get a dialog box telling you that you need to reboot in order for these changes to take effect so let's go ahead and reboot the pi now once the pi reboots you should have a full screen window now at the proper resolution and that lagginess with vnc viewer should go away for you a word of note here though as these videos age sometimes settings and dialog boxes can shift around a little bit so if another uh as a new version of the raspberry pi os comes out they may have changed some things and that's just the nature of making tutorial style videos like this is over time things can change and outdate these particular videos now i know my raspberry pi is uh still using the default password so i'm just going to choose ok now if you didn't connect your raspberry pi to a wi-fi when you were doing your setup you can go ahead and do that now so i'm going to click on the two chasing arrows up here in the top right corner and i'm going to choose turn on wireless lan and it might tell me i got to yep i need to set my wireless country so i'm going to come right here where it says click here to set the wireless lan country and i'll just go ahead and set this to the us once you've chosen your country choose okay now go back up to those two chasing arrows in the top right corner click on those and you should see all of the wi-fi ssids that are in your area so i'm going to tell it to connect to the ultimate pie and then i'll go ahead and give it the password and choose okay give that just a couple of seconds and that should connect up to my wireless network here in the shack and you can see that in the top right corner as indicated by the wi-fi symbol there now the next thing we need to do is we need to go ahead and load buildapi onto this raspberry pie so i'm going to open up the github site this is forward slash km4 ack once we get that page loaded up we're going to click on pi build and we're going to scroll down that page until we find the install section once we find the install section you'll see this gray box right here just come right over here where these little two boxes are and click on that and that will copy it to your clipboard we can minimize that website and then we will open up the terminal window on this raspberry pi now you can right click and then choose paste to paste in that command pressing enter will go ahead and execute that command and get the buildup i script running after a minute or two you should be presented with this box here that tells you if you choose everything that build a pi has to offer it's going to take roughly four hours to complete uh installing all of that you can go ahead and click continue here and it's gonna ask you for your call sign so go ahead and give it my call sign and press continue now you'll be presented with the first of four uh screens where you can choose to install uh different applications i'm going to be hand choosing a few of these for this particular build and we're not going to go through all of this i have done a video in the past uh it's called what to install and why i'll leave a link to that here across the screen and i'll leave a link to it down in the description below so that you guys can do some more research if you're brand new to some of these applications now if you prefer you can click the check all and continue button but i didn't want every single application installed so i just put a check mark over here on the left hand side by the applications that i wanted for this demo video so once i've chosen what i want i'm going to go ahead and click next and it's going to tell me to connect up the gps to the raspberry pi so we'll go ahead and plug up the gps now and we'll go ahead and click continue it's going to ask us which one is our gps so you just select your gps here from the drop down box you'll notice right there it says gps so we know we got the right one and choose ok on this next screen the only application i'm going to install is going to be fl rig more times than not you will definitely want to install fl rig on your raspberry pi on the third screen here you've got all sorts of ham related applications that you can install i'm just going to pick a handful of the most popular applications so i can show you guys how to configure those in just a few minutes once you've chosen what you want again click next if you choose to install uh pat winlink it will ask you for your six digit grid square and your password here now obviously you would enter your actual password not just put password in that box once you've entered your winlink password go ahead and click continue and then i'm not going to install anything from this last screen so i've left everything blank and we can just choose install selected now again depending on what you chose to install will dictate how long it's going to take everything to install i'll be back with you guys as soon as this gets finished up after everything has had a chance to install you'll get the box that pops up that tells you that you need to do a reboot to finish up so we'll go ahead and reboot the pi now and then we'll get started with configuring the radio once the pi is rebooted you will get a build up high complete dialog box we can go ahead and close that and again i'm getting that warning about my uh password still being set to the default password and that's okay for right now first thing we want to do with every new installation if we're going to use rig control is we want to set up fl rig so i'm going to go ahead and open fl rig and i'm going to get this transceiver not responding error message that's okay because we haven't set everything up yet the only time you wouldn't want to configure fl rig is maybe you're going to uh put together a setup with a radio like a yeezy ft 2980r that doesn't have rig control capabilities so you're going to use something like a signal link sound card that will trigger the ptt via vox and in that case you're just going to set the radio frequency manually on the rig and run with it that way that is perfectly okay but the vast majority of radios we use typically today like the uh icom 705 the azu 891 the zygo g90 all of those are capable of being controlled with rig control so let's go ahead and get that set up i'm going to go to file i'm sorry uh config setup and transceiver now for this video today i will be using the icom 705 before we get to this i'm going to show you guys one other thing i'm going to open the terminal window let me get that centered up here i'm going to run one command ls space forward slash dev forward slash serial forward slash by hyphen id and that's going to show me the usb devices that i have plugged up to the radio in this case you'll notice that it is the 705 and i've got two listings here for it one of them is this if00 the other one is if02 i believe if00 is going to be uh for my cat control and ifo2 is going to be the built-in usb uh i'm sorry the built-in gps on the 705. so let's go back and we'll minimize this let's go back over to rig control okay so let's go ahead and choose uh the 705 for this first dialog box here in the next box down you're going to see that uh same thing that we saw when i listed out the dev serial id directory just a minute ago so that should be our first one here and typically for most radios the default settings are okay if you're having some issues with this try changing your baud rate or jump over to the forum and ask guys in there that may be familiar with your specific radio let's go ahead and hit the initialize button and it looks like we are connected with our radio so i'm going to close this particular window here and the next thing i'm going to do is just click the ptt button and make sure that the radio actually goes into transmit mode once you verify that you are good to go now what i like to do is i like to go ahead and click file and exit on fl rig that just make sure that all of my settings that i just entered get locked in and then i'm going to re-open fl rig this time it pops up and everything is set correctly for our radio so we can go ahead and minimize that now one other thing to note real quick is you notice over here in the top right corner it says no gps well actually when i was running build a pi i used one gps then i decided to use the 705 with this particular build so it's a different gps we need to update that so that we can get our gps information in conkey from the main pie menu let's go ahead and click on it come down to accessories and the gps update tool i'll run the gps update tool and i'm going to choose a usb type gps because the 705 is connected via usb i'll click continue and it's going to tell me to connect my gps to the pi we'll go ahead and click continue once we've done that and then we need to select the correct port now if you remember that if00 was the one we used in fl rig just a couple of seconds ago so we actually want to use the one that's labeled if02 we'll choose that one and click ok and it the gps has now been updated so this information should update in just a few minutes over here on the right takes it usually i think two to three minutes to update uh once the gps has a lock on the satellites so let's go ahead and start configuring we're going to walk through configuring three different applications and these are probably the three most popular applications for ham radio so we'll start with everybody's favorite wsjtx so i'm gonna go ahead and click on that so that that one will start opening now let's come up here to file and settings get this over here kind of centered up for us i'm going to enter my call sign my grid square and then we're going to head over to the radio tab under radio for rig we're going to choose fl rig fl rig since we already have fl rig configured for our radio this makes it super simple to get ws jtx running the ptt method is going to be cat and i believe that's pretty much all we need might want to tell it that we want to use our data packet mode and then if you want you can use a split operation of rig or fake it typically i'll use fake it let's go ahead and test that cat oh and i forgot to enter the sound card device so we need to set up our audio for ws jtx i'll go ahead and click on that first box and you're typically looking for the selection that has audio codec in it so if you notice this one right here this is our input and audio codec so let's go ahead and choose that one let's get our output selected again we scroll down to the very bottom and you'll see output right here and it says audio codec let's go ahead and select that now let's head back over to radio and let's test that cat control again and cat goes green so it looks like that is working and we can go ahead and test the ptt as well my ptt is working correctly on the radio that's it guys uh ws jtx is configured well the very basics anyway as far as working with your radio so i could come over here and i'm just going to change to 7078 right here and just verify that everything is changing on the radio and working correctly and it does look like my radio followed along so that's it we're done configuring wsjtx we'll go ahead and close out of that application and the next one i want to take a look at is jsa calls so we'll go ahead and open up jsa call it is going to be very very similar to wsjtx now jsa call opened to the screen right here for my settings so i'm going to go ahead and enter my call sign again we'll give it my grid square now let's go over to the radio tab and again we're going to select fl rig fl rig and i scrolled way past that one let's see if i this mouse is a little bit sensitive today all right there it is fl rig fl rig ptt method is going to be cat for my particular setup we'll use data packet mode and fake it let's jump over to the audio tab right here and it is already picked up looks like this one is correct it doesn't look like this one is correct so i'm going to open that one up and if you'll look right down here at the bottom once again we've got that uh elsa output usb audio codec let's jump back over to the radio tab and let's test our cat control and it looks like that is working correctly we got the green button and next we'll test ptt again press this button and take a look at your radio make sure it's going into ptt mode once we're happy with those settings we can just click ok and it looks like jsa call is working with the radio if i change the frequency here we can take a look at the radio and verify that the radio did change to the correct frequency that looks like it's working i'll just click the tune button real quick and test that ptt again and that is working as well and that's it js8 call is configured and ready to go now last but not least we want to take a look at configuring winlink oh by the way you'll notice we now have a valid grid square over here in conkey so moving on to winlink which is the final application that we're going to configure today let's come up to the main pi menu here and let's come down to ham radio and choose pat menu once we're inside of pat menu we're going to come down to settings and config a lot of this will already be done for you but we do need to make a few little tweaks here we're going to come up to current config settings and you'll notice my callsign has already filled in most of this should be correct for what you need but rig control is turned off by default so i want to set that to yes for re-control to make sure that rig control is set to on and we'll go ahead and click update here and then i want to head back to the main menu this is one of the biggest things that trips people up when they start working with pat winlink and that's not getting this next setting correct we want to go into manage pat and then we want to choose set or dot ptt and you'll see right here in bold it tells us uh that our current pat r dot ptt equals false we need that to be equal to true so choose true from the drop down box and then click set ptt that will set the r dot ptt to true now the reason we do that is if you're using a sound card like the signal link that uses vox you don't have to worry about setting that r dot ptt but when you're relying on cat control to trigger the ptt on the radio then we need to set this to true and literally that should be the only things we need to do to get pat and pat winley configured if we come over here i'm just going to go ahead and click uh start the r dot modem for uh making a hf connection now i'm not going to take the time to make an hf connection i just want to verify that everything is starting correctly so if you give it just a couple of seconds you should get this box here that says the rdot modem has started and you notice it has opened the pat winlink mailbox in the chrome browser so hopefully armed with the information that you have learned through this video you'll be able to get your raspberry pi up and running should you run into a snag or you need a little additional help or maybe you've got a different radio from the icom 705 go ahead and jump over to the forums and make a post there that is the absolute best place in the world to get tech support you may have a radio that i'm not familiar with but there's probably somebody over in the forum that has that particular radio that can help you get up and running be sure to give us a thumbs up before you head off if you found this information helpful we will see you guys on the next one until then 7-3
Channel: KM4ACK
Views: 26,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi ham radio, km4ack build a pi, raspberry pi ham radio digital, km4ack ham radio, build a pi, raspberry pi build a pi, ham pi, raspberry pi ham pi, ham pi for ham radio, raspberry pi amateur radio, raspberry pi, raspberry pi 4, raspberry pi zero, raspberry pi projects
Id: GkGcu6WaWsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 56sec (1976 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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